Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3535 If you keep thinking about it, there will be a response!

At the same time, inside Xuan Yuan Han Island, a devastating disaster was occurring.

The eighteen Golden Blood Guards, who represented the highest combat power in the clan and could even kill Immortal-level experts with their combined attacks, had already lost twelve of them at this moment.

As the leader of the Golden Blood Guard, Thoros had one of his arms ripped off.

He tore off his arm himself. Otherwise, if the terrible cold air continued to erode his internal organs, his fate would be like those of the dead Golden Blood Guards, who would be directly frozen into ice sculptures and then explode to death.

But even so, even though he had abandoned the car in time to save his commander and tore off an arm, frost had condensed on the wound, and the terrifying cold air had caused the erosion to slow down greatly. But according to this trend, there may be at most a few more At this time, he still couldn't escape the end of turning into an ice sculpture.

And all of this started when a man from the Sky Patrol Ice Clan suddenly visited the island a few days ago.

The guy who called himself "Prince Yin" killed hundreds of members of the Youlanhai clan with extremely cruel methods as soon as he came to the door.

And regardless of whether they are men or women, young or old, they kill everyone they see.

Such a cruel person is rare in the world.

After receiving the news, Thoros, the leader of the Golden Blood Guard, immediately led the Golden Blood Guard and the elites of the clan to besiege Prince Yin near the Blue Sea Beach.

Seeing that a senior official from the Youlanhai Clan finally came forward, Prince Yin asked some incomprehensible questions.

For example, three years ago, had a Xantian tribesman named Shui Changdong been killed?

In fact, Shui Changdong's death had nothing to do with the Youlan Sea Clan, so Soros naturally denied everything.

It's a pity that Prince Yin obviously has no intention of letting the Youlan Hai Clan go.

He was cruel and bloodthirsty by nature, and even faced Yan Jinghong, a registered disciple of Immortal Emperor Hao Cang, he dared to threaten his life, let alone these Youlan Hai clan who were like ants in his eyes.

Since they can't get the answer they want, then these ants naturally have no value of existence.

Then, there was a slaughter that lasted for several days, like a cat chasing a mouse.

Eighteen Golden Blood Guards were brutally killed one after another.

The elite warriors of the Youlan Sea Clan were also brutally killed, and their bodies were thrown directly into the blue water.

This is why Ling Feng and the others saw so many floating corpses on the sea when they passed through the Gorge of Mist.

If I had to use one word to describe what Shui Changyin did, it would be "crazy".

No wonder, when the name of Prince Yin is mentioned, Lan Xiaoyu, who has always been fearless, looks panicked.

This Shui Changyin, if he doesn't take action, he will use it. Once he takes action, it will be extermination.

When he was in the realm of the Immortal Lord, he fought for the Sky Patrol Ice Clan in all directions, wiping out dozens of roving forces in the Borderlands. Moreover, not a single person was left alive, including women, children, old and weak, and no one was spared.

Cruel and ruthless, this is the first impression most of the disciples of the Xantian Ice Tribe have on Prince Yin.

Perhaps considering Shui Changyin's cruel and bloodthirsty character, after he broke through to the realm of earth creation, Immortal Emperor Haocang transferred him to battlefields outside the territory to fight against evil spirits from outside the world.

However, after hundreds of years of fighting and fighting, Shui Changyin's murderous aura and his fierce and domineering character became even more intense.

I'm afraid that within the entire Xantian Ice Clan, the only ones who can suppress him are the Immortal Emperor-level elders and Immortal Emperor Haocang.

This time, after Shui Changyin returned to Tianbing Sanctuary after more than thirty years of fierce fighting, he suddenly heard the news about the death of his only brother Shui Changdong.

If there is only a trace of warmth left in Shui Changyin's demon-like cold heart, then it must be for his only brother.

But now, the younger brother he valued most had died, and the anger in his chest was almost enough to burn the heavens.

If it was his temperament, he would brutally kill Yan Jinghong and the Lan family siblings whether they were related to Shui Changdong's death or not.

It's just that these three people have special status, so he can't go too far.

Now, he had already suppressed his murderous intent and anger, so he naturally wanted to take action on these innocent Blue Sea Tribes.

As for the underwater beast lurking deep in the Misty Gorge.

Sorry, I can't beat it.

Then we can only pick the soft persimmons.

At this moment, in a Chaoyin Cave deep in Han Island, the sounds of gasping and sobbing could be heard from time to time.

That was the uncontrollable sadness that the children of Youlan Children experienced after experiencing the pain of losing their loved ones.

"Don't cry, don't cry!"

The women covered their children's mouths, their red and swollen eyes filled with tears.

Although they all know that even if they hide here, they may not escape death in the end.

No matter whether the children cry or not, how can they hide it from the devil's perception?

As long as all the soldiers fighting with him outside were killed or injured, women and children like them would eventually face a desperate end.


Thoros held on to the frost-covered wound on his right arm, his face turned ashen, and he weakly groaned. He just stared in the direction outside the cave with his scarlet eyes.

There were more than a dozen warriors from the Youlan Sea Tribe there.

Less than ten miles outside Chaoyin Cave, the remaining five Golden Blood Guards were fighting fiercely with Prince Yin.

No, maybe it shouldn't be called a battle.

It was a one-sided fight.

If it weren't for Prince Yin's attitude of toying with his opponents like a cat and a mouse, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to hold on now.

"Soros, are you okay?"

As the current patriarch, Namiya has inherited part of the spiritual power of the God of the Blue Sea, but compared to the old patriarch, her strength is really insignificant.

But she is the last spiritual support of these remaining tribesmen.

"I'm afraid this time, I, the Blue Sea Clan, will eventually..."

Thoros leaned against the rock wall of the cave, shook his head and smiled with difficulty, "The God of the Blue Sea abandoned his people after all."

Namiya's bright eyes were filled with tears.

Who can save them?

Who can save this race that is suffering from annihilation?

ah! ——

Terrible screams resounded through the mountains and forests.

Everyone knows that every scream represents a warrior who gave his life for the sake of his race.

However, these fearless brave men and heroic warriors all have the same tragic fate.

Thoros's body was trembling with anger, and the cold air from the wound took the opportunity to invade his body.

Not only the area around the wound, but also his eyebrows, cheeks, and every part of his skin began to be covered with a thin layer of frost.

He knew that his life might be coming to an end.

"Clan leader, take care of everyone."

Soros clenched his fists tightly, used up his last bit of strength, and staggered to his feet.

"I can't just lie down and die like this. As a soldier, I only allow myself to die on the battlefield!"

Thoros walked towards the entrance of the cave step by step, while he could still move, while he still had the strength.

No matter what, even if he just slashed the guy from the Sky Patrol Ice Tribe, that would be enough.


Looking at Thoros's leaving back, Namiya covered her mouth and sobbed softly.

Is this the fate of the Youlanhai clan?

For no reason, she suddenly remembered that three years ago, Ling Feng once said that if one day in the future, the Youlan Sea Clan could go to him for help.

But now, it seems that water far away cannot save fire near.

Moreover, even if Ling Feng comes, can he really deal with that terrible devil?

If you keep thinking about it, maybe it will really resonate.

Through the layers of fog, a huge ship appeared on the coast.

It is the boundary-breaking shuttle that belongs to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng jumped up and jumped down from the deck.

This is the second time he has set foot on Xuanyuan Cold Island, but it is different from the last time. In addition to the same permeating cold air, there is also a rich and pungent smell of blood.

He frowned. The beach was littered with corpses, and almost no corpse was intact.

He clenched his fists, that guy from the Xantian clan was really cruel.

"Oh my god..."

Si Chen, who was on the side, also frowned at the pungent smell of blood. He pinched his nose and cursed, "How could there be such a perverted guy who takes pleasure in killing people."

As for Kuangshan, his face turned pale with fright. He looked at the corpse on the ground and swallowed hard, "I...I said Mr. General Secretary, do we need to ask for trouble..."

"Your Tianjing clan has also suffered such a disaster. You should feel the same way, right?"

Ling Feng turned around and glared at Kuang Shan. This was the first time he was angry at Kuang Shan.

In fact, what he said was more to himself.

The Tiandao clan had suffered the same fate.

Kuang Shan was startled by Ling Feng's tone and demeanor. Ling Feng had always been a polite and elegant figure, but he didn't expect him to get angry. The chill was so suffocating.

He swallowed hard, "Yes... I made a mistake."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, tried his best to calm down, and said apologetically to Kuangshan: "I'm sorry, I'm a little out of control, but at this time, if you think about it from another perspective, you would also hope that someone would show up to save you."

He clenched his fists and looked at Si Chen, "Sister Chen..."

"Okay, okay, no need to say it."

Si Chen rolled his eyes at Ling Feng and hummed softly: "I'm not a stone-hearted person. How can I bear it when I see such a miserable situation? It doesn't matter what clan he is from, if he meets me, he will be dead." Even the Immortal Emperor can't save him, I said so!"


Ling Feng gave Si Chen a thumbs up, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. With Si Chen's words, he felt confident.

Moreover, with Si Chen taking action, he could just wait and watch without worrying about his identity being exposed.

Generally speaking, Si Chen is a very good person, and she is really good at situations.

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