Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3545 Tianjing Clan, the ancient secret!

After getting the consent of the Tianjing clan leader, Ling Feng walked directly into the dark and deep cave.

Looking at Ling Feng's disappearing figure, most of the Tianjing clan members, led by Tie Yan, were not optimistic about Ling Feng.

In their opinion, Ling Feng's trip to the forbidden area was just a waste of time.

Only Kuang Shan believed in his own vision from beginning to end. He did not hesitate to break his oath to bring Ling Feng. Naturally, it could not be just a whim.

Among the crowd, Si Chen was probably the only one who had no interest in the ancient heavenly book of the Tianjing Clan.

She even hesitated whether she should follow along. After all, the task given to her by your Majesty was to monitor and protect Ling Feng at all times.

In other words, Ling Feng must not leave her sight or sensing range.

The cave in front of her could isolate all external spiritual senses. Even a strong person like her could not see through the situation inside the cave.

In this way, wouldn't he miss some important information?

But the rules of the forbidden area seem to be that only one person can go there, and although Si Chen looks young and beautiful, in fact her bone age is already over a thousand years old.

Naturally, she cannot enter this cave.

Everyone had their own thoughts, but at this moment, Ling Feng had been completely "swallowed" by the darkness.

The dark cave gave people an eerie feeling, but fortunately, the darkness did not last long.

After a while, Ling Feng walked through the long and narrow passage and came to a wide platform.

In the center of the platform, there is a high platform like an altar, with a half-human-tall statue placed on it.

Nothing else.

Ling Feng was secretly amused. Since he set foot in martial arts, he has passed through many forbidden areas.

But compared to the Tianjing Clan’s forbidden land, which is so simple and simple, and where you can see the whole thing at a glance, it’s really...

One of a kind!

However, sometimes the size of the space is not everything.

At this moment, directly above the altar, a beam of light suddenly descended vertically, illuminating the entire cave like daylight.

Ling Feng looked up, but he couldn't tell where the light source came from. It was as if light appeared out of thin air in the darkness.

This is really surprising.

However, now is obviously not the time to think about where this light source comes from.

According to Ling Feng's current understanding of the Tianjing clan, in addition to being good at forging, this Tianjing clan is also superb at various magic formations.

The entire cave should be within the coverage of a giant magic circle.

He took a deep breath and looked at the statue placed on the altar.

The ancient heavenly book of the Tianjing Clan in Kuangshan Pass should be related to this statue.

However, Ling Feng stared at the statue for a long time, but didn't see any clues.

At this moment, Ling Feng's eyes were suddenly attracted by the murals surrounding the cave.

These murals should record the historical trajectory of the development and reproduction of the Tianjing tribe.

Soon, Ling Feng took a look at all the murals.

Most of them are about the Tianjing Clan's sacrificial rituals, weddings and funerals, the succession of clan leaders, forging magic weapons, etc. For the Tianjing Clan, they are customs or festivals that have special meaning.

But as Ling Feng slowly walked deeper into the cave along with these murals, he discovered that there was a very unique-looking stone wall at the end of the cave.

The material of this stone wall is obviously different from the surrounding rocks. It seems to be some kind of special metal material.

The murals recorded on this metal plate are even more eye-opening.

Ling Feng could probably tell that this was a very, very distant story. One day, suddenly, a chaotic nebula tore open, and with bursts of thunder, something like a large iron block fell from the sky.

The big piece of iron fell from the sky into the sea, and then a human walked onto the land from the bottom of the sea.

Later, that human seemed to have traveled to all corners of the world and found many monsters of various shapes.

Then, take the blood of these monsters, add your own blood, and put it into a container that looks like an alchemy furnace.

Then, there was a large blur of traces, and when the picture became clear, suddenly the human being disappeared. He used the mysterious container to create twelve different kinds of life, but nine out of ten of them died soon after.

And the surviving life form, after multiplying, will probably become the ancestor of the Tianjing Clan.

"Is this the origin of the Tianjing Clan?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Before this, he had never thought about the origin of species.

But the content on the stone wall seems to have opened an unknown door invisibly.

He shook his head, trying his best to distance himself from this huge amount of information.

He knew that this was probably not something he could figure out. The span of time was too long, and standing in the endless time and space, he was just a drop in the ocean.

However, these murals made Ling Feng realize that maybe the so-called Creator really existed.

He shook his head again and threw all these distracting thoughts behind him. Regardless of the origin of the Tianjing Clan, all he had to do now was to take out the ancient book of the Tianjing Clan.

Having experienced countless wanderings on the edge of life and death, Ling Feng's Taoist heart is so unbreakable that this mural cannot affect it.

The moment Ling Feng looked away, the statue on the altar suddenly made a muffled sound of "rumbling".

It seems that this is the first level of test in the forbidden area, and one must wake up from the content of the mural in time.

This requires a strong and determined state of mind to achieve this.

All in all, Ling Feng, an outsider, did take advantage.

After all, as a descendant of the Tianjing Clan, after seeing the origin of his ancestors, it might be difficult for him to wake up in time.

And this is probably why Kuangshan decided that although Ju Shifang was extremely talented, there was absolutely no way he could pass the test.

It's because his state of mind is far from Ling Feng's level.

After the statue trembled slightly, a golden light suddenly burst out.

The stone statue suddenly retreated about half a square, and a groove about the size of a palm appeared on the base of the stone statue.

"This is……"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, did he want to put his palm on it?

After hesitating for a moment, Ling Feng still pressed his palm on the groove.

Suddenly, his fingertips tingled slightly, Ling Feng's expression changed, and he quickly pulled out his palm.

Soon, the originally transparent golden light suddenly condensed and turned into a pale golden light curtain.

There were some strange symbols written on it. Ling Feng felt vaguely familiar, but he was not sure.

But the light curtain in front of him seemed to remind Ling Feng of a wonderful experience he had at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Stars a few years ago.

No, that should be said to be a horrific experience.

Because deep in the cabin, the bodies of countless powerful immortals were actually stored.

There is also a vague message of "civilized purgatory".

This inexplicable sense of familiarity made Ling Feng seem to have returned to the big iron knot buried deep in the sea. Could it be that the "creator" who created the Tianjing clan in the mural was actually the same as the mysterious "creator" Is it related to "Big Iron Pimple"?

Thinking of this, Ling Feng directly activated the Donghuang Bell and woke up the sleeping Huang Shaotian.

"What's the matter!"

It could be heard that Huang Shaotian's voice was very impatient.

This guy only has a trace of his remnant soul left. Every time he wakes up, he must consume energy, and his life may be short!

Although he was already dead, and had been dead for a long, long time.

"Brother Huangdi, of course I will wake you up only if something happens."

Ling Feng squeezed out a smile, pointed at the light screen in front of him and said, "Brother Huangdi, look at these symbols, can you recognize them?"


Huang Di's eyes fell on the light screen, and he nodded immediately, "I am familiar with this writing."

As he spoke, he began to talk about the light curtain: "Non-biochemical human, alien bloodline, miraculous gene level, special grade."

"What does God mean?"

Ling Feng blinked his eyes. He could understand everything Huang Di translated, but he was completely confused as to what this sentence meant.

"Well, ahem..."

Huang Shaotian was a little embarrassed and could only cough a few times to cover up his guilty conscience, "I understand biochemistry, biohazard, just... just say you are not a zombie!"

As an internet-addicted boy, Huang Shaotian was limited in what he could explain to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng shook his head. Seeing Huang Shaotian's unreliable look, he could only change the subject and said, "Besides this, is there any other information?"


Huang Shaotian sniffed, "I want you to continue pressing that groove for another quarter of an hour."

"A quarter of an hour?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, this thing can draw his own blood.

How much blood will be taken away in a quarter of an hour?

However, in order to remove those heavenly books, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and try.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng pressed his palm up again, but fortunately, this time his blood was not sucked away.

Instead, it seemed like a heat was pouring into his body through his palms.

Then, the divine pattern between Ling Feng's eyebrows unexpectedly appeared automatically, and then the Tian Zhi Seal, covering his whole body in an instant.

In his eyes, purple light flashed, and the pupils of the void appeared.

Soon, even the Eye of the Emperor opened uncontrollably. At the center of the eyebrow, the third vertical pupil suddenly opened, and then turned into the Golden Eye of the Emperor, the Eye of the Blood-Rage Emperor.

Then, the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation automatically started, and then, the hair on his body was covered bit by bit, and then turned into a golden-haired ape.

All the hidden trump cards in Ling Feng's body were automatically revealed one by one, which made Ling Feng feel a little panicked.

What the hell is this and how can it channel all its power?

Fortunately, the only thing that gave Ling Feng some relief was that this cave could isolate all spiritual sensations from the outside world.

In other words, Si Chen should not be able to see that there is demonic energy in his body.

But at this time, even if Ling regretted it and wanted to pull away his hand, he could no longer do it.

Fortunately, after a quarter of an hour, the invisible suction disappeared, Ling Feng returned to his original state, and everything returned to calm.

"Cough cough cough..."

After taking action, the energy and blood in Ling Feng's body surged, and he actually coughed up several mouthfuls of dark blood.

However, after vomiting out the black blood, Ling Feng suddenly felt refreshed, as if he had had his hair cut off and his marrow cleansed.

Moreover, the various powers in the body seem to have been channeled and become very balanced. Although Ling Feng has not had time to experience it in detail, he absolutely believes that if he uses the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation now, he will definitely be better than before. The effect is several times better!

"What exactly is this?"

Ling Feng looked at the altar in front of him in disbelief. This was completely unlike something that the Tianjing Clan could possess.

Could it be that everything on the stone wall is true?

Shaking his head, Ling Feng did not investigate further, but suddenly a metal box floated in the groove of the altar.

Ling Feng quickly stretched out his hand to grab the box, and a ray of light flashed before his eyes.

Inside this metal box is probably the so-called ancient heavenly book.

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