Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3505 The beast is angry and the sword is sinking!

As time passes, the number of contestants in each group is rapidly decreasing.

About two hours later, the first arena with only ten people left appeared.

It turned out to be the wooden arena where Cheng Tianyong was standing. Above the arena, countless twisted tree stems and vines were seen sweeping through the arena space.

Those vines are covered with highly toxic barbs. Participants who are unfortunately hit or entangled by the vines are almost unable to suppress the poisonous attack in their bodies within two hours, and gradually fall into drowsiness, and naturally lose their ability. qualified to participate.

Fortunately, those toxins will only make the contestants comatose for about three days and are not fatal.

And this is the characteristic of Jiuyao New King Ranking. It not only requires competition with other contestants, but also competition with the arena.

If you can't even adapt to the environment of the arena, then what qualifications do you have to compete for the title of Jiu Yao?

It is worth mentioning that among the players who are still standing in the wooden arena, Cheng Tianyong is also among them.

"Hey, who is that boy?"

"He is not on the top 100 list!"

"It seems that he is a newly promoted inner sect disciple. He has only been promoted to the inner sect for less than two years."

"That guy is really cheating. He took out a wooden puppet from the very beginning, and he was inside the puppet's protective shield. He never made a move from the beginning to the end, and yet he managed to get into the top 100!"

"that is……"

In the spectator seats, a group of Tianzhi disciples began to discuss one after another.

But at the end of the day, any magic weapon, magic weapon, puppet, or magic circle is within the scope allowed by the rules of the game. Although Cheng Tianyong's promotion method is indeed somewhat shameless, promotion is promotion, which is an indisputable fact.

"But speaking of it, that boy's puppet is really powerful. Have you noticed just now that Senior Brother Shen Jianxin seems to have used the magical power of Beast Heart Fury before. It was an indiscriminate attack, and a terrifying beast king burst out across a hundred feet around him. Ordinary Taoist realm experts couldn't resist the roar and were knocked unconscious, but that kid was protected by the wooden puppet and didn't seem to be affected at all."

Shen Jianxin is also one of the top ten geniuses in the top 100 list, and is one of the favorites to win this year's ranking. Some people even speculate that Shen Jianxin's strength may have reached the Jiuyao level.

Being able to withstand the anger of Shen Jianxin Beast proves that Cheng Tianyong's wooden puppet is indeed extraordinary.

"No matter how powerful he is, it's just because his puppet is powerful. If he fights Senior Brother Shen head-on, that kid will reveal all his secrets."

"That's true, he's just a lucky guy!"


While the disciples were discussing, the situation in other arenas gradually entered a stalemate.

As time went by, the offensive of various attribute energies in the arena became more and more fierce, seeming to match the rhythm of clearing the arena.


Along with screams, many contestants in the fire arena were blasted out of the arena by flaming meteorites falling from the sky.

Those meteorites hit the chest solidly, followed by a terrifying explosion of flames. Not to mention the monks whose attributes were restrained, even the disciples with matching attributes would not be able to bear being hit like this.

At this time, the gap between the real masters and the mediocre disciples widened.

Those disciples who originally besieged Ling Feng had no time to think about anything else before Ling Feng got serious and tried their best to resist the dense attack of meteors and meteorites.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, was able to easily avoid the meteorite's attack with his strong sense of perception.

In the other corner of the arena, the Chiyan Kuang was still standing there with his arms crossed, motionless.

However, whether it was the earth fire erupting from the depths of the ground or the meteorites falling from the sky, they were all crushed into powder when they came within three feet of Chi Yan Kuang's body.

"This guy has actually condensed the fire explosion law to such an extent!"

Although Ling Feng cultivates the chaos attribute, the fire attribute is undoubtedly his best attribute, bar none.

He could also see that the three-foot domain around Chiyan Kuang had actually condensed the law of flame explosion to the point where it turned emptiness into reality and condensed it into a domain.

Those flames that are weaker than him will be directly transformed by his explosion field, or even directly absorbed by him.

This arena, which was full of dangers for other disciples, was like heaven to him.

Fortunately, he had no intention of taking action from beginning to end. Unless he was unlucky, contestants who were knocked flying to him would often be picked up by him with one hand and thrown out of the ring.

This guy's strength is simply not on the same level as the others. He is terrifying and tyrannical, and his oppressive power is no less than that of some elders from the inner sect.

Is this one of the top ten in the top 100 list, capable of challenging Jiuyao-level experts?

A hint of fighting spirit flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

The stronger his competitors became, the more passionate he became.

That's it, this is the reason why he wants to join Tianzhi!

Only Tianzhi, who has many geniuses and masters, can become his own training ground, allowing him to maintain the greatest motivation and constantly climb to higher peaks!

"What kind of monster is that guy?"

"He is by no means an ordinary new disciple!"

The disciples who had been besieging Ling Feng before were unable to attack for a long time and had already discovered the clues. Now, as the fire attribute offensive in the arena became more and more fierce, and they all began to become confused, Ling Feng changed his previous behavior. He looked flustered and anxious, but now seemed relaxed and happy.

They are not fools. They still don't understand that they are being played by this secretive junior brother.

For two whole hours, Ling Feng kept giving them the illusion that he could be eliminated soon. As a result, the disciples who besieged Ling Feng were eliminated one after another, but Ling Feng was still standing on the ring intact. .


Another huge meteorite, igniting with raging fire, took away the last disciple who had participated in the siege of Ling Feng. Ling Feng shrugged, his opponent fell before he could exert any force. How boring!


At this moment, a scream came, followed by a familiar voice, shouting crazily: "You bastard, come and save me!"

No need to guess, it must be Xiao Xianling.

I recall that when I first stepped into the ring, this little girl’s words, “I don’t need your help, and I won’t help you,” are still ringing in my ears. Can’t I hold on this time?

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He flashed his figure and directly used the divine fire clone. The next moment, as the flames condensed, Ling Feng appeared behind Xiao Xianling.

Probably because everyone knows more or less that she is the granddaughter of Jieyin Xianzun, and now Jieyinxianzun is watching from the main stand. Who dares to take the initiative to take action against Xiao Xianling?

Therefore, it is not surprising that this woman can persist until now.

However, looking at her disgraced look, she was clearly tortured by the flames in the arena.


Along with a burst of dragon roar, Ling Feng's fist blasted out like a red dragon, shattering a huge meteorite that was about to fall towards Xiao Xianling. He immediately reached out to grab Xiao Xianling's shoulder and led her to hide. He opened the ground fire that was about to break out and came to a relatively safe place.

"Phew... saved!"

Xiao Xianling breathed a sigh of relief. She turned around and saw that Ling Feng had saved her. She immediately turned into a face and said angrily: "Who... who wants your help!"

"It wasn't you who called me just now..."

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, this woman is killing her ass!

"Hmph, I called you brat. Did brat refer to you? Why are you so sentimental!" Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, but her face was a little hot. She was obviously extremely guilty.

"Okay, okay, consider me being sentimental, I won't care about you."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and turned to leave, but Xiao Xianling grabbed his wrist, "Huh, seeing as you still know how to save me, I won't be angry with you anymore!"


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Thank you so much!"

This girl is so angry for no reason!

He only cultivated one talisman and was promoted to the Daoyan realm. It was not a pity for him. Why was Xiao Xianling so regretful and still angry?

Although I know that she also cares about him, this is too lenient!

She is not his wife!

Xiao Xianling gritted her silver teeth and looked at the situation around her. On one side, the other remaining contestants were watching eagerly, and on the other side, the flames in the arena were constantly erupting. She would definitely not be able to survive on her own.

Moreover, she couldn't help but glance at the wind arena, and when she saw that the woman Mo Yurou was still there, her unwillingness to admit defeat immediately came up.

In front of grandpa, no matter what, no matter how he hugs Ling Feng's thigh, he must get into the top 100.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xianling held Ling Feng's wrist tightly and lowered her voice: "You brat, you have to help me survive this round!"


Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Who is that brat? I don't want to be so sentimental anymore!"

"You, you, you, say you can do it!"

Xiao Xianling was so angry that she stamped her feet. Did this bastard deliberately embarrass herself?

Ling Feng thought it was quite interesting to tease this girl, so he couldn't help but said: "Who are you?"


Xiao Xianling's eyes widened, "You brat, don't push yourself too far!"

"If you don't explain clearly, I can leave. You said it yourself. If you don't help me, you don't need my help."

Ling Feng said, turning around to leave.

How could Xiao Xianling let Ling Feng abandon her at this time? She quickly pulled Ling Feng and said: "Okay, okay, I made a mistake just now, I want it! I need you to help me! Brother Ling Feng, good brother, okay Come on!"

"Yeah, so-so."

Ling Feng suppressed his smile, then nodded, and said calmly: "Follow me!"

At the same time, on the high platform directly in front, only two of the three seats were occupied, namely Jie Yin Zun and Ming Shen Zun.

"That boy..."

Lord Mingshen recalled it for a moment and murmured: "It's quite impressive."

"He is one of the disciples who completed the Grade A mission during the last entry selection."

Jieyin Zun on the side said with a smile.


Ming Shenzun suddenly understood and nodded, "I said I saw it somewhere!"

Lord Mingshen smiled, then narrowed his eyes and said: "Old Xiao, you are quite fond of this boy, and he is very close to your little granddaughter. Why, is he the grandson-in-law you chose?"


Jie Yin Xianzun shook his head and smiled, "How dare I, an old man, interfere with that girl's affairs, but this Ling Feng boy does have something unique about him."

Isn't it unique? Otherwise, why would your Majesty personally arrange for Si Chen, who is unpredictable and even not as strong as himself, to be Ling Feng's maid, lurking beside him.

I don't know if it's a good thing that my little granddaughter is getting too close to Ling Feng.

Thinking of this, Jieyin Xianzun couldn't help but sigh, and said lightly: "Let's continue watching the game. It seems that the situation in each arena is similar. The first round of elimination is about to end!"

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