Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3526 Immortal Fighting Spirit! The biggest dark horse!

On the stage.

The corner of Yan Wufeng's mouth twitched slightly. Cheng Tianyong's actions undoubtedly caused some small fluctuations in his emotions.

But so what?

Even if Cheng Tianyong's five-element puppets were all intact, I would just fight him with all my strength to avoid being said to be invincible.

"bring it on!"

Yan Wufeng's figure suddenly rose into the sky, and the strong wind howled around him, directly using the "Wind Control Nine Tribulation Formation" originally used to deal with Ling Feng.

The next moment, Yan Wufeng drew out his long sword, and with a swish of the blade, his figure was divided into nine parts.

These clones all have the same aura as the original body. Under the blessing of the Wind Control Nine Tribulation Formation, their speeds are extremely fast. As soon as their figures pass by, they disappear into the void.

The next moment, murderous intent emerged. Cheng Tianyong's eyes narrowed and he stopped being careless.

Although Yan Wufeng is relatively less difficult to deal with among the other candidates, don't forget that he is a genius known as the "Little Yufeng Immortal Lord".

His strength may not reach the level of Yufeng Immortal Lord, but his various abilities are almost a replica of Yufeng Immortal Lord.

As a strong person in the middle and upper reaches of the Six Imperial Guards, Yufeng Immortal Lord is proficient in all kinds of abilities, including offense and defense. Moreover, with his terrifying speed, he is extremely difficult to defend against when he strikes.


The shadow of the sword flashed, and Cheng Tianyong quickly took back the soil, with two wooden puppets protecting him.


There was just a sound of gold and iron clashing, sparks flying, and Yan Wufeng's figure disappeared in a flash, and then appeared from another completely different and tricky angle.

Moreover, the most exaggerated situation is that nine figures suddenly appeared and disappeared at the same time.

For a moment, the shadow of the sword flickered on the arena. Even Cheng Tianyong, who had always relied on the Five Elements Puppet to be invincible, fell into endless trouble for a while.

Although for a while, Yan Wufeng was helpless against Cheng Tianyong's almost iron-clad absolute defense, Cheng Tianyong could not even touch a corner of Yan Wufeng's clothes.

This is destined to be a protracted battle.

"Brother Cheng, Brother Cheng, you can finally understand how I felt at that time."

In the preparation table, Ling Feng's mouth curled up. In the second round of the competition, he had faced Yan Wufeng's Nine Tribulation Formation of Wind Control, which gave him a huge headache.

Although Yan Wufeng's attack intensity is not too high, the attack frequency is extremely fast.

Not only that, his speed made him almost invincible.

If his Wind Control Nine Tribulation Formation cannot be broken, monks who major in the power of other laws will simply not be able to catch up with Yan Wufeng's terrifying speed.

Obviously, Cheng Tianyong quickly realized this.

"A difficult formation!"

Cheng Tianyong frowned slightly. Within the Nine Tribulation Wind Formation, the force of the strong wind swept away all the spiritual powers of other departments, leaving only the force of the strong wind, which swept wildly.

With the blessing of this strong wind, Yan Wufeng's speed became faster and faster as time went by.

Although Yan Wufeng's attack could only cause some harassment to himself for a while, with the blessing of speed, the power of the slash would continue to increase.

As the saying goes, in the world of martial arts, only fast ones cannot be defeated.

When Yan Wufeng's speed continues to increase, sooner or later there will be a qualitative change.

And at that time, his sword energy will also undergo a qualitative change under the extremely rapid increase.

"It seems that the Five Elements Puppet alone cannot defeat this guy."

Cheng Tianyong sighed softly, and under the protection of the earth and wood puppets, he made a mysterious hand trick at the same time.

The next moment, Cheng Tianyong's pupils suddenly flashed with a pale golden light.

Judging from his ability to control puppets, it is obvious that Cheng Tianyong is majoring in the divine soul.

Therefore, it is not surprising that he is good at certain eye skills.

In an instant, the powerful power of divine consciousness radiated, directly forming a layer of divine consciousness domain.

Immediately afterwards, a pale golden figure slowly rose from behind Cheng Tianyong, and a huge "Cheng Tianyong" appeared. Under the golden light, it was faintly about to break through Yan Wufeng's Nine Tribulations Formation.

"Immortal fighting spirit?"

In the audience, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, he was familiar with this thing!

It can be said that Cheng Tianyong is the second being who has mastered the immortal fighting spirit that he has encountered so far.

And the first one is himself.

Ling Feng's eyes widened and he watched Cheng Tianyong's every move carefully.

Although he broke through the immortal fighting spirit by chance, his use of the fighting spirit is really limited.

In addition, he does not master many soul skills, so the immortal fighting soul is almost useless.

It was not long ago that he practiced another pupil technique of Xu Tian Wanxiang, which can use some of the power of the fighting spirit.

But this is not enough. Ling Feng's understanding of the immortal fighting spirit is so limited that he is guarding a treasure but cannot use it properly.

At this moment, Cheng Tianyong can undoubtedly give him a good example.

We can also "steal" a lot of things from Cheng Tianyong.

"Want to use the power of divine consciousness to break through my wind-controlling Nine Tribulations Formation?"

Yan Wufeng's face darkened. He had just begun to get better, and he was able to trap Cheng Tianyong in the Wind Control Nine Tribulation Formation, and let him slowly fall within the formation, watching helplessly as his defenses were broken. .

But he never expected that Cheng Tianyong would possess such a huge power of consciousness, so powerful that it would break his own magic circle in an instant.

The power of the strong wind was suppressed, and his speed was also slowing down little by little.

"Senior Brother Yan, after flying, come down and rest!"

Cheng Tianyong sneered, his eyes glowed with golden light, and then, the immortal war spirit behind him raised his hand and grabbed all nine of Yan Wufeng's clones.




As the clones were crushed into pieces, no matter how hard Yan Wufeng struggled, he couldn't break the big hand made of immortal war souls.


The next moment, he punched the immortal fighting spirit heavily on the ground and dunked Yan Wufeng into the depths of the earth.


Immediately afterwards, another pillar of fire rose into the sky. Yan Wufeng was trapped in the pillar of fire. The storm swept through his body, barely resisting the blazing heat of the pillar of fire. His eyes were fixed on Cheng Tianyong, and he was already in a state of embarrassment.


Yan Wufeng suddenly spat out a mouthful of counter-blood, and the Nine Tribulation Formation of Yufeng was actually destroyed by Cheng Tianyong in such a devastating way.

Although this guy can't see the depth, he is obviously at the level of an Immortal Lord. How can his power of consciousness be condensed to such a terrifying state?

Under the stage, Ling Feng's eyes flickered, and he nodded repeatedly, secretly admiring in his heart: So that's it, I learned it, I learned it!

"What a powerful soul source!"

"Immortal fighting soul, you can cultivate the soul to this point, yes, it's really good!"

On the high platform, the Immortal Master Jie Yin and the Immortal Master Ming Shen also secretly admired.

"The power of such a powerful divine soul is probably not much different from that of the Yuhun among the Six Yus."

Lord Mingshen said slowly.


The Immortal Master Jieyin nodded slightly, and the figure of the Immortal Yuhun flashed in his mind, comparing him with Cheng Tianyong.

It's hard to tell the difference between the two simply in terms of attainments in Shenhun.

This year's newcomers are really better than the others!

Ling Feng was like this, Wu Chengkong was like this, and now Cheng Tianyong is like this.

Moreover, is Cheng Tianyong the most defiant among the three of them?

Jieyin Xianzun took a deep breath and returned his gaze to the ring.

At this moment, Yan Wufeng could be said to have been completely manipulated by Cheng Tianyong.

Although Yan Wufeng was unwilling to do so, he weighed it again and again. Although he still had a chance to break through the pillar of fire and attack again. However, Cheng Tianyong obviously would not give him a second chance to use the Wind Control Nine Tribulation Formation to increase his speed.

In this way, even if I try my best, I'm afraid I will still fail.


Thinking of this, Yan Wufeng let out a long sigh and could only grit his teeth and said: "Junior brother's spiritual consciousness is so powerful that I give up!"

"Senior brother accepts the offer!"

Cheng Tianyong smiled faintly, then released the immortal fighting spirit and released Yan Wufeng from the pillar of fire.

"Hey, I'm sorry to offend you. Senior brother's speed is really too fast, so I have to tie up senior brother tightly. Otherwise, once senior brother escapes, he will be like a dragon entering the sea. It will be difficult to catch senior brother again. ”

Yan Wufeng rolled his eyes at Cheng Tianyong. This guy was really good at being a good person, which was enough to give him face.

"Junior brother has hidden it so deeply. I guess he must be confident about his position as champion."

“I don’t dare to act confidently, but I am sure to win!”

Cheng Tianyong did not hide his ambition at all. He cupped his fists and saluted Yan Wufeng, then looked at Immortal Yufeng on the high platform, "How is it? Brother Yufeng, I have passed the test, right?"

"Natural, natural!"

Immortal Yufeng shook his head and smiled, giving a thumbs up to Cheng Tianyong, "Junior brother's strength is really admirable!"

For a moment, the audience went from silence to excitement.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Tianyong might be the biggest dark horse in this year's Jiuyao New King Ranking.

Mu Wan, who was defeated by Cheng Tianyong before, also gritted her silver teeth, but her pretty face turned slightly red.

Only a truly strong person can conquer such a proud and arrogant woman like her.

And Cheng Tianyong has proven with his strength that he is not just a simple and handsome boy.

He is definitely a real strong man!

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