The half-hour rest time passed quickly.

As the timing bell rang melodiously, seven contestants jumped onto the ring at the same time.

There were only seven pitiful people in the huge arena, which seemed extremely empty.

However, even if the arena is hundreds of feet long, for a strong immortal, it can only reach him in a blink of an eye, let alone racing?

I'm afraid the test set up in this level is by no means simple.

The seven people participating in this round are Mu Wan, Shen Jianxin, Yan Wufeng, Jiang Yi, Long Ze, Liu Yixi, and Ji Yongwei.

They are all seed players introduced on the top 100 list.

Because he has been promoted directly, Ling Feng can sit leisurely in the preparation seat and observe this round of competition.

Although they survived the last round relatively easily, it does not mean that their absolute strength far exceeds the seven people on the stage.

From this round of competition, we can first see what abilities these masters have.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Relatively speaking, these walk players have one more opportunity to understand their opponents.

Soon, the seven contestants were in place. Following the order from Yufeng Immortal Lord, the seven people immediately used their skills and shot out.

Normally, the distance of three hundred feet can be reached in an instant for powerful Immortal Lords like them.

However, since it is a competition, there must be some traps set.

Those who could enter this round were naturally not stupid. They did not accelerate rashly and sprinted forward.

Sure enough, after taking only three steps, they discovered something unusual.

But it turned out that as they continued to move forward, the laws of gravity ahead began to change.

Not only that, even the laws of space began to distort.

It's like the effect of Ling Feng's Qian Kun Reverse Chaos, which reverses front and back, up and down. If you sprint blindly, you may immediately return to the starting point, or even fall off the ring.

That would be ugly!

Fortunately, after a short period of adaptation, everyone began to move forward at a relatively slow pace.

There is a gap in reaction time.

The one who reacted fastest was Mu Wan.

Although Mu Wan is a woman, there must be something extraordinary about being ranked second in the top 100 list, second only to Han Wenliang.

Immediately afterwards, the tests continued to increase.

The forces of law that disrupted occupation and rhythm in the previous two rounds appeared again.

The short distance of three hundred feet seemed to be difficult to walk at this moment.

No wonder the time of this round of competition is the same as the previous two rounds, which is twelve hours.

Only when the finish line is reached within twelve hours will the results be valid.

If it exceeds twelve hours, then even if you are in the top five, you will be eliminated unfortunately.

An hour...

Two hours...

Three hours...

Time passed little by little, and finally, a contestant was the first to reach the finish line.

It was Mu Wan.

At this moment, the runner in second place had only just completed more than half of the distance.

"Will you reach the finish line in three hours?"

In the preparation table, Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, thinking secretly in his heart, if he also participated in the competition, could he achieve better results than this?

It shouldn't be a big problem.

Although Mu Wan's results were indeed much higher than those behind her, she exposed too many of her trump cards in order to crush the other contestants in this round.

In fact, this round only needs to end within twelve hours, and it is enough to guarantee the top five.

The more trump cards you expose, the more you will fall into a passive situation in the finals.

It seems that this brother Mu Wan's mentality is a little more impatient than others.

"It's too urgent!"

Cheng Tianyong on the side also shook his head and murmured in a low voice: "In order to fight for a meaningless first place, I have to use all my cards. If I meet her in the finals, I can defeat her in less than three moves." "

Ling Feng shrugged slightly, noncommittal.

But I also had the same idea as Cheng Tianyong.

The game continues.

At about the seventh hour, a second contestant finally completed the entire race, and it was Yan Wufeng.

And Shen Jianxin followed closely behind, not much slower.

Finally, within ten hours, five people completed the entire process, and the remaining Liu Yixi and Long Ze were eliminated.

The ones who advance in this round are Mu Wan, Yan Wufeng, Shen Jianxin, Jiang Yi, and Ji Yongwei.

Together with Han Wenliang, Ling Feng, Cheng Tianyong, Chi Yankuang and Wu Chengkong, they are the top ten players in this year's Jiuyao New King Ranking.

"Congratulations to all the junior brothers and sisters for advancing to the top ten!"

Immortal Lord Yufeng was the first to congratulate the promoted disciples.

Those who can stand out among countless inner disciples and advance to the top ten are already geniuses among geniuses and monsters among monsters.

No matter whether he can go further in the future, he can already be called the leader among the inner disciples.

And this year's Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking is even more full of evildoers.

Among the top ten, there are actually three disciples, who are new disciples who have been in the field for less than ten years.

Wu Chengkong is nothing special. Before joining Tianzhi, he was already one of the most talented people in the Tianzhi realm.

But Ling Feng and Cheng Tianyong appeared like dark horses.

Normally, it would be great to be able to kill just one such evildoer.

And this time, three of them suddenly appeared!

Moreover, they all still have the appearance of winning the championship.

In the first round of the competition, Wu Chengkong defeated the Nine Nine Fruit Immortal Lords with one against nine.

Cheng Tianyong also showed his ability to compete with Han Wenliang in the second round.

Ling Feng's performance was slightly inferior to the other two, but who knows if he is the one who hides the deepest?

Before the actual competition, no one knows who will win the final championship.

Amidst the shouts of the crowd, Yufeng Immortal Lord waved his hand and took out a wooden box from his sleeve.

"Next is ten to five. Each junior can draw lots. If you draw two people with the same symbol, then you will be the opponent in the next round of competition."

After saying that, Immortal Yufeng held up the wooden box and shook it a few times, then said with a smile: "Okay, you can come up and draw lots."

After the words fell, Chi Yankuang was the first to step forward to draw lots. He did not forget to look back at Ling Feng and said, "Junior Brother Ling, if I draw you, I will not show mercy!"

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and said lightly: "That's how it should be."

Cheng Tianyong also raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Brother Ling, I hope we don't meet too soon. Otherwise, you will definitely stop here. I am serious about winning the championship this time!"

Look, I'll drive you crazy!

Ling Feng secretly cursed in his heart, but his expression remained calm, "What a coincidence, I'm serious too!"

Everyone came forward to draw lots one after another, and when Yan Wufeng walked to Ling Feng's side, he also leaned over and said in a low voice: "That...Junior Brother Ling..."

Ling Feng raised his eyes and glanced at him, "Senior Brother Yan? Is something wrong?"

This guy took the initiative to provoke him in the second round for no reason. Ling Feng didn't have a good impression of him.


Yan Wufeng's expression looked a little embarrassed. He scratched the back of his head and said helplessly: "Actually, it was not my intention to attack you before. I was just entrusted by others. But I have no intention of being an enemy of my junior brother. I hope Junior Brother can forgive me and don’t take the past misunderstanding to heart.”


Ling Feng blinked, and after a moment, he came to his senses.

Who else could he be entrusted with, besides that boring woman Mo Yurou?

This woman is really...

Ling Feng shook his head slightly. After all, he had really become the victim of her and Xiao Xianling's mutual targeting.

If it wasn't for Yufeng Immortal Lord's sake, I wouldn't have taught this crazy girl a lesson!

"That's it, I understand."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Senior Brother Yan, just make things clear. We are all brothers in the same sect. We can forgive or not forgive anything."

"Haha, if Junior Brother can be so generous, then I will feel relieved."

Yan Wufeng coughed a few times and said with a smile: "I wish my junior brother a smooth advancement in this round of competition!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and saluted Yan Wufeng with his fists raised, "I also wish senior brother a smooth advancement."

I have to say that the feeling the Tianzhi organization gave him was indeed much better than that of any sect family in the lower realm.

And among the disciples, even those who were more annoying than others like Nan Xiaolie, at least did not do anything behind the scenes.

Because of this, Ling Feng's sense of identity and belonging to the Tianzhi organization has gradually deepened.

From the bottom of my heart, I have regarded myself as a member of Tianzhi.

Ling Feng's mentality also gradually changed. From the beginning, he just hoped to find a backer who could compete with the Xuntian clan.

But now, he is a little worried about whether Tianzhi will be implicated when his identity is exposed in the future.

However, these things are all things for later.

At the moment, Ling Feng just hopes to fight with all his strength against these talented people.

After collecting his mind, Ling Feng also took out the lottery from the wooden box, with the word "five" marked on it.

At the instruction of Yufeng Immortal Lord, everyone showed their lottery numbers and paired up in pairs.

The person with the same lottery number 5 as Ling Feng is Jiang Yi.

As for that guy Cheng Tianyong, perhaps his words came true and he actually drew Mu Wan directly.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, stepped forward and patted his shoulder, whispering: "Brother Cheng, I want to see how you defeat your opponent in three moves."


Cheng Tianyong shook his head and sighed: "It's really unlucky. You know I don't hit women..."

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