Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3506 One vs. Five! The incredible Wu Chengkong!

The sky is getting dark, and the first round of the elimination round of Jiuyao New King Ranking has started for nearly four hours.

Of the ten groups of arenas, more than half had only ten people left.

Ling Feng's fire group has also completed the elimination of the last person. Ling Feng and Xiao Xianling have successfully advanced and become the top ten players in the group.

The rules of the first round allowed for free formation of teams, so although Xiao Xianling was suspected of having a thigh, it was not against the rules.

When the disciples of the Tianzhi Organization perform tasks, they always work in teams of three or more, so they attach great importance to teamwork.

This point has also been fully reflected in the arena of the Billboard.

"it is finally over."

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief. As the eleventh man in the ring was knocked out of the ring, the raging flames on the field disappeared instantly, and the entire ring returned to calm.

Even the floor tiles underfoot, which were already devastated and torn apart, became intact in an instant.

This made Ling Feng have to admire, it is indeed the top magic circle in the fairyland, it is really magical!

"Phew, I've advanced!"

Xiao Xianling was panting heavily while looking at the wind team's arena. She found that Mo Yurou had also advanced, and immediately cast a provocative look.

The reason why Mo Yurou was able to advance was because she embraced another genius from the wind team.

"Hmph, that white-haired monster is so shameless. In order to advance, he actually..."

Halfway through her words, Xiao Xianling seemed to be choked by something.

It seems that he is doing the same thing as Mo Yurou, just laugh at the fifty steps and laugh at the hundred steps.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and couldn't help but look at the arenas of other groups.

After finally getting free time, I can also observe the strength of the masters in other groups.

On the fire team's side, needless to say, the domineering Red Flame Maniac. Although Ling Feng did not have a direct conflict with him, he had already felt the purgatory-like terrifying flames he controlled.

Even no less than the Demon Dragon Purifying World Fire controlled by Ling Feng himself.

Of course, his Demonic Dragon Purifying Fire is far from a complete form. Otherwise, once the Ancestral Dragon-level dragon fire comes out, even a master of the level of Jie Yin Xianzun will only be defeated instantly.

As for the wind group, Mo Yurou's thigh, Ling Feng was somewhat impressed.

The man in a green robe, whose name is Yan Wufeng, is also one of the top ten in the "Top 100 List".

The reason why Ling Feng had some impression of this Yan Wufeng was because this Yan Wufeng had always admired Yufeng Immortal Lord and could be said to be a fanatical supporter of Yufeng Immortal Lord.

Moreover, the way he practiced basically imitated, and could even be said to have copied the path of Yufeng Immortal Lord.

Therefore, Yan Wufeng is basically a "little Yufeng Immortal". According to Yufeng Immortal himself, Yan Wufeng has reached at least about 80% of his strength.

The 80% strength of Yufeng Immortal Lord is also 80% of the Six Yu level!

This is undoubtedly another powerful enemy, so in the ranking of the top 100, Yan Wufeng is even above Chiyan Kuang.

Under his information, there is a record of Yan Wufeng's nearly one hundred challenges, with a winning rate of 99%. The only one he lost was when he challenged the strong Jiu Yao.

And that was already what happened in the last Jiuyao New King Ranking.

In other words, this is not only the first time for Yan Wufeng to participate in the Jiuyao New King Ranking, but he has also won the top ten in the Ranking!

Otherwise, he is not qualified to challenge Jiu Yao!

Ling Feng's eyes swept across the groups of arenas, one by one matching the top experts in each group with the names on the top 100 list.

Basically, there is not much error in this list. The masters recorded in the top ten are all the ones with the most terrifying auras in each group of arenas.

However, there may be some errors in the final ranking of the top 100 players. One is due to the emergence of new players, and the other is due to certain interference due to grouping or team formation.

Overall, the top 100 lists basically have an accuracy rate of 60 to 70 percent, which is pretty good.

At this moment, only the last group was left in the arena where the competition was still going on.

Surprisingly, it was the Yang group that Wu Chengkong was in. The interference of the Yang group's arena attributes was a little different from other arenas. The Zhiyang attribute was similar to the fire attribute in a sense, but it was not the same.

The breath of Zhiyang will activate the power of Qi and blood in the body, causing people to gradually fall into a state of war-loving that is almost crazy.

Therefore, the situation in the Yang group's arena is different from that of other groups.

The top players in other groups would avoid premature battles, but this was not the case in the Yang group.

It was fine at the beginning, but as time passed, when there were almost twenty people left in the arena, Wu Chengkong and several other immortal monarchs who had reached the ninth level of Dao Fruit Realm or above, actually started to get into a melee. among.

During this fight, no one stayed behind. From the beginning, they were fighting on their own, and in the end, they were fighting, and it turned into a one-on-five situation with Wu Chengkong.

Moreover, in the Daoyan realm, one person can challenge the five nine-fruit immortal kings!

The terrible battle lasted for a long time, forcing the other contestants to cower in the corner. Therefore, the final ten people could not be decided for a long time.

The audience in the audience was already in a state of excitement.

"Is that guy really a new inner disciple? He is simply a pervert!"

"A newcomer dares to challenge five, and it's still the Wuming Nine-Fruit Immortal Lord. The key is that he still doesn't fall behind. Monster! He must be a monster!"

"Among his opponents, there are also Senior Brother Huang An and Senior Brother Lu Xing, both of whom were among the top thirty in the last session!"

"The strongest newcomer in this class, no need to ask, it must be Wu Chengkong!"

"The key is that he is in the Daoyan realm!"


Almost everyone in the audience was attracted by the battle in the Yang group ring. No one expected that such a wonderful battle would take place in just the first round of elimination.

In the realm of Daoyan, if you fight against five, you will never fall behind.

Regardless of whether Wu Chengkong can become the champion of this year, Wu Chengkong's name is destined to become a legend!

"That rascal……"

Ling Feng also took a deep breath. It seemed that not only did he get astonishing benefits from that Xiaohan Pond, Wu Chengkong's gains were probably no less than his own.

However, he did not envy Wu Chengkong.

Only he himself understands what the Chaos Talisman Seal means.

"As expected of Boss Wu!"

In the thunder group arena, Nan Xiaolie clenched his fists excitedly. This guy also made it into the top 100, but he looked a little embarrassed.

He was on the verge of being knocked out of the ring several times, but every time he saw Ling Feng still in the ring, not yet knocked down, he burst out with amazing fighting spirit, surviving in the cracks, and actually made it into the group for him. of the top ten.

But compared to Ling Feng, apart from deliberately pretending to be hiding in the early stage, he not only stood firm in the later stage, but was also able to lead the girl to the promotion!

Nan Xiaolie felt hatred in his heart!

In more than two years, it seems that the gap between me and Ling Feng has been widened.

But this guy is quite straightforward. Just now he was gnashing his teeth while looking at Ling Feng, but when he saw Wu Chengkong, he started waving flags and shouting again.

Boom boom boom!

In the Yang group arena, terrible explosions swept through, and the strong wind raged. Every storm was mixed with the strong wind of the Yang attribute.

This kind of strong wind continued to stimulate the fighting spirit in the warrior's heart, and even Wu Chengkong's state of mind became more and more fanatical.

Otherwise, with his forbearance and low profile, he would never do such a thankless thing of one versus five.

Moreover, it is undoubtedly unwise to expose too much strength in the knockout rounds.

But the situation has come to this, and it is difficult to get off the tiger.

If he doesn't get rid of the five senior brothers in front of him, he will be eliminated in the first round.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Chengkong swept the spear in his hand, and the shot was like breaking through the galaxy and tearing apart the void.

"Crazy dragon fighting!"

Amidst the roar, Wu Chengkong held a spear in his hand, and a dazzling golden light erupted all over his body, and the divine patterns on his body quickly began to spread from his palms.

A change!

Two changes!

Three changes!

Four changes!

Five changes!

After five changes, Wu Chengkong's aura exploded again and again, rising again and again, reaching an unparalleled level of terror.

"Oh my god, the five-changing sky pattern!"

"That guy has only been in the inner sect for two years, right? The fifth transformation of the sky pattern? I have been here for more than two hundred years, and I can only stand the third transformation!"

"The increase in the five-variable sky pattern, dear, this guy is incredible!"

Everyone's eyes widened as they watched Wu Chengkong perform the "Eight Wastelands Dragon-Slaying Technique" of the Holy Spear Immortal Sect. Could it be that there was a master who reached the top thirty in the last ranking list? This time , actually want to be eliminated in the knockout round?

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