Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3559 Surveying the Thunder Field!

Nine days later, as the spirit boat shuttled through the distorted galaxy and time and space, it finally arrived at the Thunder Region as scheduled, and arrived at the Holy City of Thunder on the day before the Seven Absolute Immortal List was held.

In the sky, you can see huge flying ships breaking through the clouds and flying towards this magnificent holy city.

For this Seven Absolute Immortal List, Emperor Yi Ting sent invitations to all major forces in the entire fairyland. The preparation time was nearly three years, and it must be unprecedented.

Tian Zhi and his party stood on the deck of the spirit boat, watching the flying ships, spaceships, and shuttles passing by them, one after another, and more or less, they were shocked by the spectacular scene in front of them.

Ling Feng was also deeply moved, and a fierce fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

If he could have a hearty battle with the most top-notch genius in the fairyland, it would be a great pleasure.

But the next moment, Si Chen's voice came to his ears, like a basin of cold water, poured on Ling Feng's head.

"Boy, restrain yourself. This is the Thunder Region. Don't forget your identity."

Instantly, Ling Feng's momentum waned.

Yes, this is the Thunder Region!

The Thunder Region's Yi Ting Immortal Emperor is the most powerful Broken Immortal Emperor among the five great Immortal Emperors.

I'd better pray that I won't be targeted by those Immortal Emperor-level bosses, otherwise, I'm afraid the situation will be quite dangerous.

Xiao Xianling leaned on the edge of the deck, holding her cheeks, looking at the magnificent city in front of her, letting the strong wind from the sky blow her hair into a mess.

In her bright gemstone eyes, there was a complex expression. Although it had been almost ten days since the battle of the Storm Sea, it was obvious that she had not yet walked out of the shadow of the Demon Soul Palace Master.

Although she seemed to be carefree on weekdays, she lost her parents at a young age when she thought of her life experience.

She was not heartless and had no worries, but she was stronger than many people.

Ling Feng felt a little pity in his heart, perhaps because he had never seen his parents since he was a child, and he felt a sense of sympathy.

"We are almost there!"

At this moment, the Immortal Master Jie Yin, who was standing in the front and operating the spiritual boat, suddenly spoke to remind everyone, and everyone was refreshed. The disciples who were originally sitting cross-legged in meditation and practicing also stood up.

These are the top Tianjiao kings from Tianzhi, and they all have unyielding genius and pride in their bones.

They stared at the majestic city in front of them. In the next period of time, they will make a name for themselves here.

Of course, the rules of the Seven Absolute Immortal List are not single-handed arena combat, but a teamwork mode based on the power of the sect family.

In other words, all the disciples standing on this deck will be a whole.

They must put aside their past grudges and fight side by side.

This is also the only information about the Seven Absolute Immortal List revealed by the Immortal Master Jie Yin so far, and of course, it may also be the only information he knows.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

In the sky, the strong wind was howling. At this moment, a huge flying ship broke through the void and suddenly appeared, almost brushing the edge of the spirit boat of the Jieying Immortal Venerable, and flew past.

The Jieying Immortal Venerable frowned, and manipulated the spirit boat to turn slightly to the side, and then barely let the flying ship go.

On the flying ship, there was a huge flag flying, with an ice flower pattern, and the words "Xuntian" were engraved on it with gold lines.

Xuntian Ice Clan!

Ling Feng's eyes condensed, he recognized this flag.

Have the Xuntian Ice Clan come too?

He looked at the flying ship, and sure enough, he saw several familiar figures on the deck.

Yan Jinghong, as well as the Lan family siblings, were also among them.

With their talents and strength, Ling Feng was not surprised that they could appear in this team.

And Yan Jinghong, obviously, has greatly improved his strength in the past few years, and his aura is even more unfathomable, especially his eyes.

It seems that the Xuanhan Cold Spirit Pearl he brought back last time has merged with the Ice Xuanhan Eyes he cultivated.

This kid is indeed the most suitable for cultivating in the Xuntian Ice Clan. If he had chosen to join Tianzhi with me, he would probably have made about the same progress as the Phantom God Qian Jue and the others.

Of course, Ling Feng soon saw another "familiar" guy.

Prince Yin, Shui Changyin!

His heart beat violently, and he never expected to meet Shui Changyin in such an occasion.

Fortunately, the last time Si Chen fought with him, he hid his aura and true strength, and covered his face with a black scarf, completely concealing his appearance. Even if he was just watching the battle from a distance, he used a thousand machines to disguise himself, so this guy should not recognize him.

But it was the subconscious violent beating of his heart that actually attracted the attention of Shui Changyin.

His eyes shot out like a cold arrow, and glared at Ling Feng fiercely.

But it was obvious that he did not recognize Ling Feng, but just glanced at him with disdain and moved his eyes away again.

Ling Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This guy's perception was so sharp.

Just like last time on Xuanyuan Cold Island, although he had hidden himself well, he was still able to discover him.

This person was able to become the "nightmare" of many Tianjiao disciples in the Xuntian Ice Clan. His strength should not be underestimated.

And Yan Jinghong and the Lan family siblings seemed to have discovered Ling Feng's figure. Lan Xiaoyu even waved to Ling Feng enthusiastically.

Lan Bing'er nodded slightly to Ling Feng as a courtesy.

On the other hand, Yan Jinghong, who had always been indifferent and had to hide his relationship with Ling Feng, just stood aside coldly with his arms folded.

This behavior of the Lan family siblings immediately attracted Shui Changyin's attention. He glanced at Lan Xiaoyu coldly and said in a cold voice, "Do you know him?"

Lan Xiaoyu shuddered all over, and the murderous aura on Shui Changyin was really creepy.

He swallowed hard, not daring to hide anything, but said slowly: "Yes... we had a chance encounter."

Shui Changyin immediately shouted coldly, "Where are you?"

Lan Xiaoyu subconsciously wanted to answer, but Lan Bing'er gently grabbed her wrist.

Lan Bing'er has such a beautiful heart. If Shui Changyin knew that Ling Feng had been to Xuanyuan Han Island, it would definitely bring him endless trouble.

After all, Shui Changyin is a complete lunatic.

The two siblings had the same mind, and Lan Xiaoyu immediately reacted and said quickly: "I have been to the Shenzhi Heavenly Realm before and met Brother Ling once."


Shui Changyin then turned around and strode away, ignoring Lan Xiaoyu again.


Lan Xiaoyu let out a long breath, and there was a slight sweat on her forehead.

Every time I face Shui Changyin, I always feel a suffocating sense of oppression.

This guy is too murderous. When you talk to him, you always feel like you will be killed on the spot by him at the next moment. Who can not be afraid?

At this moment, Shui Qinghan and Shui Qingxuan, who were in charge of leading the team, obviously realized that they had just missed collision with Tianzhi's spaceship. The two looked at each other. The next moment, Shui Qinghan flew out and walked out of Xantianbing. The clan's airship flew and landed on Tianzhi's spirit boat.

"It turns out that I was picking up senior. Junior Shui Qinghan almost bumped into senior's spirit boat just now. I'm really sorry."

Shui Qinghan stood firmly on the spirit boat, bowed in the direction of the Immortal Master, and his attitude was quite respectful.

"It turns out he is the disciple of Immortal Emperor Haocang!"

Although Immortal Jie Yin was a little unhappy, the anger in his heart also dissipated as the other party was a direct disciple of Immortal Emperor Hao Cang and now he came to apologize in person.

"It's a trivial matter, and it's inevitable to escape into the void!"

Jie Yinxianzun stroked his long beard, and before he finished speaking, there was a "boom, boom, boom" explosion from behind. However, an airship suddenly appeared, hit the airship in front, and then rear-ended it in succession. More than a dozen ships.

It’s quite spectacular!

After all, these people are not as good at controlling the airship as Jie Yinxian Zun is at controlling the spirit boat.


Seeing such a scene, Jie Yinxian Zun and Shui Qinghan looked at each other and smiled. It seemed that their losses could be ignored.

"Since we said goodbye on the shore of the vast sea a hundred years ago, the style of our predecessors remains the same!"

Shui Qinghan slapped her on the back a few times without any pain, and the Immortal Master Jie Yin also said a few polite words. Then Shui Qinghan apologized again, and then flew back to the spaceship of the Sky Patrol Ice Clan.

It seems that not all of the Xantian Ice Clan are barbarians like Shui Changyin.

After all, his mother is also from the Xantian Ice Tribe...

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, throwing these distracting thoughts behind his mind. He heard Chi Yankuang on the side, quietly praising, "That's Shui Qinghan. It seems that the woman who led the team with him is Shui Qinghan." Xuan, Xuantian Ice Clan and Minato Shuangjue have always been inseparable. Unexpectedly, Xuantian Ice Clan would let them be responsible for leading the team. After all, they are not much older than us. Hey, between people. What a difference!”

"Is Shui Qinghan..."

Ling Feng blinked and looked at the back of Shui Qinghan as he flew away, and then at the woman standing on the deck of the Xuntian Ice Clan airship. He must have thought it was the "Shui Qingxuan" that Chi Yan Kuang said. .

Minato's double skills, only double skills.

Prince Yin and Shui Changyin should also be from the water system, but they are not even ranked. It seems that there is still a considerable gap between them and these two.

Compared with these people, I am really insignificant and insignificant.

Of course, the protagonists of the Seven Ultimate Immortal List this time are not the Shuangjue Shuangjue, who have long been famous all over the world. Only geniuses at the level of Immortal Lords from all parties can participate.

Just a patrolling Ice Clan, there are already experts like clouds, as well as the Wind Clan, the Fire Clan, the Mountain Clan, and even the most powerful Thunder Clan.

After tens of millions of years of development and growth, the Xantian Clan has reached its true peak in strength and is easily unshakable.

I'm afraid the road I have to go is still very long...

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