Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3525 Cheng Tianyong is not a human being!

A feeling of humiliation like a cat catching a mouse arose in Jiang Yi's heart.

However, Ling Feng was a cat, and he was a mouse!

Jiang Yi gritted his teeth. Since there was no way to avoid it, he could only...

Fight head-on!

He took a deep breath, swept the Chongtian Ji Spear in his hand, and swung it heavily at Ling Feng.

Regardless of winning or losing, he couldn't let his opponent play with him like a mouse.


Under the violent collision, the sound of explosions rang out in the ring space.

Bang bang bang bang!

Then, smoke and dust rolled all over the sky.

Everyone saw a long spear rising into the sky and being shaken away heavily.

After a while, the smoke and dust dissipated, and everyone saw Jiang Yi standing there in a daze, looking at his hands in disbelief.

Chongtian Ji Spear was actually shaken away by Ling Feng's sword!

One sword!

Just one sword!

However, Ling Feng still saved his face, otherwise, it would not only knock his lance flying, but also knock him out, and he would suffer serious internal injuries.

By then, he would be in a mess.

Jiang Yi clenched his fists, took a few deep breaths, and finally sighed and bowed to Ling Feng, "I admit defeat!"

He didn't even have time to see how Ling Feng drew his sword. He also thought that he would not be able to defeat Ling Feng without the protection of the Earth Dragon Wall.

But he never expected that he would lose so easily.

They were not at the same level at all.

And Ling Feng was the guy with a lower realm.

Of course, this feeling could only be felt by Jiang Yi, the person involved.

At the moment when the two fought, the entire arena was filled with smoke and dust. Except for a few people, in the eyes of most of the audience, Ling Feng was only slightly better than Jiang Yi, except for a few people.

It was only limited to knocking Jiang Yi's weapon flying.

But Jiang Yi gave up like this, which was unexpected by everyone.

It was as if Jiang Yi didn't have the strength to fight at all, just like letting him win.

"It seems that Senior Brother Jiang wants to give this new disciple more opportunities to show his strength."

"That should be the case. Senior Brother Jiang must have some strength left, but since Junior Brother has taken some advantages, just let him win."

"From this point of view, Senior Brother Jiang is really admirable!"

"Well, Senior Brother Jiang's character is really beyond words!"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, but Jiang Yi's old face turned red.

He was not as noble as they said.

It was just that he couldn't beat him, and the gap between them was simply incomprehensible to outsiders like them.


Jiang Yi shook his head and smiled bitterly, looking at Ling Feng meaningfully.

This guy gave him enough way out. It seemed that he really didn't mean to provoke him. It was just that the guy named Cheng Tianyong was just a bit mean.

"Thank you, Senior Brother."

Ling Feng also clasped his fists towards Jiang Yi. Since both of them were brothers from the same sect, there was no need to make things awkward.

Ling Feng deliberately gave Jiang Yi a way out, hoping to resolve some previous misunderstandings.

"You are very good. I hope you can continue to move forward!"

Jiang Yi looked at Ling Feng deeply, then turned around and jumped off the stage.

So far, this round of competition has ended, and only five of the top ten players remain, namely: Cheng Tianyong, Han Wenliang, Yan Wufeng, Wu Chengkong and the final winner Ling Feng.

It is worth mentioning that among the remaining five people, three are actually new inner disciples.

Moreover, they have been worshipping Tianzhi for no more than ten years.

I am afraid no one has expected such a result.

"There are too many dark horses this year!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Shen, Senior Sister Mu, Senior Brother Chi, these strong men were actually defeated."

"Alas, the waves behind push the waves in front, and the waves in front die on the beach."

"I just don't know who will win the championship?"

"There should be no suspense about this, it should be Senior Brother Han Wenliang!"

"Well, I also think it should be him. Although he may not be able to become a Nine Glory in the end, he has already possessed the strength of the Nine Glory level."

The audience was boiling. Although everyone had their own guesses, most people still believed that the final champion was most likely Han Wenliang.

Even Xiao Xianling, although she still hoped that Ling Feng could turn the tables and win the championship, this chance was still a little "slim".

After all, Han Wenliang had the strength of the Nine Glory level sixty years ago, and he had received guidance from his grandfather.

Although the Immortal Venerable Jieyin no longer accepted true disciples, Han Wenliang was only a nominal disciple.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Immortal Master Jieyin had carefully cultivated Han Wenliang.

Although he was not called a true disciple, he was already a true disciple in reality.

At this moment, the Immortal Master Yufeng floated down from the high platform.

He waved his hand and said loudly: "Please be patient, this round of competition is not over yet."

For a moment, everyone immediately quieted down, and everyone looked at the Immortal Master Yufeng.

Why hasn't it ended yet?

Under everyone's gaze, Yufeng Immortal Lord slowly said: "There are currently five contestants left, but only four can advance to the semi-finals. And according to the judgments of the referees at the referee's table, the current promotion Among the five disciples, Junior Brother Cheng Tianyong, although he is better than Junior Sister Mu Wan, his fighting style is a bit tricky, so it is still to be determined. "

"To be determined?"

In the audience, everyone's eyes widened, and some didn't understand what this meant.

"To be determined?!"

On the preparation table, Cheng Tianyong jumped up.

"What do you mean? Why am I pending? Didn't I win?"

Cheng Tianyong clenched his fists and frowned deeply, almost twisting into the character "Chuan", as if he was going to the stage to argue with Yufeng Immortal.

Ling Feng quickly grabbed Cheng Tianyong, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Brother Cheng, calm down, calm down!"

"Junior Brother Cheng, please be patient."

Yufeng Xianjun saw that Cheng Tianyong was a little excited and said quickly: "The pending decision does not mean elimination. It means that according to the unanimous judgment of the elders on the referee's bench, the strength you have shown so far is still a little bit behind. So, You need to choose an opponent among the other four promotions and play again. "

"If you can win this round, you will naturally be able to advance smoothly."

Immortal Yufeng looked at Cheng Tianyong and explained slowly.

"Want to play another round?"

Cheng Tianyong cursed in his heart. As we all know, this guy destroyed two of the Five Elements Puppet in his battle with Mu Wan in order to seduce girls.

There are only three elements left of the Five Elements, and the Five Elements Formation has been broken without attacking.

His strength must also be greatly reduced.

Perhaps, the referees took this into consideration and left Cheng Tianyong pending.

"Hey, forget it."

Cheng Tianyong shook his head, jumped up, and jumped onto the ring again. He looked at Yufeng Immortal Lord and said calmly: "Senior Brother Mo, do you mean to pick one at random among the four of them?"

"Well, just pick one."

Immortal Yufeng nodded, "Besides, there is only one chance, so Junior Brother Cheng must choose carefully."


Cheng Tianyong blew his bangs on his forehead, his eyes swept over the other four people who were promoted, and he began to make secret calculations in his mind.

Han Wenliang, Han Wenliang would definitely not choose it, only a fool would choose it.

Wu Chengkong, forget it, this guy is not easy to mess with.

Brother Ling, it's better to wait for the finals before fighting him again.

That is to say, from the current point of view, the only best choice left is Yan Wufeng.

"I choose Yan Wufeng!"

Without too much hesitation, Cheng Tianyong made his final choice.

"Are you sure?"

Yufeng Immortal Lord confirmed.


Cheng Tianyong nodded and looked at Yan Wufeng, "Senior Brother Yan, I'm sorry."

Yan Wufeng shrugged and said with a helpless smile: "It seems that I have been looked down upon."

"I don't mean that, it's just that the other people are too familiar with me, so it's hard to start!"

Cheng Tianyong was as coquettish as ever, raised his sword eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Besides, if you fight early and late, you still have to fight. Don't you have the confidence, senior brother?"

With a flash of blue light, Yan Wufeng had already arrived on the wind and boarded the ring.

His eyes fell on Cheng Tianyong and he said calmly: "Junior brother's Five Elements Puppet has been broken. I'm afraid he doesn't have much chance of winning against me."


Cheng Tianyong nodded, "This is indeed a trouble, but..."

Cheng Tianyong smiled faintly and made a hand gesture. Then, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and five-color rays of light flashed, and the five-element puppets all appeared intact beside Cheng Tianyong.

" is this possible?"

Yan Wufeng's expression changed slightly, "Your puppet is not..."

"I didn't say anything. I only have one pair of such puppets. If it breaks, I can just replace it with another one."

Cheng Tianyong grinned, making everyone look stunned.

Even Ling Feng was once again refreshed by Cheng Tianyong, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

This guy is really not a human being!

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