Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3529 The Soul-Forging Technique of Breaking the Way!


Han Wenliang's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light. With a wave of his hand, under the blessing of the evil dragon's power, two dark red bloody claws formed and grabbed Ling Feng's chest.


In an instant, Ling Feng felt his heart beating wildly, and all the energy and blood in his body seemed to be leaking out of his body, only to be drained away by Han Wenliang.

Is this the power of the evil dragon?

Ling Feng's face was extremely solemn, and he used the Jiuyou Shunjing Technique to dodge, but under Han Wenliang's lock, there was no way to retreat or avoid.

"Crazy Dragon's Heaven-Tearing Hand!"

Since there was no way to hide, Ling Feng could only bite the bullet and face it head on.

You are also a dragon claw, and I am also a dragon claw.

My ancestral dragon power may not be inferior to yours!

In an instant, the ancestral dragon pattern between Ling Feng's eyebrows became more and more complicated.

In the blink of an eye, there were four kinds of ancestral dragon auras erupting from Ling Feng's body.

The demon dragon that purifies the world!

Taixu Zhoulong!

Taichu Fate Dragon!

Great Wilderness Dragon!

Of course, except for Taixu Zhoulong, the power of other ancestral dragons is only derived from the essence and blood of ancestral dragons condensed during Ling Feng's experience.

In addition, in the battlefield of all races, I got a few drops of the ancestral dragon blood that was extracted and condensed by the Void Predator Wiz for countless hours before being tempered.

Although Ling Feng's ancestral dragon power, unlike Han Wenliang, did not come from his own blood, it was still the genuine power of the ancestral dragon essence and blood.

A claw struck out, but Han Wenliang showed no intention of retreating and directly attacked Ling Feng with his claw.

Obviously, he wanted to directly defeat Ling Feng with overwhelming force.


Boom boom boom!

The violent wind, centered at the center of the confrontation between the two, erupted into a terrifying air wave.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The bluestone floor tiles of the arena cracked inch by inch and turned into rubble. Under the crushing force of the terrifying force field, it turned directly into fly ash and was swept away by the strong wind.

For a moment, rocks and sand were flying, and everyone could not even see clearly what was happening in the core of the storm.

There are just endless explosions and endless violent winds.

Even the light curtain of the Thunder Arena's barrier was flickering on and off, as if under the impact of the power of the two people's confrontation, there was a tendency to reach the limit.


Just as everyone widened their eyes, trying to see clearly the fierce battle in the smoke, suddenly, a dragon roar roared into the sky, and then, a black shadow as black as ink rose slowly into the sky from the smoke.

It's a black dragon!

Moreover, the black dragon's body was burning with overbearing evil fire, which was scorching and terrifying. Even the air was under the terrifying heat wave, surging like a fluid, one after another.

"Evil dragon incarnation!"

On the high platform, Jie Yinxian Zun's eyes widened again. This time, Han Wenliang actually directly transformed into the evil dragon?


What happened just now?


Ming Shenzun also took a breath of cold air, "Could it be that Han Wenliang just activated the power of the evil dragon, but he couldn't suppress that little guy Ling Feng?"

Although the arena is filled with flying stones, flying sand, and billowing smoke and dust, ordinary disciples may not be able to see through everything inside, but they cannot hide it from the keen perception of the powerful Immortal Lord.

The battle just now was fierce, but it was clear that Ling Feng's aura was getting weaker and weaker, and it seemed that he was at the end of his strength.

But suddenly, the next moment, Han Wenliang actually directly sacrificed the evil dragon incarnation, and actually retreated on his own initiative.

This doesn't feel like a move against the enemy, but more like...


Or rather, escape!

What happened that actually forced Han Wenliang to take on the evil dragon incarnation and immediately escape from the center of the explosion?

Ling Feng, what kind of terrifying trump card is he hiding?


At this moment, someone in the audience suddenly pointed at the black dragon in the sky.

Although under the blazing evil fire, the black dragon's blood turned directly into blazing steam and disappeared the moment it flowed out of the body.

However, a huge gap was clearly opened in the black dragon's right leg, and the dragon scales on it completely disappeared.

Moreover, dark red mist filled the air from time to time.

This was clearly a sign of injury and bleeding.


The black dragon let out a low roar, and stared at the center of the smoke with a pair of blood-red eyes.


Dark red tongues of fire spurted out, and a mouthful of blazing flames swept across the sky, booming!

The bursting energy seemed to burn the void to ashes, and as the smoke and dust were swept away by the fire, Ling Feng's figure finally appeared in front of everyone again.

The young man with long silver hair, at this moment, the robe on his upper body has completely exploded.

On the right side of his chest, there were five blood marks that were deep enough to show the bone, and blood was still flowing. Moreover, the right arm that he had just used the "Crazy Dragon's Heaven-Rearing Hand" was now hanging limply, as if it had been broken off.


Ling Feng's current state can only be described as tragic.

It can be said that since cultivating the immortal golden body, Ling Feng has rarely suffered injuries of this level due to his strong recovery ability.

However, under the restraint of the evil dragon's power, the self-healing ability of the immortal golden body is almost negligible.

If it weren't for the dragon bone cast body protection, his body would probably fall apart.

I have to say that the power of the evil dragon is indeed overbearing, no, it is simply cruel!

It seemed that he was even more embarrassed than the black dragon transformed by Han Wenliang.

But deep in the black dragon's pupils, a hint of deep fear clearly flashed!

Ling Feng drooped his right arm and looked extremely embarrassed, but his eyes were still firm.

The next moment, I saw his left leg lightly kicking on the ground, and the man immediately flew out like a cannonball, shooting directly towards the black dragon.

"I don't believe you can use such an attack a second time!"

The black dragon spits human words, scorching black flames, turning into a fire storm, sweeping madly.

The entire world seemed to be sinking in a sea of ​​fire, beyond redemption.

Everyone held their breath, even more nervous and excited than the two people on the ring.

Such an attack?

What kind of attack?

Sure enough, just now, under the cover of smoke and dust, Ling Feng performed a move that no one could see clearly?

"as you wish!"

Ling Feng's figure was suspended in mid-air, but thousands of flames could not reach him.

Although the evil dragon's fire is extremely domineering, Ling Feng's evil dragon's world-purifying fire is by no means inferior.

At the same time, behind him, a chaotic nebula suddenly rose up, and then, from the nebula, talismans shot out one after another.

"Fire Talisman Seal!"

"Water Talisman Seal!"

"Thunder Talisman Seal!"

"The talisman of sound!"

"The Talisman of Strength!"


In the audience, countless disciples stared with disbelief as they looked at the talismans shooting out of the chaotic nebula behind Ling Feng.

Soon, ten, twenty, thirty...

Almost in the blink of an eye, hundreds of talismans shot out from the nebula, circling around Ling Feng like a swimming dragon.

"This this……"

On the high platform, Ming Shen Zun's palms trembled slightly, then he looked at Jieyin Xian Zun and blurted out at the same time: "Chaos Talisman Seal!"

"It turns out to be the Chaos Talisman Seal!"

Lord Mingshen swallowed hard, and then couldn't help but frown, "What on earth does he want to do?"

Although the Chaos Talisman Seal is hard to find forever and is truly rare in the world, Ling Feng forcibly transformed the power of chaos into the power of hundreds of laws.

What does he want to do?

And the answer will be revealed soon.

At this moment, the eyes of the black dragon transformed by Han Wenliang became extremely serious.

The injuries on his body were caused by this move.

Although it had the effect of Ling Feng's surprise, the power of this move was indeed frightening.


The black dragon roared again, pushing the power of the evil dragon's bloodline to its limit.

"No matter what, I can never lose!"

Han Wenliang gritted his teeth, and the dragon's claws suddenly expanded, tearing heavily towards the top of Ling Feng's head.

And in that flash of lightning, Ling Feng finally let out a deafening roar, "Breaking the path!"

It was the "Breaking Path and Soul Forging Technique" that Ling Feng understood in Xiaohantan!

In this way, the original talisman is self-destructed, the Tao fruit is self-destructed, and the Tao is broken to forge the soul. Every time the Tao is broken, it is a process of breaking through one's own limits.

Swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, hundreds of talismans all rushed towards the black dragon transformed by Han Wenliang. As Ling Feng shouted, all the inscriptions exploded. The power of self-destruction was superimposed and turned into a dragon. The arrowhead, which penetrates the stars, sun and moon, strikes directly at the black dragon's claws!


The blazing light still shines through the barrier of the arena, making it almost impossible to open one's eyes.

In the eyes of countless people who were stunned, dull and even horrified, arrowheads and dragon claws were about to hit each other just like the tip of a needle against a wheat awn!

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