Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3513 Refining the Thunder Phoenix Bird!

Controlling the boundary-breaking shuttle, Ling Feng avoided the random teleportation in the arena, and then crashed into the plane of the thunder law.

Similar to the first time he used the boundary-breaking shuttle, Ling Feng still couldn't control the plane he wanted to enter. However, this time Ling Feng clearly grasped some rules. I believe that after a few more attempts, he should be able to control the plane he wants to enter. The plane to be entered.



The sound of thunder shook the entire space. The environment in this world of thunder laws seemed even worse than the previous fire world.

What comes into view is a desolate, scorched earth, and thunderclouds can be seen everywhere.

What's even more terrifying is that there are some red and black thunders shooting out from the abyss. If you are accidentally hit by these black thunders, even a strong Immortal Lord in the Dao Fruit Realm will probably have to loosen a few layers. Skin.

"Thunder World?"

Ling Feng looked at the surrounding environment. From a distance, he saw a strong Immortal Lord from the Dao Fruit Realm flying through the air. As a result, he was baptized by two thunderbolts at the same time, and was instantly blown into a golden light. , before he even had time to scream, he was teleported out of the arena space and lost his qualification to participate.

According to this challenge difficulty, plus every quarter of an hour, both the guardian beasts of each plane and the intensity of the power of the law are constantly increasing.

By the time this second round of competition ends, will thirty people really be able to successfully obtain promotion orders?

Ling Feng was skeptical about this.

Thirty people?

It’s rare to be promoted to ten people.

Chiyan Kuang looked around cautiously and said in a deep voice: "I don't know what the guardian beast of this thunder world is?"

"Leike Huo, Senior Brother Chiyan, your power of fire laws will be restrained to a certain extent here, so I am not prepared to seize the promotion order in the world of thunder laws."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and analyzed lightly.

In today's situation, there is no shortage of things like promotion orders. In order to ensure that everything is foolproof and not waste too much power on inappropriate goals, Ling Feng made a decisive decision immediately.

"Junior Brother Ling, you are really stable!"

Chiyan Kuang nodded slightly, "Yes, the power of thunder has great restraint on my fire law. In addition, when I dealt with the three wolves of Flame Hell before, even though I had the elixir from my junior brother, I only recovered." It’s only 70% to 80%. If you really want to go head-to-head with the guardian beast of the thunder system, I’m afraid you’ll suffer a loss.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a sharp roar coming from the west.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Immediately afterwards, a pair of huge wingspans, accompanied by thunder and thunder, the surrounding space was instantly intertwined with thunder nets, completely blocking the path of the two.

"Thunder Phoenix Bird Refining?"

Chi Yan's eyes widened wildly, and his whole body immediately ignited with blazing flames. At the same time, he shouted loudly, and three pillars of fire rose into the sky from the scorched earth.

The Dutian Flame Immortal Formation descends again.

The Thunder Phoenix Bird is so fast that they cannot escape at all, and the surrounding space has been blocked by thunder nets at this moment. Even if the boundary-breaking shuttle is used, they may not be able to escape, and may even cause the boundary-breaking shuttle to be destroyed. , but the gain outweighs the loss.

"We must escape from this monster's blockade as soon as possible!"

Ling Feng frowned and finally managed to win over Chi Yan Kuang, a teammate. If he was randomly passed away again, who would he cry to?


Chi Yan nodded wildly, knowing that Ling Feng did not want to confront the thunder phoenix refining bird here, so he immediately used the most destructive Netherworld fire, trying to tear a hole in the thunder net.

At the same time, Ling Feng was not idle either. He relied on his thunderous speed to deal with the Thunder Phoenix Bird, creating an opportunity for Chi Yan Kuang to break through.

As long as Chi Yan Kuang escapes, Ling Feng has already left a mark of his consciousness on him, and he will immediately be able to teleport to Chi Yan Kuang through the secret technique of time and space displacement.

"Break it for me!"

Chi Yan gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, although the Thunder Law restrained his flames to a certain extent, the Netherworld Violent Fire contained the power of the Netherworld's evil spirit and could erode the power of all laws.

Boom boom boom!

The violent Netherworld fire kept hitting the thunder net, and the thunder net erupted with a "sizzling" sound, but for a while, it might be difficult to break through.

Ling Feng used the Nine Nether Blinking Technique one after another to attract the attention of the Thunder Phoenix Bird, and several times he directly felt the shadow of death passed by the thunder.

The speed of the phoenix bird was really terrifying, even a few minutes faster than the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor that led to the Immortal Master.

Speaking of the Nine Flames Phoenix Emperor, it was originally the mount of the Immortal Master. Because the Immortal Master was worried about letting Xiao Xianling go down to the realm alone to carry out the mission of escorting him, he temporarily lent it to Xiao Xianling to protect her.

Ling Feng and his party traveled all the way from Xuanling Continent to Santu River, riding on the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor.

The speed of this refining thunder phoenix bird has surpassed that of the Nine Flames Phoenix Emperor. Ling Feng's Nine Nether Blinking Technique is naturally not taken seriously by this beast.

He even had some playful thoughts, wanting to play with Ling Feng.

"You evil beast!"

Ling Feng's hair grew all over his body. He took a look at the situation on Chi Yan Kuang's side and realized that he might need to hold on for at least another half-quarter of an hour.

If it weren't for the inability to cast the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, how could this Thunder Phoenix Bird be allowed to be so arrogant!

Ling Feng clenched his fists and roared, the Heavenly Seal spread from his palm, and after several evolutions, it reached the level of the Five-Change Heavenly Pattern.

In the past few years, although Ling Feng had not expended much energy in practicing the Tianzhi Divine Curse, the Tianzhi Seal had still reached the level of the Five Transformations of Heavenly Patterns.

As soon as the five-transformation sky pattern appeared, Ling Feng's speed increased again, and he was finally able to compete with the Thunder Phoenix Bird.

"Five-changing heaven pattern?"

Chi Yan's eyes widened wildly, this Junior Brother Ling's truth always surprises people!

Isn't this already on par with the newly promoted inner sect Wu Chengkong?

If he remembered correctly, Wu Chengkong also had the Five Transformations Heaven Mark, and with his Dao Evolution Realm cultivation, he defeated nine Dao Fruit Realm Immortal Lords with one against nine.

There are real freaks every year, but this year there are especially many.

Could it be that this Ling Feng is also a monster on the same level as Wu Chengkong?

Chi Yankuang took a deep breath, now was not the time to think about these things.

We must work harder!

He gritted his teeth, and without caring much, he used the Tianzhi Seal.

It's a pity that although he entered the inner sect hundreds of years earlier than Ling Feng, the Tianzhi Seal has only reached the level of the Five Transformations of Heavenly Patterns.

After the fifth transformation, the difficulty increases exponentially with each additional transformation. Not to mention him, among the entire inner sect, even including Jiuyao Liuyu, there are only a few people who can cultivate the Tianzhi Seal to the seventh transformation or above. It is a rare existence.

However, after the Five Changes Heavenly Pattern was sacrificed, the destructive power of Chi Yan Kuang's netherworldly fierce fire obviously increased significantly, and it had already destroyed a small gap in the thunder net of the Thunder Phoenix Bird.

In an instant, the scope of Dutian's Flame Fire Immortal Formation increased dramatically, and the three fire pillars also grew several times thicker. The Immortal Formation was filled with overbearing fire-type spiritual power, which was frantically fighting against the Thunder Phoenix Bird.

Under this situation, the speed of the Thunder Phoenix Bird was also suppressed to a certain extent.

"Junior Brother Ling, hold on, we'll get it done soon!"

He took a deep breath. If he hadn't suffered some internal injuries from dealing with the three wolves of Flame Prison before, with his temperament, he would have fought to the death with this Thunder Phoenix Bird.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. If Chi Yan Kuang, this unlucky thing, didn't expose the five-transformation sky pattern, he might be planning to hide it!

He had already used it, so he wouldn't be so passive.

Thunder Phoenix Bird Refiner obviously also discovered that the red flame madman's immortal formation greatly restricted his own thunder law, so he immediately turned his gun and dealt with the red flame madman first.

How could Ling Feng let him succeed? His figure flashed and he intercepted the Thunder Phoenix Bird directly.

"You beast, come on!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, with one hand filled with thunder and the other with flames.

Under the eyes of everyone, he didn't even dare to use the Destruction of Ten Directions, so he could only use the power of magic and laws to barely compete with the Thunder Phoenix Bird.

"The five elements are reversed, and the universe is in chaos!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, condensed his gaze, and used the Xutian Vientiane Eye Technique to unleash the power of the Eye of the Emperor.

As Ling Feng's soul source continues to grow, the time that Qiankun Niluan can interfere with the opponent has also been extended a lot.

While the Thunder Phoenix Bird fell into a brief state of chaos, Ling Feng let out several dragon roars in succession, which directly caused the Phoenix Bird's head to buzz.

At the same time, Chi Yan Kuang also completed the final breakthrough, finally tearing a gap in the thunder net.

"Junior Brother Ling, it's done!"

"You get out first!"

Ling Feng roared, and another burst of dragon roar erupted. Chi Yan nodded wildly upon hearing the sound, and his figure flashed, turned into fire, and rushed towards the crack.

Suddenly, between the lightning and flint, another ball of lightning flew out and directly blocked the gap.

"Brother, be careful!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng's expression suddenly changed and he exclaimed. Unfortunately, it was still a step too late.

At the same time, a thunder exploded, blasting Chi Yan wildly away.


Chi Yan violently spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards. In front of him was another Thunder Phoenix Bird!

Two phoenix birds?

No, it was clearly one. This Thunder Phoenix Bird actually made a thunder clone!

"What a cunning beast!"

Ling Feng cursed lowly, seeing that there was not much time left, a quarter of an hour was coming!

At this moment, a huge black mountain suddenly fell from the sky. With a "click", Chi Yan's mad Dutian Flame Fire Immortal Formation was blown to pieces.

Then, before the thunder clone of the Thunder Phoenix Bird could dodge, he hit it hard, directly blowing the Phoenix Bird's clone into pieces.

"Mountain Moving Technique? Is it Senior Brother Han?"

Chi Yan's eyes widened wildly and he looked around. Sure enough, he saw a slightly clear figure flying from the horizon at an extremely fast speed, becoming increasingly clear.

Astonishingly, it was Han Wenliang, the disciple who sat down with the Immortal Master to take note of his name!

His whole body is covered with a layer of scales similar to dragon scales. There are dragon scales of various colors, but they are somewhat similar to the nine-color dragon scales practiced by Ling Feng.

But there are obvious differences.

His dragon scales are not formed by the condensation of spiritual power laws, but are derived from his own bloodline.

Ling Feng immediately realized that he had always heard that Han Wenliang was a descendant of the ancient demon.

It is naturally not a strange thing that he has dragon blood in his body.

As soon as Han Wenliangcai appeared, he immediately strangled a thunder clone of the Thunder Phoenix Bird with a crushing gesture. This mountain-moving technique made even Ling Feng's eyes go straight.

If that big mountain suddenly attacked me without warning, I'm afraid my room to react would be very limited.


The thunder clone was destroyed, and the thunder phoenix bird obviously became more angry. Its wings rolled wildly, and the thunder storm surged crazily within the thunder net.

Without the suppression of the Dutian Flame Immortal Formation, the power of the Thunder Phoenix Bird has completely returned to its peak state.

Suddenly, the situation became more critical.

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