Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3497: Become enlightened overnight!

In the sea of ​​clouds, more than a dozen starlights flickered, and then, billions of starlights shone simultaneously. The terrifying tide of time and space swept across, completely disorienting both Ling Feng and Wu Chengkong in an instant.

But they knew in their hearts that if they could not find the correct path before the purple energy dissipated, then they might miss this good fortune.

So, two years of persistence has become a waste of time.

At the critical moment, Ling Feng suddenly reacted.


As Tie Long said, the reward is hidden on the path up the mountain.

He has never been able to understand why Tielong repeatedly emphasized the path.

But now, after immersing himself in the sea of ​​clouds, his eyes are dazzled by the light of billions of stars.

But he needs to find the only entrance to the secret realm among these stars.

Does this mean that following the daily path from the Ascension Hall to here is the way to enter the secret realm?

But, how to connect that route with the star road in front of us?

Ling Feng clenched his fist tightly. The opportunity was fleeting, and the time left for him to think became increasingly urgent.

He has even felt that the power of the tide of time and space is gradually dissipating.

Perhaps, within ten breaths, the entrance to the secret realm will completely disappear!

"do not care!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Instead of hesitating here, he might as well give it a try!

At this moment, Wu Chengkong's voice came to his ears, "Ling Feng, please cooperate!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. Although he couldn't see Wu Chengkong's position, his voice could be heard clearly in his ears.

"You must have understood what the path the Iron Cage Examiner said means, but you and I are in the sea of ​​clouds and can only glimpse a corner, how can we see the whole picture?"

Wu Chengkong's voice was calm and steady as he continued: "However, you and I are both in the sea of ​​clouds, with two different perspectives. You and I sit on the top of the mountain every day. I think we have already known the path well in our chests and in our minds. Among them, a road map is formed.”

"I see!"

When communicating with smart people, naturally there is no need to point out everything. Wu Chengkong just gave a little reminder, and Ling Feng responded immediately.

If the two of them can deduce a star path that coincides with the path they take up the mountain every day based on what they see and the path of the stars in front of them.

If you just rely on your own judgment, you may only have about a 50% chance.

However, if the star path from the perspective of the two people can perfectly overlap with the path up the mountain.

Then, this star road is the only entrance to the secret realm.

The probability of success is 100%!

Wu Chengkong nodded secretly. In the past two years, although he and Ling Feng did not communicate much, they were doing the same thing every day after all.

Over time, an amazing tacit understanding gradually developed.

In an instant, the two of them had completed the sharing of their eyes through the communication of their respective spiritual powers.

"found it!"

Almost at the same time, brilliant light burst out in their eyes, flying towards the same direction.

When the two of them rushed into a dazzling white light at the same time, the next moment, they seemed to be swallowed up by the light, and their eyes turned into a dazzling white.




I don’t know how long it took, but the eternal emptiness finally gradually disappeared. The eternal whiteness made the eyes of Ling Feng and Wu Chengkong become extremely tired.

When the dazzling white world finally disappeared, both of them had bloodshot eyes and their spirits became very depressed.

The world finally darkened, and the surrounding air brought a biting chill.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

You can vaguely hear the sound of stalactites dripping, and it seems to be a cave.

Ling Feng and Wu Chengkong looked at each other and immediately began to take stock of the world around them.

This is a seemingly small cave. In the very center of the cave, there is a small cold pool. The biting cold air is probably emanating from the cold pool.

Directly above the cold pool, a beam of light shines down. The cold air emanating from the cold pool converges into various strange shapes under the illumination of the beam.

Sometimes they are like flying dragons and phoenixes, and sometimes they are like monsters and monsters. They make a "whooshing" sound in the cave in conjunction with the mountain wind, which makes people's hair stand on end.

"It seems that there is no other exit from this cave."

Ling Feng raised his head and looked directly above the cave. Except for the entrance above Xiaohantan where the beam of light was thrown, the entire cave was closed.

Maybe, the opportunity is hidden in the cold pool?

"You can become enlightened overnight..."

Suddenly, Wu Chengkong looked at Hantan and murmured.

Ling Feng walked quickly to Wu Chengkong, and sure enough, he saw a half-person-high stone monument standing on the edge of Xiaohan Lake.

On the stone tablet, there are two columns of words engraved on it.

Column 1: Enlightenment can be achieved overnight.

Second column: A dream comes true.

What does this mean?

Ling Feng frowned slightly. There seemed to be some mystery hidden in these two sentences, but for a while, it was difficult to understand.

Wu Chengkong, on the other hand, did not hesitate too much, just made a "pop" sound, and then jumped into Xiaohantan.


As the breakdown bubbles emerged from the depths of the cold pool, soon there was no movement in the cold pool.

Wu Chengkong seemed to be completely integrated with this Xiaohantan.

"Brother Wu?"

Ling Feng was stunned. Could it be that there was something else under the cold pool?

Ling Feng took a deep breath, immediately no longer hesitated, and jumped into the cold pool.

Now that it's here, make peace with it. You can't just stand there and do nothing.

The moment Ling Feng sank into the cold pool, he noticed something unusual.

The mana in the body began to become extremely active.

Immediately afterwards, the fire talisman, water talisman, earth talisman and wind talisman that he had spent several years condensing suddenly flickered out and began to actively circle around Ling Feng.

Soon, the various attributes of metal, wood, ice, and thunder became extremely active in his body.

There was no need for Ling Feng to move his energy on his own, and there were no bottlenecks or barriers. Just soaking in the cold pool, his understanding of the power of laws of various attributes began to rise.

Ten breaths later, the fifth Talisman Seal, the Thunder Talisman Seal, was successfully condensed!

After another ten breaths, the wood talisman and seal script were successfully condensed!

Immediately afterwards, the golden talisman seal!

Ice Talisman Seal!

Ling Feng has successfully condensed all the five elements, three wonders and eight attributes of the talismans.

And there is only one step left to reach the realm of the Nine Talisman Little Immortal Lord, and then step into the realm of Dao Evolution in one fell swoop, and even go one step further to condense the Dao Fruit!

Ling Feng felt all this in disbelief. Probably at this moment, Wu Chengkong's cultivation level was also improving crazily!

Before Ling Feng could think about it, the time and space mark left by Taixu Zhoulong in the depths of his spiritual sea began to become active.

The law of force, the law of speed, the law of sound, the law of blood, the law of poison...

The power of various attributes that Ling Feng had mastered actually began to condense into the talisman seal, and it also took shape one after another without any bottlenecks or obstacles!

Almost before Ling Feng could react from the joy of condensing the last talisman, the next talisman continued to condense successfully!

Soon, Ling Feng had condensed fifteen talismans!

And his cultivation actually came naturally, and he directly reopened the pass of Dao Evolution Realm. In fact, the talismans began to further transform with the power of the law, condensing into Dao Fruits!

Not long after, the crimson Tao Fruit of Fire appeared!

The sapphire blue water fruit!

Emerald green wood fruit!

Earthy brown soil fruit!

Golden Golden Tao Fruit!

In Ling Feng's vast spiritual sea, the power of complex and complicated laws, relying on his powerful soul origin, took root into a towering giant tree!

The power of countless laws formed the root system of the giant technique, and the talismans with various attributes evolved into countless branches and leaves, and formed Tao fruits one after another, suspended among the branches and leaves, reflecting each other, making this pillar of the original divine tree, The reflected colors are brilliant.

This is the only path for every strong Immortal Lord. After condensing the nine talismans and breaking through the Dao Evolution realm, an original divine tree can evolve into the sea of ​​spirit.

As the power of the law continues to grow, the original divine tree can be prompted to form the fruit of the law.

It may take years, decades, or even hundreds of years for each Tao Fruit to form.

As for Ling Feng, just by being in this Xiaohan Pond, the Dao Fruit had already begun to mature crazily.

Not long after, fifteen Dao Fruits were formed and suspended on his original divine tree. Each Dao Fruit contained its own powerful understanding of the laws of each system.

These Dao fruits are not only symbols of the realm of cultivation, but also a direct manifestation of powerful strength.

For those in the Dao Fruit Realm, directly sacrificing their own Dao Fruit can be like a magic weapon to defeat the enemy.

Of course, the Dao Fruit is connected to the origin of one's own soul after all. Once it suffers a serious injury, it will also suffer serious Dao injuries.

Therefore, unless overwhelmed by strength, or under absolutely necessary circumstances, a strong person in the Dao Fruit Realm will directly use Dao Fruit to attack the enemy.

"You can become enlightened overnight..."

Ling Feng looked inward with his consciousness and looked at the fifteen Tao Fruits condensed into the sea of ​​spirit. The excitement in his heart was beyond words.

Is this one night comparable to the many years of hard training in the outside world?

I'm afraid it's at least as good as practicing day and night for a month!

"Is this what it means to become a Taoist overnight? I really broke through to the Taoist Realm overnight!"

Ling Feng clenched his fist tightly. It all happened too fast. In two years, he spent countless time practicing, and even the progress of "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" and "Original Creation" were slightly slowed down.

Now, everything is indeed worth it.


Unstoppable ecstasy!

Similarly, Wu Chengkong's situation is almost exactly the same as Ling Feng's.

However, he only condensed it into twelve Dao Fruits, which were slightly inferior to Ling Feng's fifteen.

However, after being ecstatic, Ling Feng calmed down again.

Is all this true?

Isn't there the second half of the sentence in that stone tablet?

A dream comes true!

Could all of this be just a dream?

The key to cultivation is to work steadily and step by step, but now, he has directly crossed two levels of realms overnight and been promoted to the peak of Dao Fruit Realm.

Everything seemed too dreamy.

Moreover, even if all this is true, is fifteen Dao Fruits his limit?

Perhaps, fifteen Dao Fruits are already extremely heaven-defying.

However, the most powerful power he has mastered all the way up to now is the power of chaos!

Without the Dao Fruit formed by the condensed power of chaos, is my Dao Fruit Realm really perfect?


If he gives up his most powerful power because of the ecstasy of successive realm breakthroughs, then such a Tao and Fruition realm is meaningless to him!

Even if fifteen Dao Fruits are put together, they are definitely not as good as one Chaos Dao Fruit!

It’s okay not to want such a state of Tao and Fruit!

The next moment, a very bold idea seemed to have been born in Ling Feng's mind.

He wants to destroy the Dao Fruit and return to the Talisman Realm!

If it doesn't condense into Chaos Talisman Seal, there will never be a breakthrough!

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