Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3515 Han Wenliang VS Cheng Tianyong!

The situation of Chi Yan Kuang is indeed a little troublesome.

Because of the restraining effect of the Thunder Law on the Fire Law, Chi Yan Kuang's recovery with his own magic power was hindered at every turn. If he didn't ask for help from outsiders, it would probably take at least half a year to slowly recover.

This will undoubtedly affect the next competition for the Jiuyao New King Ranking.

Under Chi Yan Kuang's slightly surprised and shocked eyes, Ling Feng took out the golden needle and used Taixuan acupuncture to seal the tendons near Chi Yan Kuang's wound.

Not far away, Han Wenliang was paying close attention to the situation around him, while also looking at the scene of Ling Feng treating Chi Yankuang with some curiosity.

Although they were both disciples of Jie Yin Hall, Han Wenliang didn't know much about Ling Feng.

But Han Wenliang was no stranger to the name Ling Feng.

After all, he is the registered disciple of Jie Yin Xianzun. In recent years, the name Ling Feng has been mentioned more and more often by Jie Yin Xianzun.

Being able to gain the attention of the Immortal Master Jie Yin shows that this junior fellow who has just been promoted to the inner sect is by no means a mediocre person.

From another point of view, Chi Yankuang has always been arrogant and unruly, but his attitude towards Ling Feng is so friendly, which can also be confirmed from the side. This junior brother is obviously only in the Daoyan realm, and his strength is extraordinary.

Otherwise, Chi Yan Kuang would not recognize Ling Feng so much.


Suddenly, Han Wenliang sensed that something was approaching the maze he had set up, and it had already entered the range shrouded in fog.

"Wan Musheng!"

His reaction was extremely fast. Whether it was other contestants or the guardian beasts here, Ling Feng was currently healing Chiyan Kuang, so he naturally could not allow anyone to get close to him.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Han Wenliang waved his palms, and blue light spots scattered all over the sky and sank deep into the earth.

The next moment, a roaring sound was heard from deep underground, and big trees rose up from the ground. Then, countless vines wrapped around the big trees, and then shot out with a "swish, swish" and headed towards the fascinating array. Things that are close to the periphery are entangled and gone.

His purpose is just to drive away the approaching objects, but if the other party persists in his own way, he will have no choice but to kill him.

Anyway, in this space, when a fatal injury is received, he will be teleported out immediately. There is no danger to his life. He does not have to worry about killing a fellow sect member by mistake.

Boom boom boom!

The vines turned into javelins and were thrown out. However, the other party's reaction surprised Han Wenliang.

Han Wenliang frowned and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

Compared with the previous time when dealing with the Thunder Phoenix Bird, he was much more cautious.

"Senior Brother Han, what's going on?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at Han Wenliang. Seeing his solemn expression, he couldn't help but ask.

"You just need to heal Chiyan Kuang."

Han Wenliang looked indifferent and suddenly opened his arms.


As the earth trembled, two huge rocks rose out of thin air, rising higher and higher. They continued to absorb dust from the surrounding rocks and compressed them, forming an extremely dense mountain.


Ten breaths later, the two mountains exploded at the same time. Under Han Wenliang's precise control, they turned into a meteor shower that filled the sky and shot towards the periphery of the maze.

"Meteor falls!"

Boom boom boom boom!

During the high-speed descent of the falling rock, the friction and collision with the air sparked a raging flame, which directly ignited the fire that Han Wenliang had left inside the rock long ago.

Those raging flames are not ordinary flames, but demonic fires that contain demonic aura!

However, even if Han Wenliang resorted to such a method, the result did not seem to be as he expected, killing his opponent.

Han Wenliang took a deep breath, waved his hand, and three rock pillars rose up, once again laying a layer of barriers around Ling Feng and Chi Yankuang, and then flew out directly, preparing to confront the intruder head-on. war.

"Senior Brother Han!"

Ling Feng shouted, but unfortunately, Han Wenliang had already flown far away.

It seemed that even he was moved by the strength of his opponent.

At the same time, Chi Yankuang's face looked very pale. Ling Feng knew that now was the critical period for him to dispel the power of thunder in his body, and he must not be distracted in the slightest.

Everything can only rely on Han Wenliang.

Han Wenliang was flying at high speed, and his whole body was possessed by green light. It was obvious that the power of the wind law was also under his control.

However, when he landed on the outskirts of the maze, what he saw was a very young-looking boy, guarded by three puppets, approaching the mist with a calm expression.

There were countless deep craters smashed by meteorites scattered around, but within a few feet of the young boy, they were unscathed.

Those three puppets formed a small formation of three talents. Their spiritual power was constantly changing among each other, and they were able to withstand his meteorite fall!

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely recognize at a glance that the guy who broke into the maze was none other than Cheng Tianyong!

"Hey, why is he a person?"

When Cheng Tianyong saw Han Wenliang appear, he immediately put on a smile and said, "Senior brother, I'm sorry, I thought there was a monster hidden inside, so I wanted to go in and try my luck to see if I could get a promotion order. I didn’t expect it to be my senior brother setting up the formation, so I won’t bother you.”

Han Wenliang looked at Cheng Tianyong with a solemn expression.

You don't know it by looking at it, but you are shocked when you look at it.

Even with his cultivation level, he couldn't tell the depth of Cheng Tianyong.

It is even impossible to determine whether he is in the Talisman Realm, the Dao Yan Realm, or the Dao Fruit Realm.

This guy is so good at hiding his aura.

No wonder, at first, he just sensed an aura approaching, but couldn't tell whether it was a human or a monster.

"Since you're here, why don't you make some gestures?"

For a time, Han Wenliang actually felt a little bit eager to win.

This person can easily defuse his two attacks, and he must be a strong opponent to win this year's Jiuyao New King Ranking.

Now that we have met, we can try it out a little bit.

"That's not necessary."

Cheng Tianyong waved his hands and smiled, "How can I be your opponent, senior brother? Say goodbye!"

"Want to leave?"

As soon as Han Wenliang's eyes were focused, he heard a loud rumble and nine rock pillars rose up, directly blocking Cheng Tianyong's path.

"Why bother."

Cheng Tianyong frowned and cursed in his heart, but his reaction was not slow at all.

In that flash of lightning, the two puppets around Cheng Tianyong shot out like electricity, one on the left and one on the right, with dual attributes of water and fire.

All this time, Cheng Tianyong had only been exposed as a wooden puppet, and with his amazing defense power, he was almost invincible.

At this moment, these two water and fire puppets simultaneously displayed scorching flames and extremely cold ice energy.

Just a few "clicks" were heard, and the rock pillar was shattered into pieces by the intertwined power of ice and fire.

Cheng Tianyong took the opportunity to fly into the air and prepared to retreat.

How could Han Wenliang allow him to escape like this? With a wave of his hand, countless vines wrapped around him again. Although a lot of them were damaged by the water and fire puppets in an instant, those vines had the ability to evolve.

After a while, it also evolved the ability to be immune to water and fire. As it grew wildly, one of the vines had already wrapped tightly around Cheng Tianyong's left leg.

Han Wenliang's speed was faster than those vines, and a pair of golden wings seemed to spread out behind him. In an instant, he had landed directly above Cheng Tianyong.

"Thick Earth Fall!"

With a flash of brown light, Han Wenliang stepped heavily on Cheng Tianyong's head. His legs suddenly surged several times. Under the cover of the rock, they were like the hind legs of two elephants, crushing everything into meat patties.

"You're serious!"

Cheng Tianyong's expression changed, he raised his palms to the sky, and forcefully collided with Han Wenliang's legs.

For a moment, it felt like it was taken on the mountain top of Wanren Peak.

Cheng Tianyong gritted his teeth and watched his body falling continuously, not daring to hide his clumsiness anymore.

Immediately afterwards, the fourth and fifth puppets also appeared at the same time, one on the left and one on the right, attacking Han Wenliang above.

At this point, all Cheng Tianyong's Five Elements puppets have arrived.

Han Wenliang did not dare to resist when faced with the double attack by the two puppets. He jumped up and dodged, finally letting go of Cheng Tianyong below.


Cheng Tianyong took a few deep breaths, and his expression became obviously more serious.

The two of them looked at each other in the air, their auras competing with each other, and they were evenly matched.

At the same time, the disciples and elders watching the battle from the outside were dumbfounded.

The battle between Cheng Tianyong and Han Wenliang undoubtedly attracted countless attention.

"Oh my god, it's another dark horse!"

"Who is that kid? Why is his name not on the top 100 list?"

"What the hell, that...that guy can actually draw with Senior Brother Han?"

Han Wenliang was the last champion, and he defeated one of the Nine Yao experts.

If it weren't for the fact that he had the blood of the ancient demon and his final achievements were not recognized, he would already be the Lord of Nine Yaos now.

However, there is still someone who can tie with him?

Although Han Wenliang was just testing it out and did not show his true strength.

But at least for now, Cheng Tianyong has not suffered any obvious losses.

"Cheng Tianyong...that guy actually hides it so deeply?"

In the spectator seats, the most surprised ones were Xiao Xianling and others who were relatively familiar with Cheng Tianyong.

Because they had lost their qualifications, Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou could only go to the spectator seats to watch the game.

"I can only say that his puppets are more powerful!"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, a little unconvinced.

Originally, he looked down upon Cheng Tianyong, a romantic playboy, but he didn't expect that this guy would not only be promoted to the inner sect first, but he could also survive the first round of elimination.

He always thought it was just luck, but now it seems that the clown is actually himself.

"Being able to control so many puppets at the same time is enough to be proud of."

Nangong Ziling gritted her silver teeth. She was also majoring in spiritual consciousness. She knew very well that in order to control so many powerful puppets, the origin of the divine soul must be unimaginably powerful.

Although Cheng Tianyong often teased her verbally and other women around him, so much so that Nangong Ziling was quite disgusted with Cheng Tianyong for a time, but after so many years of getting along, she also knew that Cheng Tianyong just liked to take advantage of his words. .

Now, she realized that this guy might just be used to playing games.

"No wonder he and that boy Ling Feng can pee in a pot, they are both fucking censors!"

Sitting aside, the cloak on the shoulders of Phantom God Qianjue suddenly trembled a few times. A very immature-looking head came out, and in a milky voice, he said the most vulgar words.

Huan Shenjue frowned and quickly pushed the head back while looking towards the ring with an expression on his face.

The confrontation between Cheng Tianyong and Han Wenliang is still continuing.

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