Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3517 Han Wenliang’s true identity?

The decayed and broken branches were covered with vines shaped like poisonous snakes.

Every vine seems to have an independent life, which is why this tree demon is called the Snake Sophora vine by the world.

Under the sword power of Ling Feng's ninety-nine and eighty-one Xuantian Cloud-breaking Swords, the Blood Moon Snake Sophora finally had nowhere to hide and emerged from the depths of the ground, revealing its true appearance in front of everyone.

"It's actually the Blood Moon Snake Locust Tree!"

Han Wenliang's expression changed. No wonder he was plotted by a monster.

This locust tree has undoubtedly gone through an extremely long period of time. During the changes of the years, it has continued to evolve and mutate. Its intelligence is no less than that of any human being.

At the same time, the spectators outside the arena were once again shocked by the "abnormality" of this second round of competition.

There are even aliens like the Blood Moon Snake Sophora. This must be a test of the contestants with the difficulty of annihilating the entire army.

An extremely angry expression appeared on the ferocious face of the Blood Moon Snake Sophora.

Originally, it was going to swallow two prey at the same time, but Ling Feng ruined the good thing.

Swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, countless snake vines swept towards Lingfeng like a blanket, and the entire sky became dim under the densely woven vines.

"Senior Brother Chiyan, I leave it to you!"

However, Ling Feng suddenly turned around and stepped aside, and a second figure suddenly appeared from behind him.

It's the Red Flame Maniac!

A sneer hung from the corner of Chi Yan Kuang's lips, he raised his hands and growled coldly, "Dutian Flame Fire Immortal Formation!"

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, three ways...

Oh no, there were eight pillars of fire rising into the sky, and the scope of the immortal formation was obviously several times wider than before.

The domineering fire spiritual power filled the entire space, and the blazing flames swept wildly. The snake vines were burned to ashes the moment they came into contact with the flames.

Although the snake vines also have the ability to actively evolve and quickly produce fire immunity effects, the violent law of fire still blasts those snake vines into pieces.

At the same time, Ling Feng's figure suddenly split into two and rushed towards Han Wenliang and Cheng Tianyong at the same time.

This is a clone he created using the Great Creation Technique. Although it cannot exist for too long, it has almost the same abilities as the original body.


The sword edge swung around Han, and the vines of Cheng and the two were instantly twisted into pieces.

Han Wenliang's body sank and he fell heavily. Although he finally landed firmly on the ground, a huge deep hole was still made directly on the ground.

In order to prevent further erosion of the poison, he actively petrified his right leg, and the weight of his body increased to more than ten times.

On the other side, Cheng Tianyong's situation was obviously better. After restraining the vines on himself, he immediately removed the green light shield protecting his body.

However, he still looked a little embarrassed. With a low curse in his mouth, he summoned the Five Elements Puppet and directly joined the battle circle.

"Grandma, you dare to trick me!"

Cheng Tianyong was obviously a little angry, and he only had the Red Flame Maniac. Although he could restrain the wood-type Blood Moon Snake Sophora in terms of attributes, the Snake Sophora was not a single attribute.

Although on the surface, Chi Yan Kuang had the upper hand for a while with his fire array, but for Shehuai, no matter how many vines were burned and blown up, they could not hurt the root at all.

Seeing that Cheng Tianyong took the initiative this time, Ling Feng was finally free to take care of Han Wenliang's situation.

Withdrawing his clone, Ling Feng looked at Han Wenliang and asked in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Han, how are you?"

With a sound of "tsk", Han Wenliang tore open the trouser leg of his left leg. Although he used the petrification technique to suppress the poison of Blood Moon Snake Sophora in time, the flesh and blood near the wound still turned black, and even began to Rotting and giving off a stench.

"What a powerful venom!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he was about to step forward to help, but he saw Han Wenliang raised his hand and cut off the entire left leg with a direct strike of his hand knife.


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. This guy was really a "Wolf Slayer", and he was really capable of killing himself!

But I have to say that this is indeed the easiest way.

Immediately afterwards, a low roar was heard from Han Wenliang's mouth, and a dark red light suddenly flashed all over his body. Where his left leg was broken, he could see that the power of qi and blood was gathering crazily.


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. It seemed that Han Wenliang also had the ability to regenerate a broken limb. No wonder he dared to cut off his own leg so decisively.

I saw the flesh and blood on the broken part of his left leg squirming, rapidly extending out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But it was obvious that his stretched out left leg looked more like... than a newborn left leg.

Dragon Claw!

After a while, slightly dark red scales covered the new dragon claws, which also meant that his left leg had finally regenerated.

Ling Feng finally fully understood what this so-called descendant of the ancient demon meant.

Although Ling Feng himself can also use Chaos Reincarnation to transform into the form of a Chaos Giant Ape, he is still a human being through and through.

Because the human body is his essence.

As for Han Wenliang, his body is in the form of a monster, but he just maintains his human appearance.

Just like Po Meng of Wangchuan Station, although she usually appears as an old woman, in fact, the giant snake on Amanohara that is so huge that it can almost rival a continent is her true body.

So, what is Han Wenliang’s identity?

Looking at his new dragon claws, Ling Feng vaguely felt that this guy was not a dragon, right?

However, it seems that they are not the dragons recognized by the Immortal Realm.

Because the Shenlong clan still has a certain status in the Immortal Realm, they are even called the Holy Beast clan.

But Han Wenliang was called a descendant of the ancient demon. This treatment was completely different.

The regeneration of the dragon claw was completed, and then, a demonic fire ignited from the root of the dragon claw and turned into the form of a human leg. This was the complete rebirth of the severed limb.

Under Ling Feng's slightly horrified gaze, Han Wenliang stood up and rushed towards the Blood Moon Snake Sophora japonica with a "whoosh" sound.


Ling Feng swallowed hard. There is no doubt about Senior Brother Han's survivability.

He shook his head, suppressing the shock and surprise in his heart, then raised his sword and rushed towards the battle circle.

It is conceivable that under the joint siege of four masters, not to mention Ling Feng, Han Wenliang, Chi Yankuang, and even Cheng Tianyong, among the Five Elements puppets he controlled, there were also fire and blood moon snakes with attributes restrained. Tie puppet.

The result of this battle was basically one-sided.

Although it was the first time for several people to cooperate, the cooperation between strong people did not require any language to communicate at all.

Relying only on his strong fighting instinct, the blessing of Chiyan Kuang's immortal formation, and the restraint of Cheng Tianyong's Five Elements Puppet, Han Wenliang then faced off head-on, while Ling Feng relied on the sharp insight of his infinite vision to understand the weaknesses and flaws, and at the same time Lock the target and make the Blood Moon Snake Sophora Tree completely unable to escape.

With the four people joining forces, it took less than half a quarter of an hour to capture the Blood Moon Snake Sophora japonica.


With a flash of dim light, Han Wenliang kicked the Blood Moon Snake Sophora's torso into two pieces, and at the same time took off the promotion order embedded in the Snake Sophora's body.

"Junior Brother Ling, here you go!"

Han Wenliang threw the token to Ling Feng from a distance and said lightly, "Okay, now we don't owe each other anything."

"'s all a waste of time!"

Cheng Tianyong on the side sighed softly and said with a frustrated look: "In this damn place, the monsters I encounter become more and more perverted every time I teleport. It seems that I can't get the promotion order!"

"You guy..."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and put the promotion order into Cheng Tianyong's hand, "Here you go, don't act like a resentful woman!"

"Hehehe, Brother Ling is still open!"

Cheng Tianyong was not polite at all. He directly stuffed the promotion order into his arms and said with a smile: "Boss Ling is so awesome!"

Ling Feng pressed Cheng Tianyong's shoulder with one hand, "Don't think that you can be fooled by just saying a few nice words. This promotion order is not given to you in vain. Next, let's act together. You have to win one for me." Just get the token back."

Anyway, there are a total of thirty promotion orders. The game has only started about an hour now, which is still very early.

So it's not a big deal to give this promotion order to Cheng Tianyong first.

Anyway, get it late and get it early. When the game is over, it is enough to have a promotion order in your hand.

"I just knew this brand wasn't that easy to get."

Cheng Tianyong shrugged, "It seems that you have already broken through the plane barrier with that boundary-breaking shuttle."

Cheng Tianyong is indeed smart, and he has seen Ling Feng's boundary-breaking shuttle before, so it is not surprising to guess this.

What's more, all the contestants were originally teleported randomly, but two top ten masters gathered around Ling Feng. Of course, there was something fishy about this.

"Okay, okay, even if you don't tell me, I'm still ready to hug your thigh!"

Cheng Tianyong chuckled and said: "This game has only started for an hour, and the guardian beasts in each plane have already been strengthened to this extent. If we don't find a way to recruit more teammates, it will be really difficult in the end!"


Ling Feng smiled faintly and introduced Chi Yankuang to Cheng Tianyong again.

When the four of them act together, they are not invincible, but they can basically go sideways.

The next step is to survive the remaining eleven hours of testing and then be successfully promoted to the next round.

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