Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3538 Ling Feng’s strengths!

Ho ho ho! ——

Hundreds of ice dragons were flying over thousands of miles of sea. As the battle became more intense, the number of ice dragons controlled by Prince Yin became more and more numerous, and their sizes became larger and larger.

Anyway, in this ice prison, with the help of the infinite power of the sea, ice and frost are naturally inexhaustible.

No matter how many ice dragons Si Chen crushes with his mysterious magic, they will only make these ice dragons split into two, and then into four, becoming more and more numerous. What's even more terrifying is that these ice dragons contain the power of the Xantian clan. The power of ice soul, every time Si Chen comes into contact with those ice dragons, will take away a lot of heat from her body.

Once or twice, you can still maintain your body temperature with the power of your own qi and blood, but if this continues, the power of qi and blood will become weaker and weaker. Just maintaining your own temperature is already a huge load.

As for the monks who cultivate the power of extreme ice, the scarier thing is that once the temperature of the opponent's body drops to a certain level, it will become a "sharp weapon" in his hand.

It can even directly control the blood and internal organs of the opponent from the inside and freeze them directly.

Si Chen naturally understood how terrifying the Xantian Ice Clan was, but facing Prince Yin who relied on immeasurable power, he could only fall into an extremely passive situation.

In this ice prison, he was like an elusive frost spirit, able to escape at will and hide without a trace.

Although Si Chen knew very well that even if he fought against those ice dragons for ten days and ten nights, it would be impossible to exhaust the ice and snow formed by the boundless sea.

And the final result must be that he died of exhaustion from Prince Yin.

The only way to break the situation is to capture the thief first and capture the king first.

As long as Prince Yin himself is seriously injured, then these ice dragons will naturally be useless.

However, Prince Yin hid his only flaw very well.

In this ice prison, Si Chen could not see through his hiding place at all, let alone seriously injure him.

Even if he managed to catch a trace of Prince Yin, when Si Chen was distracted and attacked, the rhythm of his attack would often be disrupted by the overwhelming ice dragon.

Si Chen frowned. He had to say that Prince Yin was not entitled to the title of "Prince" of the Xantian Ice Tribe in vain.

Whether it is natural strength, combat experience or combat IQ, they are all impeccable.

"Hmph, in the hands of this prince, are you still trying to hide your special skills? Why, are you so afraid of being recognized by this prince? Hahahaha!"

Prince Yin couldn't stop laughing wildly. In this ice prison, he was the master of everything.

As he said, Si Chen was wary of revealing her identity, so she couldn't show off her famous skills.

After all, although the Immortal Realm is large, a force as huge as the Yixuntian Ice Clan must have its own intelligence and information network.

Although there is little information about their sun, moon and stars, if they cannot kill them with one strike, they must not take action.

Otherwise, as a Tianzhi Siqi, he actually takes action against the Xuntian Ice Tribe Prince, which is tantamount to a declaration of war.

If one of them is not handled well, it will lead to disaster.

As for Prince Yin, he had countless trump cards and must have many ways to save his life. If he was really killed on the spot, it would be better to destroy his body and eliminate all traces.

But if there is only one chance in a billion that Prince Yin can leave here alive, then Si Chen will never reveal his identity.

Therefore, not only does she now have a complete geographical advantage facing the opponent, but she is also tied up and unable to show her true strength.

Under the circumstances, her superiority in realm was naturally gone.

"Okay, okay, since you are still unwilling to show your true abilities, then I will let you die under the bite of ten thousand dragons!"

Prince Yin waved his hand, and the divine lines between his eyebrows suddenly glowed with blue light.

And the cold air around those ice dragons became even stronger, and when the dragon claws swept across, the void was shattered.

Bang bang bang bang!

The glacier collapsed, and hundreds of ice dragons broke out of the ice, creating a situation where Si Chen could withstand thousands of troops with his own strength.

"That's not good!"

From a distance, Ling Feng watched from behind a huge rock on the coast.

Although Si Chen said it was easy, she didn't expect that this guy would actually get into a hard fight. It seemed that her opponent was far from simple.

Ling Feng knew in his heart that if it was just an ordinary opponent, Si Chen could kill him with just a touch of his hand, so why should he be so cautious or even hide his true strength.

The more cautious she becomes, the more it proves that not only is her opponent's strength terrifying, but her identity must also be extraordinary.

I am afraid that he is a very high-status being among the Xuntian Ice Clan.

It's a pity that my strength is limited. If I rush to help, I'm afraid I will only become cannon fodder.

Maybe it would distract Si Chen from taking care of himself, and he would lose even faster.

However, although it is impossible for Ling Feng to intervene in the battle of the Immortal Lord level, it does not mean that he is useless.

For example, although Si Chen's realm is much higher than Ling Feng, his strength can completely crush Ling Feng.

But when it comes to eyesight and pupil power, she is even inferior to Ling Feng.

Even Prince Yin, relying on his Xantian bloodline, could hide in the ice prison, making it impossible for Si Chen to see where he was.

However, Ling Feng relied on the evolved blood-wrathful emperor's eyes to capture the trajectory of Prince Yin's actions.

All he needed to do was to cooperate with Si Chen and locate Prince Yin.

Then, with a thunderous blow, he was defeated.

And now is the opportunity.

"Sister Chen, can you hear me?"

Having made up his mind, Ling Feng immediately contacted Si Chen using the method of spiritual sound transmission.

Si Chen's face turned to one side at first, wondering how Ling Feng could communicate with him from such a distance, even without Prince Yin's perception.

But he soon realized that with this guy's immortal fighting spirit and the fact that he and Cheng Tianyong had practiced a lot of soul and secret techniques during this period, the strength of his consciousness might have reached the level of an immortal.

"You don't need to answer me, you just need to believe me unconditionally."

Ling Feng has come all the way from the lower world and has experienced hundreds of battles. Moreover, his combat IQ is even more impressive than that of his peers.

With just one glance, he could see the reason why Si Chen was currently in a deadlock.

Then, Ling Feng's words lifted Si Chen's spirits again.

"I can help you capture the true identity of that guy from the Ice Tribe who patrols the sky. You first pretend to lure the enemy and give me some time."

Si Chen's eyes narrowed, and she naturally knew that Ling Feng, as a member of the Tiandao clan, although not at a high level, possessed many magical abilities that shocked even her.

And his Emperor's Eye is even more trustworthy.

I just didn't expect that I would actually join forces with a mere Daoyan realm junior?

But right now, this is the only way.

She couldn't reveal her identity, but she couldn't die here.

With a wave of both palms, Si Chen shattered all the ice dragons within a hundred feet of him with just his powerful magic power.

Once these ice dragons are broken, Prince Yin will inevitably show up again to summon more ice dragons.

And this is Ling Feng's opportunity.

Taking a deep breath, the yin and yang fish floated in Ling Feng's eyes.

After Si Chen attracted all the other party's attention, he was able to quietly use the Eye of the Emperor.


However, he still underestimated Prince Yin's perception ability.

From a distance, he looked back in the direction of the shore. He hesitated, but quickly chose to ignore it.

Even if there is someone there, the top priority is to deal with the mysterious master in front of him right now.


Ling Feng, who was hiding in the dark, was glared at by that cold gaze, and his heart was in his throat.

What a terrifying murderous aura!

Is this the strength of a powerful person at the level of an Immortal?

too weak!

I am still too weak!

He clenched his fists. The Immortal Lord of the Xantian Ice Clan was so strong, so what about the Immortal Emperor of the Wheel Realm?

What about those Broken Immortal Emperors who are even standing at the top?

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng put these distracting thoughts behind him. Only by staying in the dog's way could he have a chance to make a comeback.

No matter what, I am the last hope of the Tiandao clan!

Calming his mind, Ling Feng continued to use his spiritual consciousness to communicate with Si Chen.

"That guy hides his traces very quickly. Basically every time he makes a move, he will hide a thousand feet away in an instant, and then he will observe the timing of your move and wait for the opportunity to move. However, his movements are regular. , that’s the movement technique he used.”

There was a sneer on Ling Feng's lips. The first ability of the Eye of the Emperor was to copy martial arts.

In fact, the higher the level of martial arts, the more useless this ability becomes.

After all, many powerful magical powers and secret techniques require the power of one's own bloodline to display their true abilities.

Therefore, Ling Feng more often uses his ability to see through weaknesses.

But now, he happened to have the bloodline of Xantian Ice Clan, but he learned the movement skills used by Prince Yin by accident.

In this way, it is naturally not difficult to grasp the trajectory of his actions.

Even, make a good prediction!

"Sister Chen, after three breaths, attack the right rear, three thousand feet away, he will definitely appear there!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and after careful derivation, he finally accurately predicted Prince Yin's next trajectory.


Without any hesitation, Si Chen gathered the domineering power of the void in his palms.

Prince Yin sneered in the dark, "So, what you are good at is the law of space? You finally can't hold it anymore, but everything is a foregone conclusion, this is your burial place!"

With a low roar, Prince Yin was shaken all over, and thousands of dragons roared, all attacking Si Chen.

The next moment, his figure disappeared and disappeared into the void.

And the hidden trajectory was exactly as Ling Feng expected!

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