Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3527 Ling Feng VS Han Wenliang!

As Cheng Tianyong exerted his powerful divine soul power, he defeated Yan Wufeng.

At this point, all four talents who have advanced to the semi-finals have been decided, namely Han Wenliang, Ling Feng, Cheng Tianyong and Wu Chengkong.

Among them, there are three new disciples who have been in the profession for less than ten years.

Moreover, most of them have just been promoted to the inner sect in recent years, and even the cultivation levels of Ling Feng and Wu Chengkong are only at the Daoyan level.

Such a result may not have been expected by anyone.

In the spectator seats, the three triplets, Tie Long, Tie Hu, and Tie Bao, also took a break from their busy schedule and rushed to the scene to watch the game.

"Boss, did those two brats really get a chance on top of that mountain?"

Tiebao turned to look at Tielong. On that day, because the team led by Ling Feng and Wu Chengkong broke Tielong's three-talented formation, Tielong took them to the top of the mountain, saying that if they memorized the route, they could get Unexpected gains.

This was originally just an illusory legend. After all, for thousands of years, countless people, including his three Iron Dragon brothers, have tried, but in the end it was all in vain.

But now it seems that three years ago, Ling Feng and Wu Chengkong were just little immortals in the Talisman Realm. In the eyes of the inner disciples, they were just like ants.

However, today, just three years later, these two new disciples have shown amazing strength in the arena of Jiuyao New Lord Ranking.

Moreover, step by step, he passed the test and advanced to the semi-finals.

This has to make the three Tielong brothers wonder whether these two little guys got the opportunity on the top of the mountain in the surrounding heaven.

Otherwise, how could they have suddenly entered the country with such ferocity.

"It's very possible!"

Tie Long nodded and said solemnly: "I just said that among these brats, there must be someone who can understand the mystery of chance. You see, it is true."


Iron Tiger and Iron Leopard rolled their eyes at the same time. They were obviously just being stingy, but this time they were probably just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

But no matter what, both Ling Feng and Wu Chengkong should be grateful to Tie Long.

If it hadn't been for Tie Long's whim, they might not have been able to shine in the arena of Jiuyao New King Ranking in just three years.

At the same time, Immortal Yufeng controlled the magic circle, and after repairing the arena, he allowed four more candidates to come on stage to draw lots.

The top four players will decide on the last two after the semi-finals to participate in the finals.

Immortal Yufeng waved his hand, and a pale golden ball slowly rose into the air and spun at high speed.

Then, whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Four golden rays shot out from the magic ball. The four contestants raised their hands to grab it, and then, a special pattern appeared in their palms.

"Okay, the distribution is complete."

Immortal Yufeng glanced at Ling Feng and the four of them, and said calmly: "Now, junior brothers, please open your palms."

The top four players looked at each other and opened their palms.

But they saw a sun pattern mark appearing on the palms of Ling Feng and Han Wenliang.

On the palms of Wu Chengkong and Cheng Tianyong, a moon-shaped mark appeared.

Players with the same mark will be assigned to the same group.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he raised his eyes to look at Han Wenliang. He never expected that he would meet Han Wenliang first.

And when Ling Feng looked at Han Wenliang, Han Wenliang's eyes also happened to look towards Ling Feng.

Similarly, Han Wenliang also showed a solemn expression.

Although Ling Feng has not revealed any powerful abilities so far, it is precisely because of this that people need to be more careful.

After all, there are no weaklings among those who have made it all the way to this point.

What's more, he has a reason why he must win.

Therefore, no matter who the opponent is, he must defeat him.

On the other side, the look between Cheng Tianyong and Wu Chengkong was also full of gunpowder.

The game has not yet started, and it is inevitable that the players, the spectators in the audience, and the elders on the high platform are all excited.

"It's great to be young. For a moment, I felt like I had returned to thousands of years ago."

Jie Yinxian Zun stroked his long beard and murmured.

"Yes, it's great to be young!"

Ming Shenzun also nodded repeatedly, "This first game is an internal fight between you and the Yin Yin Hall. Who do you think can win this game?"

"If it's possible..."

Jie Yinxian Zun pondered for a moment, and finally said slowly: "If possible, I hope that the Ling Feng boy can win."


Ming Shenzun's eyes lit up, and he immediately put on a joking smile, "After all, we are our grandson-in-law, we are a family! Your partiality is too obvious."

"Okay, okay, don't make fun of my little granddaughter."

Jie Yinxian Zun shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Although Wen Liang and I don't have the title of master and disciple, after hundreds of years of getting along with each other, I really want to be partial to him, and I should be partial to him. It's just..."

After a long while, the Immortal Master Jie Yin sighed softly again, "I really can't bear to see him continue to persevere and make some futile efforts."


Ming Shen Zun raised his hand and patted the shoulder of Ji Yin Xian Zun, "I understand your thoughts, and that boy is indeed too stubborn. If the pattern formed in this immortal realm for tens of millions of years can be easily changed, If so, Meng Caihuan, the proud daughter of heaven, would not become Po Meng today. And your eldest disciple... that's all, let's not mention it."

Jie Yinxian Zun also took a deep breath, "That's why I don't want this idiot to become another victim."

"It's just that the Ling Feng boy has too little foundation. He has been worshiped by Tianzhi for less than ten years. Even if he does have an adventure, can he compare to Han Wenliang who received personal guidance from you, the Immortal Master?"

Lord Mingshen said slowly.

"It's hard."

Jieyin Xianzun shook his head slightly, "Based on my understanding of Wen Liangdao, the strength he showed in the previous rounds of competition was less than 50%."

"Then it seems that that Ling Feng boy may have really come to an end this time."

Ming Shenzun picked up the tea cup on the coffee table, took a few sips, and then said with a faint smile: "However, whether it can create a miracle remains to be seen."

At the same time, after a short rest, Ling Feng and Han Wenliang also entered the ring again for the semi-finals.

"Come on, you brat!"

Without any hesitation, Xiao Xianling chose to cheer for Ling Feng.

Although Han Wenliang is a senior brother, women are often very realistic at times like this.

After all, that was Ling Feng!

"I never thought he could actually go this far!"

There was some sadness in Zhou Yan's tone.

They all ascended from the lower realms, and I came from the ten ancient regions. As a result, Ling Feng has soared into the sky and become famous.


But he was still wallowing outside the door.

The gap between people is sometimes even wider than the gap between humans and dogs!

Nangong Ziling looked back at Zhou Yan and said lightly: "Brother Zhou, you still need to calm down. There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. Even if we were unparalleled geniuses in the lower world, this is the fairyland!"

"I see."

Zhou Yan shook his head and smiled bitterly. Sometimes, it is indeed difficult to admit that he is not as good as others.

However, you still have to take that step after all.

As for Yue Yunlan, Yu Junyao and Tuoba Yan, they are naturally on the same side as Xiao Xianling. Although their expressions may be reserved or passionate, their hearts are obviously towards Ling Feng.

On the stage.

Ling Feng and Han Wenliang stood on the left and right sides of the ring, facing each other from a distance, neither of them making the first move.

"Senior Brother Han, I didn't expect that we finally met."

Ling Feng slowly pulled out Destruction in All Directions. Facing a master like Han Wenliang, and unable to use Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, a trump card with demonic attributes attached, Ling Feng was destined to fall into a passive position. situation.

"You will meet each other sooner or later, you will meet each other sooner or later."

Han Wenliang's expression remained normal and he raised his eyes to look at Ling Feng, "After all, there is only one champion."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, swung his sword, and the Tian Zhi Seal on his palm began to spread.

A change!

Two changes!

Three changes!

The Five Changes Heaven Pattern reappears!

Similarly, Han Wenliang was not careless and gave Ling Feng the highest respect.

In terms of the number of Tianzhi Seals, Han Wenliang actually had more changes than Ling Feng.

Han Wenliang's Tianzhi Seal has reached the level of the Six Changes of Heavenly Patterns!

However, he has participated in the Jiuyao New Lord Ranking many times and has practiced for hundreds of years longer than Ling Feng.

The gap caused by time between them cannot be easily bridged.

After all, Han Wenliang is also one of the top evil geniuses.

The Tianzhi Seal appeared, and the auras of the two monsters instantly rose to their peak state.

"Wan Musheng!"

Finally, it was Han Wenliang who took the lead, and the already familiar "Wan Musheng" took action, directly changing the battlefield environment.

Countless vines quickly emerged from the depths of the earth, filling the entire scene almost instantly.

Swish, swish, swish!

Countless vines, like dexterous poisonous snakes, are winding towards Ling Feng. Once the stings on them penetrate the skin, they will produce poison enough to paralyze the nerves.

Even the powerful Immortal Lord would find it difficult to resist.

Naturally, Ling Feng would not sit back and wait for death, and with a flash of fire all over his body, he used the Demonic Dragon's Purifying Fire.

With the domineering flames of the Ancestral Dragon, it is naturally not something that ordinary vines can break through.

And Han Wenliang was obviously not naive enough to think that Wan Musheng could solve Ling Feng with just one move.

Immediately afterwards, there was another sharp roar, "Thick soil is falling!"

Boom boom boom!

Meteorites were falling from the sky all over the sky. While Ling Feng used the Jiuyou Blinking Technique to dodge, Han Wenliang flipped his hand again and performed the "River-Flipping Dragon".

Countless water waves rolled and gathered into hundreds of dragons, attacking Lingfeng crazily.

The long sword in Ling Feng's hand danced wildly, and he kept using the Xuantian Cloud-breaking Sword. The sword energy was superimposed, and he smashed the water dragon, but tens of thousands of sword energy fell from the sky.

"Burial of Ten Thousand Swords!"


The boundless sword energy gathered into an extremely sharp golden dragon. As Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, there was another roar, and the sky exploded.

"Vulcan Dance!"

At this point, Han Wenliang has exerted all the power of the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

What is even more terrifying is the magic of transforming and combining the power of the five elements.

"The Great Five Elements Immortal Capturing Formation!"

In the audience, Ming Shenzun blurted out.

"The Great Five Elements Immortal Capturing Formation!"

Immortal Lord Yufeng's pupils shrank.

"The Great Five Elements Immortal Capturing Formation!"

Xiao Xianling also widened her eyes.

Almost instantly, many people recognized that Han Wenliang's suppressive fighting style was almost as violent as a storm when he met him.

He had already made a direct layout from the beginning, using the power of the Five Elements to directly set up the Great Five Elements Immortal Capturing Formation.

This is a real master-level magic!

Although Han Wenliang's Great Five Elements Immortal Capturing Formation is only based on Dao Fruit, there is a huge gap between it and those displayed at the level of a true Immortal Emperor.

But don't forget, Ling Feng is only in the Daoyan realm.

The Great Five Elements Immortal Capturing Formation based on Dao Fruit is more than enough to deal with Ling Feng.

The five elements rotate, and Han Wenliang turns his hand, water becomes waves, fire becomes flames, the earth shakes, and thousands of trees spring into life!

The endless laws of the five elements continued to suppress Ling Feng in all directions, making it almost impossible for Ling Feng to breathe.

"Yinxu Po!"

Not only that, Han Wenliang's Great Five Elements Immortal Capturing Formation was at 10%, and he almost didn't need to control it himself. He could even get out and launch a more fierce offensive directly towards Ling Feng.

As soon as the Yinxu broke out, his figure escaped directly into the void, and every time he appeared, he would inevitably launch a terrifying attack condensed with the power of the void against Ling Feng.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, knowing that he could no longer hide it.

To deal with a master like Han Wenliang, you must show your true skills, and they must be at the bottom of the box.

After concentrating his gaze, purple meaning floated in Ling Feng's eyes.

The next moment, a gigantic Lingfeng Dharma Appearance rose from behind him, forcibly stretching out the power of the Five Elements Principle, and forcibly erecting a huge domain more than thirty feet high.

"Immortal fighting spirit!"

This time, countless onlookers were dumbfounded again.

After Cheng Tianyong, Ling Feng actually showed his immortal fighting spirit.

Moreover, its level of condensation is no less than that of Cheng Tianyong!

There are monsters every year, and this year, there are really a lot of them!

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