Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3555 Six Emperors!

"Everyone, go down and do your own thing!"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the armored man turned into a streak of blood and disappeared into the void.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten figures also turned into dim light and dispersed.

Na Kuimulang turned his head and glanced at the woman in black gauze, and then looked at Cheng Tianyong, with a sneer on his lips, "Qiu Liruo, it seems that the guy you trained is nothing more than a waste who fails to succeed but fails to succeed."

But it turns out that this woman in black gauze is the "Liruo Medical Immortal" mentioned by Patriarch Tianyong before, Qiu Liruo.

Back then, Cheng Tianyong was expelled from Tianyong City by the Cheng Mansion and had his hands and feet broken, and it was precisely because of the medical fairy Li Ruo that he rescued him.

This Li Ruo Medical Immortal is exactly the Poison Master that Cheng Tianyong mentioned, and she does have a second title, Poison Hand Medical Immortal.

In a sense, Cheng Tianyong did not lie to Ling Feng, but he concealed some facts.

Qiu Liruo ignored Kuimulang and walked quickly to Cheng Tianyong, reaching out to help him up.

Although Qiu Liruo should theoretically be regarded as half of Cheng Tianyong's master, there is obviously another kind of affection between them.

"Let's go too."

Qiu Liruo took Cheng Tianyong's arm very naturally, making Kui Mulang beside him feel itchy, but he could only stare.

When Cheng Tianyong usually saw a beautiful woman, he would inevitably take advantage of her, but now, when a beauty like Qiu Liruo took the initiative to hold his arm, he seemed not only not enjoying it, but also seemed to be a little afraid.

But in the fear, there is also a bit of affection.

It's really a very complicated emotion.

Since he was brought to the Demon Soul Palace, the person who saved him and loved him was Qiu Liruo, and the person who poisoned him and tortured him was also this woman.

However, it seems that thanks to those poisons, he was able to reach his current strength in just a few years.

Otherwise, as the second young master of the Cheng family, although he has some talents, his achievements will be limited without the support of resources within the family.


Cheng Tianyong was about to say something, but Qiu Liruo stuck out a green-white jade finger and blocked his lips.

"Stop talking, let's go to the hot springs first. We haven't been together for a long time..."

Qiu Liruo's slightly charming voice came to her ears.

Cheng Tianyong's whole body shivered, and his face was not filled with excitement, but rather a look of pain and despair.

This hot spring of the poisonous hand doctor fairy is not easy to soak in!

In the blink of an eye, it has been three days since Ling Feng became the registered disciple of the Immortal Master.

In the past few days, Ling Feng did not go to Qingzao Terrace to accompany Yinxian Zun for fishing. Instead, he studied the great killing technique in his own cave.

This is clearly a master-level immortal technique, but there seems to be no threshold for practicing it.

With Ling Feng's understanding, he had already started in just a few days.

Of course, this is also thanks to the pills given to him by Jieyinxian Zun. According to Jieyinxianzun, these pills seem to be called Xuanyuan Guisha Dan.

After Ling Feng took the first pill, he felt the energy and blood in his body rolling, and the killing energy swept through his body. Even the killing sword intention he had mastered before directly swallowed the other two sword intentions, the reincarnation sword intention and the eternal sword. Therefore, some kind of qualitative change has occurred.

When he was in the lower realm, Ling Feng had already touched the threshold of some immortal swordsmanship. But now, after the killing sword intent has completed its transformation, every sword energy he wields is comparable to an immortal art!

And this is just the most basic ability that the Great Killing Technique brings to him.

Ling Feng was immersed in the practice of the mass killing technique, which could almost be described as "fascinating".

And this practice made Ling Feng completely forget about time, and he didn't even follow the previous plan to teleport to Yanlong Island at night to absorb the Hongmeng Ancestral Dragon Qi.

After all, the cultivation of Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique cannot be completed overnight.

But Ling Feng can clearly feel that he is getting stronger almost every day as he practices this great killing technique.

And this is just the entry level.

This also made Ling Feng a little confused. He Yinxianzun said that this great killing technique was taught to him by someone else.

But with such a powerful magical power, why doesn’t Jie Yinxian Zun practice it himself?

If he also practices this technique, with his level of cultivation, he might be able to unleash the true power of the Great Killing Technique, right?

Also, who actually passed on this magical power to him?

Recalling that after she was promoted to the inner sect, Si Chen was placed next to her, and she obviously knew her identity as a member of the Tiandao clan.

Could it be that there are still people in Tianzhi who secretly support the Tiandao clan?

Thinking about it, the Tiandao clan used to be the co-lord of the Immortal Realm. Although they fell in the end, they once had countless tribes, and it is not surprising that some of them have always been loyal to the Tiandao clan.

However, thinking about this now seems to be in vain.

Since the other party is unwilling to show up and contact him, there is no need for him to bother himself.

No matter what, the only way to settle down and survive is to improve one's own strength first.

When you practice, you don’t know how time passes.

On this day, an alarm suddenly came from the barrier set by Ling Feng, and Ling Feng finally woke up from his training.

Opening the door to the retreat room, standing outside was Ling Feng's old acquaintance, Yufeng Immortal Lord.

There was another person next to him, it was Xiao Xianling.

Thinking about it, if there was no Xiao Xianling waiting for him to come in, it stands to reason that Yufeng Immortal Lord would not be able to force his way into his cave.

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Yufeng."

Ling Feng quickly clasped his fists and saluted the Immortal Yufeng. Now he was also an inner disciple, and was even accepted as a registered disciple by the Immortal Master Jie Yin. It was reasonable to call Immortal Yufeng his senior brother.

"Hey, Brother Ling, we are all friends, there is no need to be so outspoken."

Immortal Yufeng looked at Ling Feng with a smile, "It's time to set off. I'm here to invite you in the name of Yingxian Zun."


Ling Feng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry, senior brother, I forgot about such an important thing when I started practicing."

"It doesn't matter. This time, everyone is working hard to prepare for the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking. You are not the only one. It's me, an idle person, who neglects to practice."

Immortal Lord Yufeng shrugged, "It seems that this time the competition with the geniuses from other major forces will depend on you."

"Senior brother is joking, I'm just making up the numbers and going to see what's going on."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose with some guilt. He didn't dare to be high-profile this time.

Besides, with top Immortal Lord-level experts like Liuyu Jiuyao around, he shouldn't have much chance to show his face.

"Okay, okay, we don't have to waste time here."

Immortal Yufeng raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "Junior brother, let's set off now."

"That's fine."

Ling Feng nodded, and after bidding farewell to Xiao Xianling and Yu Junyao, he went to Qingzao Terrace with Immortal Yufeng.

As a veteran fisherman, Jie Yinxianzun would basically sit on the Qingzao Terrace fishing no matter what time it was, as long as the sky hadn't fallen.

Based on this alone, this old man's state of mind is truly terrifying.

Not long after, Ling Feng and the two arrived at Qingzao Terrace.

At this moment, many people had gathered on Qingzao Stage.

There are quite a few familiar faces among them.

Han Wenliang, who has the blood of the evil dragon.

Like himself, Wu Chengkong once entered the Xiaohan Pond and received the inheritance of the "Great Emperor's Wheel of Flowers Sutra".

Of course, because of Cheng Tianyong's betrayal, the last spot fell on Ling Feng's old acquaintance, Chi Yankuang.

"Haha, brother Ling!"

As soon as he saw Ling Feng appear, Chi Yankuang immediately came forward with excitement on his face.

This guy is also unlucky. Although he can only serve as a foil for the Six Imperials and Nine Yaos, it is already a great honor to be able to witness such a big scene.

"Brother Chi!"

Ling Feng saluted Chi Yan with a fist, but was hugged by this guy in a bear hug.

It’s really hot and hot, with a clear distinction between love and hate!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, looking at the crowd.

Liu Yu Jiu Yao didn't know many people. On weekdays, except for the full-time "social butterfly" Yu Feng Xianjun, everyone else was basically like a dragon.

However, that's not always the case.

Soon, Ling Feng saw an acquaintance again. It was Qin Yao who had tried so hard to persuade him not to choose the "Fire Swallowing Immortal Technique" when he had just become a disciple of Tianzhi and chose the immortal art to major in. Senior sister.

Ling Feng didn't know until later that this woman who looked soft and frail was actually Yaoyin Qinyao, one of the Nine Yao.

Seemingly noticing Ling Feng's gaze, Qin Yao nodded slightly towards Ling Feng as a courtesy.

Ling Feng also nodded to her and smiled slightly, and then, Chi Yankuang's very coquettish voice came to his ears, "Oh my gosh, I actually know Senior Sister Qin? I'm so lucky!"

Ling Feng turned around and glanced at Chi Yankuang in astonishment. This coquettish appearance and coquettish expression made Ling Feng mistakenly think that Cheng Tianyong was back.

Sure enough, most of the people who play with fire are sultry men!

You can see how much he pulls it off when he's in the ring, but he looks like this in private.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "We just happened to know each other."

Soon, several more powerful auras passed across the horizon, and the figure flashed and landed steadily on the green algae platform.

One is more domineering than the other, and the aura of each is more terrifying than the last.

Only then did Ling Feng realize that Yufeng Immortal Lord, among the Six Imperial Guards, was at best a soy saucer and was considered a goalkeeper.

But even the goalkeeper is already ridiculously powerful.

"Yu Xu Bai Luohuan, please see the Immortal Master!"

"The Royal God Ren Tianhen, pays homage to the Immortal Lord!"

"Sword-wielding Wang Teng, see the Immortal Lord!"


A sound of clear whistles that shocked the sky came, and figures with astonishing momentum fell steadily and bowed to the back of the Immortal Master Jie Yin.

Even if you pay homage to three of the Six Supreme Beings, you do not need to kneel down to salute. This is the supreme privilege of being a Six Imperial Lord.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, eyes flashing, looking at these figures, clenching his fists with excitement.

These are the unrivaled geniuses with the most outstanding talents among Tianzhi!

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