Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3512: Stand out!

"It's a deal!"

Ling Feng's eyes condensed, and his figure turned into a thunderbolt, breaking into the red flame mad Dutian Flame Fire Immortal Formation.

Chi Yankuang's eyes narrowed, and he immediately made a hand trick. A layer of light red fire instantly adhered to Ling Feng's body, allowing him to remain within the fire array without being affected, and even to a certain extent, he could continue to Replenish the mana consumed by Ling Feng.


There was a faint arc at the corner of Ling Feng's mouth. This Chi Yan Kuang was indeed completely different from the Li Yunfei and his ilk he had encountered before. When facing the three wolves of Flame Hell, Li Yunfei and the others were panicked and frightened, while Chi Yan Kuang was... It is the ability to be calm and analyze the overall situation.

"Humph, there's no need to say thank you. Let me see if you can only talk nonsense!"

After Chi Yan Kuang's words fell, another stream of terrifying flames immediately erupted within the immortal formation.

"Samadhi is really hot!"

"Red Lotus Ye Yan!"

"Li Huo Ju Yan!"

"Netherworld's violent fire!"

"Extremely cold fire!"

In an instant, five flames with completely different attributes erupted in the immortal formation.

Ling Feng didn't need to say anything, Chi Yankuang was already very clear about his assigned role.

At all costs, suppress the three wolves of Flame Hell and create perfect conditions for Ling Feng to kill.

This is collaboration with smart people, no need for unnecessary nonsense.


The violent five-attribute flames, coupled with the rising pressure within the Immortal Formation, undoubtedly further aroused the violent energy of the three wolves.

Three huge heads spit out huge fireballs at the same time, slamming into the barrier formed by the Dutian Flame Immortal Formation.

In fact, with his powerful bloodline talent, he actually began to plunder the spiritual power belonging to the Five Fires to strengthen himself.

There was a slight sweat on Chi Yan Kuang's forehead, he gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, "The scorching flame reincarnation, the flame spirit is coming!"

For a moment, Chi Yan's crazy eyes seemed to be filled with flames, and his whole body burst into pillars of fire rising into the sky.

Bang bang bang bang!

The earth with a radius of hundreds of feet was instantly shattered, and the five different attributes of the flames in the immortal formation gradually merged amidst the roar of the red flames.

The next moment, a giant nearly thirty feet tall appeared in the immortal formation, his whole body burning with blazing flames. He raised his giant fist made of lava and pounced on the three wolves of the Flame Hell.


The three wolves dodged to avoid, and at the same time, the wolf heads on both sides breathed flames, trying to melt the flame giant directly with extremely high temperature.

Unexpectedly, the entire body of the giant fire giant was directly covered with a layer of extremely cold fire, which instead frosted the breath of the three wolves!

Click, click, click!

The frosty breath turned into debris and fell, and then was melted by the terrifying high temperature in the immortal formation. Violent energy shot out everywhere, and the magma below was boiling and rolling, like the incarnation of purgatory.

"time is limited!"

Veins popped up on Chi Yan Kuang's forehead. Summoning this giant of fire consumed mana, which increased exponentially every moment.

Moreover, in less than twenty breaths, it will enter the next quarter of an hour of random transmission.

If the three wolves cannot be eliminated within these twenty breaths, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Therefore, the Red Flame Maniac will not hesitate to use the flame spirit to attract people.



At the same time, arcs of electricity surged around Ling Feng, and the infinitely compressed terrifying power of thunder almost tore apart the entire space around him.

The tide of time and space escapes in those fragmented voids.

He wanted to use the power of thunder to break through the fire armor of the three wolves.

Moreover, because of the difference in realm, he must continuously compress the power of thunder, thousands of times, in order to kill with one blow.

He stared fixedly at the battlefield below, his eyes flashing with light, but he still shook his head and gritted his teeth: "The time has not come yet!"

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

The fire giant and the three-headed wolf, the collision between the two behemoths, almost caused the earth to crack and the mountains to collapse, and the earth to shake with every confrontation.

The mission of the Flame Giant is to lock these three wolves so that they can stand strong and resist Ling Feng's blow head-on.

But how could the three wolves sit still and wait for death? With their quick reactions, they had already left more than a dozen wounds on the Fire Giant, and even almost tore off the left half of the Fire Giant's body.

However, just when the three wolves were about to give the Flame Giant a fatal blow, the Flame Giant firmly grabbed the hind legs of the three wolves, then pulled them tightly, and then dragged the three wolves into the In the arms.

In an instant, the Fire Giant used his hands and feet to lock the three wolves tightly, forcing his four wolf claws apart, exposing the only weak spot in his lower abdomen.

"Ho ho ho!——"

The three wolves became even more violent by the way. The three wolf heads bit and gnawed at the neck of the Fire Giant. However, the Fire Giant was under the control of Chiyan Kuang. Four of them grabbed its limbs, making it unable to do anything at all. Break away.

"Quick! Quick!"

Outside the Immortal Formation, Chi Yan Kuang gritted his teeth and even knelt down on one knee, sweating all over his body and almost unable to hold on anymore.

Whether it is maintaining the Dutian Flame Fire Immortal Formation or controlling the Flame Fire Giant, it is a huge drain on him.

"It's now!"

Ling Feng naturally saw immediately that now was the best time to kill the three wolves in one fell swoop.


In an instant, the magical power of Dragon Roar exploded, and its unyielding power would make the three wolves unable to make any reaction within the next few breaths.

This is the meticulousness of Ling Feng, highlighting one stability!

Even though the three wolves of Flame Hell have been tightly controlled by the Flame Giant, Ling Feng still will not give it any room to resist.

In the dragon's roar, Ling Feng's figure intertwined with the thunder and turned into a flying star from the sky. Taking advantage of the moment when the three wolves were frightened by the dragon's roar, it pierced directly through its abdomen.

Boom boom boom boom!

The violent thunder crushed the body of the three-headed wolf of Fire Prison into pieces almost instantly, and even penetrated the chest of the Fire Giant with an abyss-like movement, directly piercing it out.

The next moment, the vitality of the three wolves gradually dissipated. Ling Feng conveniently cut off the wolf head in the center, and his huge body fell into the magma below and was crushed by the refining energy that was almost from hell. Fire, burn to ashes.

Immediately afterwards, the flame giant also dissipated, and the three fire pillars that maintained the capital sky's flame formation also disappeared in an instant, leaving only three black marks on the ground.

Chi Yankuang knelt on the ground with one knee, a stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and raised his head to stare at Ling Feng, who was suspended in mid-air.

This guy actually did it.

He was only in the Dao Evolution realm, but the power of thunder that he burst out at that moment almost made Chi Yan Kuang's scalp numb.

During the first round of elimination, he had analyzed Ling Feng's abilities and thought he was a monk majoring in the fire system.

Unexpectedly, he even hid the Law of Thunder.

However, why does his aura seem to have only one talisman, but it can control more than one law of power?

I'm afraid this junior brother may have many secrets hidden in him!

"for you!"

As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng flew down in front of Chi Yan Kuang and casually threw the wolf head next to Chi Yan Kuang, "This is the previous agreement."

Chi Yankuang took a deep look at Ling Feng, and without any false excuse, he directly put the promotion order and the wolf head into his space magic weapon.

"You did indeed do it. I am willing to team up with you. However, the quarter of an hour is coming. I look forward to meeting you in the same plane next time."

Chi Yankuang stood up slowly. Although he had received the promotion order, the test was far from over.

They still need to survive in this terrifying and weird arena space for a whole day.

"Don't expect anything."

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips, and he casually used the boundary-breaking shuttle.

"As long as we dare to use the boundary-breaking shuttle to avoid automatic transmission before random assignment, we can always act together."

Ling Feng smiled lightly.

"Boundary Breaking Shuttle?"

Chi Yankuang naturally knew this treasure. His eyelids twitched and he looked at Ling Feng in surprise, ""

The next moment, he couldn't help but asked doubtfully: "Is this kind of thing really not a foul?"

"I've already used it once. If it was a foul, it would have been a foul long ago."

Ling Feng shrugged, "If you're afraid of committing a foul, then it doesn't matter. It's just the famous Chi Yan Kuang who actually goes back on his word. It's not a big deal. Anyway, the people watching from the outside are all his fellow apprentices. Not a lot, not a big deal.”


The corners of Chi Yan's mouth twitched slightly. Why did he feel like he was on a pirate ship?

"Okay, okay, I, Chiyan Kuang, can't keep my word!"

Chi Yankuang took a deep breath, "Forget it, if it's a foul, then it's a foul, isn't it okay for me to risk my life to accompany the gentleman!"

"Haha, you are indeed Senior Brother Chiyan, I admire you!"

Ling Feng smiled and gave a thumbs up to Chi Yan Kuang, and casually took out a few bottles of elixirs and threw them to Chi Yan Kuang, "These elixirs are very effective in restoring the original divine fire. Senior brother, take them and use them."

"Uh...why is this so embarrassing?"

Chi Yankuang opened the porcelain bottle and took a look. Darling, the grades of these elixirs have actually reached the highest level of low-grade!

The levels of elixirs in the Immortal Realm, in addition to the thirteen levels in the lower realm, are divided into three levels after reaching the Immortal level: Lord level, Zun level and Emperor level. Each level is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

Lingfeng is just a Daoyan realm monk, but he possesses a noble-level elixir. Not only that, looking at him casually giving the elixirs with a calm demeanor, it is obvious that he has not given away elixirs of this level for his worth. In the eyes.

Little did he know that there was a Yin Yue Holy Land to the left and right of Ling Feng, with an inexhaustible supply of all kinds of exotic flowers and plants.

As for Ling Feng himself, as his power of fire laws became more and more sophisticated, his alchemy skills also increased.

These elixirs were all refined by him in his free time. He had as many as he wanted, so naturally there was no need to worry about them.

"These...these pills."

Chi Yankuang's expression changed slightly, and he finally felt a little moved.

"Senior brother, take it. If your condition is not good, how can you help me get the promotion order?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly.

"That's fine!"

Only then did Chi Yankuang accept the elixir with peace of mind, and at the same time he patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, Junior Brother Ling, I will definitely help you get the promotion order!"

At this moment, Chi Yan Kuang didn't have the same arrogant attitude as before. Ling Feng took action so generously, which actually made him want to please Ling Feng.

"Thank you very much, senior brother."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and continued: "There is not much time, the quarter of an hour is coming, let's quickly enter the boundary-breaking shuttle!"

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