Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3511 Nine Tribulations of Yufeng! The sky is in flames!

With a swing of the sword, Yan Wufeng's figure was divided into nine parts, trapping Ling Feng in the formation with a combined attack.

And each clone is so fast that it is almost impossible to catch it with the naked eye.

Even if Ling Feng concentrated his consciousness and used his spiritual thoughts to search for Yan Wufeng's movement track, he could only vaguely see a few afterimages.

Each clone has the same aura as the original body, so much so that even Ling Feng couldn't tell which one was the original body for a moment.

Moreover, in this world filled with wind laws, Yan Wufeng is undoubtedly more powerful, and his Nine Tribulation Formation of Wind Control can also exert 200% of its power.

"What an amazing speed!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. This Yan Wufeng was worthy of the name of "Little Yufeng Immortal Lord". His speed was the only one Ling Feng had ever seen in his life.

Even compared to ordinary immortals, they are not inferior.

"The Wind Control Nine Tribulation Formation..."

On the high platform, Immortal Yufeng shook his head and sighed, obviously noticing Yan Wufeng's attack on Ling Feng.

"Brother Ling, I'm afraid you may be in trouble this time!"

Because he helped Mo Yurou cheat Ling Feng once before, Yufeng Immortal Lord has always felt guilty towards Ling Feng.

Now, seeing Ling Feng trapped under the Nine Tribulation Formation of Yufeng, which he was best at, Yufeng Immortal felt somewhat uncomfortable.

But at this moment, he saw that Mo Yurou, who had been eliminated, had a hint of a treacherous smile in her eyes.

"This girl..."

Immortal Yufeng frowned, could it be that this girl was deliberately threatening Yan Wufeng to deal with Ling Feng?

After all, based on his understanding of Yan Wufeng, if there was no reason for the incident, how could he target others for no reason.

"This crazy girl!"

Yufeng Xianjun was furious, this sister was really annoying and she was causing trouble for herself.

When this competition is over, she must be taught a lesson, and she cannot be allowed to act recklessly again.

At the same time, Ling Feng was trapped in Yan Wufeng's "Wind Control Nine Tribulation Formation", facing the fierce offensive of the nine clones, he could only passively take the beating.

Yan Wufeng's speed was really too fast.

Fortunately, the "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" he practiced has made certain progress in the past few years. Although it has not completely transformed into a dragon bone, it has gradually completed the dragon bone casting.

Coupled with the nine-color dragon scales covering his body, he was able to survive Yan Wufeng's wind knife.

"Junior brother Ling is so capable. He is at the Dao Yan realm, but he is able to withstand my wind-controlling blade."

Yan Wufeng couldn't help but admire Ling Feng, but unfortunately, he promised Mo Yurou to eliminate Ling Feng in the second round.

Otherwise, he hoped to defeat Ling Feng head-on in a fair fight in the top ten arena.

Of course, in Yan Wufeng's opinion, Ling Feng's strength was at the top ten level at best.

This is already a pretty high rating.

After all, Ling Feng was only in the Daoyan realm.

Ling Feng was trapped in the formation and felt dizzy. He still knew too little about these high-level Daoguo realm monks.

Could it be that in this round of the competition, the secret technique that was learned in the Xiaohan Pond, "Breaking the Path to Forge the Soul"?


It's too early!

If his trump card is exposed too early, then in the decisive battle, it may be difficult for him to have a chance to compete with other talented and talented people.

It's a pity that I can't use Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, otherwise, I wouldn't be so passive.

In times of crisis, we can only continue to support ourselves and delay time.

Wait for the random transmission for a quarter of an hour.

Yan Wufeng obviously saw Ling Feng's plan and sneered, "Junior brother Ling, with just that layer of dragon scale armor on your body, I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand my attack for a quarter of an hour!"

His eyes turned cold, and the blue light burst out all over his body, and the scope of the Wind Control Nine Tribulations Formation was doubled.

The frequency of the wind knives shooting out all over the sky has increased several times.

Every time the wind knife brushes against the dragon scales on Ling Feng's body, violent sparks will be triggered.

The nine-color dragon scales were beginning to be too much for them.

If Ling Feng hadn't cultivated to the realm of dragon bone casting, he might have been unable to suppress the flow of energy and blood in his body.


At this moment, a roar shook the void.

The fierce battle between Ling Feng and Yan Wufeng finally alerted the giant beast hidden under the storm.

Between the electric light and flint, a pair of huge wingspan emerged from the storm, and then, a pair of golden pupils flashed, shooting out a chilling light, firmly connecting Ling Feng and Yan Wufeng. People locked.

"The owl with split golden eyes?"

Yan Wufeng's expression changed, and at the critical moment, the figure of the Sky-Splitting Owl actually disappeared in front of the two people, and even within their perception.

The next moment, when sharp claws and golden pupils appeared, one of Yan Wufeng's clones had been torn to pieces by the Sky Split Owl.

Ling Feng took the opportunity to break out of the Wind Control Nine Tribulation Formation and shot out a dozen fire dragons condensed with flames with his backhand, blocking Yan Wufeng's retreat.

"Senior Brother Yan, enjoy yourself!"

When the voice fell, Ling Feng had already used the boundary-breaking shuttle. Although he still didn't understand the transmission rules of these ten planes, he could only bite the bullet and give it a try.

"Boundary Breaking Shuttle?"

Yan Wufeng was also a well-informed person, and he recognized Lingfeng's boundary-breaking shuttle at a glance. How could a mere Daoyan realm monk in Lingfeng have such a treasure?

But right now, he has no time to worry about this.

Because he was already being targeted by the Sky Split Owl, he had no choice but to defeat the dozens of fire dragon incarnations shot by Ling Feng, but he was already a step behind and was hit hard by the Sky Split Owl.

There was a click, and his right arm was directly broken. Fortunately, Yan Wufeng reacted quickly enough, otherwise, he might have been torn in half by the Sky Split Owl, and he would have been completely disqualified from the competition.

"You beast!"

Yan Wufeng was also hit by the real fire. He didn't care about hiding his trump card, and directly used another cyan ruler-shaped magic weapon to fight with the Sky Split Owl.

Outside the ring space, Xiao Xianling and others, who had been paying close attention to the battle between Ling Feng and Yan Wufeng, were obviously relieved.

Yufeng Immortal Lord also showed a smile and was secretly thankful. Fortunately, Ling Feng adapted to the situation and escaped.

The Ming Shen Zun and Jieyin Zun looked at each other, obviously surprised that Ling Feng actually had such a treasure as the World Breaking Shuttle.

"Is this boundary-breaking shuttle a bit of cheating?"

Lord Mingshen narrowed his eyes and smiled lightly.

"In the face of such a perverted assessment, cheating is normal!" The Immortal Master Jie Yin stroked his long beard, directly acquiescing to Ling Feng's use of the boundary-breaking shuttle in the assessment.

Let's say that Yan Wufeng was caught in a bitter battle with the Sky Split Owl, while on the other side, Ling Feng controlled the boundary-breaking shuttle and crashed directly into the depths of the void.

Before Ling Feng could react, he crashed directly into a ball of fire.

The next moment, Ling Feng re-entered the world of fire laws. The boundary-breaking shuttle returned to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Ling Feng's eyes were immediately attracted by the roar coming from the distance.

From a distance, I saw three pillars of fire rising into the sky, trapping the three waves of the Flame Hell in the fire formation.

"Du Tian Yanhuo Immortal Formation?"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. He had seen this immortal formation on the fourth floor of the Sutra Pavilion. It was also a king-level immortal technique.

Being able to practice to this point, and actually trap the three-headed waves of the Flame Prison, which are also fire attributes, shows that the monks who use this Immortal Formation are by no means ordinary.

After all, he had fought against the three-headed wave of Flame Prison before and knew how terrifying it was.

Sure enough, Ling Feng took a closer look and saw that the person who was fighting fiercely with the Three Waves of Flame Hell was none other than the Red Flame Maniac he had met in the fire arena before.

Among the top 100 list, the top ten terrifying existences.

This one-hand Dutianyanhuo Immortal Formation is enough for him to dominate among the many inner disciples.

Unfortunately, perhaps because of the fire element, although Chiyan Kuang was trapped, he could not completely suppress it, let alone take away the promotion order on its forehead.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he flew forward.

Ling Feng's approach quickly attracted Chi Yan Kuang's attention.

Chi Yan Kuang turned around and glared at Ling Feng coldly. Although he did not speak, the terrifying pressure that came over him like a tidal wave obviously wanted Ling Feng to retreat in spite of the difficulties. Don't think that he was suppressing the three-headed wave of Yanjing. You can take advantage of the situation.

"Senior Brother Chi Yan misunderstood!"

Ling Feng waved his hand quickly, "One person's strength is limited after all. In this assessment, there are a total of thirty promotion orders. In my opinion, it is more than enough. In this case, why should we kill each other? It is better to cooperate and help each other, maybe We can advance together.”


Chi Yankuang finally spoke for the first time. He glanced at Ling Feng with a sneer, "On your behalf?"

Obviously, those who are in the early stage of Daoyan realm in Lingfeng cannot enter the Red Flame Mad Dharma Eye at all.

Although Ling Feng's performance in the first round of elimination was pretty good, not even inferior to the ordinary Nine Fruit Immortal Lord, it was still far behind the others.

"What you say is unfounded."

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and black thunder suddenly began to gather around him.

"Senior Brother Chiyan, just trap these three wolves, and I will help you kill them!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he said word by word: "The first promotion order that I took down belongs to you!"


Chi Yankuang stared at Ling Feng in disbelief. Firstly, he didn't believe that Lingfeng could kill the three-headed wave of Yanjing. Secondly, Ling Feng actually wanted to give up the first promotion order?

After all, as time goes by, the guardian beasts in the arena space will become stronger and more terrifying, and the difficulty of seizing the promotion order will become higher and higher.

And in the future, they may not be able to meet and act together.


After hesitating for a moment, Chi Yan Kuang finally nodded, "If you can really kill these three wolves, I will cooperate with you!"

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