Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3514 Demon Blood Talent! Ancient Dragonborn!

The situation is not good!

There was a slight sweat on Ling Feng's forehead. The blow from the Thunder Phoenix Bird had obviously caused heavy damage to the Red Flame Kuang, and even the Dutian Flame Fire Immortal Formation could no longer be maintained.

At the moment, Chi Yan Kuang obviously has no strength to fight anymore, and Han Wenliang, although they have met several times before, but they have not had any formal communication and contact. They are both disciples of the Hall of Reception, but they have no friendship at all. .

But since Han Wenliang took action, his goal should be to refine the promotion order on the forehead of the Thunder Phoenix Bird.

He and Chi Yankuang had spent a lot of spiritual energy refining the Thunder Phoenix Bird, and now Han Wenliang took action, taking advantage of it.

Although it was a bit unkind, he was able to take action before the Thunder Phoenix Bird dealt a fatal blow to the Red Flame Kuang, which was still considered righteous.

"Senior Brother Han, you and I should work together to get rid of this beast first!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although he said he wanted to join forces with Han Wenliang, he quietly retreated to Chi Yankuang's side and suppressed the injuries in his body first.

Han Wenliang looked indifferent and did not answer Ling Feng. He just made a strange hand gesture and saw green fluorescent lights clinging to the Thunder Phoenix Bird.

The Thunder Phoenix Bird frantically swept its wings, but it still couldn't completely dispel the fluorescence. Then, Han Wenliang shouted again, raised his right hand suddenly, and yelled: "Wan Musheng!"

In an instant, the body surface of the Thunder Phoenix Bird was penetrated by vines covered with barbs. The vines grew wildly and soon wrapped tightly around the Thunder Phoenix Bird's wings, legs, and neck. live.


The Thunder Phoenix Bird struggled wildly, and the power of thunder exploded around it. Although the vines were instantly blown to pieces, the vines soon grew again, and even evolved continuously, becoming resistant to the power of thunder.

"What magic is this?"

Ling Feng's eyes widened, but he had never seen such powerful royal magic in the library pavilion.

Even Han Wenliang didn't need to activate the power of law, just like...

He was born with average talent.

"Cough cough cough..."

Chi Yankuang coughed violently for a while, his breath calmed down a bit, he took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "This is not some magic, but Senior Brother Han's demon blood talent."

"Is it a talent for demon blood?"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he understood a little bit.

However, the Mountain Moving Technique that Han Wenliang used before was an earth-type demonic method, but now, it is clearly a wood-type ability.

Perhaps seeing the doubt in Ling Feng's eyes, Chi Yan explained in a deep voice: "I don't know much about Senior Brother Han, but his bloodline is very special. Not only does he have all five elements, but he is also talented in demon blood. With the blessing, he can even display powerful abilities comparable to royal magic in an instant, making him an extremely difficult opponent."

After a pause, Chi Yan Kuangcai continued: "Senior Brother Han won the championship last time with this powerful talent. Unfortunately, because his ability originated from demon blood, he was not recognized. Sixty years later , Senior Brother Han’s power seems to have become stronger!”

Ling Feng took a deep breath and felt convinced.

He and Chi Yankuang joined forces, and the monster that they both struggled to contend with was easily suppressed by Han Wenliang.

Of course, this is also because Ling Feng hid his trump card, but it is undeniable that Han Wenliang is really strong!

"Mu Tiansi!"

At the same time, while the Thunder Phoenix Bird was struggling, Han Wenliang performed another trick. The originally chaotic and wild vines began to form a dense and intertwined network structure like a spider web, layer by layer. Seal the Thunder Phoenix Bird tightly.

"Lingshuang Thorn!"

Seeing that the Thunder Phoenix Bird could not move, Han Wenliang once again used the power of the third attribute.

Swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, icy ice shot out from all over the sky, striking at the Thunder Phoenix Bird from all directions.


The phoenix bird screamed crazily, and the ice penetrated its body. The terrible Korean poison invaded the depths of the bone marrow, and the surface of its body began to be covered with layers of frost.

"Broken Dragon Cone!"

There was another loud shout, and Han Wenliang punched out, only to see the shadow of a golden dragon piercing through the fist.

The next moment, the golden dragon slammed into the Thunder Phoenix Bird that had turned into an ice sculpture. Immediately afterwards, debris exploded all over the sky. The powerful and terrifying Thunder Phoenix Bird was directly blown into flying ash and annihilated.

And Han Wenliang stretched out his hand to take a shot, and a promotion order was already in hand.

Everything is neat and tidy, and he is worthy of being the final champion of the last Jiuyao New King Ranking.

After doing all this, Han Wenliang looked at Ling Feng for a moment, seemed to hesitate for a while, but turned around and left.

"Senior Brother Han!"

However, it was Chi Yan who called out to Han Wenliang.

Although he was a little tangled, Chi Yan Kuang still gritted his teeth and said: "Senior Brother Han, if we hadn't attracted the attention of the Thunder Phoenix Refining Bird, how could you have easily succeeded in a sneak attack with the Mountain Moving Technique. Let alone win in the end. This promotion order!”


Han Wenliang looked indifferent, raised his eyes and glanced at Chi Yankuang, and said slowly.

"So, this promotion order must be at least half as good as mine and Junior Brother Ling's."

Chi Yan gritted his teeth. Now that he was seriously injured, he was afraid that he would not be able to help Ling Feng win the promotion order, and would instead drag Ling Feng down to a certain extent.

But the last thing he wanted to do in his life was to owe a favor. Even if Ling Feng didn't say anything, he still felt guilty.

Therefore, he must help Ling Feng win this promotion order.

Even if you can't win, maybe you can still bring Han Wenliang into the team.

In this way, if the three of them join forces, how many promotion orders will they ask for, and they still can't get it?

"What you said does make some sense."

Han Wenliang nodded slightly, "However, there is only one promotion order. I can't break half of it and give it to you. I can exchange it with you for other things."

Han Wenliang was unusually reasonable. He glanced at Ling Feng and the two of them and said calmly: "What do you want?"


Chi Yan grinned wildly and said, "We don't want anything, but if Senior Brother Han can help us get a promotion order, we will naturally be cleared."

"That makes sense."

Han Wenliang nodded, "Well, if we meet again next time, I will help you."

"Don't wait until next time!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said quickly: "That's all right now."


Han Wenliang frowned slightly, "A quarter of an hour is coming, and we will all be randomly transported to a certain plane."

"But with this boundary-breaking shuttle, it's different."

Ling Feng smiled slightly and directly used the boundary-breaking shuttle.

When Han Wenliang saw this thing, he was finally a little moved. He looked at Ling Feng incredulously, "Boundary Breaking Shuttle! You guys?"

"Well, it's what you think!"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "Brother Han, you are also a smart person. Although you have already obtained the promotion order, if you want to pass this test, you still need to survive a whole day here, every time After the teleportation, the power of laws and guardian beasts in each plane will become stronger. If you don't cooperate, even if you are very powerful, Senior Brother Han, I'm afraid it will be quite difficult."

"But if there is a boundary-breaking shuttle, we can always operate together. Even if we encounter any crisis, we will always have each other's back!"

Han Wenliang stared at Ling Feng for a long time, and finally nodded.

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in himself, it's just that since there is an easier way to pass the level, why bother fighting alone, wasting more mana and exposing more cards?

"Okay, I agree to cooperate with you."

The figure flashed, and Han Wenliang appeared next to Ling Feng. The dragon scales all over his body were hidden under his skin. Although it was invisible to the naked eye, he could still feel the faint dragon's breath.

It is different from the ancestral dragon aura in Ling Feng's body.

His ancestral dragon blood was refined the day after tomorrow.

But Han Wenliang was born with some kind of dragon blood.

Moreover, it seems to be a very powerful one.

Unfortunately, it is not pure!

A hint of surprise flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. No wonder Han Wenliang was so defiant. His bloodline actually originated from the ancient dragon clan!

Although it is not at the same level as the Ten Ancestral Dragons, its bloodline is very close.

It's a pity that in an environment like the Immortal Realm, they are all considered to be descendants of ancient demons.

Therefore, despite Han Wenliang's outstanding talent, he was not popular.

If it hadn't been for the Immortal Master to bring him back from the chaotic border area, perhaps he would have died long ago.

"Great, with Senior Brother Han joining us, this round is stable!"

Chi Yankuang was obviously relieved. If Han Wenliang did not agree to join the team, he was even ready to return his promotion order to Ling Feng and then leave alone.

With his arrogance, not only was he unwilling to owe Ling Feng anything, but he would not allow himself to be a burden to others.

Ling Feng smiled faintly and glanced at Chi Yankuang with some gratitude.

Although this guy looks cold and arrogant on the surface, he looks like he won't let strangers in.

But his heart is as warm and passionate as fire.

"Hey, hey, hey, why are you looking at me like this? I have no interest in men!"

Ling Feng's moved and somewhat heavy gaze made Chi Yankuang feel nervous, and he unconsciously moved his body to avoid Ling Feng's gaze.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng almost coughed up a mouthful of old blood, rolled his eyes, and immediately threw the palm-sized boundary-breaking shuttle high into the air.

The boundary-breaking shuttle rose in the wind. The three of them jumped into the boundary-breaking shuttle, and in the blink of an eye, they escaped into the void.

With the experience of the previous two times, Ling Feng also started to try and choose the plane he wanted to enter.

Unfortunately, in the end, it drifted slightly and entered the world of wood laws.

After the transmission, the three of them landed on a rock.

Ling Feng looked around and found no danger for the time being, so he helped Chi Yan sit aside and said to Han Wenliang behind him: "Senior Brother Han, please stay vigilant around, I will suppress the injury for Senior Brother Chi Yan first."


Han Wenliang nodded slightly, jumped ten feet away, and then lightly tapped his palm on the ground. When he raised his palm to the sky, he saw four rock pillars rising from the ground in four directions: southeast, northwest and northwest. rise.

To ensure nothing went wrong, Han Wenliang directly used the Earthly Fiend Dust Formation!

In an instant, a thick mist spread around the perimeter of the formation, directly covering an area of ​​nearly a hundred feet. Only within the formation could the field of vision be kept clear.

Ling Feng raised his head and took a look, his heart suddenly settled.

This Senior Brother Han is really reliable!

Without wasting any more time, Ling Feng turned to look at Chi Yan Kuang and said in a deep voice: "Brother, let me check your pulse first."

"Do you know how to heal?"

Chi Yankuang was obviously stunned for a moment. How old is this kid? Why does he seem to know everything?

"Know a little bit about it."

Ling Feng raised his hand and placed it on the Red Flame Mad Vein Gate. After sensing it for a moment, he said calmly: "It seems that the remaining Thunder Law must be driven out of your body first, otherwise, the foundation may be damaged."

"The beast's thunder power is really difficult to deal with. When I just teleported, I tried several times. Unfortunately, the fire law is greatly restrained by the thunder law."

Chi Yan Kuang sighed softly and couldn't help cursing: "I never thought that I, Chi Yan Kuang, would become a burden to others one day! His grandma's!"

"It's just a minor injury, easy to handle."

Ling Feng patted Chi Yankuang's shoulder lightly, "After your injury is treated, I will have to rely on my senior brother to win the promotion order for me. How can it be a burden?"

"Is this also a minor injury?"

Chi Yan's eyelids twitched slightly, and he looked at Ling Feng in surprise again. This kid seemed to be more than just a little knowledgeable!

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