Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3502 Demon Soul Palace!

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Seeing that the Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking was getting closer and closer, Ling Feng, as a new disciple of the Hall of Acceptance, naturally had to do chores such as setting up the venue and so on.

Of course, it's not free.

Compared to going out to perform various dangerous tasks, these chores can earn contribution points, which is much easier.

After Ling Feng, Cheng Tianyong and Huan Shen Qianjue, who were also promoted to inner disciples, made different choices from Ling Feng's paraplegia.

Ling Feng originally thought that a lazy guy like Cheng Tianyong would probably join the Jie Yin Hall like him, or simply not join any hall at all. Who knew that he actually joined the Zhi Tian Hall? Relatively speaking, Zhi Tian The daily tasks that the disciples of the Hall need to complete are much more complicated than those of the Jie Yin Hall.

As for the taciturn and always ruthless Huan Shen Qian Jue (mainly Huan Shen Jue who has been in control of the body for a long time), he joined the Law Enforcement Hall.

This is in line with his character.

Since being promoted to the inner sect, the opportunities and frequency of meeting their companions who often performed tasks together have been greatly reduced.

On this day, Ling Feng was checking whether the barrier formation was stable at the Yanwu Square in the center of the Mysterious World. Suddenly, a figure flew past from behind, and then landed silently behind Ling Feng.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ling Feng's mouth. Without turning around, he had already noticed a familiar aura.

If it’s not Cheng Tianyong, who is it?

"Brother Cheng!"

Ling Feng turned around, squinted his eyes, and smiled faintly, but saw Cheng Tianyong tiptoeing closer to him, perhaps trying to make some little trick.

"It's boring, it's really boring!"

Cheng Tianyong rolled his eyes, "I originally wanted to scare you behind your back!"


Ling Feng was speechless for a while. This guy is already a powerful person at the level of an Immortal Lord. Can he stop being so naive?

What's more, with the way his aura was completely released, even a blind man should have noticed it!


Cheng Tianyong obviously didn't notice Ling Feng's disdainful look. Instead, he came up with a smile, put his hand on Ling Feng's shoulder, and complained, "His grandma, I've been so busy lately, it's so embarrassing." Mr. Deben doesn’t even have time to go out and listen to music occasionally.”

Ling Feng easily broke away from Cheng Tianyong, and while checking the magic circle, he said casually: "Since you like to be lazy and leisurely, why do you want to join the Zhitian Palace?"

"Tch, although I am just a salted fish, salted fish also have pursuits!"

Cheng Tianyong chuckled, "Have you not noticed that the senior sisters in Zhitian Palace are all beautiful?"


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, obviously not believing what Cheng Tianyong said.

There may be another reason why he made such an abnormal choice.

"What's your expression?"

Cheng Tianyong raised his eyebrows and said with a strange smile: "Don't be envious when it comes to saying it. When it comes to women's luck, I'm much better than you. Don't look around you. There are a lot of women. Since I joined the After the Heavenly Palace, there are more than a dozen senior sisters pestering me every day, which is really annoying!”

Ling Feng raised his hand to his forehead and rolled his eyes at Cheng Tianyong angrily, "Brother Cheng, if you only have these boring things to do, you'd better leave first. I'm still on a mission."

"Okay, okay, I know you're no longer a womanizer, so I won't tell you this."

Cheng Tianyong jumped onto a unicorn statue next to him, raised one leg very coquettishly, and made an independent posture like a golden rooster. He asked casually: "By the way, are you ready to participate in this Jiuyao New King Ranking?" ?”


Ling Feng nodded, "I have entrusted Senior Sister Xiao to register for me."

"Then we may become competitors!"

Cheng Tianyong glanced at Ling Feng intently, then patted his chest and said, "Because, I also signed up."


Ling Feng was a little surprised again. In the past few years, what Cheng Tianyong had done was increasingly contrary to his lazy and casual nature.

He has the kind of temperament that doesn't care about anything and just wants to live in the present and be happy in the present.

If it were the Cheng Tianyong in Ling Feng's impression, how could he be asking for trouble and joining the Zhitian Palace?

Not to mention, he had always hidden his strength when he joined Tianzhi. Even when he returned to Tianyong City and was publicly humiliated by his cheap brother Cheng Tianqi, he just smiled and didn't care.

He has always been hiding his strength, but now, is he going to show off his skills in the arena of Jiuyao New King Ranking?

This doesn't look like him!

"Are you going to show your true strength?"

Ling Feng blinked and stared at Cheng Tianyong, as if he wanted to see through him completely.

However, even though Ling Feng has now condensed the Chaos Talisman Seal and advanced to the Dao Yan realm, Cheng Tianyong still feels like a bottomless black hole to him.

Asking deeply, Ling Feng actually had a feeling that the outcome was unpredictable.

How deep does this guy hide?

Also, the reason why he worshiped Tianzhi may have other purposes!

"Hey, if I don't take this opportunity to gain more limelight, how can I make more senior sisters fascinated by me?"

Cheng Tianyong looked elated, "I, Cheng Tianyong, am suave, handsome and unrestrained. It's not too much to marry a hundred wives."


Ling Feng rolled his eyes and couldn't help but whisper: "You're not afraid of killing everyone!"

After saying that, without looking back, he turned around and looked at the core of the magic circle again, and continued to inspect it carefully.

Although generally there would be no problems, but since the task was assigned to him, he had to be careful and responsible.


Cheng Tianyong looked at Ling Feng's back, but suddenly shouted again with a serious face.

"Is there anything else? If it's just boring talk, just save it!"

Ling Feng shook his head repeatedly. How could he know some companions with abnormal brains? It could be said that he was "unkind".

"If I meet you in the ring, I won't hold back!"

However, Cheng Tianyong suddenly became very serious and said word by word: "My goal is to win the Jiu Yao Zun!"

Ling Feng stiffened and couldn't help but look back at Cheng Tianyong.

Is this guy serious?

Seeing Cheng Tianyong's sworn look, Ling Feng couldn't help but get excited and couldn't help but laugh loudly: "What a coincidence, so do I!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Cheng Tianyong jumped up, jumped down from the Qilin statue, and immediately said with a coquettish face: "With the power of a talisman, you are promoted to the Daoyan realm. It seems that you are very confident in yourself, but I want to remind you, I But a man with thirteen talismans!"

"Thirteen paths?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and judging from the number of talismans, this guy was actually a bit more evil than Wu Chengkong.

Although the number of talismans does not necessarily mean that one is stronger, it is definitely a symbol of talent.

What's more, what's even weirder is that Ling Feng can see through Wu Chengkong's twelve talisman seals, but he can't see through Cheng Tianyong's talisman seals at all.

Either Cheng Tianyong has practiced some secret technique, or his cultivation has reached the Tao Fruit Realm.

The Immortal Realm is indeed a world of hidden dragons and crouching tigers!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, raised his eyes, and met Cheng Tianyong's gaze. Both of them could see the amazing fighting spirit in the other's eyes.

At the same time, in the Qingzao Terrace deep in the Jieyin Hall, Jieyin Immortal Master was giving daily preaching lessons.

It is said that he is preaching, but in fact, more often than not, he is fishing with the Immortal Lord while closing his eyes to rest his mind.

I just answer questions from some registered disciples from time to time.

Among his many named disciples, the one with the best qualifications and understanding is none other than Han Wenliang. (Han Wenliang was the disciple who brought back the Phantom God Qianjue.)

It's a pity that Han Wenliang is a descendant of the ancient demon, so even though his talent, understanding and strength are top-notch, he still can't win the title of Jiuyao.

But Han Wenliang would silently participate in every Jiuyao New King Ranking.

Moreover, he has defeated Jiuyao-level experts for several consecutive years. However, because he is a descendant of the ancient demon, his achievements cannot be counted.

It can be said that among the inner disciples, Han Wenliang is already the uncrowned king.


While Jie Yinxian Zun was fishing, he suddenly remembered something and called Han Wenliang's name.

Han Wenliang stood up among the disciples, bowed deeply towards the back of Jieyin Xianzun, "Master, what can I do?"

"Are you going to participate in the Jiuyao New King Ranking this year?"

He greeted the Immortal Lord and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Han Wenliang nodded, "The disciple has signed up."


Jie Yinxian Zun sighed slightly, and after a long time, he sighed softly again: "Why are you doing this?"

"Not bitter."

Han Wenliang clenched his fists, and a trace of stubbornness flashed in his eyes, "If even I give up on myself, then the descendants of the ancient demon will never be recognized one day!"

"That's it, let's go."

Jie Yin Xianzun took a deep breath, then turned to the disciples behind him and gently flicked his sleeves, "Go, everyone, go down. That's the end of today's preaching."

"Yes, respected master!"

All the disciples bowed to Jieyinxian Zun and immediately exited the Qingzao Platform.

A long time, a long time.

Jie Yinxian Zun sighed softly and couldn't help but murmur to himself, "Looks like him, so much like him!"

"You old man, why, do you remember that big disciple of yours?"

With a flash of golden light, a white-haired figure suddenly appeared from the void, and it turned out to be the Lord Ming.

Jie Yinxian Zun sighed softly and was noncommittal, but judging from his attitude, it seemed that he had already acquiesced.

The next moment, there seemed to be a flash of thunder, and in the thunder, another old man with a terrifying aura, like Shen Yuan, also appeared above Qingzao Terrace.

The old man had a cold face, and there was a long scar on his left cheek, extending directly from the center of his eyebrow to his chin. It looked like a long worm, adding a ferocious and terrifying aura to his whole person.

And this old man with scars on his face is the one among the three who is the most respected and feared by many disciples.

No arrogance!

He is also the head of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Unlike good old guys like Jie Yin Xian Zun, Wu Wang Zun is famous for being ruthless and selfless. Any disciple who commits a crime in the Law Enforcement Hall will end up in a miserable state.

"Have you received the message too?"

Ming Shen Zun looked at Wu Wang Zun and couldn't help teasing him, "Old man, you've had this scar on your face for thousands of years. Is it necessary to keep it like this forever? You don't think it's ugly, but I still feel upset when you look at it. Woolen cloth!"

"As long as Ning Kun dies, I will keep this scar forever."

Wuwangzun's face was expressionless, but there was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.

Ning Kun!

He is also the eldest disciple of Yinxian Zun, but now he has betrayed the master and established his own school.

Moreover, when he was being chased by Tianzhi, he killed Jieyin Xianzun's only son, Xiao Xianling's father.

The scar on Wu Wangzun's face was left by Ning Kun.

"It's not easy to live to this age and be as persistent as you are."

Ming Shenzun shook his head and said slowly: "But this time I received news that there are traces of the Demon Soul Palace founded by Ning Kun in the Qingfengyuan area. What do you think?"

"What do you think?"

Wu Wangzun's eyes turned cold and he said coldly: "Of course we must eradicate the root! This time, I will personally lead the team and will not give him any chance!"

"The Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking is about to be held. At this time, is it appropriate for you to run out on your own?"

Ming Shenzun smiled bitterly and said: "Besides, this news has not been confirmed yet. Do you need to go there in person?"

"Hmph, by the time it is confirmed, Ning Kun will have already disappeared without a trace. I don't want to wait for thousands of years!"

After saying that, there was another flash of lightning, and Wuwu Zun disappeared above Qingzao Terrace, leaving only a sentence in the distance, "Ming Shen, take the lead and tell your Majesty for me!"

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