Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3539 The Great Sumeru Sky-Covering Seal!

"It's now!"

The moment Prince Yin's figure disappeared, Ling Feng immediately let out a silent roar.

Of course, in Si Chendan's mind, the roar was infinitely amplified. With a focused look, she had already aimed at the direction pointed by Ling Feng.

Everything he had done just now was just a feint, and this attack would definitely seriously injure Prince Yin.


The void roared, Si Chen flipped his palms, and the power of the law of time and space exploded. The surrounding space collapsed inch by inch, and even the fragments visible to the naked eye scattered in all directions like flying butterflies.

"Is this the true strength of the powerful Immortal Lord?"

Ling Feng swallowed hard. It was too powerful. The strength of these two people was far from what he was now and could be compared.

He silently operated the Eye of the Emperor. It was rare to see such a major battle, and he could learn as much as he could from it.

"You're so naive, you think you..."

Prince Yin is hiding in the void, and the ice prison of thousands of miles is his best cover.

Si Chen had tried to attack his body countless times before, but in the end, he could only fail.

Even if the other party's realm is higher than your own, so what?

As Prince Yin, who killed everyone on the battlefield outside the territory, there were countless examples of the weak defeating the strong.

However, the sound suddenly stopped.

Instead, there was astonishment, shock, disbelief, and dumbfoundedness.

"how come……"

Prince Yin's eyes widened, looking at the void storm that hit his head, and even the terrifying power of time and space tides, which were about to tear his body into billions of pieces.

Her attack clearly seemed like it had been waiting for him here for a long time.

But, how is this possible?

If she could accurately calculate the traces of her hiding place, could everything before that be just an act?

At this moment, Prince Yin no longer had time to analyze why the opponent's attack actually hit his landing point accurately.

What he has to do is to resist this terrifying void storm.

As the saying goes, if time is limited, space is king.

The laws of space are recognized as difficult to control, but once controlled, the destructive power and lethality of other laws are almost overwhelming.

Even with the extreme ice power of the Xuntian Ice Clan, it is impossible to ignore this conflict from the law itself.

What's more, someone like Si Chen can become a strong man at the level of the Four Wonders. Who is not a person with amazing talents?

If you don't take action, that's it. Once you take action, it will destroy everything and destroy the heaven and the earth.

Bang bang bang bang!

Barriers made of solid ice were directly crushed to pieces by the power of space laws. Even in panic, Prince Yin sacrificed several defensive magic weapons one after another, but they were all blown away. Prince Yin's face turned pale with fright, and he could only Able to use physical skills to retreat again and again.

However, Si Chen's methods don't stop there?

After being reminded by Ling Feng, she had already formulated her own battle plan.

The first blow was just to force Prince Yin back and let him retreat according to his planned route.

The real killing move was the second palm that had been waiting for him on his retreat route.

"The Great Sumeru Covering the Sky Seal!"


In an instant, a bell that shook the heaven and earth like a big yellow bell rang, and then, a sky-raising hand seal fell from the sky and hit Prince Yin's head heavily.


Every time the palm print pressed down an inch, the ice in the sea below seemed to sink a foot.

The entire sky was shrouded in endless golden light, which was suffocating. The endless pressure almost made people feel as if they were standing in the endless galaxy, but they themselves were just a speck of dust in this vast ocean.

So small, so insignificant.

"Want to kill me?"

Prince Yin's eyes widened and he raised his palms to the sky. Immediately afterwards, the ice dragons that were circling and harassing Si Chen all roared in unison.

Boom boom boom!

Immediately afterwards, Wanlong ascended into the sky and crashed crazily towards the handprint.

With the destructive power of these countless ice dragons, by the time the handprint hits him, the power is probably no longer enough.

However, he ignored one thing, the most important thing.

What Si Chen is good at is the law of space.

In the first move, Si Chen asked Prince Yin to use countless defensive magic weapons.

In the second move, Si Chen asked Prince Yin to control all the ice dragons to attack the Sky-Covering Seal.

As a result, the defense around him is weak, and all weaknesses and flaws are exposed before his eyes.


The next moment, Si Chen's figure disappeared from the spot, he turned his palms over, and the palms covered with silver gloves almost brushed against Prince Yin's chest.

Even though Prince Yin reacted at the critical moment, a deep scar visible to the bone was still found on his chest.

Blood flowed out gurglingly, and Prince Yin's eyes became crazy and angry.

He gritted his teeth and used his escape technique, wanting to escape into the ice prison again.

However, Si Chen was always able to predict the future. Every time Prince Yin took a step back, Si Chen's palm print was already waiting on the spot.




After dodging eighteen times in a row, Prince Yin was firmly hit by Si Chen's eighteen palms. At this moment, his chest was almost sunken, blood was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Si Chen.

How many years had passed, even in the most dangerous and terrifying depths of the battlefield outside the territory, he had never been teased like this at this moment!

It seemed that every step he took was accurately calculated.

Unless she has completely mastered the Xantian Ice Clan's unique movement escape technique, the Ice Soul Traveling Technique.

This Ice Soul Traveling Technique is itself a kingly immortal technique, and it requires someone with the direct bloodline of the Xuntian Ice Clan to master it.

There is absolutely no possibility of rumors.

It was precisely because of this that he was so confident. From the beginning, he couldn't understand why Si Chen could hit him.

Of course he didn't know that Si Chen wasn't using his own eyes, but was completely following Ling Feng's command.

Moreover, every time he performs the Ice Soul Swimming Technique, it gives Ling Feng another opportunity to learn.

The more he uses it, the deeper Ling Feng's mastery of the Ice Soul Swimming Technique becomes, and it is naturally easy to calculate the trajectory of his dodge.

The so-called wrong step, wrong step after step.

When Prince Yin fell from active to passive, his reason began to lose step by step.

He was still trying to regain the initiative with the ice soul swimming technique, but he suffered heavy blows from Si Chen again and again.

After eighteen palms, Prince Yin was completely drained of energy and blood, and his breath was extremely weak.

In fact, even the surrounding ice prison began to melt, and it was no longer sustainable.

However, his angry eyes stared at Si Chen as if they were cannibals.

Si Chen originally hesitated repeatedly and did not dare to act rashly with murderous intent.

But at this moment, seeing the cold look in Prince Yin's eyes, it was obvious that he had formed an undying bond.

And now, since Prince Yin has been hit hard, then...

Murderous intent flashed through his mind, but Si Chen quickly rejected the idea.

Prince Yin is not scary, but he has been killing foreign demons in dangerous places like foreign battlefields all year round. Is it really all about his own strength?

Among the evil spirits outside the territory, no matter how powerful and terrifying there are, a junior at the level of an Immortal Lord will not kill everyone, and it will be like entering a land where there is no one.

The only explanation is that Prince Yin must have some backup plan.

Perhaps it was the trump card of the Immortal Emperor-level power left on him among the Xantian Ice Clan, such as the Divine Soul and Dharma.

Normally this trump card may not be activated, but once life is in danger, it will automatically take action to protect it.

Si Chen acted very cautiously, so naturally he would not take such a risk.

Otherwise, if all those eighteen palms had been executed, Prince Yin would have died standing here screaming.

She just caused Prince Yin to be seriously injured and lost the ability to fight again.

Lowering his voice, Si Chen said slowly and in a rough voice: "Your Excellency, do you want to fight again?"

Prince Yin was so angry that he was trembling all over. He was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood. He was almost unsteady on his feet.

It has been hundreds of years since he suffered such a serious injury. If he cannot be treated and recovered as soon as possible, it may affect his own foundation.

He stared at Si Chen and wanted to eat his flesh alive.

However, after repeated considerations, he still summoned a flying shuttle, and it turned out to be the Potian Shuttle.

With a leap, Prince Yin jumped on the shuttle, turned back and glared at Si Chen, and said fiercely: "I will remember you, even if you escape to the ends of the world, you will die in my hands!"

The next moment, the shuttle suddenly accelerated and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Seeing that Prince Yin, this big trouble, was finally gone, Si Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Although Prince Yin was severely injured, she had to hide her own strength and skills, and it would take a huge amount of energy to fight such a monster. .

Si Chen staggered and almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, lightning flashed, but it was Ling Feng who supported Si Chen from behind.

"Sister Chen, how are you?"

Ling Feng asked with concern.

"Fortunately, I have your help this time."

Si Chen let out a long breath, his face was a little pale, but he didn't mind. His body was almost half-snuggling on Ling Feng's shoulder.

"Seeing that you are forbearing at all times, even though you had countless opportunities to kill the opponent, you did not take action. It seems that the identity of that guy is not simple."

"He is Prince Yin of the Xantian Ice Clan!"

Si Chen was so weak that he gasped a few times, and said slowly: "I am afraid that he will have the protective dharma of the Immortal Emperor. Even if I may not be able to withstand the blow of that dharma, my identity will definitely be exposed."


Ling Feng helped Si Chen sit down on the beach, sighed softly, and then said: "It seems that after all, I am the one who has caused trouble for the Youlan Sea Clan."

The name of Prince Yin was something that Lan Bing'er and his sister had heard before. He was probably the brother of the disciple of the Xuntian Ice Tribe whom he and Yan Jinghong jointly killed that day.

Unexpectedly, that guy was such a fool, and his brother was so powerful.

"Although I severely injured him this time, in desperation, I used the Great Sumeru Sky Covering Seal. Although this is not a unique secret technique, it still left a trace of hidden dangers."

Si Chen gritted his silver teeth and said solemnly: "No matter what, it's best for us to leave as soon as possible."


Ling Feng nodded, "But before that, we have to find a way to settle the Youlan Sea Clan."

The Youlan Sea Tribe was indirectly implicated by him, and he should bear some responsibility both emotionally and rationally.

Nowadays, the Youlanhai Clan's vitality has been severely damaged. Only the last three or four of the eighteen Golden Blood Guards are left. Basically, all the elite members of the clan have been killed or injured.

A large group of orphans and widows are left...

After hesitating for a moment, Ling Feng decided to send them to Yanlong Island to settle down first.

Yantaki Island is located in a hidden location and is not even on the charts. It is a good hiding place.

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