Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3565 One-sided beating!

The sun is setting to the west, but this Holy City of Lei Xiao, which has an extremely long history, is still noisy and lively, even more so in the daytime.

The night market in Leixiao Holy City is also world-famous. As for the Chamber of Commerce in the entire Immortal Realm and the Lower Realm Tianmeng, they also have a foothold in Leixiao Holy City.

Tianmeng's most profitable auction house business is also booming here.

But at this moment, Ling Feng had no intention of paying attention to these. He was just feeling a little emotional when he saw the building of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce on his way.

Under the leadership of Fang Shaoan from the Kunwu Immortal Sect, even though they were traveling as fast as they could, it still took them about half an hour, but they were still within the east of the city.

You know, even if flying is prohibited in the city, with the footsteps of a powerful immortal, almost every breath is thousands of feet away. For nearly half an hour, it is still only within the east area of ​​the city. This is almost as much as hundreds of imperial cities in the lower realm plus The total area up.


Fang Shaoan was panting like an ox and finally stopped in front of an inn.

Xiao Xianling looked at the inn in front of her and couldn't help but ask: "Hey, you brought us here and you didn't explain clearly what you wanted to do?"

Ling Feng also looked at Fang Shaoan. This guy had only been crying and begging him for help before, but he didn't explain clearly what the reason was.

However, Ling Feng came with him without saying anything out of trust in him.

Xiao Xianling was originally unwilling, but Ling Feng agreed, so she had no choice but to follow along while complaining.

As for Si Chen, he seems to be more accustomed to following Ling Feng secretly.

At this moment, in a small alley next to the inn, a woman who looked young walked up quickly and said, "Elder brother, have you really brought the master of Tianzhi?"

The woman was wearing a light pink dress with a bow hair accessory on her head. She looked quite cute and cute. However, there was a deep slap mark and red mark on her right cheek. Covers almost the entire right half of the cheek.

A pair of big eyes as bright as gems, and slightly red. It was obvious that he had cried before.

The woman looked at Ling Feng and said timidly: "Is...that's him? He looks so young!"

There was a bit of doubt in his tone.

Fang Shaoan nodded repeatedly, "Yes, little junior sister, he is the Young Master Ling I mentioned."

Immediately afterwards, three more figures came over, one old and two young, plus Fang Shaoan and his junior sister, there were only five people in total.

Among the five people, the junior sister was okay and only received a slap, but the other two, including Fang Shaoan, all had bruises and swollen faces, and their clothes were in rags. They had obviously suffered a lot.

With the support of two disciples, the old man limped slowly and walked up to Ling Feng. After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "Shaoan, I told you not to trouble others, but you insist on doing so." Go, you think we are not embarrassed enough!"

Obviously, the old man had discovered that Ling Feng was only in the Dao Yan realm, and his cultivation level was inferior to that of an old man like him. Why did he come here to stand up for them?

Just don't get beaten into a pig's head.

The two senior brothers next to him also let out a long sigh, and the fatter senior brother on the left slapped his forehead with a look of despair, "Oh my god, I actually had the slightest hope for you, junior brother Fang, forget it." , That’s it, Master, let’s go, lest we get beaten again.”

Fang Shaoan quickly stopped the fat senior brother, "Senior brother, you believe me, Ling Shao is really strong, and he is a disciple of Tianzhi, he can definitely help us."

"Forget it."

The fat senior brother looked frustrated, "Where is Tianzhi that we can climb up to? What's more, it is the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking convened by Xuntian Lei Emperor. Tianzhi can send a disciple who is not even in the Dao Fruit Realm. Are you going to come and join the Qijue Immortal Ranking? Can you think about it carefully and believe what others say?"

"Hey, what do you mean!"

Hearing that this fat senior brother actually said such words, Xiao Xianling on the side was not happy and grabbed Ling Feng's arm, "You brat, why are you still standing there? People look down on us and we are still here. Let’s make fun of others!”

"Don't! Don't!"

Fang Shaoan finally got up to be the savior. How could he let Ling Feng leave like this? He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and almost knelt down to Ling Feng again.

"Miss Xiao, please don't leave. Master, senior brother, this Young Master Ling has had head-to-head confrontations with the saint sons of the Xuntian Fire Clan before, and he has never fallen behind!"

He was busy trying to persuade his senior brothers and appease Xiao Xianling at the same time.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, saying calmly: "Don't worry, I'm here to help you solve the problem."

After a pause, he continued: "Now we can tell you what the situation is."

Seeing Ling Feng's calm appearance, and hearing Fang Shaoan say that Ling Feng could actually confront the Holy Son of the Xuntian Fire Tribe head-on, the fat senior brother's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and he hurriedly He raised his hand and patted his fat face, "Sorry, sorry, I just looked down on others, and I was also beaten stupidly..."

He slapped himself lightly a few times, but it seemed to have affected the injuries on his body. He suddenly grinned and screamed in pain.

The old man also looked at Ling Feng carefully. After hesitating for a moment, he sighed softly and said slowly: "Young friend, are you really willing to help us?"

The Kunwu Immortal Sect is just a second-rate force in the Xunfeng Heavenly Territory, that is, in the Immortal Territory controlled by the Xantianfeng Clan.

And among the second-rate forces, they can only be regarded as the lowest.

In fact, even though they had five people in total, they were already very shabby, but Fang Shaoan was the only one who could participate in the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking.

In order to participate in this grand event, the five of them, masters and apprentices, set off a year in advance and booked rooms at this inn early. However, they were staying well, but just a few hours ago, they were... A group of vicious masters were driven out.

The master and the disciples were unwilling to do so, and when they were about to reason, they were beaten up. In public, they were slapped in the face, and the master and the disciples were fooled.

Fang Shaoan had gone out to purchase some food and spiritual talismans. When he came back, he saw his master and fellow apprentices being beaten so severely. He wanted to argue with them, but they were also ruthlessly repaired.

Originally, the master and apprentice were about to leave in despair, but Fang Shaoan couldn't swallow this breath and asked them to wait for him here while he went to move reinforcements.

Later, when Ling Feng returned to Bieyuan, he saw Fang Shaoan asking for help in front of the door.

After hearing this, Ling Feng frowned immediately, "If something like this happens in the city, don't the guards patrolling the city care about it?"

"You brat, you are so stupid!"

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes, "Didn't you listen to what Zhuo Junjie said before? Fighting is prohibited in the city, but their situation is not a fight, it is a one-sided beating!"


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. What she said made sense, but he couldn't refute it at all.

Fang Shaoan suddenly blushed. Indeed, in this situation, they were simply being brutalized one-sidedly.

What's more, the Holy City of Leixiao is so big that conflicts will occur every minute and every second. Those patrolling the city will only take care of some fights with a relatively high impact, and they must also consider the background and strength of the opponent.

As for Fang Shaoan and the others, they have no background and no strength. Who will take care of them when they have nothing to do?

The so-called rules are just rules to protect those who are qualified to be protected.

Those small sects and small families that have no background power are just like ants. If you are in a good mood, you can take care of them. If you are in a bad mood, who will care about your life and death?

In the final analysis, there is only one most fundamental law in the fairyland world, and that is the law of the jungle.


Hearing Xiao Xianling's ruthless ridicule, Fang Shaoan's master couldn't stand it anymore.

"That's all. I'm very grateful that my little friend can come, but let's forget about it."

Sect leader Kunwu shook his head and sighed, "You must admit that if you stand firm after being beaten, your strength is not as good as others. My little friend can help us once, can you continue to help us?"


Fang Shaoan clenched his fist tightly. Although he was unwilling to do so, his master's words were indeed correct.

Even if Ling Feng helps them out this time, what about the second and third time?

Now Lei Xiao Holy City is overcrowded, and many first-rate forces cannot find a place to live, and their small Kunwu Immortal Sect will naturally be targeted by those large clans.

Just when Fang Shaoan gritted his teeth and sighed, ready to give up, a few disciples wearing light cyan gowns walked out of the inn. When they saw Fang Shaoan's master and disciples, they immediately laughed ferociously.

"Hey, it's you guys, haven't you left yet? Why, you're addicted to being beaten, and you want us to loosen your bones again?"

One of the men with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked directly at the little junior sister, and laughed strangely, "Elder brother really doesn't know how to show mercy to such a beautiful girl. Little sister, if you... If you really don’t have a place to live, brother, I’ll give up half of my bed!”


The little junior sister was so angry that she blushed and glared at the man in green shirt angrily, "Rogue!"

"Hey, how do you know my name is Liu Mang? Do you have a crush on me?"

Liu Mang rubbed his hands excitedly and was about to step forward to tease his junior sister when Xiao Xianling walked out from behind Ling Feng.

"Young master, you are so partial. Why did you only give her half of the bed but not me?"

A hint of coquettishness appeared on Xiao Xianling's face, which made Liu Mang's mouth water. He nodded repeatedly and said: "Let, let! I'll let you all go!"

He gulped and compared with Xiao Xianling, that junior sister could only be considered as "Xiao He's sharp horns" at best.

"Then you have to keep your word."

Xiao Xianling walked up to Liu Mang with a smile. Suddenly, too late or too soon, she saw a cold look in her eyes, a fierce kick with her right leg, green light flashed, and Gang Qi burst out.

He actually directly used the power of the wind law!

Immediately afterwards, Liu Mang was seen covering his lower body with both hands and letting out an extremely sharp scream. He first stared at the sky, and then fell heavily to the ground, rolling around in pain.

If he hits his fate without any precautions, he will probably be ruined for the rest of his life.

"Hmph, the one I hate the most is scum like you!"

Xiao Xianling snorted coldly, then turned around and walked away, walking directly in front of Ling Feng, not forgetting to cast a provocative look at him.

Ling Feng's crotch also tightened. This little girl was really ruthless!

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