Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3552 Zhu Jiuyin!

Night falls.

Two figures cut through the night and flew towards the city lord's palace.

It was Ling Feng and Si Chen.

During this trip, we visited the city lord's mansion at night. Although Ling Feng could not go as deep into the tiger's den as Si Chen, he still stayed outside the mansion to provide support.

Although Ling Feng's cultivation was as insignificant as an ant in front of Si Chen, the advantage was that Ling Feng did not need to hide in front of Si Chen and could directly display his infinite vision.

To a certain extent, it can help Si Chen and become her second pair of eyes.

After a while, the two came to an alley outside the city lord's mansion.

Under the shadow, Ling Feng and Si Chen looked at each other. The next moment, Si Chen's figure cut through the night sky and shot in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

At the same time, Ling Feng also expanded his infinite vision, and through his powerful spiritual power, he completely shared his vision with Si Chen.

This is also one of the methods of using the Immortal War Spirit, and it is a skill that Ling Feng learned from Cheng Tianyong.

"Good boy, the Eye of the Emperor of the Tiandao Clan is indeed amazing!"

Si Chen's voice of admiration came from his mind.

Although Ling Feng's level of cultivation was insignificant in Si Chen's opinion, his ability to detect all the disturbances around him without using the power of his spiritual consciousness was really unbelievable.

Even if you encounter a being whose cultivation is stronger than your own, the power of your divine consciousness may expose your own existence, but with infinite horizons, you don't need to worry about this problem at all.

With Ling Feng's infinite vision, coupled with Si Chen's ability to hide his aura, and his ghostly figure, it can be said that there is almost no worries at all during this night visit to the city lord's mansion.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, thinking that when he was in the lower realm, he had to take the lead in everything himself. After arriving in the fairyland, strong men were everywhere, and he could only do this kind of auxiliary work honestly.

With the help of Infinite Vision, Si Chen quickly bypassed the outer sentries and went directly deep into several core pavilions deep in the city lord's palace.

Just like what Ling Feng found out at the Ningxiang Pavilion during the day.

In the city lord's palace, there were many mysterious people wearing red clouds and black robes.

And the auras of these people are all above those of the Immortal Lords in the Dao Fruit Realm.

Moreover, although they all have some kind of treasure on their bodies that hides their own aura, Si Chen can still faintly sense the presence of some vague demonic energy.

This is the symbol of the descendants of the ancient demon.

The Demon Soul Hall was an organization founded by Ning Kun after he betrayed Tianzhi. Most of the disciples he recruited were those with the blood of ancient demons who had been treated unfairly.

Most of these people are actually genius monsters!

"Could it be that these mysterious men in black robes entrenched in Tianyong City are really the Demon Soul Palace?"

Si Chen's expression became more solemn. If this was the case, there might be a bigger conspiracy hidden behind the Demon Soul Palace.

More than a year has been enough for the Demon Soul Palace to completely penetrate the entire Tianyong City and take this majestic city into its hands.

The news that Yin Yinxian and the others got before was probably deliberately released by Demon Soul Palace. The purpose behind it is terrifying if you think about it carefully.

"What is the Demon Soul Palace?"

Because Ling Feng and Si Chen are almost in a state of unity at present, Ling Feng can naturally feel Si Chen's doubts in his heart.

"I'll discuss this in detail with you when I get back."

Si Chen took a deep breath, flashed around, and avoided those men in black robes. He wanted to confirm whether these people were really Demon Soul Hall. It was very simple. Just find Zhu Jiuyin and find out.

A moment later, Si Chen found the leader of the black-robed men, Zhu Jiuyin, in the wing that originally belonged to the head of the Cheng family.

Zhu Jiuyin was sitting cross-legged on the bed, meditating and adjusting his breath.

Like other mysterious people, Zhu Jiuyin also wore a large red cloud and black robe, and on his face, he also wore a silver mask that only covered his eyes.

But even so, you can still see two dazzling red lights like fireballs, exuding a heart-stopping evil spirit from the tone mask.

But from the terrifying aura on this person's body, it can be initially judged that he must have the blood of the ancient demon.

Si Chen frowned. If he wanted to confirm the identity of this person, he might have to fight him a few times.

However, she is confident that she can leave immediately after just testing it out, and naturally there will be no danger.

However, just when Si Chen was secretly using his magic power and preparing to take action, suddenly, in Ling Feng's infinite vision perception, an old man with white beard and hair, who seemed to have some immortal spirit, walked quickly. .

This aura is that of the powerful Immortal Emperor!

Si Chen's expression changed slightly. She actually knew this old man.

Astonishingly, it was the Immortal Emperor-level ancestor of the Cheng family!

The Cheng family of Tianyong City is able to sit firmly in Tianyong City and dominate one side. Naturally, it is impossible not to have the support of Tianzhi.

And this ancestor has even come to Tianzhi in person to pay homage to His Majesty.

Although Si Chen did not meet the ancestor directly, he had a clear grasp of his information.

Ancestor Tianyong, the Immortal Emperor of the Moon Wheel Realm, this is already the ultimate level that he can achieve with his qualifications.

Of course, in the Immortal Realm, countless powerful people are pursuing the Broken Realm, and only one among ten thousand can reach the Immortal Emperor Realm.

And among these Immortal Emperors, there is only one who can take a further step and step through the Broken Realm.

The Moon Wheel Realm Immortal Emperor is already a rare being.

Although Si Chen's strength is not inferior to that of Patriarch Tianyong, she may still be in some trouble if Patriarch Tianyong joins forces with Zhu Jiuyin.

Taking a deep breath, Si Chen continued to hide his breath.

According to the information Ling Feng had inquired about before, it seems that this Patriarch Tianyong has never shown up.

However, he now clearly appeared in the city lord's mansion.

Could it be that this ancestor has also joined the Demon Soul Palace?

This is a bit scary.

No wonder Demon Soul Palace can infiltrate Tianyong City silently. It turns out that there is the support of Patriarch Tianyong behind it.

"Bang bang bang!"

After a while, Patriarch Tianyong walked to the door and knocked gently. It was obvious that Zhu Jiuyin on the opposite side was quite afraid.

"Your Excellency Jiuyin, I have something to ask for."

A gust of breeze blew by, the door opened automatically, and a cold and cold voice came from the facade, "It turns out to be Patriarch Tianyong, what's the matter?"

Patriarch Tianyong quickly walked into the room, bowed to Zhu Jiuyin first, and then continued: "The big fish in Qingfengyuan have already taken the bait. Black Soul Abyss, I think it is that old man Wuwang ’s burial place.”


Zhu Jiuyin's expression remained the same, but he nodded slightly, "Is this the only thing?"


Patriarch Tianyong was obviously stunned for a moment, swallowed, then raised his head to look at Zhu Jiuyin, and said solemnly: "Yes."

Zhu Jiuyin sneered, but the silver mask seemed unable to block the cold light from his eyes, which made Patriarch Tianyong shiver all over.

"Ancestor Tianyong, now is the time for you to show your loyalty. You should go to the Black Soul Abyss in person. That old guy Wuwang is not easy to deal with. You are also a strong Immortal Emperor. With you on your side, you can conquer the formation. , and it’s safer.”


Ancestor Tianyong nodded repeatedly, with some sweat oozing out from his forehead. He hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Is it it convenient for Medical Immortal Li Ruo to..."


Zhu Jiuyin flicked his sleeve, and the next moment, an elixir as smooth as jade appeared in the palm of Patriarch Tianyong.

"Thank you, Lord Jiuyin, for the medicine!"

Ancestor Tianyong had a look of longing in his eyes. He drank the elixir with a "Gulu" sound, and a look of satisfaction suddenly appeared on his face.

"Okay, let's go out."

Zhu Jiuyin snorted, and Patriarch Tianyong left the room without any dignity at all, like a pug.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful Immortal Emperor could be summoned and left immediately by Zhu Jiuyin.

And in Si Chen's heart, there was already an uproar.

It seems that my guess is indeed good!

In ancient and modern times, the purpose of exploring the city lord's mansion at night has been achieved. Although she has the intention to kill Zhu Jiuyin, she is alone and may not be able to deal with so many masters in the mansion.

The most important thing right now is to convey this news back to Tianzhi as soon as possible.

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