Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3509 Abnormal difficulty!

Whoosh whoosh!

As Yufeng Immortal Lord finished speaking, one hundred inner sect elites who had passed the knockout round flew towards the ring one after another.

Ling Feng and Cheng Tianyong looked at each other, and the next moment, they also used their magical power to fly, shooting out lightning. In the blink of an eye, their figures disappeared into the barrier of the golden light barrier.

The moment you pass through the barrier, it's like passing through a layer of water.

The barrier's waves surged, and strong time and space tides hit, as if entering another level of space.

"This Tianzhi's foundation is truly remarkable!"

Ling Feng secretly admired in his heart that in just half an hour, the arena could actually evolve into a small independent world.

Moreover, it is made up of ten layers of planes superimposed, which is really strange and extraordinary!

The person who designed the arena formation has mastered the laws of space to a level that he could never imagine.

If you can master a magic circle of this level, you can use this magic circle to trap an opponent who is difficult to deal with and buy yourself time to escape.

It's a pity that Ling Feng has always had a partial understanding of Zhenfa Yi, and his level is probably even inferior to Yu Junyao's.

After all, Ling Feng possesses a rare treasure like the boundary-breaking shuttle and can freely pass through any formation barrier.


Suddenly, Ling Feng seemed to remember something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This arena space has ten layers of planes superimposed on each other. According to Yufeng Immortal, everyone will be teleported to different planes every quarter of an hour.

The planes they faced represented the power of ten different laws.

But the planes are also separated by barriers.

Wouldn't my own boundary-breaking shuttle be tantamount to cheating in this kind of battlefield?

Fortunately, when we went to Xuanyuan Cold Island, although the boundary-breaking shuttle was damaged to a certain extent, it was completely restored to its original state after Kuangshan's repairs.

After entering the teleportation channel, his eyes briefly fell into darkness. After a while, when the light returned to his eyes, Ling Feng slowly fell from the sky and stood on the crown of a towering tree.

Below is a huge lake. It is quiet, but it has a hint of danger.

"Is this the water plane?"

Ling Feng stared in all directions, and at the same time, through the pupil technique of "Void Sky Vientiane", he evolved the Eye of the Emperor, and then displayed infinite vision.

The infinite vision displayed in this way is probably less than one-third of the coverage area of ​​the Eye of Heaven, but the advantage is that there is no need to condense the divine patterns of heaven.

This competition space seems to be isolated from the outside world, but from the outside, every move of all the players inside can be observed without any blind spots.

In other words, no one has any secrets inside.

In full view of the public, Ling Feng did not dare to be careless, let alone expose his emperor's eyes.

In addition to being able to use powerful soul attacks, Xutian Wanxiang can also conceal one's own Emperor's Eye to a certain extent.

This alone is enough.

As the infinite horizon was covered, Ling Feng was surprised to find that although it was just a space temporarily created by the arena formation, the water plane alone actually exceeded the coverage of the infinite horizon.

In other words, it is at least several hundred miles away!

Contestants have only two tasks in this space.

First, look for promotion orders.

Second, survive!

However, currently, there is no clue as to how to find the promotion order.

We can only take one step at a time and see one step at a time.

While Ling Feng was still inquiring about the surrounding environment, at the same time, attrition was already occurring everywhere in the tenth plane.

There were even some unlucky ones who were "died" directly when they landed. With a flash of golden light, they were directly teleported out of the space and were immediately disqualified from the competition.

Whoosh whoosh!

In less than a quarter of an hour, seven contestants were already eliminated, and they were all eliminated on the ground. They didn't even have time to see their surroundings clearly.

Seeing the fellow sufferers around them, these disciples couldn't help but complain.

"Damn it, I just entered and fell directly into the lair of a group of flaming leopards. Before I could react, I was killed! I don't accept being eliminated like this!"

"I'm about the same. I'm so unlucky. I entered a forest of swords, and there were all upside-down sword blades below. I originally wanted to use my body skills to get around it, but instead I was locked in by a terrible attraction and fell straight into it. He entered the forest of swords and stabbed me to the core!"

"I was even worse. I fell into a swamp when I landed. There was a group of terrifying monsters growing under the swamp. I didn't even know what the monsters were, but I was taken away by something like a tentacle! "

As he said this, the disciple was still in shock and covered his private parts. It seems that his "death" method should be quite unforgettable.

"Brother, it's you who will be miserable!"

"Damn it, we're all in trouble!"

The eliminated contestants huddled together to keep warm, while most of the contestants still within the competition space began to run exhausted.

Why are you looking for a promotion order? It’s so important to save your life!

On the high platform, the elders couldn't help but frowned when they saw this scene.

Ming Shen Zun had a serious expression on his face and waved to Yufeng Immortal Lord from a distance.

Yufeng Immortal Lord quickly flew down next to Ming Shen Zun, bowed and said: "Master Immortal Lord, what's the matter?"

"Who designed this arena is a bit..."

Ming Shenzun frowned, was this designed to eliminate everyone?


Yufeng Immortal Lord quickly took out a record book, checked it carefully, and then whispered: "It seems to be designed by Elder Li Ge of the Presbyterian Church. He designed more than fifty different maps in total, so the final one was randomly At this time, the probability of randomly arriving at Elder Li Ge’s map is slightly higher.”

"This old thing!"

Ming Shen Zun frowned, "In the Presbyterian Council, the most perverted one is that old guy. You should destroy the things he designed as soon as possible. Do you understand that you should destroy them!"

Immortal Yufeng looked troubled and could only apologize and smile.

You are the famous Ming Shen Zun. You dare to destroy the design of Elder Li Ge, but I am just an inner disciple.

It sounds like he is called Yufeng Immortal Lord, but in reality he is just a little disciple.

How could he have the courage?

After all, it was more humane to pick up the Immortal Lord. He gently pressed the shoulders of the Ming Shen Lord, and then said with a faint smile: "Although the design of this map is a little more difficult, after all, there is no danger of life, and it is more capable of testing these batches." What’s the standard of the disciples!”

Before he finished speaking, the next moment, another golden light was transmitted from the ring.

His precious granddaughter Xiao Xianling was also directly eliminated.

For a moment, Jieyinxian Zun's face darkened a bit, and after taking deep breaths several times, he cursed in a low voice, "All the things designed by that old pervert should indeed be destroyed!"

Xiao Xianling's strength was limited, so being eliminated was expected.

As for Ling Feng, he finally discovered that the environment he was in was not very safe!


The big tree under his feet suddenly seemed to come alive. Ling Feng's feet slipped first, and then the overwhelming branches and vines swept towards Ling Feng crazily.

In just an instant, Ling Feng's entire body was tied up and tightly entangled by vines, and even his head was submerged in the vines covered with barbs.

These vines have nerve-paralyzing poison. If it were an ordinary person, they would have lost consciousness and been eliminated in this moment.

It's a pity that Ling Feng has a body that is immune to all poisons. He is completely immune to poisons of this level.

It's just that those sharp barbs scratched the skin, causing the blood to flow, and to a large extent, suppressed Ling Feng's self-healing ability.

The ability of the immortal golden body did indeed become quite useless after arriving in the Immortal Realm.


The next moment, along with the sound of a dragon roar, Ling Feng's body was ignited with the domineering demon dragon's world-purifying fire. The fire defeated the wood. Under the dragon fire, the vines quickly turned into ashes, and Ling Feng regained control of his body.

At the first moment, Ling Feng quickly used the divine fire clone to escape from the area covered by the big tree and flew above the lake.

Surrounded by smoke waves, the seemingly calm water surface made Ling Feng feel uneasy.

Sure enough, a bloody mouth suddenly burst out of the water and was about to swallow Ling Feng in one bite.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, and he used Jiuyou's Instant Body Technique to avoid the bloody mouth. When he looked closely, he saw a huge head, several feet wide, covered with tough scales, and it actually swallowed the whole thing. Sky python!

Moreover, judging from the aura, it has completely surpassed those Immortal Lords at the Nine Fruit level, even if it is not as good as Yufeng Immortal Lord, it is almost the same!

Ling Feng's scalp was numb. Such a big sky-swallowing python, with a pair of scarlet eyes, was like two huge lanterns. Even from hundreds of meters away, the smell of the bloody mouth was almost overwhelming. People gag.

And on the forehead of the sky-swallowing python, there seemed to be a palm-sized token with the word "promotion" vaguely visible on it.

Could it be that promotion order pieces are scattered outside, on the foreheads of powerful and terrifying monsters?

This is really a fucking genius design!

Ling Feng couldn't help but want to scold his mother. When encountering a sky-swallowing python of this level, it was too late to escape, so he still took the promotion order from its forehead?

Are you kidding me?

This must be a joke!

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