Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3531 The opportunity to challenge Jiu Yao!

Three days passed by in a flash, and Ling Feng basically recovered as before. Not only that, he even made some breakthroughs.

Not only has the Tao-Breaking Soul Forging Technique improved further, but even the level of cultivation has also improved.

Originally it was only the early stage of Daoyan realm, but at this moment, it can be regarded as a big step forward from the early stage to the middle stage.

Han Wenliang and Cheng Tianyong, both fellow patients, have recovered and left at this moment. In total, Ling Feng stayed in the ward the longest.

There is no way, when a large group of women insist that Ling Feng has not recovered yet, Ling Feng can't leave even if he wants to.

During this period, Ling Feng also learned from the mouths of these women what happened after he fell into coma.

It turned out that after the match between himself and Han Wenliang, both of them fell into coma. In the subsequent match between Wu Chengkong and Cheng Tianyong, although Cheng Tianyong won, it could only be regarded as a tragic victory.

In the end, although Cheng Tianyong won the championship, he failed when he challenged Jian Yao and did not win the title of Jiu Yao.

As for the runner-up and third runner-up, because Ling Feng was unable to attend the final battle and Cheng Tianyong won without a fight, Ling Feng naturally had to settle for second place.

The third place was originally supposed to be another match between Han Wenliang and Wu Chengkong, but Han Wenliang was also unconscious, so the third place was naturally awarded to Wu Chengkong.

In other words, in this Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking, the top three are actually three newly promoted inner disciples, which can be regarded as an eternal legend.

As for challenging Jiu Yao's quota, Cheng Tianyong failed in the challenge, while Wu Chengkong voluntarily abstained.

Although Ling Feng failed to make it to the closing ceremony of the Billboard, he still had a chance to challenge Jiu Yao.

If he can win the battle, he can replace Jiu Yao. Although he failed to win the championship, the result is actually the same.

On this day, Ling Feng simply tidied up his bed early in the morning, wanting to leave the medical hospital quickly before those Yingying Yanyans came over.

However, just when Ling Feng was about to successfully step out of the medical hospital, a lavender figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, and stood in front of him with a whoosh.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and when he looked carefully, it turned out to be Si Chen.

"It turns out to be you."

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately it was not Xiao Xianling and the others.


Si Chen rolled his eyes at Ling Feng angrily, and then said with an indifferent expression: "Jie Yin Xian Zun wants to see you."

"Senior Immortal Lord wants to see me?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Although Si Chen was nominally the maid arranged by the Immortal Master to be by his side, Ling Feng always felt that Si Chen's identity was not a disciple or subordinate of the Immortal Master. character of.

Now, she actually sent a message to Jie Yinxian Zun?

Could it be that you really think too much?


Ling Feng nodded. As a disciple of Jie Yin Hall, it was quite normal for Jie Yin Xianzun to summon him.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng didn't think much and followed Si Chen to fly to the Qingzao Terrace where the Immortal Master Yin was always stationed.

It seems that because it is still early in the day, Qingzao Terrace is still shrouded in a hazy mist, looking from a distance, it looks like a fairyland.

At this moment, Jie Yinxian Zun was holding a fishing rod and sitting cross-legged by the pond fishing.

But none of his disciples have arrived yet.

"You came."

Jie Yinxian Zun did not look back, looked straight ahead, and said leisurely.

"Disciple Ling Feng, meet the Immortal Lord!"

Ling Feng bowed his hands towards the back of Jieyinxian, while Si Chen leaned against the pillar very leisurely, occasionally looking at the beautiful scenery of the green algae pond, and occasionally at Lingfeng and Jieyinxian. Respect this side.

"How's your recovery going?"

The tone of the receptionist Xian Zun was still slow and leisurely, but he was really like an old man fishing, with a leisurely mood.

"Thanks to seniors, it's okay now."

"That's good."

Jieyin Xianzun nodded slightly, glanced at the position next to him, and said slowly: "Sit down."


Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, but without refusing, he took a few steps forward and sat down cross-legged next to Jieyin Xianzun.

"I haven't congratulated you yet. It's your first time participating in the Jiuyao New King Ranking and you've achieved second place."

Jieyin Xianzun turned his head and glanced at Ling Feng, with a kind smile between his eyebrows.

"It's just a fluke, haha..."

Ling Feng smiled modestly. Indeed, it was a fluke to beat Han Wenliang.

He knew that Han Wenliang's strength was actually more than that.

If he hadn't severely injured Han Wenliang when he used the Soul-Forging Technique for the first time, he might have been too young to win in the last confrontation.

However, in the arena competition, the situation changes rapidly.

In a duel between masters, one moment is enough to turn the tide.

Victory is victory.

"Whether it's luck or strength, you are the winner."

Jie Yinxian Zun smiled faintly, "As the top three, you are qualified to challenge Jiu Yao Zun. How about it? Have you decided who you want to challenge these days?"


Ling Feng took a deep breath, pretended to hesitate for a moment, and then said slowly: "Disciple chooses to give up the opportunity to challenge Jiu Yao."

"give up?"

Jie Yinxian Zun's eyes narrowed and he gave Ling Feng a strange look.

"Yes, disciple wants to give up."

Ling Feng secretly cursed in his heart, but he had already received the news from Xiao Xianling.

Soon, Xuntian Thunder Emperor will hold the so-called "Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings", and within Tianzhi, all the six emperors and nine gods will be invited to participate in the competition.

Normally, Ling Feng would never miss the opportunity to challenge the powerful Jiu Yao.

But this time, Ling Feng chose to give up.

And you must choose to give up.

The so-called shooting kills the first bird.

My identity is already sensitive, and if I still participate in a competition organized by the Xuntian Lei Clan in the name of Jiuyao, isn't that like lighting a lamp in the pit?

That is asking for death!

Although he has the method of hiding the aura of Demon Queen Keveli, even the powerful Immortal Emperor may not be able to see through his bloodline.

However, that is also limited to the premise that you don't do it yourself.

Once he takes action, if he accidentally exposes something, I am afraid there will be only one word in the end, and that is death!

Moreover, Po Meng has a magical weapon like Shenying, which can see through her identity. There are so many masters in the Xuantian clan, but if a big boss comes out with a magical weapon, she will not die and look at herself a few more times.

Isn’t that the end?

Therefore, Ling Feng is obviously not willing to participate in the Qijue Immortal Ranking.

Even if you want to go, you can just watch it from the audience and go up to compete.

It’s free!

However, Ling Feng did not dare to tell the truth to Jieyin Xianzun. He could only smile bitterly and said: "In this battle, the disciple also saw that he still has many shortcomings, so he will not challenge Jiuyao. We need to continue to enrich ourselves, strengthen ourselves, and strive for the next opportunity.”

"Well, that's good if you think so."

Jie Yin Xianzun nodded, glanced at Ling Feng approvingly, and then slowly said: "By the way, you should have heard about the Qijue Immortal List from that girl Xian Ling, right? ?What do you think?"

"It must be a gathering of heroes and geniuses from all over the world. It's so spectacular!" Ling Feng blurted out.

"Then, what if you are required to attend?" Jie Yinxian Zun suddenly said, frightening Ling Feng to the point where his spine went cold and there was a slight sweat on his forehead.


Ling Feng coughed a few times and said, "It's not that only Six Royal Nine Yao are qualified..."

"Your performance on the Jiuyao New Lord Ranking has been recognized by all the elders. Not only you, but also Han Wenliang, Wu Chengkong and Cheng Tianyong were all selected into our Tianzhi representative team. Participate in the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking held by Xuntian Lei Emperor."

"I also……"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, his desire to win can kill people!

I should have known that I should have stopped when I reached the top ten, but Cheng Tianyong and the others inspired me to be competitive. As a result...

"Disciple, I'm afraid..."

Ling Feng hurriedly opened his mouth to refuse, but was interrupted by Jie Yinxian Zun, "Okay, you don't have to say much. This time you mainly want to go and experience things. Although you have entered Tianzhi's representative team, the main force is still six "Yu Jiuyao."

"I see."

Ling Feng felt a little relieved now. At worst, after defeating Xuntian Leiyu, he kept a low profile and would not take action if he could.

It just so happens that I can also see what kind of characters the younger generation of geniuses among the Xantian clan are like.

Perhaps, we can still see Yan Jinghong and the others.

"Okay, I've informed you of the news, you can go back."

Jieyin Xianzun took a deep look at Ling Feng, thought for a while, and then said: "By the way, we will gather at the martial arts field in the center of the Mysterious World in three months. In the past few months, you should try not to go out. Don't miss the mission. After all, the cost of activating a cross-domain ultra-long-distance transmission is not small. If you miss it, it may not be easy to activate it again for you alone. "

"Well, disciple knows, thank you Immortal Lord for reminding me."

Ling Feng nodded, bowed to the Immortal Lord Jieyin, and then slowly exited the Qingzao Terrace.

But when he walked to the entrance of Qingzao Terrace, Si Chen's shadow was nowhere to be seen.

"She's so elusive, this woman's identity is really mysterious!"

Ling Feng murmured softly and stopped waiting for Si Chen. He turned around and sped away towards Xiao Xianling's cave.

Three months, then you have to plan carefully.

At the same time, Si Chen had already appeared in the Mingyuan Realm where the Lord in White was.


Si Chen looked at His Majesty and bowed slowly.


The noble man in white slowly opened his eyes, his gaze fell on Si Chen, and he said calmly: "Why, you seem to be confused?"

"Master, you know, that boy is from the Tiandao clan, and you asked Jie Yinxian Zun to arrange for him to participate in the Seven Jue Immortal Ranking. Isn't this..."

Si Chen gritted his silver teeth, hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly: "I really don't understand this."

"This trip will not only be his good fortune, but also your good fortune."

Your Majesty glanced at Si Chen lightly and said slowly: "Remember your mission and protect him well."


If Si Chen had some understanding, she would naturally not question His Majesty's words. She would bow to His Majesty again and disappear into the world of Mingyuan.

After Si Chen left, your Majesty murmured to himself again: "Yi Ting, Yi Ting, how can you covet such an opportunity? You are destined to just fetch water from a bamboo basket, and everything will come to nothing!"

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