Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3533 The terrifying Prince Yin!

At the same time, in the distant Tianbing Sanctuary, there was already an undercurrent.


In a cave in Xuan Binghan Mansion, as the stone door slowly rose, a young man in blue flew out of the cave.

Surprisingly, it was Yan Jinghong.

Three years ago, after receiving the news about the Seven Ultimate Immortal List, Yan Jinghong went directly into the Xuan Bing Mansion to retreat. This retreat lasted for three years.

Of course, in addition to preparing for the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking, it was also to avoid the "Prince Yin" that Lan Bing'er and her siblings called him.

In order to completely cultivate the Ice Mysterious Cold Eyes, under the guidance of Immortal Emperor Haocang, Yan Jinghong once went to Xuanyuan Han Island to hunt for the Mysterious Cold Spirit Pearl.

However, by chance, he met Ling Feng who also went to Xuanyuan Han Island to perform a mission.

What a coincidence, Shui Changdong from the water lineage discovered the identity of the Lingfeng Tiandao Clan.

In order to help Ling Feng escape, Yan Jinghong launched a sneak attack and killed Shui Changdong.

Although no one except Ling Feng and himself could know about this matter, and there was no proof.

But after all, Shui Changdong was killed by him himself.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, after Yan Jinghong returned to Tianbing Sanctuary, he directly chose to retreat in the name of cultivation, so as to avoid unnecessary conflicts with Prince Yin.

And it is a coincidence that Prince Yin has been practicing in the outside world all year round, and even went to battlefields outside the territory to hunt monsters from outside the world.

It often lasts for decades.

But what a coincidence, just when the Seven Ultimate Immortal List was about to open, Prince Yin also came back.

His cultivation has already broken through the realm of Immortal Lord and reached the Kaitian realm among the three realms of Immortal Lord.

There is only one step left to advance to the Starry Realm and reach the same level as the Three Heavenly Lords.

And his strength is far beyond that of the monks of his generation, and he can almost be regarded as the kind of invincible monk at the same level. Even the immortal monks in the Starry Realm or the demons from outside the realm have died in his hands in countless numbers.

Therefore, he got the prestigious name "Prince Yin".

In the eyes of most direct disciples of the Xantian Ice Clan, there is almost no doubt that Prince Yin will become the successor of Immortal Emperor Haocang.

Moreover, his decisive, ruthless and resolute acting style is also directly proportional to his talent and strength.

If the Shui Changdong incident and the Dongchuang incident happened, Yan Jinghong would be in a bad situation.

After three years of seclusion, Yan Jinghong's ice-mysterious cold eyes have been achieved.

His bloodline also completed the final step of transformation.

It can be said that he is now basically a direct bloodline of the Xuantian Ice Clan, and with the Xantian Divine Pattern inherited from a powerful ancestor of the Xuantian Ice Clan, his cultivation has advanced even further. A thousand miles a day.

Now, he has even entered the Dao Fruit Realm one step ahead of Ling Feng.

The changes in the ice laws alone reached eight levels, forming eight Tao fruits related to the power of the ice laws.

This is also a cultivation method unique to the Xantian clan. It is different from ordinary monks who need to rely on the power of various completely different laws to increase the Tao Fruit.

The five Xuantian clans all take the evolution of a law to the extreme, so it is also called the power of ultimate attributes.

For example, the law of fire is not only the power of the simple law of flame, but also has many different evolutions such as explosion, burning, red wind, gasification, transpiration, etc.

Moreover, every change, if controlled to a certain level, can be condensed into a Tao fruit. Then, this kind of power of fire laws can be called the power of extreme fire.

However, the monks who can practice in this way are all uniquely blessed, and the power of their bloodline is enough to defy the heavens. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to practice beyond the Nine Fruits.

And once you are limited to the Nine Fruits, if there is no chance to defy heaven, then you will definitely be able to stay at the level of the Immortal Lord for the rest of your life, unable to make any progress.

And Yan Jinghong is now a member of the Xantian Ice Clan, and he has also chosen the power of law with this ultimate attribute. Now, he has cultivated eight Dao Fruits of ice power, which can be regarded as a preliminary mastery of the power of extreme ice. force.

The eight ice Dao fruits made Yan Jinghong feel more confident and eager to try.

I wonder if I am close to Ling Feng’s level now, or maybe I have achieved a reversal?

However, considering how evil Ling Feng is, the improvement in his strength in recent years may be quite terrifying.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura hit him, followed by a terrifying sense of oppression like an abyss, making Yan Jinghong almost unable to breathe.

Between the eyebrows, the divine pattern of patrolling the sky lights up automatically.

After his cultivation breakthrough, his Sky Patrol Divine Pattern once again unlocked several seals.

This is also the foundation for his ability to advance so far.

However, even if the divine pattern is turned on and even the power of Xuntian Ice Soul is covered all over his body, the terrible sense of oppression still makes Yan Jinghong's soul tremble.

Who is the other party and how can he be so powerful?

He took a deep breath. This person's strength was definitely no worse than Elder Lan, who had been personally guiding him.

Moreover, I'm afraid it's even better!

However, this is the territory of the Xantian Ice Tribe. As a registered disciple of Immortal Emperor Hao Cang and a saint-son-like being, who would dare to provoke him?

The next moment, a dark blue shadow was seen walking from the sky.

And with every step he took, it was as if a piece of black ice was crushed under his feet.

The black ice broke apart and turned into mist. Under the refraction of the sun, it turned into a long rainbow.

The man was not walking very fast, but every time he got closer, Yan Jinghong felt the pressure on his body increase sharply.

But before the man arrived, the soles of his feet were already deeply dented, and half of his calves sank into the ground, making him a lot shorter.

What a terrible pressure!

"Are you Yan Jinghong?"

The man's voice was terrifyingly cold, but when he saw his eyes as cold as the marrow, it was even more frightening.

What a pair of eyes those are!

Without thousands of lives in his hands, he might not be able to cultivate that suffocating murderous aura.

Indeed, only strong men who have fought in foreign battlefields for decades can hone such eyes.

Lian Yan Jinghong, who was not a good person in himself, could be regarded as a "violent person" who had wandered on the edge of life and death countless times, was actually calmed down by the man's look.

"I am."

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath and swallowed hard. He already had some guesses about this powerful man.

Needless to say, his identity must be Prince Yin, Shui Changyin, who is extremely fearful to Lan Bing'er and her siblings.


Shui Changyin nodded slightly, "Don't be nervous. I just want to ask you something. Ask me clearly and I will leave."

His eyes fell on Yan Jinghong, as if he wanted to see through this new registered disciple of Immortal Emperor Hao Cang.

What is so special about this boy of unknown origin that he is able to win the favor of the Immortal Emperor?

And when he saw the divine pattern between Yan Jinghong's eyebrows, he probably understood.

Although Yan Jinghong's cultivation strength is not very good, his divine marks actually give him a slight sense of oppression.

Obviously, the origin of this divine pattern is not simple!

However, he was not here to ask about the origin of the divine pattern this time.

With his eyes focused, Shui Chang Yin asked in a cold voice: "I heard that my incompetent brother disappeared while he was on a mission with you and Lan Binger's siblings?"


Yan Jinghong nodded bravely. Under Shui Changyin's terrifying aura, he couldn't even move a finger.

"You really haven't seen him on the island?"


Yan Jinghong clenched his fists and tried his best to appear ignorant, hiding his inner guilt.

"What about the siblings? Was there anything unusual when you met them?"


Yan Jinghong said in a deep voice: "When I met them, they were fighting with the Youlan Sea Tribe on Xuanyuan Han Island, and they were all injured."

"The Youlan Sea Clan, that sister and brother have also mentioned it. So, do you think it was the Youlan Sea Clan that did this to my brother?"


Yan Jinghong's face froze, he had no intention of shirk the responsibility to the Youlan Hai Clan.

However, as the saying goes, if a dead Taoist friend does not die of a poor Taoist, it is better for him to die than to die himself.

"Maybe it's them, maybe it's not them. I don't know for sure. When we entered Xuanyuan Han Island, we encountered a very scary underwater beast. Maybe..."

Yan Jinghong gritted his teeth and could only distract Shui Changyin as much as possible, which was worthy of the Youlan Hai Clan.

"Okay, there is nothing wrong with what you three said."

Shui Changyin glanced at Yan Jinghong coldly. Apparently, before finding Yan Jinghong, Lan Bing'er and his sister had already gone through his rigorous cross-examination.

"Remember what you said today. If I find out that you lied to me, even if you are also a disciple of the Immortal Emperor, I will never show mercy!"

Shui Changyin stared at Yan Jinghong for a long time, then disappeared into the horizon with a whoosh.


When Shui Changyin's figure completely disappeared from sight, Yan Jinghong let out a long breath.

Ling Feng, ah Ling Feng, you really did me a disservice this time!

However, in the final analysis, this is all a matter that has no proof. It should not be so unlucky that Shui Changyin will find out some clues.

It would be best if the sea monster took the blame. In this case, even Shui Changyin would not dare to act rashly.

On the other side, Ling Feng led Xiao Xianling and a group of women, directly through the teleportation of Donghuang Bell, and arrived at Yanlong Island in almost the blink of an eye.

After briefly introducing the current situation on Yanlong Island to the girls, Ling Feng asked Xiao Xianling to take a few other women around for a while. As for himself, he went straight to the valley where Kuangshan and the others forged weapons.

Three months is not a long time, and Ling Feng doesn't want to waste more time, so it's better to get down to business as soon as possible.

After all, if he could really forge the life-threatening golden essence into a powerful weapon, Ling Feng could reduce the frequency of using Destruction in All Directions.

Although so far, no one has seen through his identity through the destruction of all directions.

But after all, they are the exclusive heavenly soldiers belonging to the Tiandao clan. They often stand by the river, so how can they not get their shoes wet.

It's better to be careful.

If you have a divine weapon made from life-threatening gold, you should be able to display your swordsmanship perfectly even if you don't have to destroy all directions.

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