Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3528 The power of the ancestral dragon! The power of the evil dragon!

"Another...another immortal fighting spirit?"

"Oh my God, the threshold for cultivating a fighting spirit is already high. Those who can reach the immortal fighting spirit level are even rarer. Only those who truly master the immortal fighting spirit can be considered to have touched the threshold of the avenue of divine souls. Such monsters , it has been hard for one to appear for hundreds of thousands of years, but now two suddenly appeared. "

"But it seems that Junior Brother Ling Feng's control over the Immortal War Spirit is worse than that of Cheng Tianyong."

"Indeed, but it's shocking enough!"

The audience was buzzing with excitement. How could one not be shocked by the appearance of immortal war spirits one after another.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to hide this trick!"

Cheng Tianyong couldn't help but look horrified. He had gone through a lot of hardships before he successfully broke through the immortal war spirit and was able to control the Five Elements Puppet.

In fact, he majored in Shenhun Dao, but Ling Feng did not.

This guy has clearly mastered swordsmanship, alchemy, soul, five elements, three wonders, dragon roar, space, and other abilities, but his attainments in each field have actually reached a considerable height.

What a monster!

However, although the Immortal War Spirit is awesome, facing Han Wenliang's carefully laid out Five Elements Immortal Capturing Formation, I'm afraid...

Cheng Tianyong took it by surprise and directly defeated Yan Wufeng's Nine Tribulations Formation with the help of his powerful immortal fighting spirit.

But the Great Five Elements Capturing Immortal Formation and the Wind Control Nine Tribulations Formation are completely different.

The power of the five elements rotates, is endless, and is immortal. It cannot be compared to the Nine Tribulations of Wind Formation, which is mainly based on the power of the wind law.

Naturally, Ling Feng was not naive enough to think that Han Wenliang's Great Five Elements Immortal Capturing Formation could be broken by simply sacrificing the immortal fighting spirit.

After all, his control over the immortal fighting spirit is still far behind Cheng Tianyong.

However, he also has his own advantages.

He is a body of chaos, and the power of the five elements does not have a very good restraint effect on him.

However, facing the Immortal Formation that was like a copper wall and an iron wall, he could only fall into an endlessly passive situation.

If you want to open up the situation and reverse this situation of being passively beaten, you must find a way to resist the entanglement of the Great Five Elements Capturing Immortal Formation.

Otherwise, once any flaw is revealed, Han Wenliang's Yinxu will never show mercy.

"Immortal fighting spirit?"

Opposite him, Han Wenliang also showed a slightly surprised expression.

Ling Feng was already quite accomplished in the laws of fire and thunder. Unexpectedly, he actually had an immortal fighting spirit.

It's hard to imagine that this guy is only in the Daoyan realm, and he obviously only has the power of one talisman.

With his profound understanding of the power of various laws, it would not be surprising even if he condensed more than ten or twenty talismans.

But why, he chose to condense only one talisman.

The next moment, Han Wen felt a sense of vigilance in his conscience.

There must be something fishy in this.

Thinking of this, Han Wenliang's figure escaped into the void, and then, more than a dozen black shadows, shrouded in the black mist, suddenly appeared and circled around Ling Feng.

He didn't act too hastily, but used this method to force out more of Ling Feng's trump cards, lest he capsize in the gutter.

It has to be said that Han Wenliang is also an extremely thoughtful and strong man. Although his cultivation level completely crushes Ling Feng, he is not careless at all and can be said to be quite stable.

As for Ling Feng, once the Immortal Fighting Spirit came out, the pressure was indeed relieved a lot, but only to this extent.

Within the realm opened by his immortal fighting spirit, Ling Feng secretly accumulated strength and held the Shifang Destruction tightly with both hands. In his mind, his thoughts were racing, trying to find a way to break the situation.

Facing a master who has also experienced hundreds of battles and has extremely rich combat experience, either he will not take action, but once he takes action, he must give a thunderous blow, which will kill him with one blow.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will fall into the opponent's back move.

What's more, in front of everyone, countless elders at the level of Immortal Lord are watching the battle, and there are even powerful people at the level of Immortal Emperor watching in secret.

Ling Feng had too many abilities to use if he wanted to hide his identity.

Otherwise, according to Ling Feng's past personality, when he was indecisive, he would directly transform into a chaotic giant ape to defeat cleverness with force.

But now, this trick cannot be used.

"Junior Brother Ling, use whatever means you have!"

Han Wenliang's voice sounded slightly ethereal, and a dozen black shadows rushed towards him like crazy.

In an instant, the power of the void surged, condensing into jet-black void blades, slashing crazily at Ling Feng's immortal fighting spirit.


There was a violent tremor in Ling Feng's spiritual sea.

The Immortal War Soul is directly connected to the Sea of ​​Spirits, and the tremors of the Sea of ​​Spirits also prove that Han Wenliang's Void Blades can cause substantial damage to his Immortal War Soul.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he let out a clear whistle.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the ancestral dragon pattern condensing at the center of Ling Feng's eyebrows, followed by layers of fine dragon scales covering his whole body.

It is the second level of "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique", transforming into dragon scales.

Nine-color dragon scales covered the whole body, and then, Ling Feng's immortal war spirit was also covered with layers of dragon scales.

This move was exactly what Ling Feng had just "stealed" from that guy Cheng Tianyong.

Relying on Ling Feng's strong understanding, he didn't expect that the first time he used it, he succeeded immediately.

And that's not all.

In the years since Ling Feng ascended to the Immortal Realm, he has never stopped practicing the "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique".

After all, after ascending to the Immortal Realm, the immortal golden body is restricted everywhere, and the ability to shed blood for immortality is also greatly reduced.

Therefore, in order to enhance his own defense and life-saving abilities, Ling Feng put a lot of effort into practicing the Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique.

And luckily, the mysterious cave on Yanlong Island contains such good things as Hongmeng Ancestral Dragon Qi, which also allows Ling Feng's Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique to be further improved.

Now, although he has not completely broken through to the level of dragon bone transformation, he can already initially transform one of his right arms into the dragon bone state.


Along with a high-pitched dragon roar, Ling Feng's right arm burst out with Hongmeng dragon energy, and golden light flashed, turning into a thick dragon claw.

Immediately afterwards, the immortal war spirit also gave birth to a dragon claw, its sharp edge was revealed, and the terrifying dragon power swept away, making Han Wenliang, who was hiding in the dark, feel trembling in his heart.

"The power of dragon bloodline!"

Han Wenliang frowned. He also had the power of the dragon clan.

But unlike Ling Feng's ancestral dragon lineage, his abilities originated from the evil dragon lineage.

This is also the reason why Han Wenliang is not recognized by the top leaders of Tianzhi even though he contains dragon blood.

The descendants of the dragon clan are different from the descendants of the ancient demons. The dragon clan is revered as a divine beast, and those with the blood of the divine beasts are treated differently from those of the demon clan.

But the evil dragon was excluded.

Although the evil dragon lineage is not directly defined as a demon clan, in fact, its reputation in the fairyland is almost as bad as that of the demon clan.

That is to say, Jieyin Xianzun personally brought him into Tianzhi, otherwise, based on his origin and bloodline, he might not be accepted by Tianzhi.

In Han Wenliang's blink of an eye, Ling Feng's dragon claws were fully formed.

The domineering and blazing golden divine light illuminates the entire arena.

"Crazy Dragon's Heaven-Tearing Hand!"

With a roar, the dragon's claws swept across, and the black shadows that continuously attacked Ling Feng's immortal fighting spirit were immediately torn into pieces as if they were withered and crushed.

Under the Soul Realm, Ling Feng was panting and struggling to maintain the form of the dragon claw.

After exhausting most of the Hongmeng Dragon Qi and condensing the dragon claws, he could only barely launch this attack.

But just such a blow drained most of Ling Feng's energy and blood.

Fortunately, Ling Feng was quite satisfied with the power of this mad dragon's sky-searing hand.

With one claw, all of Han Wenliang's shadow clones were wiped out.

"Dragon Claw?"

A cold light flashed in Han Wenliang's eyes, and Ling Feng used the power of the dragon bloodline, which more or less stimulated the pain in Han Wenliang's heart.

He is also a descendant of the dragon clan, but he is a descendant of the evil dragon.

Because of this, he suffered all kinds of unfair treatment.

Now, Ling Feng used the Dragonborn's ability to deal with him, which to a certain extent aroused the anger in Han Wenliang's heart.


There was another high-pitched dragon roar, shaking the nine heavens.

Immediately afterwards, balls of pitch-black flames ignited around Han Wenliang.

Overbearing, evil, and monster!

It was clearly a peerless fierce flame!

Immediately afterwards, the robe on Han Wenliang's upper body exploded, revealing the layer of red and black dragon scales that adhered to his body.

Ling Feng's dragon scales were formed by condensing Hongmeng dragon energy.

But Han Wenliang's dragon scales are derived from his bloodline.

He is the real Dragonborn.

Fortunately, although Han Wenliang burst into anger somewhat, he still tried his best to stay calm.

Otherwise, what Ling Feng will face now may be an evil dragon that has transformed into its true form.

But even so, two dragon horns as black as ink had already stretched out from Han Wenliang's forehead, and a strange bloody light erupted from his deep pupils.

On the referee's bench.

"Unexpectedly, this kid Han Wenliang would actually reveal part of his true identity in front of everyone!"

Ming Shenzun's eyes widened in disbelief, "He has used the abilities of the evil dragon clan. No matter he wins or loses, he is destined to still not be recognized and promoted to Jiuyao in the end."

However, Jie Yinxian Zun shook his head and sighed softly, "Will he be recognized without using the power of the evil dragon?"

"This..." Ming Shen Zun was speechless.

Indeed, no matter what abilities Han Wenliang uses, it is impossible to be recognized based on his background.

"What I'm more worried about is that boy Ling Feng used the power of the ancestor dragon bloodline and stimulated Wen Liang. If he strikes too hard..."

Jieyin Xianzun frowned and subconsciously looked in Xiao Xianling's direction.

How could he not see Xiao Xianling's little thoughts at this age?

If Ling Feng was seriously injured, this little granddaughter would probably be heartbroken.

"Okay, okay, with us two old guys watching, nothing will happen."

Lord Mingshen smiled faintly and stared at the arena.

The energy of the evil dragon and the energy of the ancestral dragon, one is good and the other is evil, can be said to be distinct.

The two dragon powers collided with each other, and the dragon's roar shook the sky, mixed with blazing and domineering thunder, making countless spectators in the audience stunned.

And in the midst of the lightning and flint, Han Wenliang, in the form of a half-dragon, disappeared in front of everyone, and when he reappeared, he had turned into a streak of blood and appeared directly in front of Ling Feng.

While possessed by the power of the evil dragon, Ling Feng's battle soul domain was no longer able to stop Han Wenliang's offensive.

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