Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3493 Private sponsorship, additional rewards!

The golden light in front of their eyes gradually dissipated, and everyone in Lingfeng felt that things were changing and the stars were moving in front of them, as if their consciousness had crossed a distant time and space and was traveling in the sky.

The next moment, when consciousness returned to its original form, everyone returned to the original platform.

The same courtyard, the same pavilion, and all the surrounding arrangements are exactly the same as the assessment point.

The difference is that the other examination disciples and the examiner Tie Long are missing.

"What is this place?"

Zhong Nanyue looked around, his expression becoming more solemn.

Judging from the previous examinations of the disciples, this level is by no means simple.


At this moment, Ling Feng's words focused everyone's attention, and they all stared ahead.

And then, three groups of golden light condensed directly in front, and three identical figures appeared in front of everyone.

It is the three brothers Tielong, Tiehu and Tiebao.

"This is?"

Zhong Nanyue's eyes widened, and the other three companions also looked incredulous.

I thought it was five against one, but it turned out to be five against three?

How to win?

Iron dragon, iron tiger, and iron leopard are all powerful men in the Immortal Realm!

As if seeing everyone's worries, the leader Tie Long laughed loudly, "Don't worry, what you see is just the afterimage of the battle between the three of us left in this space. One-tenth of the power. However, you must be careful. The combined attack formation formed by the three of us brothers is extraordinary even if it is only one-tenth of the power."

After a pause, Tie Long continued: "I can give you ten breaths of preparation time. You can discuss countermeasures within ten breaths. After ten breaths, I can launch an attack! I'm going to start the countdown! nineteen!……"

"Damn it, what should I do now?"

Zhong Nanyue turned back and looked directly at Ling Feng.

Apparently, using his brain is not his strong suit.

The other three temporary companions were also a little confused.

The power of the combined attack formation formed by three identical triplets, all of whom share a common understanding with each other, can be imagined.

If you have to endure their attacks for just one stick of incense, I'm afraid...

Quite difficult!

"What...what should I do?"

The only female player in the team also looked at Ling Feng nervously. Her breathing seemed a little rapid, and her anxiety and timidity were almost written on her face.

The situation of several other people was not much better.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. It's no wonder that the pressure brought by Tie Long and the others was too strong.

"Everyone calm down first!"

At the critical moment, only Ling Feng, the organizer, stepped forward.

He took a deep breath and looked at the three Iron Dragons carefully.

Although there seemed to be three afterimages of the battle, the only one who kept speaking was Tie Long.

In other words, Iron Tiger and Iron Leopard should not have the ability to think independently, but are just "puppets" arranged to form a combined attack array.

Although there are three people, they are actually fighting alone with Tie Long. However, he also brings two combat puppets to cooperate with him.

But a puppet is a puppet after all. In addition to the set attack array and the instinct to attack and defend, the biggest problem is the lack of the ability to think independently.

This is the biggest flaw of this magic circle.

"Oh? Have you seen the clues so quickly?"

Tie Long looked at Ling Feng's eyes and grinned, but he didn't take it seriously. He just murmured to himself: "Although you have to let go, don't go too far. Just give him some pain first."

As he spoke, he reminded loudly: "Three! Two! One! I'm going to start!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The three figures spun at high speed at the same time, and in an instant, the five people from Ling Feng were surrounded.

"Senior Brother Dayue, Junior Sister Qiao, please join forces and stop the Iron Tiger Examiner on the left, Senior Brother Shi, Senior Brother Fang, and the Iron Leopard Examiner on the right, I'll leave it to you!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he locked his eyes directly on Tie Long in the middle. "As for Examiner Tie Long, leave it to me!"


The other four people responded at the same time, and in groups of two, they each rushed towards an examiner.

At the same time, Ling Feng unleashed a wave of destruction in all directions and rushed directly towards the iron dragon in the center.

The core of the magic circle of the three Iron Dragons is Iron Dragon.

As long as this link of him is held back, the other two puppets will not be able to exert their maximum capabilities.

"Hey, boy, you are so brave!"

Tie Long sneered, "Have you forgotten? The content of your assessment in this level is to hold on for one stick of incense after my attack. And with your posture, why do you look like you are rushing to defeat me?" I can give you a chance to retreat honestly and reorganize your defenses, and maybe you still have a chance to survive!"

"Examiner Iron Dragon, haven't you heard that offense is the best defense!"

Ling Feng's eyes sparkled, "What's more, according to what you said about the passage of time, Wu Chengkong and the others must have been able to persist in the magic circle for more than ten breaths!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "In other words, his goal is not just to survive ten breaths, but to defeat you directly! In other words, defeat this, battle afterimage of you!"

"Good boy, have you even noticed this?"

Tie Long was a little surprised, although inside the fighting space, the difference between a stick of incense and half an hour was very obvious.

But to the outside world, it only takes one or two breaths.

Ling Feng was actually able to achieve this level of accuracy. This kind of almost perverted observation also determined that this person was definitely not a thing in the pool.

"Okay, now that you've discovered it, don't be afraid to admit it!"

Tie Long nodded, "The boy named Wu Chengkong did lead his team to break through my combined attack formation, but he has two equally excellent companions, and they have been working together for a long time. , they cooperate seamlessly with each other, and you seem to be the only one, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Since we can form a team and become companions, then I will trust them!"

Ling Feng smiled, "I believe they can do it, and my mission is to hold you back!"

"Innocent boy!"

A dazzling golden light burst out from Tie Long's body, and his figure flashed, already appearing in front of Ling Feng like a ghost.

"Look at my headbutt!"

Tie Long clasped his fists with both hands, aimed at Ling Feng's head, and hit him hard with a heavy hammer.

However, the moment his fist was about to touch Ling Feng, he was surprised to find that a terrifying flow of heat erupted from Ling Feng's body.

This power is actually...

"Holy shit!"

Tie Long was frightened. Why not take part in an assessment? Do you want to play so big?

Ling Feng actually blew himself up!

That's right, a solid self-destruction!

The terrifying origin fire is compressed crazily in the Dantian space. After being highly condensed and compressed, the explosion reaching the critical point will undoubtedly blow his entire body to pieces.

This is self-destruction!

"Do you want to be so tough?"

Tie Long almost vomited blood. He was such a talented person. What could he do wrong? Why not imitate other people's self-explosion skills?

"Boy, you!"

Tie Long was so frightened that his eyes almost popped out. He reached out and wanted to grab Ling Feng's shoulders to help him resolve the explosive power in his body.

Unfortunately, it's a step too late.


Boom boom boom!

In the terrifying explosion, Ling Feng's figure also turned into flying ashes, while Tie Long was directly blown away. Although an arm was blown up, his mind is still confused.

How can anyone just self-destruct as soon as they come up?

Is this kid a lunatic?

This is just an afterimage of his battle. It only has less than one-tenth of his own strength, and there is no way to prevent Ling Feng from self-destructing.

However, the next moment, a familiar laughter appeared in my ears, "Examiner Tielong, I'm sorry!"


Tielong's eyes widened. Isn't this Ling Feng's voice?

Will you die if you blow yourself up?

For others, self-destruction would of course mean death, but for Ling Feng, who was reborn with a drop of blood, it was different.

Indeed, after ascending to the Immortal Realm, blood rebirth has been severely restrained to a large extent.

Once suppressed by high-level laws, it is almost impossible to complete blood rebirth in a short time, or even rebirth.

However, self-destruction is different.

Ling Feng self-destructed before being touched by Tie Long. Not only could he exchange for the power of self-destruction, but it would not affect his ability to regenerate with blood.

Of course, the consumption of energy and blood power is still very huge.

Before, he was just reshaping his mortal body, but after he was promoted to the Immortal Realm, his cultivation level further improved, and he lost his mortal body and became the body of an Immortal King.

The amount of energy and blood expended to reshape the immortal body is completely incomparable to the previous time in the lower realm.

That's why Ling Feng was a little cautious at the beginning.

He deliberately lured Iron Dragon to bully him, even including the fact that Iron Dragon would prevent him from self-destructing.

Sure enough, Tie Long fell into the trap, and his first self-destruction directly destroyed his right hand.

After all, it is just a residual image of the battle and cannot be restored on its own.

As the iron dragon weakened, the battle afterimages of the iron tiger and iron leopard were obviously much weaker, which caused Zhong Nanyue and the others to feel a sudden reduction in pressure.

"Junior Brother Ling, you did a great job!"

"Good for you!"

Several companions were overjoyed. They finally saw the hope of winning.

"Good boy, you are really cunning!"

Tie Long looked at his empty arms. Although he was a little annoyed that Ling Feng actually took advantage of him, he had to admire Ling Feng's thoughtfulness.

In such a short period of time, he had already thought of a countermeasure, and could guide himself so seamlessly that he fell into his trap step by step.

This kid is not only a cultivation genius, but also a fighting genius!

He is too good at finding all the factors that are beneficial to him in a battle situation.

"I'm really sorry, because I know the gap between myself and the examiner, so I have to use some means!"

The sword edge swung in Ling Feng's hand, "So, when losing an arm, does the examiner still want to continue?"

"You boy!"

Tie Long sneered, "Even if you lose your right hand, do you think I can't do anything to you? Seeing that your aura is much weaker, obviously the method just now cannot be used frequently, right? In addition, I have already If you are on guard, you won’t even think about blowing up a piece of my clothes!”

"The examiner deserves to be an examiner. The blood rebirth just now cannot be used continuously, so I don't plan to use it anymore."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, raised his hand to hold a sword flower, and said with a smile: "But your Excellency, Examiner, didn't you find something abnormal?"


Tie Long's eyes narrowed, and for a moment, he realized that he had lost control of the other two battle afterimages of Tie Hu and Tie Bao.

" this?"

Tie Long's eyes widened and he stared at Ling Feng in disbelief.

"While having a friendly exchange with you, the examiner, my clone has helped other teammates to suppress the other two afterimages!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. It turned out that as early as when they were discussing countermeasures, Ling Feng had hidden a branch in the bodies of Zhong Nanyue and another senior brother named Fang.

This is the eye of creation, and the created dharma has about 80% of its own power.

When Tie Long's attention is completely attracted to himself, these two created provinces will pounce on the afterimages of Tie Tiger and Iron Leopard respectively, and then self-destruct!

Once the Iron Tiger and Iron Leopard are destroyed, the combined attack formation that Iron Dragon is proud of will be completely unable to continue to be used.

"You kid!"

Tie Long stared at Ling Feng, he was careless!

I was completely careless.

From the moment he regarded Ling Feng as a junior, his failure was already doomed.

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, Zhong Nanyue and four others also flew over, and together with Ling Feng, surrounded the iron dragon who had lost an arm.

"Examiner Tielong, I think we should have passed this level of assessment!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly. Although his plan was very clever, it still required the cooperation of Zhong Nanyue and the others.

They trust themselves and their own plans to achieve success.

"Okay, okay!"

Tie Long gritted his teeth and glared at Ling Feng fiercely. He had been in the Divine Realm for thousands of years, but he fell into the hands of a young boy. It would be a big shame if word spread.

Tie Long took a deep breath, "Boy, even if you pass the test this time, but after you go out, don't talk nonsense, ahem... that... that..."

After hesitating for a moment, Tie Long said with some embarrassment: "Ahem, since you have defeated my combined attack formation, I will also personally sponsor you with some additional rewards, do you understand?"


Ling Feng nodded repeatedly. He knew what Tie Long meant.

What kind of extra reward for private sponsorship is just hush money?

No wonder Wu Chengkong and the others didn't say anything after they came out. It seems they also received "hush money".

"Thank you, examiner!"

Ling Feng nodded repeatedly. The other people were also human beings. If they didn't take advantage of the benefits, they would be idiots!

What's more, this time it's all thanks to Ling Feng, they just won by lying down.

It seems that the key to passing this promotion assessment is really only three words: hug your thighs!

(PS: It’s New Year’s Eve again. Lao Jian wishes all readers a Happy New Year. Today’s chapter is 4,000 words long, which is equivalent to approximately 10,000 words. Well, it’s equivalent to a huge update~)

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