Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3503 Top 100 List?

Time flies, and another three days have passed, and this day is the Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking that is held only once every sixty years by the Tianzhi organization.

On the Arena of Valor, the top ten outstanding disciples will be eligible for the opportunity to compete with the powerful Jiuyao.

If you can win the battle, you can replace him and become the new generation of Jiuyao Immortal Lord.

Of course, it is not easy to replace the powerful Jiuyao, but as long as you can shine on the list, you will undoubtedly get the attention of many high-level elders, and even be accepted as a true disciple, and get more and better training resources. .

In addition, the top ten geniuses can receive additional rewards, not to mention those who can replace Jiuyao.

Early in the morning, the martial arts field in the center of the Mysterious World was already crowded with people.

In addition to going out to perform tasks, the disciples who failed to return in time, whether they were inner disciples or outer disciples, basically gathered in this huge martial arts field.

There are three high platforms around the square, on the east, west, and south sides. The southwest sides are the audience seats, and the seats on the east side are the players' seats.

To the north is the referee's seat composed of the Presbyterian Church.

It was still just dawn, and the auditorium was almost packed. If you came a little later, you wouldn't be able to get a good seat.

The competition has not yet started, but the entire martial arts arena is already filled with people and excitement.

"Who do you think can take the top spot in this year's Jiuyao New King Ranking? Or even replace the previous Jiuyao powerhouse?"

Those who have good intentions have already begun to predict the results of this year's ranking.

"Hehe, you have asked the right person. I have worked very hard to collect this first-hand information, including the names of the geniuses who have emerged in the past few years, as well as the names of some strong ones in the past. I collected them and made a top 100 list!”

"Oh? There is such a good thing?"

For a time, many people gathered around the disciple who made the so-called "Top 100 List".

"Buy now, friendly price, only 500 immortal stones!"

Unexpectedly, the guy took out a medium-thin book from his pocket and waved it while hawking it passionately, "Brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, don't miss it if you pass by. It's all my hard work." The first-hand information collected through hard work is definitely worth the money! ”

This disciple's name is Wang Dalong. Although his cultivation is not very strong, he has been worshiping Tianzhi for more than two hundred years, and he is still just an outer disciple.

However, with his excellent business acumen, he had already owned his own shop in Tizifang City.

Selling the "Top 100 List" was Wang Dalong's secret to making his first pot of gold.

In fact, if you want to comprehensively collect information about elite disciples and inner geniuses, you only need to spend more time and energy, and anyone can do it.

But normal disciples, busy with cultivation and tasks, naturally ignore a lot of information.

And his top 100 list only costs 500 fairy stones each, and he follows the path of small profits but quick turnover.

In addition to him, there are many "like-minded" brothers who are also selling lists together.

For Wang Dalong, every top ranking is an opportunity to make a fortune.

After all, in a sense, his list is relatively accurate and has certain value.

On the player bench.

After Ling Feng and Xiao Xianling settled the three Yue Yunlan girls in the spectator seats, they returned to the players' seats and took their seats.

Because only inner sect disciples can participate in the Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking, Zhou Yan and Nangong Ziling, who are still in the outer sect, can only be reduced to spectators.

Ling Feng asked Yue Yunlan and the others to stay with Zhou Yan and the others to watch the game together.

It was really embarrassing for them to always stay in Xiao Xianling's cave.

I just took this opportunity to give them some air.

"Hey, Brother Ling, Senior Sister Xiao!"

As soon as he walked to his seat, Cheng Tianyong came over with a salivating face, holding a list in his hand.

"Quick, quick, come and see!"

Cheng Tianyong moved to Ling Feng's side with a smile, spread out the list, turned directly from the last page, pointed at the last person on the list, and said with a smile: "Look, Brother Ling, you are also on the list!"


Ling Feng was slightly stunned and couldn't help but asked out of curiosity, "What list?"

"It is a list of the top 100 compiled by some Tianzhi disciples who spontaneously collected information. The last one is you!"

With that said, Cheng Tianyong pointed to the portrait on the list again, "Look, does it look like you?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and focused on the portrait.

Not to mention, they are so similar.

Unexpectedly, I could be included in this top 100 list?

After taking a closer look, some information about myself was recorded below, but the content was not much, just a few sentences about the last battle she had with Nan Xiaolie at the martial arts square in Qianlin Realm.

In the final results column, it was written that the outcome was still undecided, and was interrupted by a mysterious woman.

Scroll further forward, and the one ranked ninety-nine happens to be Nan Xiaolie.

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose without saying anything else.

Xiao Xianling on the side couldn't help but snatched the list. Seeing that Nan Xiaolie was still in front of Ling Feng, she couldn't help but frown, "What, wasn't Ling Feng the one who won last time?"

Cheng Tianyong quickly waved his hand and said with a smile: "The list is written at the top, in no particular order. Anyway, it is just a list of talents who are probably in the top 100."

Saying that, Cheng Tianyong shrugged again, "Just like me, because I have no record, I am so good, but I don't have my list. You can imagine the gold content of this list."

"Hey, it's the right thing to do without you!"

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes and started to look through the names on the list again. When she saw a familiar name, she would casually say that she was a senior brother or sister from Jie Yin Hall.

However, after she flipped through the list, she didn't even see her own name, so she immediately threw the list to the ground angrily, "Damn it, it's fine without your name, why don't you have me?" "


Cheng Tianyong grinned and silently picked up the list, "Let me just say that this list doesn't have much value!"

"That's right, a rubbish list is useless!"

Xiao Xianling pursed her lips, not very willing to face the cruel reality.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, stretched out his hand to look at Cheng Tianyong, "Brother Cheng, show me."


Cheng Tianyong shrugged and threw the list to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng opened it and took a look. Although Ling Feng had never heard of most of the names, he saw two names that he was quite familiar with in the first ten pages.

The third ranked Han Wenliang, Senior Brother Han Wenliang, is also a veteran disciple of Jie Yin Hall, and is a registered disciple of Jie Yin Xianzun. He has a very high prestige in Jie Yin Hall.

As written above, Han Wenliang participated in four consecutive Jiuyao New King Rankings. Except for the first one, which barely entered the top 30, the following three rankings all entered the top ten, and he was also in the top 30. In the last championship challenge, I challenged the strong Jiu Yao and won the battle.

Unfortunately, in the end, his results were canceled and he was unable to be promoted to Jiuyao.

Just because he is a descendant of the ancient demon, according to the rules of Tianzhi, any descendant of the ancient demon can at most be promoted to an inner disciple, not to mention the six emperors and nine yaos, and he is not even qualified to become an elder.

This is why Po Meng, despite being so powerful, was sent to a small place like Wangchuanyi, where she could not leave the world.

This is probably Han Wenliang's final fate.

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed. In the fairy world, the prejudice and discrimination against the descendants of ancient demons have lasted for tens of millions of years. It cannot be changed overnight.

And when he turned to page ten, he saw another familiar name.

Wu Chengkong!

As a newly promoted inner disciple, he was able to be ranked in the top ten. Although the sentence "ranked in no particular order" was written very suddenly at the top of the list, Wu Chengkong's fame and reputation are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

He is indeed a powerful enemy!

Ling Feng shrugged and quickly looked through the list. Although this list may not be accurate, it also has certain reference value.

Especially the strong ones on the top ten list are opponents that you need to be careful about.

Not long after, many elders took their seats on the referee's bench one after another. However, only two of the three seats directly in front of the square were occupied.

Originally this was the throne of three powerful men, but now, only Ming Shen Zun and Jieyin Zun are present.


After Mingshenzun entered the room, he cleared his throat and said loudly: "Because Wuwangzun still has some very important matters to deal with, and he is not in Tianzhi now, so this time, the Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking will be Jie Yin and I are fully responsible. Okay, I announce that the Jiuyao New King Ranking will now officially begin!"

Following Ming Shen Zun's concise and concise speech, a warm sensation broke out on the field. Not only the disciples in the contestants' seats, but also the disciples in the spectator seats were all gearing up and seemed to be more excited than the contestants.

As Ming Shenzun took his seat, a breeze came from behind the square, and then, a light blue figure was seen slowly falling from the sky, landing right on the ring in the center.

Astonishingly, it was none other than Yufeng Immortal Lord, Mo Qingfeng.

Obviously, he is the host of this year's Jiuyao New King Ranking.

It can be said that he is an old tool man!

After all, this guy came riding the wind, and his demeanor was indeed chic and suave. It was perfect for him to attend such an occasion.


I saw Mo Qingfeng clearing his throat, and then laughed loudly: "Dear brothers, it is a great honor for me, Mo Qingfeng, to be the chief host of this year's Jiuyao New King Ranking! Then what happens next? , let me briefly introduce to you some of the competition rules of this year’s Billboard Hottest..."

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