Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3567 Broken Immortal Emperor!

A conflict was resolved invisibly. It was the so-called subduing the enemy without fighting. It was the first time for Ling Feng to experience the great benefits that being a disciple of Tianzhi brought to him.

Of course, the benefits are far more than this, just because Ling Feng has spent most of his time practicing within Tianzhi since he was promoted to the Immortal Realm, and did not have time to go out to experience.

Otherwise, he would naturally have a deeper understanding of the weight of the word "Heaven's Zhi".

After resolving the conflict between Kunwu Immortal Sect and Qingyuan Sword Sect, and allowing both sides to turn enemies into friends, the old master of Kunwu Immortal Sect was extremely grateful to Ling Feng.

The little junior sister and the fat senior brother looked at Ling Feng with admiration. Likewise, they did not expect that Fang Shaoan could actually meet such a noble person as Ling Feng.

It's just good things that lead to good results. If Fang Shaoan hadn't acted righteously before and stood up for the two sisters Yu Shiwei of Cihang Jingzhai, Ling Feng probably wouldn't have anything to do with Fang Shaoan.

It won't be like this anymore.

In order to thank Ling Feng, the old sect leader even invited Ling Feng to stay for a meal before leaving. He also invited those from the Qingyuan Sword Sect.

In terms of human relations, this little old man really has nothing to say, and this meal served as a warning to the people of Qingyuan Sword Sect to a certain extent, letting the people of Qingyuan Sword Sect know about their relationship with Ling Feng They were quite close. If they dared to turn against each other as soon as Ling Feng left, they would be in big trouble.

In addition, it is said that people are soft-handed and cannibalistic. Since you have eaten their food, you can't settle the score with your future wife.

Ling Feng also saw through but didn't tell the truth. Since he helped them, he might as well be a good person and do it to the end.

On the other hand, Ling Feng also felt that he and Fang Shaoan seemed to have some fate. Maybe after this Qijue Immortal List, there would be a chance to meet again in the future.

Xiao Xianling naturally wouldn't refuse when she heard there was something to eat. After a banquet, it was already almost midnight by the time Ling Feng and the two returned to the garden.

I have to sigh, this Leixiao Holy City is really ridiculously big, and the more late at night, the more lively and prosperous it becomes, it is simply a city that never sleeps.

After returning to his residence, Ling Feng first carefully set up a three-layer barrier in his room, which could not only resist the invasion of outsiders, but also block out all sounds and spiritual induction.

After doing all this, Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, but still did not rush to use the East Emperor Bell to teleport to Yanlong Island or the Holy Land of the Yinyue Demon Fox Clan, Lingquan to practice.

This place is not as good as inside Tianzhi, so be careful in everything.

He took a deep breath, sat cross-legged on a cushion, and began to meditate on the "Great Killing Technique" that Jie Yinxian Zun had taught him before.

After arriving at Leixiao Holy City, Ling Feng discovered that there were so many powerful and terrifying beings in the Immortal Lord Realm alone.

These monsters are all comparable to or even surpass the Six Yus.

And that Cao Yan is one of them.

When he remembered that his grandfather was captured by that Cao Yan, Ling Feng really wanted to rush forward and kidnap that Cao Yan, and then use the method of memory reading to forcibly plunder his memory to see how these Xuntian Fire Clan treated him. grandfather.

But he knew better that this was the territory of the Xuntian Thunder Clan.

Once he makes any rash move, he will face irreversible consequences.

Once he dies, then the Tiandao clan will have no hope at all.

He has too much to carry, so he must be more careful and think before he acts.

Otherwise, your life will be wasted.

At present, it seems that the one that can quickly improve one's strength in a short period of time is not "Original Creation", nor "Breaking Path Soul Forging Technique", nor "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique".

But this "Great Killing Technique"!

Ling Feng had never practiced such a strange technique before. The deeper he practiced, he felt like he was possessed and couldn't stop at all.

Moreover, whether it is cultivation, spiritual consciousness or even the power of qi and blood, there is an extremely terrifying increase.

The reason why Ling Feng could compete with Cao Wuxie during the day was precisely because of this great killing technique. Otherwise, without being able to use the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, he would encounter those top The powerful Immortal Lord will definitely suffer a big loss.

At this moment, he was practicing the mass killing technique so crazily, not because he hoped to be famous on the Seven Ultimate Immortal List, but because he hoped to have a chance to catch Cao Yan who was alone.

After all, no matter how strong Cao Yan is, he is still at the level of an Immortal Lord, and has not yet reached a level that he cannot touch at all.

As long as his strength reaches the Six Imperial Level, he will have a chance to catch Cao Yan.

The premise is to wait for an opportunity for Cao Yan to stand alone.

If you catch him, you can learn about grandpa.

This is very important to Ling Feng.

Ling Hanyang did too many things for him, but Ling Feng didn't even call him grandpa properly.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, and even had the urge to rush out to find Cao Yan immediately.

But soon, he restrained himself, took several deep breaths, and put aside all distracting thoughts.

After a while, he sank into a state of emptiness, with a faint murderous aura flowing around his body. Unconsciously, the killing sword domain was naturally opened, and the essence of the sword domain was also slowly transforming.

From the pure sword domain, it will begin to merge with its own spiritual domain, and eventually, it will transform into a more powerful killing domain.

One night passed quietly.

Early the next morning, outside the Bieyuan, or rather the entire Lei Xiao Holy City, was immersed in a commotion of gongs and drums.

The Seven Ultimate Immortals List is about to be officially opened. Whether it is the geniuses who represent the major sects or families, or the monks who have traveled thousands of miles to watch the ceremony, they are all excited and waiting for this event. The grand event was officially held.

Ling Feng is naturally no exception.

However, compared to others, Ling Feng kept telling himself.

Keep a low profile, be low-key.

Remember that you are just here to make a killing, and you will not take action if you can.

I heard that this time not only Immortal Emperor Yi Ting of the Thunder Clan who patrols the sky will host the grand event, but Empress Qingluo of the Wind Clan who patrols the sky will also come to the Holy City of Lei Xiao in person.

In other words, two of the five Immortal Emperors will attend.

They are all Broken Immortal Emperors!

If these big guys took one more look at themselves, wouldn't they see through all the eighteen generations of his ancestors?

For a strong man of this level, Po Meng's restraint is obviously unreliable. The only layer of protection is the seal left by the demon queen Keweili.

However, it is best not to use this layer of protection.

Otherwise, I will definitely be in bad luck, oh no, I should be dead!

Early in the morning, all the Tianzhi disciples gathered together. After the Immortal Master summoned everyone to explain some things, Zhuo Junjie from the Xuntian Lei Clan came in person and led everyone into the Leixiao Palace.

The only ones who have the honor to enter the palace to meet Immortal Emperor Yi Ting are these disciples who were born in the seven super first-rate forces.

As for other first-rate and second-rate forces, they can only wait in the Qijue Hall outside the imperial city.

"Senior, I'm here to disturb you again!"

Zhuo Junjie still looked like a modest and courteous gentleman. After saluting the six emperors one by one with fists in his hands, Zhuo Junjie explained his intention.

Jie Yinxian Zun laughed, and without further chatter, he led a group of disciples and followed Zhuo Junjie to the palace.

Although Ling Feng was somewhat reluctant to go to Lei Xiao Palace, for others, it might be a dreamy place, but for Ling Feng, it was like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

But at this time, it's best to follow the crowd. The more unique you are, the easier it is to attract others' attention.

Not long after, the group arrived at the main entrance of the palace, and the other five Xantian clans and disciples from the Great Yu Immortal Courtyard also arrived one after another.

Ling Feng soon saw many familiar faces.

Those who have a friendly relationship with each other, such as Yan Jinghong, the Lan family siblings, and others like Cao Yan and Cao Wuxie, who are very unhappy with him.

Especially Cao Wuxie, who seemed to have been severely beaten after returning yesterday, with a bandage wrapped around his forehead. When he left yesterday, he obviously did not suffer these injuries.

Judging from Cao Wuxie's fierce and ferocious eyes, he should bear this debt on himself.

A typical example of bullying the weak and fearing the strong!

Ling Feng felt helpless and could only ignore Cao Wuxie's gaze and enter the imperial city with the senior brothers in front.

About half a quarter of an hour later, everyone entered a magnificent hall.

The main hall hangs high in the sky, with golden dragons surrounding the pillars and colorful phoenixes flying together. It is full of dazzling flowers and row upon row. It is like a fairy palace in the sky.

"Senior, please take a seat!"

Zhuo Junjie led the Tianzhi disciples and sat down at the last seat on the right side of the hall.

Tianzhi has always been independent of the world, so it is not surprising that he ranks last among the seven major forces.

Jie Yinxian Zun smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

As for the seats in front, they belong to the five Xantian clans and the Great Yu Immortal Court.

As for the first seat on the lower right, it is reasonable to say that the Xantian Fire Clan or the Xantian Ice Clan should be seated together. However, because of the visit of Empress Qingluo this time, the Xantian Wind Clan was ranked first on the lower right.

After Tianzhi and all the other tribes sat down at the table, a sound of phoenixes suddenly sounded outside the hall.

But it turned out that in the square outside the main hall, behind a nine-color phoenix, more than twenty figures slowly descended, and the leader was none other than Empress Qingluo.

In principle, after entering Leixiao Holy City, all monks are prohibited from flying or using any flying magic weapons, spiritual beasts, etc.

However, there is a group of people who do not follow this rule.

That is the Broken Immortal Emperor!

As long as they are promoted to Broken Immortal Emperor, all laws in this world can no longer restrain them.

Empress Qingluo is one of them.

All eyes were instantly attracted to the empress wearing a colorful phoenix robe.

Ling Feng is no exception.

However, because in the fog of war on the top of the God of War Mountain, Ling Feng had seen some afterimages left over from the ancient demon wars, and among those foggy afterimages, Empress Qingluo was just following. She was just a slightly green girl beside Ling Taixu.

Now, millions of years later, the empress is no longer the young woman she once was, but her appearance seems as if time has solidified on her body.

Still indescribably beautiful!

Ling Feng just glanced briefly and quickly withdrew his gaze, trying to stay calm.

He has already experienced from Shui Changyin that these powerful men who have reached the ultimate level of strength can even lock on to their own heartbeats in an instant, thereby judging the other party's emotions, and thus revealing many things that they originally wanted to hide.

In other words, in the face of these powerful men with extraordinary strength and profound knowledge, every pore must be carefully controlled, and no nervousness or uneasiness can be exposed at all.

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