Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3556 The fastest man in the fairyland!

"Yu Xu Bai Luohuan, please see the Immortal Master!"

"The Royal God Ren Tianhen, pays homage to the Immortal Lord!"

"Sword-wielding Wang Teng, see the Immortal Lord!"

A powerful person with six kinds of skills descended and bowed to Jieyinxian Zun. In front of these powerful people with six kinds of skills, even Jiuyao Zun was undoubtedly eclipsed.

"I've met all of you, senior brothers!"

Mo Qingfeng, the Immortal Lord of the Wind Control, flew forward to say hello to the six powerful warriors.

Immortal Lord Yufeng is famous among the Tianzhi for being smooth in dealing with things, so naturally he has a good relationship with these Tianjiao who are also the Sixth Emperor.

"Yu Xu, Yu Shen, Yu Jian..."

Ling Feng murmured to himself in a low voice, and coupled with Yufeng Immortal Lord's words, the fourth of the Six Yus was already here.

As for Jiuyao, all members have arrived.

In addition to Yaoyin (PS: Yaoyin is abbreviated, and the full name is the Yao of Xuanyin) Qin Yao whom Ling Feng knows, there are also five Yao of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, all of whom major in the Five Elements attributes and advance to Dao Fruit. Jing Xianjun’s genius.

Then there are the Glory of Thunder, the Glory of Wild War and the Glory of Tyrant Sword.

Among the Nine Glory, except for the Five Elements attributes that are available in almost every generation, the other Four Glory attributes are relatively diverse and strange.

But in most cases, the Immortal Lord of the Dao and Fruit Realm who has cultivated the basic Five Elements attributes will be relatively weaker than the Immortal Lord of other special attributes.

At the level of the Six Imperial Guards, there are almost no Immortal Lords who have mastered the basic Five Elements attributes.

What about Yu Shen, Yu Xu, and Yu Jian, each one is more wild than the other, but Yu Feng Xianjun is relatively normal.

"There are still two left. It's such a big deal to ask so many of us to wait for them."

Chi Yankuang on the side murmured in a low voice, Ling Feng shrugged. With strong strength, he naturally has a big air.


Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, he looked towards the sky, and blurted out.

It's not that his perception is too sharp, but the pomp and circumstance of the visitor is really impressive and can be called a huge force.

Prior to this, the most flashy way to appear was the sword-wielding Wang Teng, who drove a ten-foot-long flying sword and turned into a rainbow, which was already quite exaggerated.

And compared to the one who is about to appear next, he is definitely pale in comparison.

"Fellow brothers, Yulong is here!"

Then, I heard the sound of dragons roaring into the sky, and the Dragon-controlling Immortal Lord stepped on a five-clawed golden dragon that was more than a hundred feet long and came out of the sky.

The reason why it is said that he came out of nowhere is because in addition to the golden dragon he stepped on, there were countless dragons of various colors that were more than ten feet, thirty feet, and fifty feet tall, guarding him as if they were worshiping a monarch. Looking at this Dragon-improving Immortal Lord.

The pomp was overwhelming, and the speed was extremely slow. It was only one breath away at most. This guy flew for about thirty breaths, and then slowly arrived above Qingzao Terrace.

Then, he raised the cloak behind him, jumped behind the giant dragon, and landed very smoothly in the center of the Qingzao Terrace.

Yes, it is in the center.


With a burst of smoke and dust rising, the Dragon-improving Immortal Lord finally "shined" on the stage.

And, it's very shiny.

The silver armor reflected dazzling light under the sunlight. The entire armor covered almost every gap in the body.

Even his face was covered with a mask.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Imperial Dragon Immortal Lord slowly unveiled the jade mask on his face, and then used a hairpin made of colorful gems to fix the bangs on his forehead to one side.

It was a very handsome face, with fair skin and sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He was indeed a rare handsome man.

Just fixing the bangs with gem hairpins, it looks somewhat...

so gay!

Ling Feng shook his head and put this ridiculous thought behind him. In any case, this guy's aura is indeed very terrifying. He is definitely a genuine Six Yu strongman, and I am afraid that he is also in the upper reaches among the Six Yus. Strength.

Deng Deng stared!

Then, the Imperial Dragon Immortal Lord stepped forward and slowly walked towards the Immortal Lord Jieyin. The thick armor on his body did not make the slightest sound of metal friction and collision, and it seemed to fit the body very well.

The forging process of this armor is probably very good and can definitely rival the best immortal treasures.

At first glance, he looks like a rich man!

"Yulong Ao Tianxin, I have met Lord Immortal!"

But it turns out that this Dragon-Conquering Immortal Lord is named Ao Tianxin.

Finally, the Immortal Jie Yin who had been fishing slowly put away the fishing rod. With a flash of green light, he put the fishing rod into the space magic weapon.

Jie Yingxian Zun's gaze swept across the crowd and took a rough inventory. Then he nodded and said calmly: "Okay, it seems that everyone is here."

"Immortal Lord, isn't there still one missing?"

Immortal Yulong quickly corrected the words of Immortal Acceptance Yin, "Sister Liuli hasn't come yet."

The sister Liuli he was talking about was the last of the six emperors, the Immortal Lord Yu Xin.

Most of the other Immortal Lords rolled their eyes. Obviously, most of them probably didn't have a good impression of this guy who liked to make a big show of things.

What's more, this is a damn sissy!

The sword-wielding Wang Teng immediately started to complain, "You damn sissy, you're the only one who talks a lot!"

"You, a swordsman, must find it hard to find someone, right? Did I say something wrong?"

Immortal Yulong looked back with a cold look and glared at Wang Teng fiercely. It seemed that the two of them were old enemies.

"Okay, calm down a little bit."

Jie Yinxian Zun smiled helplessly and said lightly: "Liu Li girl has already set off to patrol the thunder field ahead of other tasks."

Having said that, he did not blame Yulongxianjun for contradicting him in person. He just lightly wiped the dew on his sleeves, narrowed his eyes and smiled and said: "In addition to us, there are some accompanying people this time. I have to take care of my old bones, so I don’t think anyone has any objections.”

"of course not."

No one dares to have any opinions about Jieyinxian Zun, not to mention that Jieyinxian Zun is so respected and is the person in charge of leading the team this time.

If he wants to take more people with him, it's just a matter of saying a word.

"That's good."

Jie Yinxian Zun stroked his long beard, narrowed his eyes, smiled, and said lightly, "Come out."

Then, I heard a burst of laughter like silver bells, and he trotted towards Jieyin Xianzun, "Grandpa, hehe..."

It’s actually Xiao Xianling!

Ling Feng felt a little overwhelmed, she actually went too?

No wonder this girl seemed to be suppressing a smile when he said goodbye to her before.

But soon, Ling Feng's head became even bigger.

Because behind Xiao Xianling, there was actually someone else.

A woman!

A woman who is ridiculously strong, definitely a hundred times stronger than these Six Yus.

Si Chen!

I didn't expect that I was going to patrol the minefield, but I still couldn't get rid of Si Chen's "surveillance"!

But then I thought about it, with this "personal bodyguard" here, if I encounter any accidents in the survey field, I would have someone to hold on to.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng felt a little relieved.

No matter what, it's always safer with Si Chen around.

As for privacy, her biggest secret is known to her, and the rest is not important.

As a result, Si Chen and Xiao Xianling, one on the left and the other on the right, accompanied Jie Yin Xian Zun. It could be seen that Jie Yin Xian Zun's expression was somewhat helpless.

That's it for Si Chen. As for Xiao Xianling, she must have been hard on him for a long, long time.

Jie Yinxian Zun shook his head and smiled, and with a wave of his hand, he sacrificed his unique artifact, the spirit boat.

I saw the spirit boat soaring into the sky and suspended steadily in the mid-air. Then, with a flash of golden light, the small boat, which was originally more than one foot long, swelled in the wind and instantly turned into a giant ship of one hundred feet, covering almost half of the sky.

The spirit boat that guides the Immortal Lord is a unique artifact. It not only has all the functions of the world-breaking shuttle and the sky-breaking shuttle, but its flying speed is almost the fastest in the world except for the cross-domain super large teleportation array. One of the treasures.

Therefore, Jie Yinxian Zun is also jokingly called "the fastest man in the fairyland"!

"Come up, everyone!"

The figure flashed, and Yinxian Zun, Si Chen, and Xiao Xianling boarded the spirit boat together. Then, figures one after another rose through the air, and everyone landed on the deck of the spirit boat.

Then, the spirit boat broke out of the wind, and the group embarked on a mighty journey to the Sky Survey Thunder Territory.

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