Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3534 The idea is unclear!

After staying on Yanlong Island for one day, Ling Feng and his party took the boundary-breaking shuttle on the next day and embarked on a journey to the Tianjing Clan's territory.

Because of their special bloodline, the Tianjing clan has suffered several inhumane massacres in the past thousands of years. Therefore, the number of the clan has been very limited.

Moreover, in order to avoid the greed of the world and the annihilation of the clan, the Tianjing clan moved again and again and finally settled in a very secret island in the offshore area of ​​​​the Stars.

Generally speaking, in order not to expose the location of the island, the Tianjing tribe members who left the Tianjing tribe's territory may not return to the Tianjing Island for the rest of their lives.

But this time, in order to take out the ancient heavenly book of the Tianjing clan and pass on the divine forging method of the Tianjing lineage, Kuangshan had to break the promise he made when he left. Not only did he return to the island of Tianjing, He even brought outsiders with him.

But for this reason, Kuang Shan was originally willing to take Ling Feng alone to the Sky Crystal Island, but in the end, he succumbed to Si Chen's terrifying strength and could only reluctantly agree and let Si Chen go with him.

As for women such as Xiao Xianling and Yue Yunlan, they can only stay on Yanlong Island temporarily.

Although the girls were unwilling to do so, it was after all related to the life and death of the Tianjing clan. Kuangshan was unwilling to make any more concessions, so they had no choice but to stay. After all, there were many novel things on the island. Here we can have some fun.

Ling Feng controlled the boundary-breaking shuttle and sailed on the sea for a full ten days.

However, Ling Feng left the star mark of Yanlong Island on the starry instrument of Donghuang Bell. When returning, there is no need to take a boat. As long as he summons Donghuang Bell with a thought, he can immediately return to Yanlong Island. Saves time.

"This sea area is very close to the Xuanyuan Han Island area."

The biggest advantage of the Sea of ​​Stars is that there is no wind or waves. As long as the route is set, there is no need to interfere with the navigation. Ling Feng is also happy to sunbathe on the deck.

Kuangshan on the side nodded, "Indeed, going to the Sky Crystal Island requires passing through the waters of Xuanyuan Han Island, but it will not pass through the misty gorge. After it is almost close to the mist, it will turn westward, and there will be almost three more days. The day's flight is almost here."


Ling Feng stood up like a carp and jumped up from the recliner. He looked towards the sea ahead and heard a dull sound like thunder.

"What's going on? Is there someone fighting at the front?"

Ling Feng frowned, his eyes narrowed, showing a trace of solemnity.

The white shadow flashed, and Si Chen stood beside Ling Feng at some point. He frowned slightly and murmured: "What a domineering aura."

Ling Feng turned to look at Si Chen. Since Ling Feng and Si Chen met, this was the first time he had seen such a serious expression on her beautiful face.

"It seems that something happened on the Xuanyuan Han Island."

Soon, Si Chen's expression returned to normal, and he said with an indifferent expression: "My suggestion is that it is best to bypass it and go directly to the destination of this trip."


Ling Feng frowned slightly. In any case, he and Namiya, the new leader of the Blue Sea Tribe, had concluded a friendly covenant that day.

It's okay if I don't know, but if I don't ask about it when I'm passing through this place, I'm afraid I won't let it go in my conscience.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng had already made up his mind.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and gave Si Chen a slightly provocative look.

"I'm afraid?"

Si Chen immediately widened his eyes, "That's ridiculous, I'm afraid of beating that guy to death!"

The next moment, Si Chen immediately reacted, "You brat, are you going to use a provoking method on my aunt?"

"Whether it's exciting or not is another matter. Since you're not afraid, let's go to Xuanyuan Cold Island."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "Last time, that old clan leader, you were able to kill him instantly with just one move. You must have done well this time."


Si Chen snorted. She was ordered by her Majesty to monitor and protect Ling Feng.

If Ling Feng insists on going to Xuanyuan Cold Island, she can only follow him to protect him.

"That's all, whatever you want."

Si Chen rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, this kid was a troublemaker and would get into trouble wherever he went.

Why did I end up on such a crappy mission!

Seeing that Si Chen did not refute, Ling Feng immediately turned around and headed straight towards Xuanyuan Han Island.

After about two hours of sailing, I saw swollen corpses floating on the sea outside the Gorge of Mist.

This is obviously not what those deep sea beasts did.

After all, those strange beasts mostly attack to fill their stomachs, so naturally they won't leave so many corpses floating on the sea.

Although these corpses have become somewhat swollen due to soaking, it can still be seen from their clothing and body shapes that they are all warriors of the Youlan Sea Tribe.


At this moment, Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he noticed a trace of life among the dozens of corpses.

There is actually a lucky guy who is still breathing.

As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng directly used the Jiuyou Instant Technique and shot out from the deck.

The next moment, he was already carrying the "body" and landed on the deck again.

Because the guy had been soaked in sea water for too long, his skin was wrinkled and his face was swollen like a pig's head.

Ling Feng pressed the opponent's abdomen, squeezed out several mouthfuls of sea water, and then injected a soft magic power into his body.

However, his life breath was very weak, and his breathing seemed very forced.

Ling Feng casually took a look and found that all the meridians in this guy's body had been broken, and his Dantian was shattered and exploded. His entire cultivation was completely destroyed.

"What a cruel method!"

Ling Feng frowned, this guy was lucky enough to be alive until now.

However, even if he rescued him, he would probably be a useless person.


Shaking his head and sighing, Ling Feng took out the silver needle and applied it to help him repair the vitality diagram. The rest would depend on his own luck.

After a while, the warrior of the Youlan Sea Tribe slowly regained consciousness and struggled a few times. Ling Feng quickly stepped forward and grabbed his hands, saying in a deep voice: "Don't move, otherwise, I'm afraid he will become disabled."

"It''s you! It's you!"

When the Youlan Sea Clan warrior saw Ling Feng, a rare glint flashed through his turbid eyes, " us, save the clan...the clan leader..."

Before he finished speaking, the soldier spat out another mouthful of dark green blood and almost fainted, but with a strong willpower, he held on to Ling Feng's sleeve.

"Who is responsible for this murder?"

Ling Feng tightened his fists. Although the customs of the Youlan Sea Clan were indeed a bit tougher, their scope of activities was limited to the Xuanyuan Cold Island and they had always remained indifferent to the world.

What kind of deep hatred is there that actually wants to wipe out the entire Youlan Sea Clan?

"Survey... patrol the sky..."

The Youlan Sea Clan warrior used his last bit of strength to say the word "Xiantian", but he still couldn't survive it.

Before he could take a breath, his soul returned to heaven.


Ling Feng sighed, the man's injuries were too serious. Although he had Taixuan acupuncture skills and could save his life, he could not take his life against the will of heaven.

His vitality was finally completely dissipated.

However, how could the Xantian Clan be at odds with the small Youlanhai Clan?

A race like the Youlan Sea Clan may not be able to catch the eye of the sky patrol.

But luckily, with Si Chen by his side, Ling Feng was not in vain.

Now that we meet the "lonely" Xantian clan, we have to say hello properly!

However, Si Chen was obviously hesitant and reached out to hold Ling Feng's shoulder, "It's about patrolling the sky. Are you sure you really want to go?"

Ling Feng is from the Tiandao clan. Logically speaking, when encountering the Xuntian clan, he should just hide and huddle up.


Ling Feng nodded heavily, "If our allies are in trouble and we still turn a blind eye, I don't have a clear mind, so why should I practice the immortal way?"


Si Chen sneered in his heart, you don't know what you are doing, what's the matter with dragging my wife into the water.

However, it is hard to disobey the order of your Majesty, so I can only bite the bullet and accompany Ling Feng to try it out.

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