Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3501 The Heavenly Crystal Lineage! Ancient heavenly book!

Xiao Xianling looked at Ling Feng anxiously, her brows furrowed, and she complained somewhat: "I told you a few days ago that there must be something wrong with your four talisman cultivation if it fell to one talisman. I asked you to follow me to find grandpa and help you check it out. It’s better for you to not take it seriously at all. It’s okay now!”

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, seeing Xiao Xianling getting angry because of her worry. Although her worries were completely unnecessary, Ling Feng still felt a little grateful to Xiao Xianling in his heart.

"How many more do you have left?"

Xiao Xianling's eyes widened, "You are the last to count! Do you know what it means to be promoted to the Daoyan realm with just one talisman?"


Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, and there was a hint of teasing at the corner of his mouth.

"Still laughing!"

Xiao Xianling glared at Ling Feng angrily, "It means your future is ruined. Even if you practice for a lifetime, you won't be able to break through to the realm of Immortal Lord!"

"Haha, I think not."

Ling Feng shrugged and reassured Xiao Xianling: "My talisman seal is quite different. Although there is only one talisman, it is better than a thousand talismans and hundreds of talismans!"

"Crazy, crazy, you are really crazy!"

Xiao Xianling shook her head repeatedly and rubbed her forehead with regret, "If I had known, I should have dragged you to find grandpa. Now it's fine. There is no turning back."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, is there any way to turn back?

When he was in Xiaohan Pond, he did not hesitate to destroy the Dao Fruit again and again to condense this Chaos Talisman Seal.

For him, a hundred talismans or a thousand talismans are far inferior to this talisman.

"No, no, I have to ask grandpa to see if there is any remedy. Your talent is obviously so high. Not to mention nine talismans, you can at least condense a dozen talismans. I can't look at you. Break the can and throw it away, give up on yourself!”

Xiao Xianling sighed softly, stared at Ling Feng deeply, and left without looking back.

Ling Feng was left alone, messy in the wind.

Breaking the pot?

Giving up on yourself?

Are you talking about me?

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then smiled bitterly at Xiao Xianling's back and said: "Senior Sister Xiao, thank you for your kindness, but I won't give up on myself yet."

After a few wry smiles, Ling Feng turned around and left the training room, returning to his residence.

The Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking is about to be held, and I should be busy next.

And all in all, it has been a long time since I visited New Saofeng Camp.

I don’t know how Qiu Tianlong gets along with Kuang Shan and the others, and whether they have successfully forged that piece of life-stealing gold into a magical weapon.

If he succeeded, he would also like to see how powerful the magic weapon forged from the life-killing golden spirit was.

And is it comparable to that legendary magic weapon: a thousand kills and countless calamities!

Not long after, Ling Feng had teleported to Yanlong Island with the help of the Donghuang Bell.

The last time he returned to Yanlong Island was a year ago.

Because every day at dusk, Ling Feng would start running towards the top of the mountain in Zhoutian Realm along the road Tie Long mentioned. Therefore, Ling Feng's previous plan was disrupted and he was unable to arrive every few days. The cave on Yanlong Island absorbs Hongmeng's ancestral dragon energy.

Naturally, there are very few opportunities to come back.

All matters in the New Sao Feng Camp are basically left to Baoshan and Kuangshan to handle.

Fortunately, after quitting being a pirate, New Sao Feng Camp also found a new way out.

Because they had previously robbed ore ships and accumulated a large amount of rare ores, Kuang Shan and Qiu Tianlong were both first-class forging masters. With the natural forging environment in Yanlong Island, the weapons they forged could be used immediately. He is famous in the Sea of ​​Stars area.

After all, there is a huge Tianming ship at the entrance of the Sea of ​​Stars. A large number of monks gather here. The high-quality magical weapons have no worries about selling.

In order to increase production and improve efficiency, Kuangshan also recruited several talented apprentices.

In the past year, although it has been a bit hard to create a magical weapon, it is already very valuable compared to the days when the knife edge was licking blood.

"Lord Souji is back!"

As soon as Ling Feng returned to Yanlong Island, the disciples immediately greeted him respectfully.

Although these "pirates" still have some gangsterism left, they are much better than when Ling Feng came several times before.

And he is not as lazy as before. During the martial arts field, many disciples can be seen practicing martial arts and they look very serious.

After a while, Kuangshan, Baoshan and others came after hearing the news. Even Qiu Tianlong, although he seemed reluctant, still came to greet them honestly.

The last time Ling Feng fought against him, although there were some tricks, he really defeated him openly and dealt with him obediently.

"Lord Souji!"

Baoshan beamed with joy. Over the past year, Sao Feng Camp was on the right track. As a pirate leader, even if he did not rob, Sao Feng Camp's income now was much higher than when he robbed before.

All this is thanks to Ling Feng for subduing them and diverting them away from the journey.

Otherwise, if you often walk by the river, your shoes will not get wet.

Maybe today, his head is no longer on his neck.


Ling Feng nodded slightly towards Baoshan. It was obvious that he was serious about reforming the atmosphere of Saofeng Camp.

Moreover, by setting an example, he even drove away all the singers and dancers around him, which was regarded as setting an example.

Baoshan no longer sang and sang every night, and the disciples and grandsons below naturally put away their colorful hearts and practiced hard.


Ling Feng looked at Qiu Tianlong and asked casually: "Master Qiu, it has been two years, has the life-killing golden spirit been successfully forged?"


When asked this question, Qiu Tianlong suddenly blushed.

After being sharpened by the life-stealing gold for two years, Qiu Tianlong's character has long been worn away.

Now Qiu Tianlong is not as arrogant and arrogant as before. Instead, he sighs and shakes his head repeatedly: "It still doesn't work, it's always a little short of the heat, but I won't give up! Before the forging is successful, I will Stay here and don’t go anywhere!”

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, snickering secretly in his heart. To put it this way, he hoped that Qiu Tianlong would never be able to successfully forge the life-killing golden spirit.

In this case, Qiu Tianlong can stay on Yanlong Island for the rest of his life and forge magic weapons for himself for free.

"I have tried various methods, but unfortunately this life-threatening golden spirit is really..."

Kuangshan also sighed. He is a descendant of the Tianjing clan and is born with special abilities to perceive various strange ores.

It stands to reason that with his talent and Qiu Tianlong's superb forging skills, the two of them could not forge this life-threatening golden spirit even after two years of cooperation.

In this world, I'm afraid no one can successfully forge the life-threatening golden essence.

It's a pity that the old master of Wanjian Villa has passed away. Otherwise, maybe this old man can have some unique insights.

"Not in a hurry."

Ling Feng smiled and reassured the two forging masters, "If the Life-Killing Golden Spirit was so easy to forge, it wouldn't be called the most amazing stone in all eternity, and how could the Thousand-Killing-Thousand-Killing Jinjing be called peerless?" A vicious sword?"


Kuangshan shook his head, hid his face and sighed.


Qiu Tianlong also tugged at his messy hair. Both guys had fluffy hair and red eyes. It was obvious that they had not rested for an unknown amount of time in order to forge this peerless magic weapon.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng couldn't help them in this regard. He could only comfort them a few more times before preparing to return to Tianzhi.

Since there is little progress in the situation here, it doesn't make much sense for him to stay here.

Suddenly, Kuang Shan seemed to remember something. He stared at Ling Feng and hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "General Secretary, our Tianjing Clan has an ancient heavenly book, which may record the method of forging the life-killing golden spirit."


Before Ling Feng could say anything, Qiu Tianlong grabbed Kuangshan's arm and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier, you old bastard? Why don't you take it out quickly!"

"If you can take it out, haven't I already taken it out?"

Kuangshan rolled his eyes, pushed away Qiu Tianlong's arm with his palm, and said angrily: "That day the book was sealed in a secret mysterious grotto of our Tianjing clan. Because of the experiences of my Tianjing lineage, our talents have withered. , that ancient book has been sealed in the grotto, and no one can take it out. I think maybe you, Chief Secretary, can help me take out that book."

"Why do you still need to trouble the little...ahem...General Secretary for such a trivial matter?"

Qiu Tianlong immediately widened his eyes, patted his chest and said, "That's enough for me!"


Kuangshan rolled his eyes, "You are too old. If you want to enter that grotto, your bone age must be under fifty years old. Otherwise, even if you enter, you will be teleported out immediately!"

"Damn it, I..."

Qiu Tianlong's eyes widened, the beard on his chin trembled, and he was trembling with anger, "What's wrong with me being over fifty? What's wrong with breaking the rules? Those who are in trouble will die, and they deserve to wither!"

The corners of Kuangshan's eyes twitched, and he was immediately furious. He was about to fight Qiu Tianlong, but fortunately, Ling Feng and Baoshan held him back.

"Okay, Senior Kuangshan, I have written down your matters. However, I still need to return to Tianzhi to prepare for participating in the Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking. Therefore, after the Ranking is over, I will come back and return to you with you. Let’s go and see the Tianjing Clan’s grotto.”

"Oh? Is the Chief Secretary going to compete for Tianzhi's Jiu Yaozong?"

After all, Kuangshan has lived a long time and has experienced a lot. He immediately said with a smile: "The Heavenly Leader Jiuyao, his status is quite respected! Then I wish the chief commander can win the victory and win the honor of Jiuyao in one fell swoop. !”

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and said modestly: "I think I just made up the numbers, but I just have to do my best."

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