Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3540 The Island of Sky Crystal!

Now that Prince Yin has left, Ling Feng has taken off his disguise and returned to his original appearance.

Although Si Chen wasted a lot of mana, it did not damage her roots. Ling Feng gave her some pills, and Si Chen's complexion softened a bit.

After all, having been "lurking" beside Ling Feng for many years, Si Chen naturally knew very well that it was not surprising that Ling Feng's alchemy skills were able to produce various high-level elixirs.

After recovering their breath for a while, the two flew back to the hiding place of the Youlan Sea Clan.

At this moment, those Blue Sea Tribes were hiding in Chaoyin Cave, and their hearts were in a state of confusion. It would be great if Ling Feng and the others could win.

But the opponent's strength is so terrifying, can they really win?

Fortunately, after seeing Ling Feng flying back safe and sound, those Blue Sea Tribes relaxed their anxious hearts.

"The battle was won! They drove the devil away!"

"The God of the Blue Sea has not abandoned us!"

The people of the Youlan Sea Clan clasped their hands in front of their chests and made devout prayer gestures. For them, everything is a gift from the great God of the Blue Sea.

Ling Feng shrugged. Although he has always believed in the life creed that my destiny is up to me, he will not belittle the beliefs of others.

Passing over the people of the Youlan Sea Tribe who were praying, Ling Feng walked quickly to Namiya, nodded slightly towards her, and said warmly: "That devil has been driven away by me and my friends."

"Thank you, Mr. Ling!"

Namiya stared deeply at Ling Feng. When Ling Feng appeared like a divine soldier descending from the sky, for a moment, in Namiya's heart, she felt that Ling Feng had even surpassed the God of the Blue Sea, whom she had always believed in. .

"Since we are allies, there is no need to say thank you."

Ling Feng felt a little guilty. If they knew that Prince Yin was actually attracted by him, he didn't know what the people of the Youlanhai Clan would think.

Although Ling Feng was also trying to protect himself, he indirectly harmed many people.

But even if it happened again, Ling Feng still had no choice. Shui Changdong already knew his identity, so he had to die.

He can't tell Namiya and the others the cruel truth now. All he can do is try his best to protect the remaining Blue Sea clan from being annihilated.

"Master Ling!"

With the support of the other two Golden Blood Guards, Thoros gritted his teeth and walked to Ling Feng. "It was you who saved my life, Thoros. From now on, I will fight against mountains of swords and seas of fire just by the orders of the young master." Ross never frowned!"

"Captain Thoros said something strong."

Ling Feng quickly supported the guy who was still unsteady on his feet. This guy was considered lucky. He had gone around the hell gate and still survived.

He gently patted Soros on the shoulder and said solemnly: "If you hadn't resisted until the last moment, even if I came, it would have been too late. Therefore, you are also the hero of the Blue Sea Tribe!"

Thoros choked up, "Heroes... Those brothers who died for their people are the real heroes!"

The atmosphere became a little sad.

This island, which was already bitter and cold, now makes people feel a kind of sadness coming from the depths of their souls.

Corpses littered the fields.

Countless comrades and companions who once fought side by side and played together were turned into cold corpses.

All the survivors were in sorrow, and they were silently praying for these soldiers who gave their lives.

After a while, Ling Feng was the first to break the silence.

He turned to look at Namiya and said in a deep voice: "Chief Namiya, although the guy from the Sky Patrol Ice Clan has been driven away by my friends, he is vicious and cruel. When he recovers from his injuries, he will definitely return. It will come back, so for everyone’s safety, I suggest leaving this place for now, and I have found a new place for everyone.”


Namiya gritted her silver teeth. After all, this is the place where the Blue Sea Tribe has thrived for thousands of years and is their hometown.

They were born and raised here, how could they let go of this nostalgia.

However, Namiya also knew very well that Ling Feng was not an alarmist.

If they continue to stay here, the Youlan Sea Clan may become extinct.

Taking a deep breath, Namiya still shouldered the burden of being the leader of the clan. She looked at the remaining people and said in a deep voice: "Master Ling is the savior of our Youlan Sea clan. Now, even more so. We have thought about our retreat, what reason do we have to refuse him? If we keep the green hills, we won’t be afraid of running out of firewood. As long as we are still alive, we will be able to return here and rebuild our home sooner or later!”

"rebuild home!"

"rebuild home!"


With Namiya's support, the rest of the matter will naturally be solved.

Because he didn't know when Prince Yin would return, he simply disposed of the visible corpses and threw them into the sea, which was regarded as returning to the embrace of the God of the Blue Sea.

Of course, no matter how hurriedly you run, you can't forget to take away all the treasures that the Youlanhai clan has stocked for many years, so as not to take advantage of Prince Yin.

In order to thank Ling Feng, Namiya decided to give away all the treasure trove of the Youlan Sea Clan after obtaining the permission of the remaining Golden Blood Guards.

Ling Feng was not polite and emptied out the Youlanhai Clan's treasure house at once and put it directly into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

He now needs a large amount of training materials to make up for the time gap between him and those powerful men in the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, the treasure house of the Youlan Sea Clan is undoubtedly a timely help.

But he is confident that he will be able to repay it tenfold in the future.

When the Youlan Sea Clan returns here in the future and rebuilds their home, I will definitely give them back an even bigger treasure trove!

In order to save time, Ling Feng directly used the Donghuang Bell to send the people of the Youlanhai Tribe to Yanlong Island in batches.

There are basically a large group of bachelors on Yanlong Island. Except for Baoshan, who used to be a pirate and captured a few ladies from the village due to his status as the boss, no one else has ever seen so many women.

The women of the Youlan Sea Clan are generally fair-skinned, beautiful and have good temperament, but they make these old bachelors cry.

However, Yanlong Island is now a serious sect force with strict rules.

If you want to capture the hearts of these girls from the Blue Sea Clan, you have to look at your own abilities.

Baoshan was really shocked when he saw that Ling Feng suddenly "transported" so many beauties back. He thought to himself that Mr. Souji knew that everyone was feeling uncomfortable on the island and gave them some meat.

It wasn't until Ling Feng came to the island with the three golden blood guards that Baoshan's little thoughts were disillusioned.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

If any of the Golden Blood Guards came out, it would probably be enough to wipe out these "rabble".

And with the addition of these Golden Blood Guards, the new Sao Feng Camp he established can be considered to have some experts taking charge.

Ling Feng ordered Baoshan to properly settle these Blue Sea people and not allow any of his subordinates to harass them. Then he teleported away, reunited with Kuangshan and Sichen, and embarked on the voyage again.

Three days later.

After a full ten-day voyage, Ling Feng and his party finally arrived at the Sky Crystal Island in Kuangshan Pass.

No wonder Kuang Shan was confident in the concealment of Tianjing Island before, but it turned out that this island was actually hidden under the undercurrent, and it was a mysterious island hidden deep in the depths of the sea.

Ling Feng controlled the boundary-breaking shuttle and dived to a depth of nearly 10,000 meters under the sea before finally finding the entrance Kuang Shan mentioned.

At the entrance, the presence of the barrier can clearly be sensed.

Fortunately, Ling Feng's boundary-breaking shuttle can easily break into the barrier.

However, after passing the barrier, the world seemed to be turned upside down. Under the guidance of Kuangshan, Ling Feng controlled the boundary-breaking shuttle to rise upwards.

Finally, when the boundary-breaking shuttle broke through the water, a huge island suddenly appeared in front of it.

This place should have been the bottom of the sea, but this island is suspended above the sea. It seems that the barrier they just passed through may contain the power of the unfathomable laws of time and space.

"Here we are, here is the Sky Crystal Island."

Looking at his hometown in front of him, Kuangshan couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

When he left, he thought he would never come back again. Everything was still familiar, as if it was yesterday.

However, before Kuang Shan could sigh and miss the past years, he saw more than ten guards holding spears, instantly surrounding Ling Feng's boundary-breaking shuttle.

"Who dares to break into Tianjing Holy Island without permission!"

The leader is tall and tall, wearing heavy armor, and his aura does come from the same lineage as Kuangshan. It seems that these guards are the Tianjing clan members guarding this place.

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