Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3566 Could it be that you are the Sword Master?


Liu Mang was kicked in the face by Xiao Xianling, and his fellow disciples who came out with him immediately became tense, staring at Xiao Xianling fiercely, and surrounded Ling Feng and the five masters and apprentices of Kunwu Xianzong.

Ling Feng felt a little helpless, and now he had to intervene.

But what is certain is that Liu Mang and his fellow disciples are neither disciples of the Xuntian Clan nor disciples of Dayu Xianting.

According to Yufeng Xianjun, there are seven super first-class forces in the entire fairyland. In addition to the Tianzhi and the five Xuntian Clan, there is Dayu Xianting, which replaced the Xuntian Mountain Clan.

As soon as these super first-class forces enter the Leixiao Holy City, disciples of the Xuntian Lei Clan will specially welcome them and take them to live in the specially arranged villas, where the environment is quiet and the scenery is pleasant. There is no need to compete with other clans and factions for the location of the inn.

Ling Feng was only afraid of the disciples of these super first-class forces.

Soon, more and more monks in light green uniforms came out of the inn, and soon there were more than ten people.

These people all had fierce faces. Seeing Liu Mang rolling on the ground with his hands covering his lower body, they knew what happened without asking.

"How dare you hurt my Qingyuan Sword Sect disciples!"

The leader was a thin man with a thin face, exuding a sharp sword aura, showing his extraordinary sword skills.

Ling Feng had never heard of the name Qingyuan Sword Sect, and it was obviously not a sect from the Godly Heaven Realm.

Suddenly, the thin man's eyes condensed, and when he saw the five people from Kunwu Xianzong, he immediately showed a trace of impatience on his face, "Are you a few bastards who don't know how to live or die again? Don't you think you were beaten enough just now?"

When the little sister saw this thin man, her whole body trembled immediately.

Obviously, the guy who left a deep slap mark on her face before was this man.

"Don't go too far!" Fang Shaoan gritted his teeth and stood up to protect his junior sister and senior brothers. He clenched his fists and said hatefully: "This is not Qingyuan Sword Sect, this is Leixiao Holy City!" "If this is not Leixiao Holy City, do you think you can still stand here?" The thin man sneered, "Whoever made the move, stand up. If you break one of your arms, I will not pursue the matter." "I made the move! How about it?" Xiao Xianling is not the one who will be bullied. As the granddaughter of Jieyin Immortal Venerable, among the Tianzhi, whether it is a disciple or an elder, they are all polite and caring to her. In addition, because she lost her parents at a young age, Jieyin Immortal Venerable doted on her, which cultivated her bad temper despite her low cultivation. However, she has countless magic weapons and life-saving trump cards one after another, so so far, she has basically not suffered any big losses. "A mere Talisman Realm?"

The thin man glanced at Xiao Xianling coldly and sneered, "Junior Brother Liu is really in trouble. He actually fell into your hands."

He put his hands behind his back and stared at Xiao Xianling with a sneer, "Stinky girl, since you did it, then you should cripple one of your arms. What I said still counts!"

"If you want to cripple my arm, do it yourself if you have the guts!"

Xiao Xianling put her hands on her hips, looking like she didn't know how to live or die.

With Ling Feng by her side, she was not panicked at all. Moreover, although she was only in the Talisman Realm, she had all kinds of magic weapons. If she really started fighting, even if she couldn't get an advantage, she would definitely not suffer a loss.

"Hmph, you're looking for death!"

The thin man's eyes condensed, and the rolling sword pressure swept over, and he also opened his own Qingyuan Sword Domain.

At the moment when the endless and terrifying pressure like a tide was about to cover Xiao Xianling, Ling Feng also opened his killing sword domain at the same time.

Moreover, in that split second, the Killing Sword Domain directly shattered the Qingyuan Sword Domain, and with its overwhelming force, it almost choked the Qingyuan Sword Sect disciples.

The thin man's face changed, and he realized that he had hit a wall.


Xiao Xianling looked very proud, and when she saw the Qingyuan Sword Sect disciples' faces were all livid, she immediately patted Ling Feng's arm with a smile, "You little bastard, you did a great job!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at him, without saying much, but stepped forward, walked in front of the thin man, and said calmly: "This Fang Shaoan, Brother Fang, is my friend. I hope you can give me Tianzhi a face and don't kill him."

"Tian... Tianzhi?!"

The thin man's heart "clicked", no wonder this kid, who was only in the Daoyan realm, but his sword domain was so terrifying.

"So you are Tianzhi's disciple, I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." As the saying goes, a person's reputation is like a tree's shadow, and the word Tianzhi is so important that it cannot be described in words. As a disciple of Tianzhi, he is superior to others. Even if Ling Feng is only an outer disciple now, and his strength is at the level of mana, as long as he has the protection of Tianzhi, these people will never dare to do too much. What's more, the strength shown by Ling Feng now is completely overwhelming. "I didn't know that Mr. Fang was your friend, I'm really sorry." The thin man's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he turned around and ordered the other junior brothers: "Why don't you go and clean up the guest room for Brother Fang, go quickly!"

With just one word from Ling Feng, Fang Shaoan immediately changed from a careless bastard to Mr. Fang and Brother Fang. This change in attitude was quite rapid.

The other disciples of the Qingyuan Sword Sect rushed into the inn in a hurry. In the Immortal Realm, no one knew the name of Tianzhi. They were just a very ordinary first-class force in the Xunfeng Tianyu. In Tianzhi like this In front of the behemoth, they are not even ants.

"My dear Li Qingyan, I have just lost sight of Mount Tai. I have offended you and this young lady. I really deserve death."

Li Qingyan raised his hand and slapped himself in the face with two big mouths. He didn't spare any force at all, and the two deep slap marks were clearly visible. He was so cruel that he even hit himself.

He was so arrogant and tyrannical just now, but now he is so cowardly. He fully demonstrated what it means to be "a hero who knows the current affairs", so much so that Ling Feng didn't know how to pursue this guy.

"Forget it, it's just a misunderstanding."

Ling Feng was not unreasonable. This world was dominated by the weak and the strong. If he hadn't happened to know Fang Shaoan, he might not have done this to them.

"Thank you for your magnanimity, thank you very much!"

After a while, the disciples of the Qingyuan Sword Sect packed up their soft packages and walked out of the inn dejectedly.

Li Qingyan directly handed over the keys and door numbers of the guest room to Fang Shaoan, and said with an apologetic expression: "Brother Fang, I'm very sorry for causing you a lot of trouble just now. I have already paid in advance for the next month." The fee will be used as an apology to you guys.”

Li Qingyan said, and apologized to Fang Shaoan, several other disciples of the Kunwu Immortal Sect, and the Kunwu Sect leader one by one.

Ling Feng couldn't help but be a little surprised by being so flexible and flexible. This guy will definitely be the number one figure in the future!

Fang Shaoan looked at Li Qingyan blankly, holding the house key in his hand, dumbfounded.

I thought there would be at least a fierce battle, but Ling Feng just said the word "Tianzhi" and the other party gave in.

The name of Tianzhi really works!

How great it would be if I could be lucky enough to become a disciple of Tianzhi!

Of course, what he didn't know was that the reason why Li Qingyan immediately gave in was because the killing sword domain displayed by Ling Feng instantly shattered the Qingyuan Sword Domain that overwhelmed him, directly shattering his confidence and pride.

As a strong swordsman, how could he still be able to stand up to someone who was directly crushing him in what he was best at?

After Li Qingyan led a group of disciples to apologize to the Kunwu Immortal Sect, he walked to Ling Feng in despair.

Li Qingyan bowed to Ling Feng again, and then said slowly: "Your Excellency, I have heard that there are six emperors and nine radiances in Tianzhi. The sword domain that you just used is so fierce and domineering. Could it be that you are the six emperors?" The sword-wielding immortal among them?"


When Xiao Xianling next to her heard this, she couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Wow, brat, he thought you were Yu Jian! Haha, it's so funny!"

She burst into laughter and almost couldn't straighten her waist.

Ling Feng was secretly amused. No wonder Li Qingyan gave in so quickly. It turned out that he thought he was a sword-wielding immortal.

"I am not Senior Brother Yu Jian."

Ling Feng shook his head slightly, "However, Senior Brother Yujian is also here. If you want to see him, I can introduce him to you."

"No... no need."

Li Qingyan was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. It wasn't that Yujian Xianjun's swordsmanship was so exaggerated, but how strong would he be if he was Yujian?

He took a deep breath and said, "I... take my leave."

After that, he waved to the other disciples and prepared to turn around and leave.

At this moment, the Kunwu Sect Master walked out quickly and stopped in front of Li Qingyan.

Li Qingyan frowned slightly. He had already humbled himself so much. Could it be that this old guy still refused to settle the matter?

Unexpectedly, Sect Master Kunwu snatched the house number from Fang Shaoan's hand and returned all the house numbers to Li Qingyan except for the two rooms he had previously owned. "We have a few masters and disciples, and two rooms are enough." , one code comes to another, we masters and disciples are not people who like to take advantage of us, I hope Li Shaoxia will take back these."


Li Qingyan's expression changed slightly and he looked back at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng nodded and smiled. After all, the master of Kunwu Sect has matured with age. He knows how to save favors so that we can meet each other easily in the future. In doing so, he will not offend the Qingyuan Sword Sect, but also regain his own face. This old man After all, I have not lived this age in vain.

"This is actually the old sect leader's intention. Brother Li, just accept it."

Although this Li Qingyan is not a good person, he is very kind and may be able to help him in the future.

If you want to break the structure of the fairyland world led by the five Xuantian clans, relying on your own strength alone is not enough.

He must find a way to establish a force of his own, and Li Qingyan, currently, is a candidate that can be considered.

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