Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3519 Two extremes!

As time goes by, more and more contestants are eliminated.

Even some strong men who have already obtained promotion orders have experienced a crazy increase in their ability to protect strange beasts due to the increasing power of laws within the arena space.

In the end, it was only a pity that he was eliminated.

As more and more geniuses with top ten talents were eliminated, the faces of the elders on the referee's bench became very ugly.

What else is this?

As the competition progresses, only the last six people are still standing in the ring!

If the next round of competition is carried out according to this result, then...

It seems like the top ten can’t even get together!

However, there are still people persisting in the arena space. If the game ends early, it will obviously not be fair to these players who are still struggling to support themselves.

"Hey, it looks like the rules need to be modified a little."

Jie Yinxian Zun sighed softly and turned to look at Ming Shen Zun beside him.

"Well, adjustments are definitely necessary."

Ming Shenzun shook his head and smiled bitterly. No one expected that Elder Li Ge, who designed this level, would actually design such a perverted difficulty.

This is basically for the purpose of eliminating all members.

But there is no point in complaining about this now.

"It would be better to include all the disciples who have successfully obtained the promotion order into the promotion quota."

Jie Yinxian Zun thought for a moment and came up with a slightly compromised plan.

"Well, that's very good." Lord Ming Shen nodded slightly, "However, those disciples who persist to the end should also get some extra privileges."

"As it should be."

Jie Yinxian Zun stared at the arena space.

At this moment, among the people who were still persisting in the arena space, in addition to the four "chicken thieves" guys like Ling Feng, there were also Shen Jianxin and Wu Chengkong.

However, in comparison, the environments they faced were very different.

"Oh my God, look!"

At this time, in the spectator seats, someone suddenly pointed at the plane of fire laws and exclaimed.

"What are they doing?"

"Oh my god, they're having a barbecue! Drinking!"

"I'll go, it's so relaxing!"

But it turned out that Ling Feng and the four of them had nothing to do within the safe barrier, and actually started to drink some wine and eat some barbecue.

As a descendant of Shura Cooking Saint, Ling Feng had a rare opportunity to show off his cooking skills.

Although it was just a simple barbecue, the four of them ate sizzling oil.

Even the coldest Han Wenliang had no intention of drinking and eating meat with Ling Feng and the others, but he couldn't resist Ling Feng's roasted food, which was so delicious!

"Yum! So delicious!"

Chi Yankuang directly held a leg of lamb and began to chew it, although the powerful immortals no longer needed to eat to fill their stomachs.

But this desire for food and drink is still human nature.

When I encounter something delicious, I will still move my index finger to arouse my greed.

"Brother Ling, I didn't expect your barbecue skills to be so good!"

Chi Yankuang gave Ling Feng a thumbs up while eating frantically.

"Limited ingredients, show your ugliness!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and several people ate meat around the bonfire. Although they were separated by the barrier, they seemed to be able to float to the outside, making the disciples who were watching the battle hungry.

On the other hand, look at the other two corners of the arena space.

Shen Jianxin spurted blood continuously under the attack of a strange beast, and was already exhausted.

Although Wu Chengkong used secret techniques to avoid the strange beasts, he still cowered in the ice and snow, shivering.

The stronger the power of the law becomes, the more geniuses like Wu Chengkong become unable to resist it.

I have to say that Ling Feng was indeed foresight.

If he hadn't suggested setting up the barrier early, I'm afraid that even if four of them join forces at this moment, they probably wouldn't be any better than Wu Chengkong and the others.

Finally, twelve hours passed!

The second round of competition is finally over.

But there were only five people who persisted until the end.

Shen Jianxin was eliminated miserably at the tenth hour after all.

And when he saw the nurturing environment of Ling Feng and the others outside the court, tears of envy could not help but flow from the corners of his mouth.

How can the gap between people be so huge!

Also, actually using the boundary-breaking shuttle in the game?

Is that thing really not a foul?

But judging from the reaction of the elders on the referee's bench, it seems that they all already acquiesced.

Is it possible that these five people will finally make the cut in this Jiuyao New King Ranking?

The match ended and the arena returned to its original state.

The five people inside the arena space were also teleported out separately.

Ling Feng, Cheng Tianyong, Han Wenliang and Chi Yankuang all had rosy faces, and even Chi Yankuang was holding a roasted lamb leg in his hand.

On the other hand, Wu Chengkong, although he had left the ring space, looked ashen and disgraced, with multiple burns, electric injuries, and frostbite on his body, he couldn't be more embarrassed.

They are completely two different extremes!


Yufeng Immortal Lord floated down, looked at the two Immortal Lords on the high platform, took a deep breath, and could only bite the bullet and convey the meaning of the two Immortal Lords.

"Fellow brothers..."

Immortal Lord Yufeng raised his hand, attracting everyone's attention.


Immortal Yufeng coughed a few times, and then slowly said: "Because there were some problems with the competition venue, the number of people who advanced in the end was far lower than expected. Therefore, after the joint discussion of the two Immortals, After that, it was decided to relax the conditions for promotion, and all contestants who survive the promotion order can advance!”

As soon as these words came out, some disciples who were originally depressed and despairing immediately cheered up again.

But think about it, it would be too unkind if the qualifications for promotion were not relaxed for such an abnormally difficult assessment.

In the end, after testing, a total of twelve contestants won the promotion order.

Although it is far less than the number thirty, it is a great blessing to be able to finally get the top ten spots.

Immortal Yufeng took back the promotion orders of the twelve people, and then flew to the front of the two immortals.

"Two Immortal Lords, a total of twelve people have obtained promotion orders. What's the next round of assessment?"

Yufeng Immortal Lord looked up at the two immortals cautiously. The number of players in the competition was seriously insufficient, so the rules of the competition might be slightly changed.


Ming Shenzun spread out the twelve promotion orders on the table, thought for a moment, and then slowly said: "The five people who persist to the end will be directly promoted in the next round without competition. As for the other seven, they will compete for the remaining The five places reserved, the five people who successfully advanced, and the five people who were exempted are exactly the top ten.”

"Well, this plan is not bad."

Jie Yin Xian Zun also nodded, "Just follow Ming Shen Zun's wishes."

"Disciple understands."

Immortal Yufeng nodded repeatedly, and seven people competed for five places. In total, this should be the least competitive top ten promotion competition.

However, the premise is that there were originally thirty promotion places, but now only twelve people have been successfully promoted, and five people have been directly walked out.

But even if you advance from seven to five, being able to obtain a promotion order despite such difficult or even harsh conditions is undoubtedly a master among masters.

This round of competition is naturally full of excitement.

With a flash of figure, Yufeng Immortal Lord landed on the high platform directly above the ring and relayed the meaning of the two immortals to the contestants.

Although Ling Feng's five people were able to advance directly, they persisted until the end, and the other seven people naturally had nothing to say.

When Yan Wufeng saw Ling Feng advance successfully, he could only shake his head and smile bitterly, feeling somewhat regretful in his heart.

If he hadn't been soft-tempered and thought about knocking Ling Feng out of the competition after listening to Mo Yurou's words, he might have been the first one to become Ling Feng's teammate.

Among the current quotas for promotion, I should be one of them!

It's good now that I have offended Ling Feng. I just hope that Ling Feng is not a narrow-minded person and that I can resolve the misunderstanding with him in the future.

At the same time, Immortal Yufeng also introduced the rules of the next round of competition.

In this third round of competition, the arena will change again.

However, there will be no change in form like the previous two rounds.

Participants need to start from the left side of the ring at the same time. Facing obstacles on the ring, the first five people to reach the other side will advance smoothly.

And during the game, they are allowed to attack and interfere with each other.

Originally, thirty people would set off together in this round. By then, experts from all walks of life would show off their talents, and the competition would naturally be exciting.

Unfortunately, now, there are only seven people.

"Okay, everyone can rest for half an hour. After half an hour, the game will continue..."

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