Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3518 Ling Feng’s preparation!


Following the huge body of a giant snake, it fell heavily to the ground. The team formed by Ling Feng and his team finally killed the guardian beast here, the ten-headed blazing sun snake, in the plane of the law of the sun.

Although these ten blazing sun snakes have ten heads with different attributes, they are like ten people in one body, with completely independent consciousness and the ability to share the vision of each head.

But faced with the joint attack of Ling Feng and his four-person team, they still couldn't survive for a quarter of an hour, and eight of their heads were blown off. In the end, they were beheaded by Ling Feng's sword.

With a swing of the sword, Ling Feng picked up the promotion token on the last head, reached out and grabbed it, and got his own promotion token.

It's a pity that the various guardian beasts formed inside this arena space are actually energy bodies transformed by the power of laws by the powerful Immortal Emperors who originally set up the magic circle.

When the energy bodies are bombarded, their bodies will also disappear, waiting for the next reincarnation to be reshaped.

Otherwise, such a rare ten-headed blazing sun snake is almost covered in treasures, and every part of its body can be an excellent material for refining elixirs or refining weapons.

"it is finally over."

Cheng Tianyong recalled his Five Elements Puppet and looked at the various scratches and damage on the puppet with a distressed expression.

The ten blazing sun snakes have ten heads, and each head is equivalent to a Jiuyao-level strongman. In order to reduce the pressure on everyone as much as possible, each of Cheng Tianyong's Five Elements puppets must deal with one individually. Snake head.

Although the ten-headed blazing sun snakes were finally killed, his puppet was the most seriously damaged.

"This is a huge loss."

Cheng Tianyong performed a hand trick and saw a flash of colorful light, and the puppet was taken back into the space magic weapon.

"Okay, okay, I'll let Kuangshan and the others repair the head office for you another day."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although he didn't know whether Kuang Shan could repair the Five Elements Puppet, but since he could even repair the boundary-breaking shuttle, it should be pretty good.

"That's pretty much it."

Cheng Tianyong then grinned, "But you have to pay for all the materials consumed!"


Ling Feng was speechless for a while. This guy, Qing Feng, was waiting for him here!

However, Ling Feng has never been stingy with his companions, not to mention that this time Cheng Tianyong really did a lot to help him win the promotion order.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng looked at the state of Han Wenliang and Chi Yankuang again.

Although it was easy for a few people to work together to deal with a ten-headed blazing sun snake, it still cost a lot of people.

Moreover, less than two hours have passed now.

There are still ten more hours to fight.

Although they no longer need to fight against the guardian beasts for the promotion order, these beasts will take the initiative to attack if they can't stand it.

Therefore, in order to successfully survive the remaining ten hours, we must make preparations in advance.

"Senior Brother Han, Senior Brother Chiyan, I think we should choose a plane first, build a defensive barrier as early as possible, and then use the barrier to counter the increasing power of laws and guardian beasts in the plane."

Having said this, Ling Feng paused and looked at everyone, wanting to see their reactions.

The first person to nod was naturally Cheng Tianyong.

"Brother Ling, your idea is exactly what I want to say."

As a representative of the lazy faction, Cheng Tianyong has always been able to lie down and never sit down. Of course, he fully supports the idea of ​​being able to lie down inside the barrier.

"Now that we have cheating treasures like the boundary-breaking shuttle, we can completely control the return to the same plane every time, and continuously build up the defensive power of the defensive array to compete with the power of the plane's laws."

Cheng Tianyong said in a deep voice: "If every time you enter a plane, you will be beaten around by the guardian beasts, and your mana will be consumed passively. Even if you can support the pillar ten or eight times, there will still be seventy or eighty times!"

I have to say that Cheng Tianyong is a sensible person. He has worked with Ling Feng for so many years, and he is indeed the best at understanding Ling Feng's thoughts.

"What Brother Cheng said is exactly what I want to say."

Ling Feng said in a deep voice: "Two senior brothers, what do you think?"


Han Wenliang nodded slightly. Although this method was somewhat tricky, it had to be said that it was the most likely way to survive until the end.

Chi Yankuang looked at Ling Feng even more differently now, and he didn't look down on him at all. He nodded repeatedly and said: "Junior brother's head is really bright. If it were me, I would fight to the end."

"Since everyone has no objections, let's first decide which realm we want to go to to build the barrier."

Ling Feng said slowly: "Although I can't say that I am sure about the teleportation of the boundary-breaking shuttle at present, I believe that I will be able to fully grasp the specific target of teleportation soon."

"Just follow what you want, Junior Brother Ling."

Han Wenliang was the first to express his stance.

"I don't have any objection, junior brother, just tell me!" Chi Yan Kuang also nodded in agreement.

They all know that the key to the reason why they can gather here now to discuss clever ways to deal with this round of assessment is Ling Feng's boundary-breaking shuttle.

Without the boundary-breaking shuttle, everything would be just talk.

So although Ling Feng seems to be the weakest one in this team, he has become the core of this four-person team.

"Since everyone trusts me so much, well, I will do my part."

Ling Feng thought for a moment and decided to build a defensive barrier on the fire law plane.

Considering that among this team, the most convenient rules that he and Chi Yan Kuang mastered were the fire system.

As for Han Wenliang, although he was able to use various legal abilities with ease, Ling Feng saw a clue from his briefly exposed dragon claws.

His body should be closer to the fire element.

Among the four, the three strongest ones are all fire element, so do you need to hesitate any more?

Just do it!

Before the quarter-hour random transmission time was about to arrive, Ling Feng quickly urged everyone to enter the boundary-breaking shuttle to escape.

Soon, under Waste's exquisite manipulation, he finally entered the plane of the fire law according to his own wishes for the first time.

Although the three guardian beasts here have been killed, after each teleportation, the guardian beasts will be resurrected with full health, and the power of the law will be increased, making them even more powerful.

Therefore, they still need to guard against the monster attacking when they build the barrier.

"Brother Cheng, please release the Five Elements Puppet first to be aware of the surrounding situation!"

"Hey, you guarantee the repair anyway, so I'll do it!"

"Senior Brother Chiyan, the foundation of our formation depends on your fire formation!"

"no problem!"

"Senior Brother Han, you are responsible for sitting high in the sky. Once the puppet detects something abnormal, you will rush over to provide support as soon as possible!"


Under Ling Feng's coordination, everyone divided the work and cooperated. At the beginning of the construction of the barrier, the most important thing was to avoid interference from all external factors.

They only have a quarter of an hour to complete the prototype of the barrier. Otherwise, the barrier may be directly destroyed when they enter the void to avoid the teleportation law.

The process of building the foundation in the first quarter of an hour is naturally particularly important.

Chi Yan Kuang waved his hand, and nine pillars of fire shot up into the sky.

The Dutian Flame Fire Immortal Formation is the most basic core of the formation.

With a steady stream of fire spiritual power to support the entire barrier, it will not collapse easily.

Next, comes the formation formation and inscription!

Ling Feng's level of magic formations was only half-assed, and he had only operated it once before when he was setting up the mountain-protecting formation at Sao Feng Camp.

However, although it is a bit of a temporary fix at this moment, we must bite the bullet.

Fortunately, Cheng Tianyong had some attainments in magic circle skills. With his help, he could barely complete the basic inscription and seal carving.


At this moment, there was a commotion from the wooden puppets, and Han Wenliang, who was sitting above, immediately flew out to support.

With his strength, he can completely hold back the three-headed wave of Flame Hell, preventing it from getting any closer.

Soon, a quarter of an hour passed. Looking at the formation that was less than 80% completed, Ling Feng felt somewhat uneasy.

Once they leave, will this formation be able to withstand the attack of the three-headed wave of Flame Hell?

Although it only lasts less than ten breaths, if the barrier is destroyed directly, all previous efforts will be in vain.

Time was running out, so Ling Feng quickly called Han Wenliang back, and the others entered the boundary-breaking shuttle to escape.

Ten breaths later, everyone returned to the fire law plane.

Fortunately, although the three wolves of Flame Prison below were attacking the barrier crazily, they were finally able to hold it back!

Without saying a word, Han Wenliang took action first and directly implicated the three wolves of Flame Prison.

After another round of enhancement, the power of the three wolves has obviously become stronger again.

But fortunately, it was still within Han Wenliang's tolerance.

"We have to speed up the progress too!"

Ling Feng looked at the two people beside him, their figures flashed, and they entered the barrier together and continued to build it.

However, after teleporting twice in a row into the Fire Law Plane, not a single other contestant was seen.

Could it be that the elimination rate in this round of competition is already so terrifying?

Just as Ling Feng guessed.

Is this elimination rate more than terrifying?

As each contestant died violently in the ring space, they were then teleported out of the ring.

It had only been less than two hours, and among the 100 contestants who had entered, there were still less than 20 who were still holding on!

If this continues, let alone the initially expected thirty promotion orders, it may be a question whether ten contestants will be promoted in the end.

If this is the case, this year's Jiuyao New King Ranking may be the first time that not even the top ten can be found.

At this moment, even top ten masters such as Yan Wufeng, Wu Chengkong, Shen Jianxin, etc. are beginning to struggle.

Time passed little by little.

An hour...

Two hours...

Finally, at the sixth hour, the number of players who were still persisting had suddenly shrunk from twenty to ten!

And in the top 100 list, two of the top ten experts were eliminated!

The remaining ones may not last long.

At the same time, Ling Feng and his party were meditating with their eyes closed, adjusting their breath, and meditating within the barrier formation they had built.

Looking at the three-headed wolf that is constantly being strengthened, baring its teeth and claws outside the barrier, there is no need to pay attention to it at all.

That’s called relaxation and comfort!

It has to be said that if those contestants who are still struggling to support Ling Feng's operation were to see it, they would probably shed tears of envy...

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