Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3554 The Great Killing Technique!

The night was long.

The top management of Tianzhi undoubtedly caused an uproar because of the news brought back by Ling Feng.

Beginning in the second half of the night, the elders of the Emperor Star Pavilion began to mobilize frequently, and finally sent a team of more than ten powerful Immortal Emperors of the Wheel Realm to go to the rescue.

If two of the three deities of Tianzhi fall into the Black Soul Abyss, then this will surely become the greatest shame and humiliation since the founding of Tianzhi.

Moreover, the other party turned out to be Tianzhi's former traitor!

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Ling Feng for the time being.

With his current strength, he may not be able to intervene in a battle of this level.

He is always the top immortal king and the Immortal Emperor of the Wheel Realm. His abilities are not enough.

Even regarding the Demon Soul Palace, Si Chen didn't tell him much in detail. He only said that the Demon Soul Palace was founded by a former direct disciple of the Immortal Master. Later, that disciple betrayed him. After conquering Tianzhi, it lurked in secret and grew stronger. For thousands of years, Tianzhi tried to eradicate it countless times, but failed in the end.

In short, these are all headaches for the top management of Tianzhi for the time being.

As for Cheng Tianyong, if that guy wasn't stupid, he would have run away overnight.

Although Cheng Tianyong may have other motives for joining Tianzhi, he is undoubtedly a good companion for him.

I should treat this tip as...

Thank him for teaching me how to use the immortal fighting spirit.

The dark night finally passed, and dawn broke. The blood-red sunlight penetrated the clouds, and its lush beams gave people a depressing feeling.

Ling Feng didn't know what decision the noble Lord made in the end and how many experts he sent.

But now that the Demon Soul Palace's conspiracy has been discovered, there should be a chance to minimize the losses.

After all, Tianzhi’s background lies there.

I just need to prepare well for the next Seven Ultimate Immortal List.

Of course, in the battle for the Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings, I was just a foil for Liuyu Jiuyao. This trip to the Xuntian Lei Territory was under the nose of the most terrifying Immortal Emperor Yi Ting among the Xuntian Clan. What I had to do was, Just be as low-key as possible, low-key, and then low-key again.

Time flies, and three days pass.

On the third day, Jie Yinxian Zun suddenly sent his disciples to summon him.

Ling Feng counted the time. After so long, he should have come to find him.

After all, he brought such important news back to save Tianzhi from a disaster. No matter what, the superiors had to express their gratitude and give themselves some rewards or something.

Ling Feng's guess was not wrong.

When Ling Feng arrived at Qingzao Terrace, he was fishing by the pond as usual.

The only difference is that this time, in addition to himself, there are also those named disciples under his sect, including Han Wenliang, who was on the Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking, and who was once even with him.


Jie Yin Xianzun did not look back, but it was as if there were eyes behind him. When Ling Feng stood thirty steps away from him and was about to bow to salute, he smiled lightly and said, "No need to salute."

"Thank you, Immortal Lord!"

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted the Immortal Lord Jie Yin. The registered disciples around him all looked at him with burning eyes.

There seemed to be a hint of envy in his eyes.

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, but said calmly: "The Immortal Lord called his disciples here, why?"

Jieyinxian Zun put the fishing rod aside and then slowly turned around.

A pair of stern eyes fell on Ling Feng. Those piercing eyes seemed to see through Ling Feng from beginning to end.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and couldn't help but become a little nervous.

Although Kavli helped him hide the auras of the Tiandao clan and the demon clan, he still felt guilty and tried his best to suppress the demonic aura hidden in his body.

Fortunately, the gaze of the Immortal Master did not last long.

"Ling Feng, are you willing to become my registered disciple?"

Suddenly, Jie Yinxian Zun said something like this.


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he heard Xiao Xianling's voice coming from the crowd, "You brat, why are you standing there stunned? Just agree!"

Only then did Ling Feng react and quickly bowed to Jieyin Xianzun, "Disciple is willing."

Although he was only a registered disciple, it still meant that someone was protecting him.

"very good."

Jie Yinxian Zun stroked his long beard and said with a faint smile: "Then, from today on, you are my registered disciple. You can come here and fish with me when you are free. Of course, there is no compulsory requirement. You can come as you wish. , go as you wish.”


Ling Feng was secretly wondering. No wonder the Immortal Master Jieyin never accepts true disciples. His method of training named disciples is basically free-range training!

However, he didn't dare to complain to his face, so he could only nod in agreement.

"The news you brought back from Tianyong City this time is very important."

Jie Yinxian Zun continued: "After discussion among the elders, we decided to give you some rewards."

Have we finally come to the point?

Ling Feng's heart became excited. These big guys at the level of Immortal Emperor and Immortal Lord must not be stingy when they take action.

"Come forward."

After Jieyin Xianzun finished speaking, Ling Feng felt a lightness all over his body. Before he could react, he was already pulled close to Jieyinxianzun.

The next moment, Jie Yinxian Zun pointed his finger and poked it between Ling Feng's eyebrows.

For a moment, there was a brief blank in Ling Feng's mind, and then a huge wave of information surged into his spiritual sea.

It seems to be a secret skill!

Then, the voice of the Immortal Master came from his mind, "This is a master-level inherited magic, a great killing technique. You can experience it."

Ling Feng's eyes widened and he looked at Jie Yin Xianzun with some surprise.

Great killing technique?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it's the ability of Yinxian Zun himself.

As if sensing the doubts in Ling Feng's heart, the voice of the Immortal Master was heard again, "This is the immortal art passed down from generation to generation by me. Even I have not mastered this immortal art."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, can the magic be passed down from generation to generation?

However, this is a master level magic!

So far, I haven't even mastered a few great immortal arts. Suddenly, I was thrown into the master-level immortal arts, and it was also a kind of inherited immortal arts.

Although I don’t understand it very well, it should be very strong!

"Thank you, Immortal Lord!"

Ling Feng raised his head to look at Jie Yin Xianzun, only to find that there was clearly a trace of compassion in Jie Yin Xianzun's eyes.

Ling Feng was slightly stunned, maybe he was dazzled and saw something wrong.

Jie Yinxian Zun's expression was indifferent, he opened his palms, and with a flash of golden light, another bottle of elixir appeared, and it immediately floated in front of Ling Feng.

"This is a pill for practicing the mass killing technique. There are ten pills in total. You can only take one pill a year. Remember."

Ling Feng accepted the elixirs and thanked Jieyinxian Zun again. Then, Jieyinxianzun took out several bottles of elixirs one after another, some of which strengthened the foundation, changed the tendons and cleansed the marrow, and some strengthened cultivation and broke through the realm.

All in all, the rewards this time were quite rich. In the end, they even gave me a full five million contribution points.

In other words, within the next hundred years, Ling Feng could basically lie down and not need to go out to perform any tasks.

Of course, if you really want to go to a place like the library to buy some good things, no matter how much you contribute, it won't be enough.

But for the current Ling Feng, five million is undoubtedly a "huge sum".

After the rewards were distributed, Jieyin Xianzun allowed Ling Feng to leave on his own.

This also made Ling Feng finally let go of his hanging heart. Jie Yin Xianzun actually didn't ask him about Cheng Tianyong. It seemed that he didn't suspect him.

Fortunately, Si Chen happened to leave that day, otherwise, he would not have the chance to inform Cheng Tianyong.

No matter what, I hope that guy can take care of himself and not make mistakes.

the other side.

Let's say that Cheng Tianyong ran away overnight after being reminded by Ling Feng.

Fortunately, all the senior officials were busy that day, so naturally no one would pay attention to such a small inner disciple like him.

After leaving Tianzhi overnight, Cheng Tianyong flew directly to a nearby city. After several teleportations, he was sure that there were no followers behind him, and then he returned to the base camp of Demon Soul Hall with confidence.

At this moment, in a huge underground palace, Cheng Tianyong was kneeling on the temple. In front of him was a man wearing blue and black armor. His back was to Cheng Tianyong, his eyes were looking at a huge mural hanging on the wall, and he didn't know what he was thinking. What.

"This subordinate is incompetent, his identity is exposed, and he cannot complete the mission for his master. This subordinate deserves to die!"

After Cheng Tianyong said that, he was slammed to the ground, and his forehead was hit so hard that it was bloody.

"My lord, we can't blame Tian Yong entirely for this matter, he..."

A graceful woman in the palace, wearing a black gauze, quickly asked for mercy for Cheng Tianyong.

Before she finished speaking, she saw the man in armor slightly raising his hand, but did not turn around. He just said lightly: "I know what I know, so there is no need to say more."


The woman in black gauze stepped aside and looked at Cheng Tianyong with her gentle eyes, showing concern.

A burly man next to him, with a skull and wolf head decoration hanging on his left and right shoulders, cursed loudly: "I didn't expect that I would fall short this time. It was obvious that Wuwu Zun was in a desperate situation. In the end, But he was rescued! What a pity, what a pity!”

"A small person with no dignity is not worth mentioning."

The man standing in front of the mural smiled coldly, "It was not easy to achieve my grand ambition. It has taken me thousands of years, Kui Mulang, you can't accomplish great things by being impatient."


The strong man known as Kui Mulang quickly nodded in agreement.

"It seems that Tianyong City has been exposed. Let Zhu Jiuyin return quickly. As for those people from the Cheng family..."

The armored man paused, then suddenly turned around and looked at Cheng Tianyong, "Tianyong, what do you think?"

"My subordinates have no relationship with the Cheng family for a long time..."

Cheng Tianyong clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"If you ask me, since the Cheng family has no use value..."

Na Kuimu Lang stretched out his hand and made a gesture on his neck, with a cruel look on his face.

"Killing is just a means, not an end."

The armored man glared at Kui Mulang, pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "Just let Zhu Jiuyin evacuate. As for Ancestor Yong that day, he has been tied to our warship. After all, he is at the level of the Immortal Emperor. He will always be there in the future." If it can come in handy, let them know and let them find a place to huddle up first. Whether they can avoid Tianzhi's cleaning is their own business. "

After saying that, the armored man looked at Cheng Tianyong again, "Originally, I asked you to win the championship of Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking. I hope you can take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the Qijue Immortal Ranking and seek the fate of old Yi Ting. I didn't expect you to win the championship." At this time, things are happening, and the root of all this destruction is an unknown boy! "

"Is that Ling Feng?"

The armored man narrowed his eyes and sneered. Strangely, there was not much killing intent in his eyes.

"My Lord, if Ling Feng hadn't informed his subordinates this time, I'm afraid I would..."

"Okay, I don't want to deal with him."

The armored man raised his hand, indicating that Cheng Tianyong didn't need to say anything, "Although you can't participate in the Seven Ultimate Immortals Ranking in your own capacity, I still have some tricks up my sleeve. You should be prepared. We haven't lost everything yet."

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