Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3510 A way to break the situation!

Bang bang bang!

The sky-swallowing giant python appeared, causing a huge wave of chaos.

Above the entire water area, thousands of miles of turbulent waves swept across the water, turning into water dragons more than a hundred feet long, sweeping toward Lingfeng crazily.

The terrible pressure made even Ling Feng feel numb.

He immediately realized that the power of this sky-swallowing python could not be defeated by himself alone.

After all, this is still the arena space, and Ling Feng has too many trump cards that he cannot use in public.

In particular, the most powerful method he currently has, the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, is also unable to be used.

Otherwise, the moment the demonic energy is released, he will probably be regarded as a public enemy by the entire Tianzhi.

Under the premise that the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation cannot be used, it is simply difficult for Ling Feng to confront this sky-swallowing python head-on with his current cultivation at the early stage of the Dao Evolution Realm.

Unless, with the cooperation of several companions, the sky-swallowing python may be temporarily suppressed and the promotion order embedded on its forehead can be taken away.

But for now, it's better for me to avoid its edge for the time being.

There was a flash of lightning, and Ling Feng's Jiuyou Teleportation Technique was launched, and he evaded more than a dozen waterspout attacks. At the moment when the huge tail of the sky-swallowing python slashed down on its head, it took a quarter of an hour. ,finally reached!

The next moment, Ling Feng's figure was withdrawn into the void. After a short teleportation, Ling Feng entered another plane.

Fire plane!

The magma purgatory that can be seen everywhere makes Ling Feng feel refreshed.

With his previous experience in the water plane, Ling Feng did not dare to be careless at all, and directly released the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire, covering his whole body, and looked around with vigilant eyes.

This time, he did not release the infinite vision, but directly radiated the power of divine consciousness.

Perhaps it is because of the restrictions of the rules of this space, or perhaps those monsters that were fabricated out of thin air do not have a real breath of life at all. The role of infinite horizons in this space is quite limited.

Otherwise, Ling Feng would not have been unable to discover the sky-swallowing python hidden under the lake.



At this moment, two figures flew over. They were two Nine-Fruit Immortal Lords, one male and one female, each looking at the other cautiously.

Gulu gulu gulu...

The magma below is constantly emitting hot bubbles, accompanied by waves of thick black smoke, which makes people feel uneasy.

No one knows what kind of terrifying monsters are hidden under this magma.

"My name is Li Yunfei, and this is Junior Sister Chu Yunchu. This junior brother, I believe you have discovered that those promotion orders are probably hidden in the guardian beasts of various planes. We can't do anything based on our own abilities alone. It is difficult to obtain promotion orders. If we continue to kill each other, I am afraid that we will all be eliminated in the end. Therefore, if junior brother is willing, the three of us can form a team for the time being. If we can be transported to the same plane again in the future , how about continuing the cooperative relationship?”


Ling Feng nodded. The two of them understood each other, but he couldn't trust each other too much. After all, they were still in a competitive relationship.

If promotion orders are obtained, how to distribute them is also a problem.

Therefore, cooperation is cooperation, but we still cannot fully trust them.

"My name is Ling Feng, and my two senior brothers and sisters are willing to take me with them. There is no reason why I should not agree."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. At this moment, the magma pool below began to become restless.

Immediately afterwards, a heat wave raged, and the scorching hot magma splashed out. Then, from the depths of the magma, three huge heads popped out at the same time!

"It's the three-headed wave of Yanjing!"

That Li Yunfei was well-informed, he recognized the giant beast under the magma at a glance, and his scalp suddenly felt numb.

Those with such big heads must be at least three-headed waves from Yanjing with more than five thousand years of cultivation.

Moreover, judging from the aura, it seemed to be a bit stronger than the sky-swallowing giant python we encountered before.

"Could it be..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, as if he was thinking of something, and a bad thought flashed through his mind, and he quickly asked: "Senior Brother Li, Senior Sister Chu, do the strange beasts you encountered for the first time before have breaths better than those of the Three Flame Prisons?" Is the head wave a little worse?”


Li Yunfei and Chu Yun looked at each other, and then nodded at the same time, "It seems that it is indeed the case!"

"It looks like my guess was good!"

Ling Feng frowned and gritted his teeth: "I discovered some clues when I was just teleported here. Now I have received confirmation from two senior brothers and sisters, which also proves my guess."

"What guess?"

Li Yunfei and Chu Yun asked simultaneously.

At the same time, the three-headed wave of the Flame Prison had also flown out from the depths of the magma. Its three huge mouths opened at the same time, and each of them sprayed more than a dozen cannon-like fire bombs at the three of them.

Ling Feng quickly ducked out of the way, while frowning and saying: "Similar to the first round of competition, as time goes by, the attribute power of each plane will gradually increase. The most direct manifestation is that every time we teleport, The guardian monsters in each space will become stronger and stronger, and the difficulty of obtaining the promotion order will become higher and higher!"


Li Yunfei's expression changed suddenly. The current level of difficulty was already killing people. Every time they were teleported, the power of these strange beasts would increase. The longer they were delayed, the harder it would be to fight.

And with the existence of this teleportation mechanism, you may be halfway through the fight, and you are almost ready to win, but you are teleported away again. All previous efforts have been in vain.

Is the purpose of this second round of assessment to eliminate everyone?

At the same time, Jieyinzun and Mingshenzun who were on the referee's bench were obviously aware of this.

The two powerful figures looked at each other, both seeing the helpless look in each other's eyes.

The game has started, so naturally it cannot be paused.

But if this trend continues, the person who can pass the test in the end may be...

"That old monster, Elder Li Ge, should be permanently deprived of his power to design competition maps!"

Ming Shenzun frowned. It had only been a quarter of an hour since the second round of competition ended, and the number of people eliminated had already exceeded ten.

Moreover, these contestants must persist in the assessment space for a whole day.

According to the frequency of transmission once every quarter of an hour, the power of those guardian monsters will be increased nearly a hundred times throughout the day!

After nearly a hundred increases, I am afraid that these strange beasts will be increased to the level of immortals.

Therefore, the sooner the better, the better. Not only that, but in the later stages, one must continue to survive the attacks of these strange beasts until the end of the game.

With such harsh conditions, it is really unimaginable how many people can successfully advance in the end.

Thirty promotion orders are obviously designed to be too many. It is estimated that there will be ten people in the end, which will exceed expectations.

"Indeed, it should be so! It's better to appeal to the Council of Elders and deprive Elder Li Ge of his design rights."

Jie Yin Xianzun also shook his head and smiled bitterly. Even if the map designed by Elder Li Ge was used to test the six-level warriors, it would probably make these talented elites loose a few layers of bones, let alone this. It's just a Jiuyao level screening competition.

Ho ho ho!

The three wolf heads roared together, and the sound waves erupted were almost overwhelming.

Ling Feng frowned. In less than thirty breaths, their temporary team was almost facing attrition.

At that moment, Chu Yun was unable to dodge and was almost killed by the wolf's claws.

If Ling Feng hadn't stopped her in time, this senior sister at the level of the Nine-Fruit Immortal Lord would have been eliminated directly.

After all, this team is still a bit uninteresting!

Ling Feng sighed lightly. With his cultivation in the early stage of Dao Yan Realm, he actually disliked two teammates at the level of Nine Fruit Immortal Lord. It might make people laugh if he said it.

But that's exactly what happened.

Li Yunfei and Chu Yun also clearly noticed that this junior brother who was supposed to be "cannon fodder" actually showed strength that was completely inconsistent with his realm.

And so far, the only damage they have caused to the Three-Headed Wave of Flame Hell was caused by Ling Feng.

The two of them ran for their lives almost the whole time, with zero output!

Although there is a certain reason, it is because Ling Feng seems to be majoring in the fire system, and the attributes of the two of them are restrained to a certain extent, but they did not expect that they could be so defiant in the early Daoyan realm. .

Er Lingfeng already had other plans in mind.

In a natural state, every time a teleportation occurs, the guardian beasts of each plane will be strengthened. Therefore, this increase cannot be allowed to continue to accumulate.

He had to break the rules of teleportation.

Secondly, there are teammates!

In this situation where there is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, the choice of teammates is particularly critical.

For example, Li Yunfei and Chu Yun were only able to protect themselves. The possibility of teaming up with them to seize the promotion order was slim.

He must win over monster teammates like Wu Chengkong, and then use the advantage of the boundary-breaking shuttle to break through the teleportation circle and take down one of the guardian beasts in one go.

Only in this way can we have a chance to reverse the situation.

Otherwise, it is too passive.

Of course, Ling Feng did not tell Li Yunfei and the others what he said.

From a selfish point of view, Ling Feng had done his best to act with them for just a quarter of an hour.

Otherwise, if Ling Feng was more shameless and just set up the boundary-breaking shuttle and ran away, wouldn't these two people just have to wait for death?

To blame, I can only blame their mediocre qualifications...

Ling Feng took a deep breath and persisted with Li Yunfei and Chu Yun for a quarter of an hour. Then, under the surprised and grateful gazes of the two, the three of them were teleported to different planes.

"From this time on, companions must be screened carefully!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. He wanted to bring a few trusted companions to use the boundary-breaking shuttle to break the teleportation rules, and then cooperate with each other to obtain the promotion order.

This is also the best way he can think of to clear the level at the moment.


After a short teleportation, Ling Feng entered a world where the wind was howling.

The laws of the wind system have evolved into sharp wind knives all over the sky. Needless to say, this is naturally a world of the wind system.

And the next moment, within the range of his spiritual perception, a relatively reliable teammate finally appeared.

Yan Wufeng!

Yes, this person known as "Little Yufeng Immortal Lord" is also one of the favorites to win the championship in this year's Jiuyao New Lord Ranking.

If you can win over this companion, your chances of seizing the promotion order will naturally be greatly improved.

"Senior Brother Yan!"

Ling Feng smiled and stepped forward to greet him, but he didn't expect that what he faced was not the same smiling face, but Yan Wufeng's cold sword, which seemed to separate heaven and earth, forcing him back several feet.

"Senior brother, what do you mean?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. It seemed that he had never provoked this guy before, right?

"Sorry, I have been asked to ask Junior Brother Ling to leave here first."

Yan Wufeng sighed lightly, and without further explanation, he pressed forward with his sword.

Ling Feng clenched his fists and cursed secretly in his heart. However, although he didn't like to actively cause trouble, he was not afraid of it either.

So what about Yan Wufeng?

If you want to eliminate me, I will kick you out first!

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