Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3546 Heavenly Book! The method of divine forging!

The metal box was a little heavy to hold, so Ling Feng picked it up with both hands and placed it on a stone platform next to the altar.

Taking a closer look, I saw that the metal box was bright silver with some simple textures on it. The whole box was only about one foot square and was thin enough to be thick. Could it be that there was a secret book inside?

Ling Feng blinked and fiddled with the metal box for a long time, but couldn't find a way to open it.

"Look at you, you look like you have never seen the world."

Huang Shaotian at the side couldn't stand it any longer. He floated forward and stood beside Ling Feng. He pointed at an engraving plate in the middle of the metal box and said calmly: "This is called a combination lock. You have to enter the password."


Ling Feng blinked, obviously not quite understanding the meaning.

He can understand what lock means...


"You don't understand even if I tell you."

Huang Shaotian rolled his eyes, "This thing is probably the initial password, either 000, 888, 666 or something like that."


Ling Feng was at a loss for a moment and could only move aside, allowing Huang Shaotian to operate it himself.

However, Huang Shaotian took a closer look and was immediately dumbfounded, "Oh my god, a fingerprint lock?"

"What do you mean, you can't open it either?" Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at Huang Shaotian. This guy was so steadfast in his oath just now, but why did he wilt in the blink of an eye?

"Ahem..." Huang Shaotian's old face turned red and he coughed a few times before saying, "I'm just a spirit now and I don't have fingerprints."

"Then it just can't be opened?"

Ling Feng frowned, a red light flashed in his hand, and accompanied by the surge of fire, Shi Fang Jiu Mu fell into his palm, "Smash it and forget it!"

"There may be some precision instruments inside. If you smash it, it will be destroyed."

Huang Shaotian quickly stopped Ling Feng, thought for a while, and then said: "By the way, that thing extracted your blood just now, and maybe it also extracted your fingerprints. You should be able to open it."


Ling Feng blinked, "What should I do?"

"Put ten fingers on the smooth surface one by one and try it."


Ling Feng pointed at a place that looked slightly different from the surface of the entire metal box.

Huang Shaotian nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, it's right here."

After receiving Huang Shaotian's approval, Ling Feng followed his instructions and prepared to press his ten fingers on it.

Unexpectedly, when I pressed the thumb of my right hand on it, I heard a "click", and then heard a crisp ringing sound, as if something was activated.

The metal box slowly opened, and a soft white light shone inside.

Then, I saw a thin and transparent metal piece, like a brick, rising slowly, and on the right side of the metal piece, there was a small cylindrical cylinder, which contained a light yellow solution. .

"What is this? What is this?"

Ling Feng picked up the iron piece with one hand and the cylinder with the other. Both of these things were beyond his knowledge.

Huang Shaotian on the side said "fuck" twice in a row.

"F*ck! F*ck! High technology!"

Ling Feng looked back at Huang Shaotian and couldn't help but ask: "Do you know him?"

"It's not like we know each other. This thing is much more high-tech than the place I traveled to."

Huang Shaotian pointed at the transparent metal piece, "This thing should be similar to a tablet computer, but the ultra-thin texture is so cool!"

"So, what's the use?"

"Hehe, even though it's such a small piece of paper, it can probably store more information than the entire library."

Huang Shaotian grinned, "It's similar to the rubbing crystals from the lower realm, but much more powerful."

"Is it a rubbing crystal?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. In this case, the so-called ancient heavenly book should be recorded in this thin metal sheet.

"Then what is this?"

Ling Feng raised the cylinder on the side. Inside the transparent container, there was a light yellow solution, which was somewhat similar to the two frozen liquids he had taken out from the cabin before.

However, there are some differences.

One of the frozen solutions taken out that time was light blue and the other was red. You could clearly feel the cold and heat emitting from it, two completely different energy fluctuations.

But this time, there seems to be no fluctuation in the power of this solution.

"I don't know much about this, but I feel like it could be some kind of enhancer left by the guy who originally created the Tianjing Clan, which can stimulate the inner potential of the Tianjing Clan?"


Ling Feng obviously didn't quite understand what Huang Shaotian said, but it should be good stuff.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng put the tube of solution back into the metal box and his eyes fell on the transparent metal piece.

According to the previous method of opening the metal box, Ling Feng stretched out his hand and pressed a few random touches on the iron piece. The next moment, the metal piece cast a curtain of light, and then, a huge amount of information seemed to pour directly into the sea of ​​​​spirits. It was like an enlightenment.

After a while, Ling Feng woke up from his sluggishness. The metal piece indeed recorded the Tianjing Clan's divine forging technique.

Moreover, there seems to be some other content, but according to the prompt sound that just sounded in his mind, the content inside has been encrypted, so Ling Feng does not have permission to read it.

But no matter what, Ling Feng has already obtained this "Ancient Heavenly Book".

And before that, he went through a muscle-changing marrow cleansing, which helped Ling Feng get rid of many impurities in his body. Although it was not a direct improvement in his cultivation level, I believe that it won't be long before Ling Feng can break through the Dao Fruit in one round. The situation is over.

With just one point, the trip is already worthwhile.

"time to go."

Ling Feng put the iron piece back into the metal box. This was a thing belonging to the Tianjing Clan, and it should be returned to its original owner. As for the method of divine forging, it has been imprinted in the depths of his spiritual sea.

While Ling Feng was in the forbidden area, deciphering the ancient secrets of the Tianjing Clan, at the same time, the Tianjing Clan people waiting outside the cave were already a little impatient.

After Ju Shifang entered the cave, he came out in less than an hour.

Fortunately for Ling Feng, a full three hours had passed, it was already dark, and there was still no sign of him.

"Is it possible that this guy can really succeed?"

Tie Yan, who had always been the least optimistic about Ling Feng being able to retrieve the Tianjing Clan's ancient book, began to feel unsure.

"No, no!"

But soon, Tie Yan shook his head and denied his previous guess, but concluded: "This kid must be afraid of losing face, so he deliberately stayed in the forbidden area for a longer time, pretending to persist in it for a long time, and then failed. Illusion. Hum, if you lose, you lose!”


Si Chen sneered in his heart, Ling Feng was not such a boring person.

However, relying on her status, she naturally would not argue with an "ant" like Tie Yan.

Sure enough, at this moment, Ling Feng's figure appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Everyone looked at Ling Feng and saw his figure walking out of the darkness step by step, finally standing at the entrance of the cave.

He was holding a metal box in his right hand, with a faint smile on his face. He looked leisurely and at ease, which was in sharp contrast to the depressed look he had when he came out of Shifang.

The sky was completely dark, and everyone lit several rows of torches near the entrance of the cave. Ling Feng's figure, illuminated by the firelight, looked particularly dazzling.

"Is it...successful?"

The Tianjing clan leader couldn't believe his eyes and looked at Ling Feng with excitement.

Although he originally did not have any hope for Ling Feng, nor did he hope that outsiders would take out the ancient book of the Tianjing clan.

But, no matter what, taking it out is better than not taking it out at all!

"Yeah, it worked by luck."

Ling Feng nodded. How could the Tianjing Clan leader suppress his inner excitement? He walked quickly to Ling Feng, "Let... let me see! Let me see quickly!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, opened the metal box with his "fingerprint", and immediately handed the transparent metal piece to the eyes of the Tianjing clan leader.

The leader of the Tianjing clan held the metal piece in his hands, his old face burst with excitement, and he nodded repeatedly, "Yes... it is the heavenly book of our clan, just like the one in the legend. It is thin and shaped like an iron sheet, smooth and transparent, exactly like the legend!"

"It's a book from heaven, it's a book from heaven!"

For a moment, all the Tianjing clan members gathered around the Tianjing clan leader with great excitement, looking at the book of heaven with their eyes full of admiration and admiration.

Only Ju Shifang still seems to be in a low mood. Although he doesn't like to get along with outsiders and is shy by nature, he is actually a strong person at heart.

Geniuses are arrogant. Ju Shifang is also a genius, and naturally he also has arrogance.

He couldn't figure out why the young man in front of him could do what he couldn't do?

Could it be that his forging talent is higher than mine?

In fact, Ling Feng was able to take out this heavenly book. Firstly, his state of mind far surpassed that of Shifang. Secondly, it was thanks to Huang Shaotian, the "traveler". It was precisely because of Huang Shaotian's existence that Ling Feng knew that in the vast universe and endless void, , and perhaps other forms of civilizational evolution directions.

Seeing the frustrated look on Ju Shifang's face, Ling Feng shrugged and walked directly to Ju Shifang.

If it was said that when he came here before, Ling Feng only wanted to obtain the divine forging method of the Tianjing Clan, but now, Ling Feng had another purpose.

That is to take this Ju Shifang to the Saofeng Camp that he built by himself.

Although he has talent in blacksmithing, as the saying goes, there are specializations in the arts, and Ling Feng's original training direction is already complex enough, and it is impossible to distract himself from studying the way of divine forging.

And the person who can best carry forward the method of divine forging is naturally from Shifang.

"Brother Shifang."

Ling Feng looked at Ju Shifang with a faint smile on his face.

"You... called... called me?"

Ju Shifang raised his eyes and glanced at Ling Feng, a little surprised that he suddenly talked to him, but he didn't want to talk to him.

In fact, he didn't even want to say anything.

"Besides you, is there anyone else named Shifang?"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "You look very downcast."


Ju Shifang gritted his teeth and wished he could find a crack in the ground to hide himself. Didn't this guy ask questions knowingly?

"Actually, the fact that I was able to take out the Heavenly Book is not because I am more talented than you, it's just luck."

Ling Feng smiled and lifted the metal box, "Do you want to see what else is inside?"

Sure enough, Ju Shifang was immediately attracted by the metal box and nodded repeatedly.

What a fool!

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he secretly thought something was wrong.

With this kid's innocent appearance, I couldn't help but fool him into lameness.

It seems that the New Sao Feng Camp will soon add another Forging Grand Master!

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