Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3541 Tianjing Clan Leader! The spirit of a king!

"Who dares to break into Tianjing Holy Island without permission!"

Ling Feng and his party had just landed on the island.

No, even before Ying Gao even stepped into the territory of the Sky Crystal Island, there were already more than ten guards surrounding the boundary-breaking shuttle.

Obviously, because of their special bloodline talent, the Tianjing clan has been hunted many times by greedy foreigners, and was once almost extinct.

Therefore, this ethnic group is extremely wary of the outside world. Even if it has been hidden in such a hidden place, it has still maintained extremely tight vigilance for generations.

Not only that, but any clan member who voluntarily leaves Tianjing Island must make a lifelong promise not to return to Tianjing Island, and then draw a clear line with the Tianjing clan before being allowed to leave Tianjing Island. island.

And Kuang Shan had made the same promise when he left.

But this time, in order to take out the Heavenly Book hidden in the forbidden area, Kuangshan broke his promise and brought two outsiders.

Seeing these Tianjing tribesmen, all of them were fierce and murderous. It was obvious that they had no intention of letting these uninvited guests who broke in without permission leave alive.

"Tie Yan, long time no see!"

Kuang Shan walked out from behind Ling Feng and looked at the captain of the guards. There was a bit of nostalgia in his tone, as if he was remembering some of the past years, as if he was dreaming, and murmured in a low voice: "Yes, come on It’s been a hundred years.”

"Iron-hearted madman!"

When the captain saw Kuangshan appear, his pupils shrank obviously.

He never thought that this former companion would come back here again.

However, he actually brought two outsiders.

He should obviously be very aware of how hostile the Tianjing Clan is towards all foreign races, with a hatred that cannot be washed away with blood.

Ling Feng glanced at Kuang Shan curiously. It turned out that his real name was Tie Xin Kuang.

After leaving the Sky Crystal Island, I can’t even use my real name.

"You shouldn't have come back!"

Tie Yan clenched his fists, and the expression in his eyes was quite complicated, but more importantly, he was disappointed, "You should not bring outsiders here. Have you betrayed the Tianjing Clan?"

"NO, I have not!"

Kuang Shan quickly shook his head in denial, "Of course I will not betray my people. I brought them here not because I have any plot against our Tianjing lineage, but to help our Tianjing clan!"


Tie Yan sneered, "Relying on these foreigners?"

He slightly raised the long knife in his hand and pointed it diagonally at Kuangshan's neck, "Have you forgotten how foreigners treat our Tianjing lineage? In the eyes of foreigners, what is the difference between us and pigs and dogs? Are you stupid enough to trust foreigners?"

Tie Yan's long sword shone with a cold light. He looked at Kuangshan with disappointment, and unconcealable hatred flashed in his eyes.

When he was still very young, he watched his parents die tragically at the hands of foreigners.

The bloodline of the Tianjing clan gave them unparalleled forging and mining talents, but it was also the focus of those greedy forces and became the reason why the Tianjing clan was almost wiped out.

Therefore, Tie Yan hates all foreigners. He only hates himself. Why is he so weak that he cannot kill all the foreigners in the world.

But now, these foreigners dare to intrude into their territory.

That is asking for death!

"Tie Xin Kuang, when you chose to leave the Sky Crystal Island that day, you were no longer a member of the Sky Crystal Clan. Now, it is a capital crime for you to bring foreigners to the Sky Crystal Island. What else do you have to say."

Tie Yan stared at Kuang Shan coldly.

He simply hated foreigners, but felt sad for Kuangshan! disappointment!

So disappointed!

"Tie Yan, we grew up together. Don't you understand who I am?"

Kuangshan looked excited, hammered his chest, gritted his teeth and said: "How could I do something detrimental to my people? I just hope..."

"Stop talking! And stop making excuses!"

Tie Yan stared at Kuang Shan, "If you bring foreigners here, you will definitely die!"

Before he finished speaking, Tie Yan swung the big knife in his hand and slashed towards Kuangshan's neck, no longer caring about the old friendship.

More than a hundred years ago, they were companions fighting side by side, but Kuangshan betrayed their friendship and chose to leave the Sky Crystal Island.

At that moment, in his heart, that iron-hearted maniac was already dead.

"You are still so impulsive!"

Kuang Shan clasped his hands together, clamped Tie Yan's blade, gritted his teeth and said, "Can't you calm down and listen to what I have to say?"

Tie Yan snorted coldly and raised the tip of the knife horizontally. Kuangshan was so frightened that he quickly let go and took a few steps back. If he had reacted a little slower, his palm might have been cut off.

"Are you serious?"

Kuang Shan stared at Tie Yan in astonishment. His companion who had grown up with him actually turned his sword against him today, and even used a fatal blow.

"You are no longer my friend! Take action, otherwise, the next stab will kill you!"

Tie Yan stared at Kuang Shan with an indifferent expression. At the same time, he waved his hand and ordered the other guards to take action together to capture Ling Feng and Si Chen.

It's a pity that these "frogs in the well" don't know how terrifying the powerful people in the outside world are.

Hearing a roar of "boom", Si Chen took action, and all the guards, including the captain Tie Yan, were knocked away at the same time.

"Show mercy!"

Ling Feng quickly called Si Chen. They came to seek the method of divine forging, not to provoke.


Si Chen snorted coldly, then put down his jade palm and said coldly: "You don't overestimate your capabilities."

"you you……"

Tie Yan looked at Si Chen with a horrified expression. This woman's strength was simply unimaginable.

He couldn't sense Si Chen's aura before, and thought it was just the "vase" next to the silver-haired boy. Unexpectedly, it was so terrifying.

"You die-hard maniac, do you really want to destroy the Tianjing clan?"

Tie Yan gritted his teeth and stared at Kuangshan fiercely, "Come on, let's do it. Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

"What, do you really want to be a ghost?"

Si Chen smiled coldly, "I want to kill you, but you can still survive until now?"

"Okay, don't scare him."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, and stepped forward in person to help Tie Yan up, "Senior, we definitely have no bad intentions towards the Tianjing clan. Please rest assured, senior."

"Bah, you don't need to be a good person!"

Tie Yan slapped Ling Feng's palm away, covered his chest, stood up staggeringly, and waited for Ling Feng to say: "You foreigners all have only one idea, and that is to take away our heavenly crystal blood!"

"Tie Yan, you really misunderstood!"

Kuangshan quickly explained: "Why I left here in the first place was precisely to find a suitable candidate who could take out the ancient heavenly book of our Sky Crystal lineage from the forbidden area and obtain the inheritance of the divine forging method! For thousands of years Come on, the talents of our Tianjing lineage are withered. If we don’t use external help, this divine forging method will be lost forever. Are you really willing to do it? "

Kuangshan finally revealed his true intention.

"You mean..."

Tie Yan looked at Kuang Shan, then raised his head and looked at Ling Feng, "Him? Do you think he can take out the ancient book?"

"Yes, he can! I believe he can definitely do it!"

"Stop joking!" Tie Yan immediately laughed disdainfully, "Tie Xinkuang, our Tianjing tribe needs help from outsiders for our affairs. Besides, why do you think that our Tianjing tribe's talents are withered? Do you know , In the past hundred years, a unique evildoer has appeared in our Tianjing clan, and only he is qualified to take out the ancient heavenly book from the forbidden land! "


Kuangshan was slightly startled, "Could it be that he has already taken out the Book of Heaven?"


Tie Yan's face stiffened and he coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment, "That...that's not the case yet, but he can definitely do it!"

"Since it hasn't happened yet, it's still unknown. Why are you so sure?"

Kuang Shan pointed at Ling Feng and said: "I have been in the outside world for a hundred years and have observed countless geniuses and monsters. This boy is uniquely endowed and is definitely the best candidate!"

"Fart, foreigners are foreigners, even with this evil blood in their bones, he is not worthy!"

"You, you are so stubborn!"

"You are so naive and ridiculous that you would believe in foreigners!"



The two of them kept yelling and fighting. Ling Feng looked helpless and quickly held Kuang Shan's shoulders and shook his head at him.

How could such a quarrel lead to anything?

"Senior Kuangshan, you'd better save your saliva, someone else is here."

Obviously, the movement here still attracted the attention of the sentry at the rear, and the situation was immediately conveyed to the ears of the higher-ups in the clan.

The entire island is actually just a tiny place, and the population of the entire Tianjing clan does not even exceed five hundred.

For such a small ethnic group, any slight disturbance would definitely not be hidden from the ears of the clan leader.

Soon, an old man with relatively gorgeous clothes and a thick golden crown appeared at the entrance of the city gate.

When he saw the old man, Kuangshan's body visibly stiffened. Immediately, a trace of tears appeared in his eyes. He kowtowed in the direction of the old man and said, "Goodbye, father!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he immediately realized that he didn't expect that Kuangshan, who was usually very carefree and calculating, and looked like an old money addict, turned out to be from the Tianjing Clan...


The old man was thin and skeletal, and his hair was pale and pale, like autumn weeds, almost all gone.

And his vitality, obviously like a candle in the wind, is about to come to an end.

Looking at his father who was already so old, Kuangshan felt somewhat regretful for leaving him without care all these years.

"Wang'er, you're still back."

The old patriarch sighed, looked at Ling Feng and Si Chen again, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "That's all, just follow me!"

"But the clan leader!"

Tie Yan was still about to say something, but the old patriarch turned his head and looked at him, so he was so frightened that he immediately swallowed back all his words.

Although this old patriarch is old, he can scare Tie Yan away with just one look. This is probably the so-called domineering spirit.

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