Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3494 Promotion! Open up a cave!


With a flash of golden light, Ling Feng and the other five returned to the outside of the battle formation, and only about six breaths of time had passed in the outside world.

Tie Long winked at Ling Feng, and immediately sent a message from his spiritual consciousness: "At dusk, come find me in the Promotion Hall!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, then heard the iron dragon cough a few times, and said calmly: "The five of you have successfully passed the assessment and have been officially promoted to inner disciples. You can go to the promotion hall to change your identity tokens."

"Thank you, Mr. Examiner!"

Ling Feng took the lead and bowed to Tie Long, then left the assessment point with Zhong Nanyue and others and returned to the promotion hall.

Arriving at the promotion hall with ease, I saw that the disciples from the previous teams who had passed the examination were still in the waiting area waiting to change their disciple tokens.

After being promoted to the inner sect, in addition to changing the identity token, you can also get two sets of new inner sect disciple clothes. In addition, there are some reward documents, which are issued by the promotion hall, but you have to go to the merit hall yourself. exchange.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

"Brother Ling!"

Seeing Ling Feng appear, those disciples who had been healed by Ling Feng quickly stepped forward to say hello.

"Junior brother has also successfully passed the level, which is really gratifying!"

"Junior brother has wonderful hands and benevolent heart. From now on, as fellow inner sect brothers, we should continue to take care of each other!"

"Haha, that's right!"

Everyone gathered around Ling Feng, which made Nan Xiaolie somewhat unhappy.

Ever since he was a child, he has been the focus and core of the crowd. But now, the limelight has been snatched away by a mortal from the lower realm.

But soon, he smiled disdainfully.

Just passing the assessment, what's so great about it?

Their team had defeated the afterimage of Iron Dragon's battle.

I believe that among all the disciples who participated in the assessment, no one can achieve such an achievement.

Moreover, Tie Long also gave them extra rewards, which Ling Feng definitely did not have.

Speaking of envy, naturally Ling Feng should envy himself, but Ling Feng was just using small tricks to win people's hearts.

Nothing amazing!

Of course he didn't know that Ling Feng also defeated Tie Long's battle method, and faster than their three-person team!

Not long after, the disciples who were promoted to the main hall finished replacing everyone's identity tokens and issued some documents.

Ling Feng took a closer look and found that in addition to going to the Hall of Merit to receive some elixirs and cultivation materials, he could also go to the fourth floor of the Library Pavilion and choose a secret book.

After passing the entrance examination last time, I can only choose the secrets and techniques within the third level.

This time it has been directly promoted to the fourth level, so there is something to look forward to.

In addition, every inner disciple can open a cave in the mysterious world.

It is similar to the previous mansion in Qianlin Realm, but the intensity of the fairy spirit in Xuanmiao Realm is completely different from Qianlin Realm.

The cave that was opened may also be called the Blessed Cave.

Every cave is made of the aura of the immortal spirits of the Mysterious Realm, which is at least ten times higher than the aura of the Thousand Lin Realm.

If Miss Yu and the others go to practice in the cave of the Mysterious Realm, I believe they will be able to advance to the realm of virtual immortals in a short time.

Ling Feng thought so.


At this moment, he saw Nan Xiaolie put away the token and documents, glanced at Ling Feng quite proudly, and walked up to Ling Feng without saying a word, but with disdain and ridicule written all over his face. He immediately passed by, leaving only a contemptuous smile.

Such an action gave Ling Feng goosebumps all over his body.

This guy must be mentally ill.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and was too lazy to pay attention to this guy. He went back to inform Miss Yu and the others, and then directly took the documents to open a cave in the mysterious world.

Wait until dusk and come back to Examiner Iron Dragon to see what his extra reward is.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng also collected the tokens and documents, said goodbye to the other disciples, and strode out of the promotion hall.

At this moment, Xiao Xianling was waiting for Ling Feng at the door. When she saw him coming out, she stepped forward and punched him on the chest, "You're not bad, you passed the assessment in the first time. You will also be an inner sect member from now on." Disciple!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then cupped his fist and saluted Xiao Xianling, "I have to thank Senior Sister Xiao for bringing me back from the lower world that day."

"That's natural!"

Xiao Xianling smiled proudly, thought for a while, and then said: "By the way, you can open a cave in the mysterious world soon. Do you want to be my neighbor?"


Ling Feng nodded. Although he had joined Tianzhi for more than three years, he knew very little about the internal situation of Tianzhi. The only people he knew well were Cheng Tianyong, Huan Shen Qianjue and other senior brothers who had been promoted in the same year. , only Xiao Xianling and a few others were left.

"It's not too late, let's get ready now!"

Xiao Xianling immediately became energetic, as if the person who wanted to move was not Ling Feng but herself.

About half an hour later, Ling Feng and Xiao Xianling returned to Tianzhu and told the three girls Yujunyao that they had passed the promotion test.

Yu Junyao and the others were naturally happy for Ling Feng, but they were somewhat reluctant to leave when they heard that they were moving away from Tianzhu.

After all, I have lived here for three years, and I already have some feelings for Tianju.

However, as people go higher up, it is also of great benefit to them that Ling Feng can be promoted to an inner disciple so quickly and get a better cultivation environment and resources.

After packing up some sundries, most of them belonged to Yu Junyao, Tuoba Yan, and Yue Yunlan.

Watching Yue Yunlan and the others pack up their things in large and small bags and carefully put them into the Naling Ring, Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

If he were alone, he could probably just pick up a few pairs of pants and leave.

However, it was precisely because of Yue Yunlan and the others' large and small bags that Tianweiju added a sense of home.

After another half an hour, the three women finally packed up.

Ling Feng took this opportunity to say hello to his "neighbors" and said that he was moving to the Xuanmiao Realm.

Cheng Tianyong, the Phantom God Qianjue, Nangong Ziling, and even Zhou Yan all congratulated Ling Feng.

Among them, Cheng Tianyong and the Phantom God Qianjue have also been promoted to the Fuzhuan Realm. What they lack is only 10,000 contribution points.

I believe it won't be long before they can be neighbors again in the Xuanmiao Realm.

As for Nangong Ziling and Zhou Yan, they are a little worse. It may take a few more years, or even ten or eight years, before they can be promoted to the inner gate.

"Hehe, Brother Ling, it seems that I have to work hard to complete a few tasks and quickly be promoted to the inner gate, otherwise it will be difficult to see Sister Xiao and Miss Yu and other beautiful beauties in the future, but I will be lonely to death!"

Cheng Tianyong laughed, still shameless and without any moral integrity.

"You guy..."

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, but after Cheng Tianyong came back this time, although he looked no different from usual, he always seemed to be hiding something.

I don’t know what he experienced after returning to Tianyong City this time?

However, he didn’t want to say it, and Ling Feng didn’t ask.

Finally, everything was packed up, Ling Feng said goodbye to Cheng Tianyong and others, and then he went to Xuanmiao Realm under the leadership of Xiao Xianling to open up his own cave.

Xuanmiao Realm should be the largest realm among the nine realms of Tianzhi.

In addition to various halls such as missions, merits, and Zhitian, all the main halls are set up here. From the disciples to the elders, basically everyone lives here.

And from the moment the cave is opened, the grade of the cave can be improved according to one's own cultivation, realm, status, and many other factors.

In other words, although it may be just a ninth-grade cave of an ordinary inner disciple at the beginning, this cave can be continuously improved and even reach the level of a first-grade cave.

The higher the grade of the cave, the better the effect of absorbing the spirit of the immortals.

"Hey, my cave is in front!"

In the vast sky, there are floating islands. Although these islands have different shapes, like a sky full of stars, they are dotted with stars, but all the islands have a halo like a barrier around them, separating all the islands.

On some islands, there are magnificent halls, on some islands, there are only thatched houses and fairy fields scattered, and on some islands, there are primitive cave forms.

In short, the internal environment of these caves, everything, is determined according to the preferences of the cave owner.

For example, the fairy island pointed out by Xiao Xianling, on top of which is a relatively normal attic.

In addition to the attic, there are pavilions and terraces, surrounded by rockery, and the scenery is relatively elegant, which is the style that girls like at first glance.

"Senior sister's cave is really good!"

Ling Feng nodded, looking at the fairy island like a sky full of stars, he couldn't help but be dazzled, "Then how can I open up my own cave?"

Xiao Xianling smiled lightly: "To open up a cave in the Xuanmiao Realm, first you take out the document for opening up the cave, and then drop a drop of your own blood on it."

"Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple!" Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, and then urged: "Try it quickly, I also want to see what grade the cave you just opened is."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then took out the document awarded to him by the Promotion Hall, cut his fingertips, and dropped a drop of blood on it.

Then, a dazzling golden light shot up from the document.

Then, a transparent barrier was seen. At first, there were only tiny dust particles, which kept condensing and eventually became bigger and bigger, turning into a stone. The stone then turned into a mountain range, and finally turned into a square flat land, quietly floating in the transparent barrier.

This open space is about 500 feet in radius. Although it is a bit empty, the area is really not small.

"So big?"

Xiao Xianling widened her eyes and looked at Ling Feng in disbelief, "This is at least a sixth-grade cave! You are really a monster!"

You know, when she first opened up the cave, it was only 50 feet in radius, only one-tenth of Ling Feng's!

"What should I do next?"

Ling Feng looked at the cave in front of him and said with some anticipation.

"The next step is, of course, to decorate it according to your own preferences, but you still need to spend some time to go to the trading market to buy things like fairy fields, buildings, forests, and rivers."

Xiao Xianling said with a smile, pointing at her own cave, with a proud look on her face: "Look at my layout, I designed it carefully bit by bit!"


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seems that decorating your own cave will cost a lot of money.

It also takes a lot of energy and time.

However, for the Tianzhi Sect members, after opening the cave, they may live in the cave for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

Compared with this tens of millions of years, spending some time decorating your own cave is nothing.

Of course, there are also some simple ones. Although the cave is very big, it has been empty for thousands of years. A simple thatched house can still be used for cultivation!

"Until the cave is decorated, you can stay at my place for the time being."

Xiao Xianling sent an invitation to Ling Feng without even thinking about it.

She would never have thought that Ling Feng would live here for several years...

"That's fine!"

Ling Feng chuckled and controlled his own cave, which was located side by side with Xiao Xianling's cave. He thought about taking time to go to Fangshi to buy some caves and fairy fields one day, and then decorate his cave.

But the specific time of this new day depends on your mood.

Dusk falls.

Ling Feng was very polite and "temporarily stayed" in Xiao Xianling's cave. Seeing that the time was almost up, after saying hello to Xiao Xianling and the others, he flew to the promotion hall.

He made an appointment with Examiner Tielong to meet at dusk. He also had an extra reward to give himself.

Tie Long is also a strong man at the level of Immortal Lord, and the rewards he gives out will definitely not be that bad!

There is still a little bit of expectation!

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