Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3495 Iron Dragon’s Special Reward!

As dusk grew darker, several figures flew past right in front of the promotion hall.

The next moment, three figures stood on the square in front of the palace. The first one was Wu Chengkong, the head of the trio of Tianjiao in the Immortal Realm.

The identities of the other two people were naturally revealed.

"Hey, Boss Wu, what extra rewards do you think Tie Long will give us?"

Nan Xiaolie rubbed his hands excitedly, with a proud look on his face.

Wu Chengkong shook his head slightly and did not say anything. Zhong Ruoxin, who was standing beside him, put his hands on his hips and rolled his eyes at Nan Xiaolie angrily, "Inspector Tielong is also an elder of the inner sect, how can you be so rude?"

"Hehe, a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue!"

Nan Xiaolie waved his hand, "I just thought that only our team can get extra rewards, but Ling Feng doesn't, haha, it's so beautiful in my heart!"

He beamed with excitement, "It's a pity that I promised Examiner Tie Long to keep the secret, otherwise, I would have to show off in front of that boy named Ling! I'll hit him hard in the face and let him know that he knows There is still an insurmountable gap between this kid from the lower realm and us!"

"You guy!"

Zhong Ruoxin rolled his eyes again, "We are three of us working together, and he is only one person. It is normal that he cannot break through the Iron Dragon Examiner's combined attack formation, right?"

Wu Chengkong also sighed softly and said seriously: "Xiao Lie, your talent and understanding are no worse than mine, but your character really needs to be changed."

"Boss Wu, how can I compare with you!"

Nan Xiaolie chuckled and gave Wu Chengkong a thumbs up, "Only for you can I truly be convinced!"

Wu Chengkong shook his head slightly, "If you have such an idea, it is equivalent to setting an upper limit for yourself. But the truly strong will never set an upper limit for themselves, because the only one they want to surpass is always themselves!"

Nan Xiaolie pursed his lips, and it was obvious that the food went in through his left ear and came out through his right ear.

"If you continue to practice with this mentality, I think you will not only be surpassed by Ling Feng, but also left far behind by him, and the gap will become wider and wider!"

Wu Chengkong raised his hand and patted Nan Xiaolie's shoulder lightly, and said calmly: "I regard you as a companion. I hope that one day, the king who can stand with me on the top of the immortal path will have a place for you, so I will say this to you. I won’t say the same words again, I hope you will take care of yourself.”

Nan Xiaolie was stunned. Wu Chengkong had never said such words to him so seriously.

Could it be that even Boss Wu thinks that Ling Feng can actually surpass himself?

He took a deep breath, his expression became serious, and he nodded heavily, "Boss Wu, I will remember your words!"

At this moment, several more figures flew over, it was the other two companions who had formed a temporary team with them.

They were able to break through the formation safely only by holding Wu Chengkong's thighs. However, since it was a reward for the team, they naturally had a share.

"Senior Brother Wu, Senior Brother Nan..."

In the journey of martial arts, those who master it come first.

Although these disciples are much older and have been worshiping Tianzhi for much longer than Wu Chengkong and others, they still have to be honest and call them senior brothers.

Nan Xiaolie smiled proudly, but couldn't help but feel a little wandering in his heart.

If Ling Feng could be more understanding and kind to ask for help, those who are standing here now would be Ling Feng's share.

It's a pity that he pretended to be reserved and didn't want to lower his face to beg them, so he missed an opportunity in vain!

And just when Nan Xiaolie was feeling proud, several more figures came flying towards him from far away in the square.

It's him!

Nan Xiaolie was stunned and recognized the identity of the person.

Zhong Nanyue!

The unlucky guy who was tricked by Iron Tiger and Iron Leopard.

Why is he here?

Nan Xiaolie had no idea that Zhong Nanyue's purpose of coming was actually exactly the same as theirs.

"Why is he here too?"

Nan Xiaolie couldn't help but murmured in a low voice, and turned to ask Zhong Ruoxin who was standing beside him.

"who knows."

Zhong Ruoxin also shrugged, "Maybe there are other things."

As for Wu Chengkong, his pupils shrank slightly, as if he thought of something.

The next moment, a familiar figure appeared at the end of the field of vision.

Surprisingly, it is Ling Feng!

"Ling...Ling Feng?"

Nan Xiaolie was startled, is he here too?

Why is he here too?

If you look carefully, it seems that among the people who came, Zhong Nanyue and others were members of Ling Feng's team!

Could it be that they also...


How is this possible!

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Zhong Nanyue strode up to Ling Feng, his face glowing red, and he said with a smile: "Junior brother, it's really thanks to you that after being treated by you with that acupuncture technique, I feel that my energy channels are smooth, and my cultivation has improved tremendously. Too little!”

"Senior Brother Dayue, thank you very much."

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled modestly.

"Hey, there's no prize, it's really so amazing!"

Zhong Nanyue chuckled and said: "Not only that, but also thanks to my junior brother, who single-handedly broke the Iron Dragon Examiner's combined attack formation. Only a few of us have the opportunity to come here and get the additional rewards from the Iron Dragon Examiner!"

"Yes, junior brother, it's all thanks to you. Otherwise, let alone extra rewards, it would be difficult to even pass the exam!"

"Yes, thank you very much, junior brother. If you can help me with anything when you go on missions in the future, just call me. I don't have to contribute anything, but I will definitely help!"

"Haha, brothers and sisters, you are so polite!"

Ling Fenglang laughed, and surrounded by everyone, he also walked to the front of the promotion hall.

And their conversation just now was like a merciless slap on Nan Xiaolie's face.

Therefore, he was proud for a long time just now that the clown was actually himself!

Not only did Ling Feng get the same extra reward as them, but it was not difficult to hear from the conversation between Zhong Nanyue and the others that Tie Long's combined attack formation was basically cracked by Ling Feng alone.

This guy!

This guy! ! !

Nan Xiaolie was so angry that he almost spit out fire.

I thought I finally defeated Ling Feng once and could feel proud, but I didn't expect that I would be crushed by this guy again!

Not convinced!


Nan Xiaolie's body almost trembled with excitement, and his eyes became a little red with anger.

He glared at Ling Feng fiercely, violent power gathering in his fists.

"Xiao Lie!"

At the critical moment, it was Wu Chengkong who held down Nan Xiaolie's shoulders.

This guy's state of mind is really bad!

Wu Chengkong glared at Nan Xiaolie fiercely. Nan Xiaolie finally woke up a little, gritted his teeth and said with a look of dissatisfaction: "This kid must be using his tricks, not his real ability!"

Wu Chengkong sighed softly, no matter how Ling Feng broke the formation, it was broken.

If Nan Xiaolie's character never changes, he may become a second- or third-rate character in the future.

The Lord of Six Imperial Guards and Nine Glory may have no chance of meeting him.

Thinking of this, Wu Chengkong took a deep breath, although as Nan Xiaolie's brother and friend, he could remind him once or twice.

However, as you practice, you will ultimately cultivate your own path.

If Nan Xiaolie is still obsessed with understanding, he is stuck in the corner of the ox.

Then, their brotherly friendship is probably destined to become increasingly weak and drift apart.

"Brother Wu!"

When Ling Feng walked up to Wu Chengkong, he did not show any hostility at all. Instead, he cupped his fist and saluted him as a greeting.

Although Wu Chengkong is a bit arrogant at heart, no genius can be without a little bit of arrogance.

The point is, this person is very sober and is not playing tricks behind his back.

It's a friend worth making.

As a member of the Tiandao clan, he already has a terrifying and huge enemy in the Immortal Domain, the Xantian clan.

Therefore, he does not need and should not make any more enemies for himself.

Because of this, Ling Feng obviously restrained himself a lot after he was promoted to the Immortal Realm. His behavior was a little more calm and a little less sharp.


This time, Wu Chengkong no longer ignored Ling Feng, but nodded to him for the first time.

It seems that to some extent, Wu Chengkong has also recognized Ling Feng.

"Hey, they're all here!"

At this moment, a familiar voice rang in my ears. It was Examiner Tielong, who finally came for the appointment.

"Examiner Iron Dragon!"

Everyone bowed to Tie Long, who nodded with satisfaction, reached out and touched the beard on his chin, and said with a smile: "Let's go, follow me!"

After saying that, he took the lead and stepped out of the hall.

Everyone looked at each other. Although they didn't know what medicine Tie Long was selling in his gourd, they quickened their pace and followed Tie Long.


As soon as he walked out of the hall, the iron dragon turned into a stream of light and sped up.

Everyone took a deep breath and chased after him with all their strength.

No one expected that this chase would last from dusk to dawn the next day.

When almost everyone was panting from exhaustion and out of breath, Tie Long finally stopped and stood on the edge of a cliff, opening his arms as if feeling the morning breeze.

After a long while, he turned around and looked at everyone with a meaningful look, "Do you remember the route just now?"


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and some nodded, saying in a deep voice: "I remember."

"Well, you have to remember the route you just took. The reward I want to give you is hidden in the path you just took."

"This...what is this?"

Nan Xiaolie, who was the most impatient, immediately became unhappy, "Examiner Tielong, I think you are perfunctory with us! What kind of reward is this!"

Although everyone else had the same doubts, no one was as brave as Nan Xiaolie. They faced him directly and didn't give Tie Long any face.

"You brat, don't push me if you don't understand enough!"

Tie Long glared at Nan Xiaolie angrily, "I can give you some tips. Every day at dusk, start running from the entrance of the Hall of Reception. When you get here before dawn, if you can keep running, Hey, maybe you’ll find the secret!”

"Who knows if it's true or not?"

Nan Xiaolie snorted angrily: "When the time comes, we will be deceived by you in vain, running around here and finding nothing in the end, and you will say that we are not enlightened enough?"

"Whatever you think."

Tie Long shrugged, "In short, I have given you extra rewards. Whether you can get them or not is up to you!"

After saying that, without looking back, he jumped directly from the cliff.

"Yo ho!"

With a clear roar, the iron dragon turned into a goshawk and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

Only ten disciples were left, standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at each other, always feeling that something was wrong.

Could this Iron Dragon be deliberately playing tricks on them?

"You old bastard!"

Nan Xiaolie clenched his fists tightly, and the angry fire almost spit out from his eyes.


Wu Chengkong shook his head, "You haven't tried it yet, how do you know that Examiner Tielong is deceiving us?"

"No...isn't it?" Nan Xiaolie blinked, "Boss Wu, you don't really want to try, do you? Aren't you going to be regarded as a fool?"

"Who knows?"

Wu Chengkong shrugged, turned around and left directly.

"Hey, Boss Wu, wait for me!"

Nan Xiaolie and Zhong Ruoxin quickly followed suit and gave chase.

"Junior Brother Ling, what do you think?" Zhong Nanyue blinked. In fact, he felt that Tie Long was lying to them.

Is there any reward that can be obtained by running?

"Senior Brother Wu is right. How can you know whether it is true or false without trying it?"

Ling Feng smiled and turned around to go down the mountain.

Wait until dusk and try again!

"Huh... you can finally get rid of those little guys!"

On the other side, Tie Long jumped down from the cliff and returned to the promotion hall gracefully, where he met the two brothers Tie Hu and Tie Bao.

Tiehu and Tiebao both looked at this brother with helpless expressions. Tiehu even said unceremoniously: "Brother, you are really a loser. Just give them juniors some rewards. Why?" You must tell them that illusory thing!"

"What a futile thing, I gave them the best reward!"

Tie Long said with a righteous look on his face, "Those who have realized that magical power have become giants who dominate the world!"


Tiehu rolled his eyes and said, "How many people have realized it through the ages? Have you realized it? As far as I know, only Your Majesty has realized it!"

"You know what the heck, the so-called waves behind push the waves ahead, that means one generation is getting stronger than the other. I think some of them can realize it!"

Tie Long snorted lightly, turned around and left directly.

In his mind, Ling Feng's figure couldn't help but appear.

As for that kid, maybe there will be a chance, right?

He has served as an examiner in the Promotion Hall for not only 10,000 years, but also 8,000 years.

He had seen many geniuses who were stronger and better than Ling Feng, but he just felt that Ling Feng had such understanding.

Maybe he is really crazy!

Iron Tiger and Iron Leopard looked at Tie Long's leaving figure, looked at each other, shook their heads and whispered: "Stingy, stingy, and plausibly, hey, how could there be such an unreliable big brother!"

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