The night sinks like water.

When Ling Feng and Si Chen returned to the inn, it was already a quarter of an hour later.

During this trip, I visited the city lord's mansion at night, and the news I got was really shocking.

Fortunately, Si Chen was calm enough and did not expose himself.

Now, we can only hope that Wu Wangzun and his disciples and elders who went to Qingfeng Yuan have not been ambushed yet.

Inside the guest room.

Si Chen put up a soundproof barrier and couldn't help but slapped the table with his palm, directly turning the mahogany coffee table into powder.

"What a demon soul palace, but he is so deliberate in this, it seems he has a lot of plans!"

Si Chen's eyes were filled with uncertainty, and he immediately made a decision: "It looks like we have to rush back to Tianzhi overnight to inform the Immortal Master of the reception."


Ling Feng nodded slightly. The matter was of great importance, so he couldn't waste any more time.

"But Sister Chen, you don't have to be too anxious. Since Zhu Jiuyin asked Ancestor Tianyong to go to reinforce, there should be no danger for Wuwangzun for the time being."

"Speaking of which, you reminded me."

Si Chen's eyes fell on Ling Feng, showing a hint of approval, "Fortunately you were more attentive this time, otherwise Wuwangzun, the old man... ahem, Wuwangzun would have tricked the demon soul hall. ”

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. In fact, he was only sent to Tianyong City because he was concerned about Cheng Tianyong.

Unexpectedly, he actually ran into such a big conspiracy.

However, the Demon Soul Palace has already taken the lead. Even if the news is passed back now, I'm afraid...

And whether Cheng Tianyong was related to the Demon Soul Palace or not made Ling Feng feel uneasy.

However, before proving everything, Ling Feng concealed these worries and did not fully inform Si Chen.

"Let's not talk about this for now. We should hurry back to Tianzhi."

Ling Feng said, and he and Si Chen went to wake up Xiao Xianling and the others, and prepared to return to Tianzhi overnight.

Fortunately, Ling Feng possesses rare treasures such as the East Emperor Bell. Otherwise, the distance between Tianyong City and Tianzhi would be endless. Even at Si Chen's speed, it would probably take a day to travel at full speed.

Let's talk about Xiao Xianling and the other girls, who were woken up by Ling Feng late at night. They were all still asleep and had no idea what was going on.

Ling Feng didn't have time to explain to them. After urging everyone to enter the Donghuang Bell, with a thought, the group of people teleported back to Ling Feng's fourth-grade cave in Qianlin Realm.

Immediately afterwards, leaving Xiao Xianling and the other girls behind, they flew to the residence of Yinxian Zun together with Si Chen.

Less than half an hour later.

Ling Feng and the others came to the mountain peak where the Immortal Master Yin usually lived.

This is already one of the three most core realms among the nine realms of Tianzhi, the Xuanyuan realm.

Only those above the elder level can enter and exit freely.

Fortunately, because of Xiao Xianling, Ling Feng had been here before and got a pass token, so he could finally travel unhindered.

Otherwise, there will inevitably be some troubles.

As one of the three gods of Tianzhi, Jieyinxianzun is in charge of an independent mountain peak. On the top of the peaks, there is a magnificent hall, which is the residence of Jieyinxianzun.

"Who broke into Jietian Peak late at night!"

Before entering the main hall, the envoy guarding the mountain appeared directly. It was obviously against the rules to visit so late at night.

"Junior Ling Feng, I have something important to ask to meet Yinxian Zun!"

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted the envoy. Just as he was about to explain how Si Chen, who was behind him, could hold back his temper, he swept away the envoy with a sweep of his sleeves and sent the envoy flying a thousand feet away. "You can't wait to do anything with him, I'm already burning!"


Ling Feng was speechless for a while, and could only sigh in his heart, "Fierce!"

The man guarding the mountain is also in danger!

Just as the mountain guarding envoy was flying backwards, there was a sudden flash of green light, and a large, generous and powerful hand pressed on his shoulder, helping him relieve the violent force.

The envoy looked back and saw that he was not the one receiving the Immortal Lord.

"Meet the Immortal Lord!"

The messenger bowed to Jieyinxianzun, and Jieyinxianzun just nodded slightly and said lightly, "Okay, you can go down."

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew in front of Ling Feng and the two of them, and gave Si Chen a slightly reproachful look.

Even if he broke into the mountains late at night, he even beat up his own messenger.

Even if this woman's status is extraordinary, there is no need to be so barbaric.

"Senior Immortal Lord."

Ling Feng bowed and bowed to Jieyin Xianzun, and then continued: "I'm bothering you late at night. It's really urgent. I must tell my senior immediately!"

"What's the matter?"

Jie Yinxian Zun took a look at Ling Feng. Ling Feng must have left Tianzhi in the past few days. He suddenly came back and suddenly looked for himself. What big trouble could this little guy really encounter?

"The matter is related to the Demon Soul Palace!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ling Feng opened his mouth, he immediately startled Jieyin Xianzun.

"Demon Soul Palace?"

Jie Yinxian Zun's eyes widened. How could Ling Feng, a new disciple, have heard of the name of Demon Soul Hall? Si Chen told him?


Jie Yinxian Zun looked at Ling Feng with some surprise, then pressed Ling Feng's shoulder with one hand and said urgently: "Boy, please speak clearly!"

"This disciple went out for training and discovered something unusual when passing by Tianyong City!"

Then, Ling Feng told the truth about Si Chen's night visit to the city lord's palace.

When the Immortal Master Jie Yin heard this, he felt like a thunderbolt struck his head.


Just three days ago, the Yuxu Immortal Lord Bai Luohuan sent news that the traces of Demon Soul Palace were turning towards the direction of Black Soul Abyss.

In order to exterminate these evil heretics in Demon Soul Hall, Ming Shen Zun was sent there, and even the Immortal Emperor elders from Emperor Star Pavilion were invited.

Now, Ming Shen Zun has ordered all the masters to set out for reinforcements, but if the Demon Soul Palace had been prepared, I am afraid that Ming Shen Zun and the others would not have a chance to join Wu Wang Zun and the others, and would be ambushed by the Demon Soul Palace masters.

Although the elders of Emperor Star Pavilion are powerful, if they fall into the enemy's trap, they may be at risk of being annihilated!

Moreover, Mingshenzun and Wuwangzun will undoubtedly be in danger.

If two of the three Heavenly Masters were killed, their vitality would definitely be severely damaged.

This matter is absolutely urgent and urgent.

"I know this!"

After a long time, Master Jie Yin finally calmed down a little. He took a deep look at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "This matter is of great importance. You go back first. I still need to report to your Majesty!"


Ling Feng bowed to the Immortal Master Jie Yin, "Then, the disciple has resigned!"

Before he finished speaking, he looked up and saw that there was no trace of the Immortal Master Jie Yin. He had already turned into a ray of green light and shot through the sky.

"Sister Chen, we..."

Looking back again, Si Chen was nowhere to be found, appearing and disappearing without a trace.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, these masters are really high and low.

As a small inner disciple, he was too insignificant in front of them.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng flew towards his cave.

I brought Xiao Xianling and the girls back late at night. I think they were all still in a fog.

And Cheng Tianyong, does he know about the situation of the Cheng family?

Everything can be known only by finding Cheng Tianyong and confronting him face to face.

Not long after, Ling Feng returned to his cave. As soon as he entered the main hall, Xiao Xianling, Yu Junyao, Yue Yunlan and Tuoba Yan crowded up and looked at their big eyes with big question marks. Ling Feng could only find an excuse and fool him first.

Regarding the matter of Demon Soul Palace, whether they know about it or not will not affect the overall situation.

Although the girls were suspicious, if Ling Feng didn't say anything, they naturally couldn't ask anything and could only go back to their rooms.

The long night is destined to be sleepless tonight.

Ling Feng searched his cave and finally found Cheng Tianyong in the retreat room.

This guy was usually lazy and seemed cynical, but he didn't expect to find him in a retreat.

It seems that he is just working hard secretly when others can't see it.

"Brother Ling?"

Cheng Tianyong was obviously a little surprised when he saw Ling Feng appear in front of him.

He slowly finished the exercise, exhaled a breath, and then said with a smile: "What's wrong? You came back inexplicably, and then came to see me in a hurry? Is it really like not seeing you for one day, like three autumns? It's a pity, I only love the beautiful ones Women are interested.”

Normally, Ling Feng would have rolled his eyes and said something contemptuous, but at this moment, Ling Feng's expression was particularly serious.

Such seriousness shocked Cheng Tianyong.

"Brother Cheng, although everyone has their own secrets that they don't want others to know, there are some things I still hope you can tell me truthfully, okay?"

"What's wrong?" Cheng Tianyong looked at Ling Feng intently, "Why are you suddenly telling me this?"

"You know that Cheng Yuchun and Cheng Tianqi are dead, right?"

"Are these two scumbags dead?" Cheng Tianyong pursed his lips and did not answer directly. He just clapped his hands and said with a smile: "What a good death!"

"Then your father took over as the city lord, but he was just a puppet. The people who really controlled Tianyong City were the people from Demon Soul Palace."

As Ling Feng spoke, he was observing Cheng Tianyong's expression.

However, Cheng Tianyong just shrugged and said with an indifferent expression: "Brother Ling, didn't I say that no matter what happens to the Cheng family, I, Cheng Tianyong, have long had nothing to do with the Cheng family, so there is no need for you to Tell me these things, I have no interest in knowing!”


"That's it!"

Cheng Tianyong stared into Ling Feng's eyes, "Okay, Brother Ling, I know what you are suspecting. You are a smart person. You can judge for yourself what is true and what is false. But I am just doing what I think is right. !”


Ling Feng shook his head and sighed. Although Cheng Tianyong did not admit it directly, Ling Feng already understood his position.

"Go on, get out of here."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said, "If you continue to stay, you will only play with fire and burn yourself."

Cheng Tianyong smiled and pretended not to understand at all, "Brother Ling, what are you talking about? I only play with puppets and women, I don't play with fire."

"You... take care of yourself. The Cheng family's affairs have been exposed."

Ling Feng tightened his fists. The Cheng family and the Demon Soul Palace were colluding together. Even if Cheng Tianyong had nothing to do with the Demon Soul Palace, could the top management of Tianzhi tolerate him?

Once investigated, Cheng Tianyong will definitely not escape death.

He told Cheng Tianyong in advance that he had done his best, and as for the rest, he could only rely on his own luck.

"Is that so?"

Cheng Tianyong raised his head and looked at Ling Feng, "Aren't you afraid of being implicated if you blow the whistle?"

"I just feel that your nature is not..."

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed softly, "That's all, it's useless to talk more, you... just take care of yourself."

After saying that, Ling Feng turned and left. He had gotten the answer he wanted to know, although it was not the answer he wanted.

I just hope that my decision will not be a mistake.

"Thank you, Brother Ling!"

Cheng Tianyong called out to Ling Feng's back, and the figure gradually turned into a faint light, and then disappeared...

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