Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3530 Both sides suffer?

Boom boom boom!

The superimposed energy of the self-explosion of hundreds of talismans turned into arrowheads. Wherever they passed, the ground cracked and the thick bluestone floor tiles were directly crushed into powder.

Similarly, wherever Han Wenliang's dragon claw swept, the void collapsed, and violent waves of wind sword swept across the sky.

The arena's barrier flickers on and off, like a transparent water curtain, fluctuating violently.

Finally, at a moment when everyone was almost unable to breathe, the arrowheads and dragon claws collided in one place.


Boom boom boom!

A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and then the arrowhead exploded into pieces, and the dragon's claws flew with blood!


With a tragic dragon roar, the black dragon transformed by Han Wenliang was directly knocked away, retreating again and again until it hit the edge of the barrier, and then fell heavily to the ground with another "thud".

No matter how difficult it was to maintain the black dragon incarnation, Han Wenliang returned to his half-human, half-dragon form, lying on the ground with his upper body naked, breathing heavily, and most of the dragon scales on his body were blown away.

One of his right legs and right hands were severely injured, and he was almost unable to get up anymore.

On the other side, Ling Feng didn't get any benefits.

At the moment when the black dragon transformed by Han Wenliang was blown away by the energy of the arrowhead explosion, his blood coagulated into claws, and a bloody blade shot out.

Ling Feng's body was directly penetrated by the blood blade, and his entire body was almost split into two by the blood blade.

Although the immortal golden body played a certain role at the critical moment and maintained his immortal form, a deep wound spread diagonally downwards on his left shoulder, and it was shocking to know the location of his waist and abdomen.



And with every beat of the heart, blood bursts out from the wound.

The ground beneath his feet had already turned into a pool of blood, and it was still growing.

At this time, Ling Feng's face was pale, and blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth. He barely supported himself by destroying all directions, and still maintained his standing posture.

"Oh my god, isn't it too tragic?"

"They're all hurt like this!"

The audience in the audience had shivers down their spines. They never expected that this battle would go to such an extent.

Both sides suffer!

Neither Ling Feng nor Han Wenliang obviously have the strength to fight anymore.


"Ling Feng..."

The hearts of Xiao Xianling, Yu Junyao and the other girls were even higher. Seeing Ling Feng suffer such serious injuries, they were naturally upset.

If the game hadn't ended yet, I might have been tempted to rush over to heal his injury and stop the bleeding.

"This situation..."

On the high platform, Yufeng Immortal Lord was also in some trouble. This battle would undoubtedly hurt both sides, but there must be a winner after all.

At this moment, neither Ling Feng nor Han Wenliang has the strength to fight anymore. Should they continue to be in a stalemate like this?

In desperation, Immortal Yufeng could only look at the two immortals for help.

Jie Yin Xian Zun and Ming Shen Xian Zun looked at each other, and finally Jie Yin Xian Zun stood up, looked at the ring, and said calmly: "Both losers in this battle, it should be regarded as a draw, but Ling Feng still still Standing on the stage is slightly better..."

After taking a deep breath, Jie Yinxian Zun then slowly said: "This battle can be considered Ling Feng's victory."

When the Immortal Master Jingyin spoke, naturally no one would refute his judgment.

Moreover, it is well-founded and not biased.

Jie Yinxian Zun glanced at Han Wenliang unbearably and sighed softly, although this result was a bit cruel to him.

However, both he and Ling Feng were injured like this, I'm afraid...

I'm afraid there is no chance to continue to compete for the championship.

Who loses and who wins actually has no meaning.


Immortal Lord Yufeng nodded, and then flew down to the ring...

Well, now there is almost no shadow of the arena. Only the devastated earth and the exposed hot magma flow confirm from the side how tragic the battle between these two people was.

He flew towards Ling Feng, reached out and grabbed Ling Feng's arm, and said slowly: "Ling Feng wins this battle!"

After the words fell, the arms in his hands seemed to become extremely heavy. Then, Ling Feng's body sank, and he fell backwards, and he passed out directly.

For Ling Feng, not only was he severely injured by Han Wenliang's blood claw, but he also used the Dao-Breaking Soul Forging Technique one after another to self-destruct the original talisman.

Whether mentally or physically, Ling Feng had reached his limit.

After he was sure that he had finally won, Ling Feng's obsession disappeared, he lost all strength and finally passed out.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Fortunately, Immortal Yufeng had quick eyes and quick hands, and supported Ling Feng, preventing Ling Feng from falling to the ground in embarrassment.

On the other side, Han Wenliang also fell into a coma almost at the same time as Ling Feng due to excessive injuries and excessive blood loss.

Immortal Yufeng sighed softly, and immediately called the staff, who carried stretchers and sent Ling Feng and Han Wenliang to the healing hospital for treatment.

Ling Feng had already left the game, and Xiao Xianling and the other girls naturally had no intention of continuing to watch the game. They chased Ling Feng's stretcher and accompanied him all the way to the healing hospital.

On the other hand, Han Wenliang had no one to accompany him at all. He was alone, and his situation was miserable.

At the preparation table, only the last two people were left at the moment.

"Hey, I didn't expect that this battle would be so tragic."

Cheng Tianyong shook his head slightly. If he were to fight Ling Feng or Han Wenliang, what chance would he have of winning?

I'm afraid, I may not be able to win.

Although he also had his own trump card, he would probably suffer a big loss when faced with Ling Feng's "inhumane" play style of directly condensing hundreds of talismans and then self-destructing.

As for Han Wenliang, the power of the evil dragon also made people's scalp numb.

Perhaps, the battle between the two people is the level of a real championship battle.

On the contrary, he got a bargain?

After all, no matter who wins or loses between him and Wu Chengkong, Ling Feng and Han Wenliang may not be able to participate in the final battle given their condition.

Similarly, Wu Chengkong also took a deep breath. Even if he used the Great Emperor's Wheel of Flowers, could he withstand Ling Feng or Han Wenliang's final attack?

I'm afraid, my chances of winning are not high.

However, now is not the time to think about these things.

He shook his head and threw all distracting thoughts behind him. Right now, he still had a tough battle to fight.

That Cheng Tianyong is no ordinary person!

About a quarter of an hour later, the arena was completely rested and took on a new look. Following an order from Yufeng Immortal Lord, Cheng Tianyong and Wu Chengkong flew out at the same time and landed firmly on the arena.

"Brother Wu, please enlighten me!"

Cheng Tianyong cupped his fists and saluted Wu Chengkong, and then, without saying a word, directly sacrificed the Five Elements Puppet.

But this time, there were actually fifteen Five Elements puppets!

The Five Elements Puppet already formed the Five Elements Formation, and three times the number of the Five Elements Puppets were arranged with the Three Talents to guard around him. The Five Elements and Three Talents formation was completed, like an airtight copper wall and an iron wall.

Obviously, Cheng Tianyong fought this battle as the final decisive battle.

Therefore, we must strive to be foolproof.

Opposite Wu Chengkong, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. Making such puppets was expensive, but Cheng Tianyong actually had so many puppets in his hands.

Moreover, it seems that this is not all of his net worth.

However, it seems a bit difficult for him to control so many at the same time. Controlling three sets of Five Elements puppets at the same time should be his ultimate level.

This undoubtedly requires a very powerful divine soul to do this.

But for Cheng Tianyong, who has an immortal fighting spirit, it is also reasonable.

Wu Chengkong took a deep breath, swiped the spear in his hand, and launched the Eight Desolations Dragon-Slaying Art directly.

If Cheng Tianyong is an airtight copper wall, then his spear is an indestructible spear that attacks everything.

Without too much hesitation, Wu Chengkong displayed the Great Emperor's Wheel of Flowers.

As soon as the emperor's power came out, his spear became as terrifying as breaking stars.

Boom boom boom!

For a time, another amazing battle was staged on the ring.

On the other side, Ling Feng was in a coma. Although he was seriously injured and unable to recover, he had gained huge benefits from the battle just now.

The Tao-Breaking Soul Forging Technique, which cannot be broken or established, self-destructed the original talisman twice in succession, although Ling Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was severely damaged and almost faced collapse.

But as the Soul-Forging Technique of Breaking the Path begins to circulate on its own, his sea of ​​consciousness will only become more stable, and his Chaos Talisman Seal will also become more powerful in the process of re-condensation.

And this is just the power brought by the self-destruction talisman. In the future, if the Chaos Dao Fruit is condensed, Ling Feng uses the power of chaos to condense thousands of Dao Fruits and explode himself. This is the real Dao-breaking secret technique.

I'm afraid that even the powerful Immortal Master should avoid his sharp edge for the time being.

While Ling Feng was in coma, his originally fragmented chaos talisman had begun to regroup little by little.

However, this process is slower than opportunity.

But when Ling Feng woke up again, it was already three full days later.


With a low groan, Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes, only to feel a slight squeezing feeling in his chest. When he looked down, he saw that Yu Junyao was leaning against his chest, taking a nap.

As soon as he made some slight movement, Yu Junyao immediately raised her head, saw that Ling Feng had woken up, and immediately shouted excitedly.

"Wake up, brat, wake up!"

Immediately afterwards, Yue Yunlan, Tuoba Yan and Xiao Xianling also opened the white curtains and walked in from the outside, including Si Chen.

"You brat, you finally woke up!"

"Brother Ling, do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

Although the tone of the women's voices differed from each other, their concern was beyond words.

Ling Feng felt a sense of warmth in his heart, shook his head and smiled, "It's okay, everything is fine."

He raised his hand and stroked his forehead, and said with some distress: "By the way, how long have I been asleep?"

"Tsk, tsk, three days!"

At this moment, a familiar voice came, and then there was a "crash", and the curtain next door opened. It was Cheng Tianyong, wrapped in white bandages, lying on the bed next to his.

Why did this guy come in?

"Brother Cheng?"

Ling Feng was stunned, looked at Cheng Tianyong and asked with some confusion: "What's wrong with you? Did you lose?"

"Of course not, of course I won!"

Cheng Tianyong raised his eyebrows with a proud look on his face, "I am the overall champion of this year's Jiuyao New King Ranking!"

But it turns out that in the battle between Cheng Tianyong and Wu Chengkong, it was Cheng Tianyong who made the superior move and won the final victory.

Moreover, because Ling Feng failed to wake up, Cheng Tianyong won without a fight and became the overall champion of this year's Jiuyao New King Ranking.

"What about your injury?"

Ling Feng was a little confused.

"I came to accompany you on purpose, can't I?" Cheng Tianyong curled his lips, obviously lying.

"Tch, you clearly overestimated your capabilities and challenged Senior Brother Jianyao, but you were beaten into a pig's head."

Xiao Xianling unceremoniously exposed Cheng Tianyong's background.

Ling Feng suddenly realized that, indeed, theoretically speaking, those who achieved the top three in the Jiuyao New Lord Ranking could challenge the established players.

But it seems that Cheng Tianyong's challenge has failed.

"Hmph, if I hadn't fought with that kid Wu Chengkong, it would have taken so much effort, I wouldn't have lost!"

Cheng Tianyong looked unconvinced, but he wasn't too disappointed.

His goal seems to be just to win the title on the Jiuyao New King Ranking.

Perhaps, when he fought with that "Jianyao" senior brother, he didn't show his full strength at all.

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