Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3504 The most popular list begins!

"The rules of the competition are not complicated. In order to ensure the stable operation of the various departments of Tianzhi, the total time of the competition will be the same as before and will be controlled within five days."

Immortal Yufeng looked at the preparation area of ​​the players, paused, and then slowly said: "The first round of selection competition will be divided into ten large groups and will be held at the same time. In order to ensure the fairness of the competition , the grouping will be completely random and will not be subject to any human intervention.”

After saying that, Yufeng Immortal Lord raised his hand again, pointed at the disciples at the preparation table, and said calmly: "Disciples who signed up for the competition, you can now look at your identity tokens. On the tokens, an attribute symbol will appear randomly. , disciples with the same attributes mean that you are assigned to the same group."

After the words fell, the contestants took out their tokens one after another. Sure enough, as Yufeng Xianjun said, a symbol of an attribute appeared randomly on the identity tokens of all contestants.

Ling Feng also took out the token and saw a flame symbol appearing on his token.

Cheng Tianyong's slightly excited voice came to his ears, "Hey, mine is a green leaf! Brother Ling, what is yours?"


Ling Feng shrugged and looked at Xiao Xianling next to him. By coincidence, Xiao Xianling was also the symbol of fire.

As for the phantom god Qianjue, it is the mark of a stone.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Xianling frowned, held her identity token with some complaints, and said angrily: "Why am I in a group with the brat? Doesn't that mean we will meet in the first round? "

Ling Feng shrugged and said with a smile: "In the first round, not only one person from each group should advance. It is also good to be divided into a group. We can also take care of each other."


Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, "Who wants you to take care of me! You only have one talisman, and I have eight talismans. I can't even take care of you!"


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seemed that Xiao Xianling was still sulking because she was promoted to the Talisman Realm with the power of a talisman.

After all, in her opinion, Ling Feng's move was tantamount to destroying his future and wasting his great talent.

"Okay, okay, then Senior Sister Lao Xiao will take care of me, that's all."


Xiao Xianling glared at Ling Feng and turned away, as if she didn't want to answer.

To say that this woman's heart is really like a needle in the sea, she can change her face faster than turning the page of a book. With just one word, she can change from a clear sky to a thunderbolt in a storm.

"Okay, I believe all the players have seen their groups, so next..."

Yufeng Immortal Lord smiled faintly, and the next moment, green light flowed around his body, turning into a blue light pillar, rising into the sky.

As his figure slowly floated into the air, the arena beneath his feet began to rumble and tremble.

A huge arena was divided into ten pieces in an instant, with colorful barrier masks covering each arena. Each different color corresponded to the ten groups of players.

They are gold represented by the sword-shaped symbol.

The green leaf symbol represents wood.

The stone symbol represents earth.

The flame symbol represents fire.

It includes the attributes of the five elements, the three odd attributes, plus the yang represented by the sun symbol, and the yin represented by the moon symbol.

There are ten arenas in total. Each arena not only has a different color displayed by the barrier, but also has its own completely different characteristics based on different attributes.

For example, the flame-attributed arena that Ling Feng drew, the entire arena is burning with blazing flames, and the contestants will be fighting in a blazing environment.

As for the thunder-attribute arena, which is about thirty feet away from the upper room, there are dense thunder clouds. Even through the barrier, the "rumbling" sound of thunder can be heard inside.

There is a certain amount of luck involved. Players who are lucky will choose the home court that is most suitable for them to fight.

Players who are unlucky can only play in places where their attributes are restrained. Not only are they unable to exert their strongest strength, they even need to use part of their strength to resist interference from the arena.

The various attributes arranged in these arenas are not just for viewing. The power of each attribute can cause direct harm to the players.

"The first round of elimination, as the name implies, a large number of contestants will be eliminated in the first round, until only ten people are left in each arena, then these ten people can advance to the next round Contest."

Immortal Lord Yufeng hung in mid-air, jumped up, and landed firmly on a high platform. He looked at the thousands of disciples below and said slowly: "Now, all players can enter according to their groups. It’s their own playing field!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw one disciple after another transforming into various colors of light and flying directly to the corresponding group arena.

"Hey, Brother Ling, take the first step!"

Cheng Tianyong looked back at Ling Feng, then flew out and landed firmly on the stage corresponding to the wood attribute.

"Let's go too."

Ling Feng looked at Xiao Xianling next to him. This aunt was really bad-tempered, and said angrily: "Who is going with you? You go your way! I'll go mine! I won't help you, and I don't need your help. !”

After saying that, he turned into a golden light and rushed towards the ring, leaving only Ling Feng messy in the wind.

After talking about this, Ling Feng could only smile helplessly: "If you don't want to help, then I won't help."

As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng used the divine fire clone, and his figure disappeared on the spot. When he reappeared, he was already in the fire attribute arena.

The flames condensed and gradually transformed into Ling Feng's figure. This hand attracted the attention of many people around him.

Moreover, it also fully illustrates one thing. Ling Feng himself has mastered the powerful power of fire law, and this arena is even more powerful for him.

"What a lucky guy!"

"Damn it, I majored in the water element, and I was so restrained by this damn flame!"

Many players stared at Ling Feng, obviously filled with envy and jealousy.

Ling Feng glanced in the direction of Xiao Xianling. She majored in metal and was completely restrained by the flames covering the arena. She had to use at least 30% of her strength to be able to do it. Resist the interference of flames.

This woman is really tough-talking!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, withdrew his gaze and looked at the crowd.

There are nearly 200 disciples assigned to the fire group, and the number of other groups is also about the same, maybe more than a hundred, but not more than 300.

Even if it is divided into ten different areas, each arena is still very spacious. Hundreds of people gather on the arena, but it does not seem crowded at all.

Disciples who were relatively familiar with each other gathered together in twos and threes, looking at the other contestants with some vigilance.

Ling Feng looked around, but there were many powerful masters hiding on the fire element arena.

There is even a master among them, who is one of the top ten in the "Top 100 List", Chi Yan Kuang.

I saw this man with red hair, and he was also a master of fire laws. However, he just stood there with his hands folded on his chest, closing his eyes and concentrating. His whole person was like a giant pillar, exuding a kind of power. A terrifying aura that can be looked up to.

The flames under his feet split into two and turned into two fire dragons, wrapping around his body.

This guy is so strong!

Ling Feng took a deep breath and secretly admired in his heart.

"The first round of eliminations adopts a completely free attack and teaming mode. If you voluntarily admit defeat or are knocked out of the ring, you will be directly disqualified from the competition."

Immortal Yufeng finished speaking, and then the players in each arena began to take action.

Those disciples who matched the attributes of the fish arena were naturally at home, but they also became the opponents that many other disciples needed to get rid of first.

Soon, similar situations appeared in basically every arena, which was to unite first to deal with opponents with matching attributes.

After all, these contestants not only consume the least amount of energy, but can also absorb the power of attributes in the arena to recover during the battle.

The longer it goes on, then these people will definitely become the big winners in the end.

Only by joining forces to deal with them first can we have a greater chance of standing at the end.

Therefore, the matching of attributes has made them the target of public criticism to a certain extent.

Ling Feng was naturally ready to lie down again.

In fact, with his chaotic attributes, no matter which group he is assigned to, he can perfectly match the attributes of the arena.

The talent is so high that it is difficult to keep a low profile.

"Junior brother, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave the ring first!"

Not long after the knockout round started, Ling Feng was already faced with the siege of nearly ten contestants. After seeing Ling Feng's divine fire clone, these people already regarded Ling Feng as a powerful enemy that must be eliminated.

Of course, it is also Ling Feng's aura, which is relatively weak, and in the eyes of everyone, it is also the kind that is easier to control.

For example, the Red Flame Maniac also majored in fire attributes, but no one around him dared to attack him.

As for Xiao Xianling, she was already a little embarrassed just by resisting the flames of the arena. In addition, she was a woman, but she did not attract any firepower.

She very cautiously huddled in a corner of the ring, which was relatively safe.

Looking at the contestants in front of him, Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, obviously not taking them seriously.

However, we can use these people to delay time.

Ling Feng knew that they did not pose any threat to him, but the first round of the game might last a whole day, so he exposed his strength from the beginning and cleared them out of the field. Then, he would Will face the siege of more and stronger opponents.

Instead of doing this, it is better to pretend to be struggling and use these people to delay time.

After all, since he was besieged by nearly ten people, the targets of others would naturally shift.

In this way, he can survive the early melee period safely and wait for the number of people on the field to become smaller and smaller before showing his true strength. It is not too late.

After all, he had just been promoted to Dao Yan Realm, and there were more than ten inner disciples present, all of whom were Dao Fruit Realm Immortal Lords with more than nine Dao Fruits.

If these powerful enemies noticed him too early, Ling Feng would not dare to say that he was absolutely sure that he could survive the first round.

The rules of melee are that there are no rules and there are too many variables.

Exposing yourself too early is simply asking for trouble.

He frowned slightly and pretended to be very distressed. Under the siege of those contestants, he could only use the divine fire clone again and again. It looked like he was being chased and exhausted, but in fact, he was just fighting with these disciples. Let's just "play" a little and delay time.

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