Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3496 All things in the sky! Tianyan sequence!

The sky was getting brighter, Ling Feng flew away from the cliff and returned to the mysterious world, but it was already noon.

"Judging from the distance, Examiner Iron Dragon took us from the Mysterious Realm all the way across the Qianlin Realm to the Zhoutian Realm."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the mountains in the distance.

Before this, every time I returned to Tianzhi, I would directly use the magic circle to reach Qianlin Realm, but I didn't expect that the scope of Zhoutian Realm would be so vast.

It includes forests, deserts, snow-capped mountains, rivers and other landforms, and is even more vast than the Zhongyuan Domain in the lower realm.

This is why, with their immortal speed, they actually flew all night before they could finally reach the top of the mountain.

According to Tie Long, the mysterious reward is hidden in this path. What does that mean?

Could it be that there is a treasure hidden somewhere along this route, waiting to be discovered?

It shouldn't be so obvious.

In other words, what is different about this path? What are the names of some of the places it passes through? What kind of magic formula can be connected together?

Ling Feng shook his head. Just thinking about it made his head big!

The black light flashed, but the bitch took the initiative to fly out, and there was a burst of contempt when he opened his mouth, "I said brat, do you believe this kind of nonsense?"

"It's not necessarily a lie."

Ling Feng shrugged, "Who knows."

"Then you really want to run back and forth like a fool every day?"

The mean donkey held a pair of donkey hooves in front of his chest, and at the same time revealed a mouth of big white teeth.

"Run! Of course, run!"

Ling Feng nodded, "Anyway, my practice has reached a bottleneck now. Perhaps, this is also a fate."

Ling Feng said, and raised his hand to touch the bridge of his nose. Taking advantage of his free time, he planned to redeem the promotion rewards contained in the documents issued to him by the promotion hall.

First, he went to the Merit Hall to exchange for cultivation materials, and then he went to the Library Pavilion to copy a secret book.

One day passed by in a flash.

When Ling Feng came out of the library, it was already dusk.

It is worth mentioning that when Ling Feng went to the library this time, he met the senior sister named Qin Yao from before.

Ling Feng now also knows that Qin Yao, who looks so soft and weak, is actually the Immortal Lord Yaoyin, one of the Nine Yao.

And counting the days, more than two years later, it will be the battle for the new king of Jiuyao to compete for the top spot.

As one of the Jiuyao, can Qin Yao defeat the others and maintain her status as the Jiuyao?

Qin Yao didn't talk much. After all, Ling Feng only had a relationship with Qin Yao three years ago.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yao still had an impression of him.

Thinking about it, among the many new disciples, only Ling Feng selected a secret book from the "scrap" pile on the first floor.

It’s hard not to be impressed!

Qin Yao was also quite surprised that Ling Feng, a "wonder", could become the first batch of disciples to be promoted to the inner sect within just three years of entry.

But fortunately, this time Ling Feng did not go to the "scrap warehouse" on the first floor for simplicity, but seriously selected an immortal soul skill on the fourth floor.

In terms of body refining, the "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" can make up for the shortcomings.

As for majoring in martial arts, which other martial arts can compare with the "Original Creation" he obtained in the lower realm?

Therefore, relatively speaking, Ling Feng's weakest link currently is soul refining.

After being promoted to the Immortal War Spirit, due to the lack of powerful enough soul skills, Ling Feng's originally powerful Immortal War Spirit lost its use, so he only increased low-level soul skills such as Jing Jing Jie.

Coupled with the many abilities of his Eye of the Emperor, there is little room for him to use them because he has to hide his identity.

In order to make up for the lack of attack methods for soul refining, Ling Feng also spent two hours of careful selection before finally selecting one called "Void Sky Vientiane".

Xutian Wanxiang is a powerful pupil technique. With the powerful soul source, it can condense the divine eyes of all phenomena.

The power of all things, the evolution of all things, is a pupil technique that can transform thousands of wonderful methods.

Unfortunately, the training requirements for this pupil technique are extremely high, so although the level is extremely high, few people practice it.

According to the grade of this pupil technique, it can actually be included in the fifth floor of the library, but because it has been almost completely ignored for thousands of years, it was placed on the fourth floor.

All in all, Ling Feng made another big mistake.

Although Ling Feng cannot use the Eye of the Emperor openly within Tianzhi, his pupil power is still there. Just relying on his strong pupil power foundation, Ling Feng can quickly cultivate "Void Sky Vientiane" to the highest level in a short period of time. Entry level.

"Is everything in the sky empty?"

When Ling Feng came to Qin Yao to register information, Qin Yao couldn't help but raise her head and look at Ling Feng a few more times.

Is it this junior brother again?

Qin Yao shook her head and smiled. This junior brother really knows some "outrageous" secret books.

However, with her previous experience, Qin Yao didn't say much. She just nodded. After registering the information, she handed the copied transcript to Ling Feng and asked casually: "Junior brother, how is your progress?" So fast, it seems that in two years, he will also participate in the competition for the Jiuyao New Lord Ranking? "

"Yes, but I should just serve as a foil for my senior brothers and sisters."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled. Two years, for a powerful immortal, was just a snap of a finger.

Although Ling Feng's cultivation has progressed quite rapidly, when it comes to the competition for Jiuyao New Lord's Wind and Cloud Ranking, I'm afraid he will still be in the realm of the Little Immortal Lord. At most, he can only condense a few more law talismans and seals.

And the spot of Jiuyao New Lord is destined to be occupied by those strong ones in the Dao Fruit Realm.

"Well, it's my first time to participate in the Jiuyao New King Ranking. Don't be too aggressive in pursuing rankings. The main thing is to be familiar with the process."

Qin Yao smiled lightly at Ling Feng and said: "By the way, junior brother, since you have already entered the inner sect, you can choose to join the Jie Yin Hall, the Law Enforcement Hall or the Zhi Tian Hall."


Ling Feng blinked, "I'd like to hear the details."

"Actually, whether or not to join the Three Halls depends on your own will without forcing it. The advantage of joining the Three Halls is that you don't need to go out to perform tasks. You can also directly obtain contribution points through the tasks in the hall. Of course, there are more With many opportunities, you can come into contact with the existences at the elder level. If you are appreciated by the elders, you may be accepted as a direct disciple or even a true disciple. "

After a pause, Qin Yao continued: "For example, I am a disciple of Zhitian Palace, and I am currently a registered disciple of Mingshen Xianzun of Zhitian Palace."

"It turns out that Senior Sister is a disciple of Wuwang Zun!"

Ling Feng quickly saluted Qin Yao with a fist.

"I'm just a registered disciple." Qin Yao smiled slightly, "However, even if I am only a registered disciple, I have learned a lot. If you are interested in obtaining better training resources, you can consider joining the Third Hall as soon as possible."

"Thank you, senior sister, for the tip."

Ling Feng bowed to Qin Yao again and had some initial thoughts in his mind.

Since he joined Tianzhi, Jieyinxian Zun has taken good care of him. If he wants to join the three halls, Jieyin Hall will naturally be his first choice.

"It's not really a suggestion."

Qin Yao thought for a while, then took out her identity token and said calmly: "Junior brother should have opened his own cave."

"That's right..."

Ling Feng smiled. The cave was open, but it was empty, with only an open space.

"The identity token of each inner disciple has the corresponding Tianyan sequence recorded on it. As long as a teleportation array is arranged in his own cave, he can be directly teleported back to any place in the nine realms of Tianzhi. It’s very convenient to have your own cave.”

After saying that, she presented her token to Ling Feng, pointed to the nine-digit serial number on it, and said with a smile: "This is my Tianyan sequence. Junior brother can remember this sequence. If anything happens, you can contact me directly through my sequence and identity token. Of course, other disciples can also do so. In theory, as long as they are in the Shenzhi Tianyu, they can do so through the Tianyan sequence. To communicate, there is no need to consume transmission talismans.”

“So amazing!”

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he quickly wrote down Qin Yao's Tianyan sequence, and immediately activated his identity token. Sure enough, he saw a miniature magic circle similar to a engraved disk, which could input the so-called Tianyan sequence.

"Thank you, senior sister!" Ling Feng expressed his gratitude to Qin Yao again.

"Actually, the inner disciples all know these things, I just mentioned them in passing."

Qin Yao smiled slightly, "Anyway, there is no one else now. I would like to thank my junior brother for letting me chat and kill time."

After saying a few more polite words, Ling Feng put away the copy of "Everything in the Sky" and finally said goodbye to Qin Yao.

However, he did not return to Xiao Xianling's cave. Instead, he went directly to the promotion hall and tried again according to the path Tie Long said.

He didn't believe that Iron Dragon could be so bored and deliberately tease them.

Maybe, there is really some rare treasure hidden in this path?

When Ling Feng arrived at the promotion hall, the other nine disciples who appeared yesterday also arrived one after another.

It's only the first day, and everyone obviously hasn't given up yet.

But Nan Xiaolie complained a little, "Boss Wu, do you really believe that Iron Dragon? I think he must be playing tricks on us!"

"If you don't want to, just go back."

Wu Chengkong looked calm, and after looking at Ling Feng from a distance, he flew out in the direction of the cliff according to Tie Long's rhythm and speed yesterday.

"I'm going, why don't I go!"

Nan Xiaolie hurriedly followed, muttering: "I don't believe in that damn Iron Dragon, I just believe in Boss Wu!"

Then, others followed one after another. Ling Feng smiled lightly and walked step by step to the front of the promotion hall without slacking off at all.

After looking up at the golden door plaque of the Promotion Hall, Ling Feng took a deep breath and turned around to set off.

"On the first day, everyone is quite together!"

On the roof of the promotion hall, a figure stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the people below, with a curve at the corner of his mouth.

Naturally it is Iron Dragon.

The iron dragon spirit, with his upper body naked and his eyes bright, looked at the retreating figure from a distance and murmured to himself: "If you want to comprehend this magical power, perseverance, perseverance, opportunity, and understanding are all indispensable. However, once you comprehend it, , It’s just a matter of time! It’s up to you!”

He took a deep breath, jumped off the eaves, and left leisurely with his hands behind his back.

Time flies, and two full years have passed!

And the entire Tianzhi also started to become lively.

The battle for Jiuyao's new king to be on the list is already imminent.

In the past two years, in addition to following Tie Long's path, Ling Feng ran from dusk to dawn every day without stopping, he also joined the Jieyin Hall by the way, and at the same time, he did not miss the "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" and The cultivation of "Original Creation".

At the same time, his "Flame-Swallowing Immortal Technique" and "All Things in the Void Sky" have also made considerable progress.

It's a pity that the level of cultivation has not improved much. In two years, he has only condensed the fourth talisman, the wind talisman.

At this point, Ling Feng has completed the condensation of the four talisman seals of fire, water, earth and wind, and has become a four-talisman fairy.

During this period, Cheng Tianyong and Huan Shen Qianjue were also promoted to inner disciples and opened up their own caves in the mysterious world.

At dawn, Ling Feng stood on the cliff and stared at the sky. He saw purple air coming from the east, which was an auspicious sign.

"Has it been two years..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The cliff was still the same as before. However, the only person who climbed to the top with him every day was Wu Chengkong.

When the first day started, everyone was here.

But after seven days, only Ling Feng, Zhong Nanyue, Wu Chengkong, and the reluctant Zhong Ruoxin and Nan Xiaolie were left.

After all, running all night from the Promotion Hall to the unknown mountain in Zhoutian Realm is such a waste of time.

Almost half of the day was taken up, but the whole time was spent doing meaningless running exercises.

With this time, you can achieve success by practicing any other magic or swordsmanship.

A month later, only Ling Feng, Wu Chengkong, and the reluctant Nan Xiaolie were left.

Although Nan Xiaolie was reluctant, he persisted for half a year because of his trust in Wu Chengkong.

However, for half a year, he didn't say a word to Ling Feng.

And half a year later, no matter how much Nan Xiaolie trusted Wu Chengkong, he still chose to give up.

In the end, only Ling Feng and Wu Chengkong persisted.

However, it originally took them a whole night to run to the top of the mountain, but now it was almost reduced by half.

Therefore, before dawn, he had already sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain and began to wait for the arrival of dawn.

Although the two did not communicate much, as time went by, they gradually became accustomed to each other's existence.

In a sense, the two of them were also secretly competing to see who could find out the "extra rewards" Tie Long mentioned first.

Moreover, as they persisted in the past two years, they became more and more convinced that there might be some great opportunity hidden in this path.

The sun is rising!

Ling Feng and Wu Chengkong opened their eyes at the same time.

As far as they could see, when the light of the morning sun fell on the path they had run along, the mountain road that looked like a dragon and a snake was already familiar to them in their hearts.

Even with his eyes closed, he can run three hundred times.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared, and the mountain road winding like a dragon was dimly visible, with more than a dozen starlights twinkling.

For a moment, the foothills seemed to wake up, and the earth made a low moan like a whimper.


Ling Feng and Wu Chengkong suddenly looked at each other. Could it be that today is the day when the mystery is solved?

Both of them secretly took a deep breath. Over the past two years, although the conversation did not exceed ten sentences, they seemed to have formed a special tacit understanding.

In an instant, the two of them jumped at the same time, from the top of the mountain, into the rolling sea of ​​clouds.

As the red sun rises, the purple energy comes from the east, and the dozens of golden lights surge out of the tidal waves of time and space at the same time!

There must be a spot of light, which is the entrance to the secret realm!

However, the purple energy was fleeting and gave them only a fleeting moment of choice.

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