Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3560 Goodbye Yu Shiwei!

In the sky above Leixiao Holy City, countless airships flew in mightily, and countless giant ships of the hundred-foot level advanced hand in hand. Generally speaking, those who can possess airships of this level are also the first-class forces that dominate one side.

As for the super powers, there are only seven in the entire Immortal Realm.

The first is the five Immortal Courts headed by the Five Directions Immortal Emperor, namely the Immortal Emperor Yiting, the Immortal Emperor Haocang, the Immortal Emperor Haorong, and the Empress Qingluo. However, the last Immortal Emperor is not from the original Xantian Mountain Clan. The clan leader, instead, was a powerful Immortal Emperor of the Broken Realm who ousted the Xantian Mountain Clan from the altar tens of thousands of years ago and replaced him, changing dynasties and dominating the endless galaxy plane in the southern part of the Immortal Realm.

This Immortal Emperor was able to dethrone the Immortal Emperor Zhuan Yuan (the patriarch of the Xantian Mountain Clan, the original fifth Immortal Emperor) who had already reached the Shattered Realm, which proved his great strength.

Moreover, he was able to shut up the other four Immortal Emperors at the same time and acquiesce in his existence. The reason for this is even more intriguing.

The Southern Immortal Court founded by this powerful man was also called the Great Yu Immortal Court.

Since the Great Yu Immortal Emperor suddenly took over the imperial power of the Xuntian Mountain Clan, the Immortal Realm has returned to a relatively balanced and stable state for thousands of years.

The Xuntian Mountain clan was not exterminated to death, but was simply driven to a relatively untamed place, where they found peace.

But as the saying goes, a broken ship still has three pounds of nails, and a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Although the Xuntian Mountain Clan lost control of the Southern Immortal Court, they still established a super-first-class force, and they were of the same origin as the other major Xuntian Clan, so they were naturally invited.

As for the seventh super-class force, it is naturally Tianzhi.

The existence of Tianzhi can be traced back to the period of the ancient demon wars, and the background of Tianzhi is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

If Tianzhi had never had the intention to claim emperor and hegemony, in the Five Directions Immortal Court, except for the Broken Ninth Level Immortal Emperor Yi Ting who could sit back and relax, the other Immortal Emperors might not be able to secure their seats.

In addition to these seven super first-class forces, there are three to five first-class forces in the areas controlled by the Five Directions Immortal Court, which adds up to about twenty.

Then there are countless second-rate and third-rate forces.

It can be said that this grand event gathered almost more than 3,000 large-scale forces from all over the world. As for the good people who came to watch, there were even more numerous.

Probably, only a majestic city like Leixiao Holy City can accommodate so many monks at the same time.

Soon, Ling Feng saw several other different sky patrol flags.

The one with the flame pattern as the base is naturally the Xuntian Fire Clan, the hurricane pattern is the Xantian Wind Group, and the one with a high mountain as the base is obviously the Xuantian Mountain Clan.

The airships operated by these tribes rushed into the Holy City with a "whoosh", but the Yinxian Zun was not too hasty or slow, although his spirit boat was definitely faster than the airships of these five Sky Patrol tribes. , but his temperament has always been neither slow nor slow, neither warm nor hot, and he is happy to move forward slowly.

Moreover, this comparison is not about the speed of the spaceship, but about the sophistication of people.

They are all powerful forces from the Immortal Court, so naturally they should be allowed to enter the city first.

Soon, another airship caught up from behind. The flag flying on this airship only had the word "Yu". The genius on this airship was the most mysterious fifth Immortal Emperor. The power of Yu Xianting under his command.

With a "whoosh", the airship overtook the spirit boat that received the Immortal Lord, and soon passed to the side of the Xuantian Mountain Clan. Then with another "whoosh", it suddenly accelerated, throwing the Xuantianshan Clan behind.

As the former overlord of the south, all the humiliation of the Xuntian Mountain Clan was brought by Dayu Immortal Court.

Faced with this completely provocative move, the disciples of the Xantian Mountain Clan were all filled with indignation.

One of them, a burly young man wearing heavy armor, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "My lord, what are you waiting for? Speed ​​up!"

The worshiper didn't seem to be too old. He was obviously not as senior as Jieyinxian Zun, but his aura was powerful and steady, not inferior to that of a veteran powerhouse like Jieyinxian Zun.

To be able to become the leader of the Xantian Mountain Clan, one’s strength should not be underestimated.

"No need to engage in temporary disputes!"

The worshiper took a deep breath, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, but he gritted his teeth and endured it. He reached out and patted the man in armor, and said calmly: "The more arrogant they become, the more we will compete in the Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings." Go ahead and crush their pride!"

The conflict entering the city was just a small interlude. After all the angel patrols entered the city, the Immortal Master took his time and controlled the spirit boat to fly towards the barrier formation of Leixiao Holy City.

The disciples of Xuntian Lei Clan quickly cooperated to open the magic circle and directly set up a ladder to guide everyone into the city.

Before entering the city, it was natural to put away the spirit boat.

Soon, everyone passed through a long and narrow lane, and then passed through the city wall of Lei Xiao Holy City. The length of this lane actually reached an astonishing approximately one hundred feet!

In other words, the intercity wall guarding Lei Xiao Holy City is hundreds of feet thick!

A full one hundred feet!

Moreover, they are all polished and piled with special ores, and then reinforced with magic circles.

No wonder this majestic city is called the most impregnable fortress in the Immortal Realm.

After passing through the alleyway, disciples from the Xuntian Lei Clan came to greet him personally.

Only super-class forces like Tianzhi are qualified to be welcomed by the Xuntian Lei Clan and taken to live in a specially arranged other courtyard.

As for other forces, they can only find a place to live in the city.

The inns in the city have been booked early in advance. If you arrive late or fail to reserve a room, no matter how powerful you are, you still have to set up a tent and sleep in the wild.

This also reflects the importance of having a backer.

If Ling Feng had not been able to get Xiao Xianling's seal, break into the Immortal Realm alone, and practice hard by himself, how could he have been as smooth as he is today.

"It turns out to be Tianzhi's senior receptionist! Some people are welcome from afar, and some are welcomed from afar."

From a distance, I saw a young man wearing a light blue gown with a thunder pattern tattooed on the left side of his chest. He clasped his hands and walked quickly towards Jieyin Xianzun.

Jie Yinxian Zun was already a famous and powerful person thousands of years ago.

"Junior Zhuo Junjie, I've seen senior Jingyin!"

When he got closer, the young man from the Xuntian Lei Clan bowed to Jieyin Immortal Lord again, his attitude seemed respectful and sincere, and not at all arrogant.

"A hundred years ago at the Tianluo Festival, little friend Zhuo defeated countless geniuses with his lightning-fast sword. I am deeply impressed by this, and I will never forget it to this day!"

"Senior is over-reputed, but he is a hero who has never grown old!"

After a period of business chaos between the two parties, Zhuo Junjie met the six masters one by one. As for the Jiuyao level, he was not even an ordinary disciple of Jiuyao, so he naturally ignored them.

Very realistic, but also very normal.

Respecting the strong is the eternal law of this world.

Respect must be earned through strength.

Not long after, under the leadership of Na Zhuo Junjie and several other disciples of the Xuntian Lei Clan, the group came to a manor called Haoxing Villa, which was specially arranged for the elders and disciples of Tianzhi to stay temporarily. The place.

As for the other disciples from the Xantian Ice Tribe, the Fire Tribe and other super-powerful forces, they were also arranged in nearby annexes.

The grand gathering of the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking will officially start tomorrow. Disciples from all forces should have a good rest today after a long journey.

"Fellow brothers, have a good rest here. If you need anything, just ask our disciples."

Zhuo Junjie smiled and raised his fists to the many disciples in the sky, and said: "Of course, if you are interested, you can also walk around in the city. Now the city is very lively, and all forces are gathered here. Luck If it’s good, you might be able to pick it up from a street vendor.”

"Thank you, Senior Brother Zhuo, for reminding me, I have exactly what I mean!"

Among the six emperors, Ao Tianxin, the most talkative Dragon Immortal Lord, smiled and saluted Zhuo Junjie, "I wonder if Senior Brother Zhuo can personally lead the way?"

"Sorry, I have other things to do, so I can't accompany you."

Zhuo Junjie shook his head and smiled, bowed his hands to everyone in the courtyard, and then turned and left.

This person acts calmly and seasonedly, and it seems that his status among the Xuntian Lei Clan should not be low.

As expected, there are as many strong men as clouds!

Ling Feng took a deep breath. After entering Lei Xiao Holy City, he could sense the presence of the powerful Immortal Lord within a few steps.

There are really as many Immortal Lords as dogs. Immortal Lords are everywhere. Probably only the powerful Immortal Emperors are relatively rare.

As soon as Zhuo Junjie left, Yulong Immortal Lord immediately rushed to the Immortal Master Jie Yin and said: "Immortal Lord, can we move freely?"

Jieyin Xianzun narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I won't bother with my old bones. As for you young people, you can go shopping wherever you want. Just remember to come back before midnight. Tomorrow morning , I want to meet the Immortal Emperor Yi Ting!"


Ao Tianxin was immediately happy. After receiving the consent of the Immortal Lord Jie Yin, he immediately walked up to Su Liuli and said, "Sister Liuli, I heard that there is a kind of fine powder in Tianxiang Pavilion in Leixiao Holy City, which is available elsewhere. If you can’t buy it, let’s go and have a look.”


Su Liuli smiled and nodded. No wonder the two people seemed to have a close relationship. It turned out that they both had the same "hobbies".

It's just that Su Liuli is a woman and she just likes to dress up, but Ao Tianxin is a grown man!

Ling Feng couldn't help but couldn't help but laugh or cry for a while. The smearing of makeup and makeup on a grown man was really annoying...

No wonder this guy was called a sissy by Wang Teng, and his face was too fair to be fair.

But this is also the interest of others, so Ling Feng will naturally not be troublesome and ask for trouble.

Because there is already a big trouble around him.

Before Ling Feng could make a decision, Xiao Xianling had already grabbed his arm, "You brat, let's go eat something delicious!"

Foodie, what a foodie!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, but he couldn't defeat Xiao Xianling and could only be pulled out of the garden by her.

As for Si Chen, of course she will be wherever Ling Feng is.

Such a strange scene made the other six emperors and nine heroes look at each other in shock.

Didn't it mean that these two female disciples were here to serve and welcome the Immortal Lord? Why were they all following Ling Feng?

Could it be that there is something special about this boy, that he is more noble than the Six Imperial Capitals?

Ling Feng didn't know that because of Si Chen, his originally low-key self had been noticed by those senior brothers with six imperial powers and nine radiances.

At this moment, under the pull of Xiao Xianling, he was looking for delicious food on the streets.

Smelling the aroma, he dragged Ling Feng into a restaurant.

"smell good!"

Xiao Xianling touched her belly, and the glutton inside had already attacked.

And while Xiao Xianling was looking at the dazzling array of colors, Ling Feng's eyes were attracted by the men and women in the corner.

Because he actually knew one of them.

Surprisingly, it was the saint of Cihang Jingzhai whom I met that day at Wanjian Villa, Yu Shiwei!

It seems that she should represent Cihang Jingzhai and participate in this Qijue Immortal Ranking.

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