Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3532 Ling Feng’s fourth-grade cave!

About a quarter of an hour later, Ling Feng finally returned to the cave realm. Just as he was about to take out his identity token and return directly to Xiao Xianling's cave, he found that there were several more hills in his originally bare cave.

Not only that, there were palaces, medicinal fields, fairy ponds, and everything else on the hills.


Ling Feng was slightly stunned and a little surprised. In the past few years, he had been "living" with Xiao Xianling because he was too lazy to decorate his own cave.

Originally, there should have been only a bare piece of land in his own cave.

Why is it suddenly brand new now?

Is that really his own cave? Did he see it wrong?

With curiosity, Ling Feng took out his identity token and checked it himself.

It was indeed his own cave. His eyes might see it wrong, but the unique micro-sensing array on the identity token would never make mistakes.

"What's going on? Who is so kind to help me decorate my cave?"

Ling Feng's eyelids jumped. Although he had some guesses in his mind, he still opened the barrier of the cave and entered his own cave.

Sure enough, as soon as he walked into the main hall, he saw several disciples, under the guidance of a girl in green clothes, busy moving some tables, chairs, copperware and other objects and decorations.

Looking closely, the girl who was directing the disciples was Xiao Xianling!

In the side halls on the left and right, Yu Junyao, Yue Yunlan and others were also busy decorating other palaces and pavilions.

It was them!

Ling Feng flew into the hall, and seeing Xiao Xianling standing in the center of the hall giving orders, he was grateful, and quickly stepped forward and said, "Senior Sister!"

When Xiao Xianling saw Ling Feng, she was stunned at first, and then frowned, "Why are you here? Why don't you lie down in the hospital!"

"I'm already well!"

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled, and looked around again, and said gratefully, "Senior Sister Xiao, you are too polite!"

"Humph, why do you plan to stay at my place for food and shelter?"

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng in annoyance, like a bucket of cold water poured down.

Well, it seems that I was touched for nothing.

"Besides, although you didn't win the championship, you still got the second place. You got such a good result in your first participation in the Jiuyao New King Ranking. As your guide, I have to show my appreciation!"

Xiao Xianling pouted her lips and whispered in a voice as thin as a mosquito's hum: "And you also helped me during the competition..."


Ling Feng grinned, "It's just a little help. Anyway, I still have to thank you, Senior Sister!"

He looked around. Although he hadn't taken care of his cave heaven in these years, with the improvement of his cultivation, the space of the cave heaven has expanded a lot. It is much larger than Xiao Xianling's cave heaven.

From the initial sixth-grade cave mansion, now at least the fourth grade.

"It's okay, I'm just bored."

Xiao Xianling said, and took out a bill from the space wristband and slapped it directly on Ling Feng's chest.

"Stinky boy, I've done my best to help you run around, just pay the bill!"

"No... I haven't paid!"

Ling Feng's eyes widened immediately. Well, he was so touched for so long, but in the end, he still had to pay for it himself!

"Bah, you shameless bastard, you want me to pay for your own cave?"

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng in anger, "Who do you think you are to me!"

After saying this, Xiao Xianling's pretty face turned red, she glared at Ling Feng fiercely, turned around and left.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Fortunately, the weapons business on Yanlong Island has been on the right track. With this endless tool for making money, his wallet has gradually become richer.

Even if he didn't go on missions on weekdays, it was basically enough to exchange contribution points with fairy stones and fairy crystals.

"Tears" settled the bill, and Ling Feng's cave was finally completed.

Moreover, from the disciples who were working hard, it was learned that Xiao Xianling had actually prepaid 30% of the contribution points, but she just didn't say it.

"This woman is really..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, looking at Xiao Xianling's back, and whispered, "Thank you, Senior Sister."


In a blink of an eye, another three days passed, and Ling Feng's cave was finally completed.

Not only that, in line with the principle of doing everything, Ling Feng also bought a few more forests and peaks, and arranged a mountain protection formation.

Either do it or not, since it has been done, there is no need to feel sorry for the contribution points.

The disciples of Tiangong are very fast, and it takes only a moment to move mountains and unload hills.

It is precisely because everything is difficult at the beginning, and once you make up your mind to do something, you will find that things are often not as complicated as you imagine.

Ling Feng should thank Xiao Xianling for helping him make up his mind.

In this way, he and Yu Junyao finally have their own place to live, and they don't need to "live under someone else's roof" anymore.

After the new house was completed, Xiao Xianling moved in without hesitation.

She had lived in her cave for several years, and she practiced in seclusion on weekdays, absorbing the spiritual energy in her cave. Now she had to get it back with interest.

Ling Feng naturally didn't say much, but Cheng Tianyong, when he heard that his cave had been decorated, he immediately came to congratulate him.

After congratulating him, he just stayed there and couldn't leave.

The reason turned out to be that he had just bought a thatched house in his cave, which was really shabby. As brothers, we must help him if he could.

Although Ling Feng was speechless for a while, this guy was poor, but he owned so many expensive Five Elements puppets.

But in fact, he really couldn't get a few fairy stones, otherwise he wouldn't have to buy a thatched house, even if he had finished decorating the cave.

But it’s not a big deal for one or two more people to live in a cave as big as my own.

What's more, now that I know Cheng Tianyong's true ability, I can also ask him for more advice on the use of the immortal fighting spirit and the way to practice.

While in the lower realm, the Immortal War Soul was already at the pinnacle and end of the cultivation of the Divine Soul.

But from Cheng Tianyong, Ling Feng saw a new direction.

It seems to be an immortal fighting spirit, but in fact it is just a starting point, and after that, there is still a long, long way to go.

Cheng Tianyong was also generous. Knowing that Ling Feng had also condensed the immortal fighting spirit, he directly gave him the "Dayan Xuan Tianlu" he had cultivated, and also left him a somewhat damaged fire puppet. Let Ling Feng try to control the puppet.

Although Ling Feng himself doesn't like puppets very much, the method of manipulating puppets is indeed the best way to train the soul's origin.

And with Ling Feng's understanding and qualifications, he can basically learn it instantly and get started quickly.

This actually made Cheng Tianyong extremely jealous, saying that when he first started trying to control puppets, it took him half a month before the first puppet even moved its arms.

The two of them learned from each other, and a few days passed by in a flash.

On this day, Ling Feng made a decision to leave Tianzhi for a while.

Before the Jiuyao New Lord Wind and Cloud Ranking was held, I promised Kuangshan that after the Wind and Cloud Ranking was over, I would go with him to the Tianjing Clan’s territory and help him take out the Tianjing Clan’s ancient heavenly book, which might record the ability to forge. The method of killing the golden spirit.

In the past few years, Kuangshan and Qiu Tianlong have tried various methods to forge the life-threatening golden essence, but unfortunately they all ended in failure.

Therefore, Kuang Shan can only hope that Ling Feng will help him take out the ancient heavenly book of the Tianjing clan.

Although the Seven Ultimate Immortal List is coming soon, but calculating the time, there are still about three months.

This time, it should be enough time.

After all, this trip was a long trip, and he couldn't just return to Yanlong Island secretly and return overnight. Ling Feng did not leave privately, but informed Xiao Xianling and the others in advance.

Of course, he also wanted to test Si Chen's attitude.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard that he was leaving Tianzhi, Si Chen immediately decided to set off with Ling Feng.

And it's definitely not the tone of request, but the kind of direct notification that if you don't want to take it, it's not okay.

She is strong and has big fists, so she can do whatever she says.

This made Ling Feng even more convinced that this woman must be spying on him.

However, she is strong enough and will help her when she is in danger.

There are pros and cons to taking her with you, but overall, the pros outweigh the cons.

After all, she already knew that she was from the Tiandao clan, but so far, the top leaders of Tiandao didn't seem to have made any move.

This proves that the people behind Si Chen should not be hostile to the Tiandao clan to some extent.

Perhaps, it is possible to develop into allies in the future.

"I also need to go!"

Upon hearing that Si Chen had gone, Xiao Xianling immediately jumped out, "Maybe I can still be of help!"

Immediately afterwards, the three girls Yue Yunlan, Yu Junyao and Tuoba Yan also looked eager to try.

"Okay, okay, go wherever you go."

Ling Feng saw the expectant looks of the three girls, and his heart softened, so he decided to take them with him, just in time to let them see the new Saofeng Camp he had built in the Immortal Realm.

Perhaps, there will be a special sense of intimacy.

Moreover, since they were promoted to the Immortal Realm, they have never left Tianzhi and have been stuck in one place. This trip is not to carry out any dangerous mission, but to take them out to relax.

As for Cheng Tianyong, as a disciple of Zhitian Hall, he is not as relaxed as Jieyin Hall. He cannot leave Tianzhi with Ling Feng for a long time.

Therefore, he could only stay and "look after the house" for Ling Feng.

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