Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3585 Cutting through the air with one sword!

After a while, I saw the man "humchi humchi" taking off all the clothes on his upper body. He immediately turned around and saw that the man's back was indeed tattooed with some strange patterns.

"This is?"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he looked at the pattern. Many people around him were also staring at the man's back, but for a while no one could see any clues.

This is not the treasure map that Ling Feng imagined, nor is it a portrait or landscape pattern.

The overall look is very weird, but when you stare at the pattern, you feel as if there are countless pairs of eyes staring at you.

"This pattern is not a tattoo, but when I was exploring a secret realm, I accidentally entered a forest of pagodas. This pattern accidentally hit the pagoda, and it has been imprinted on my body since then, no matter how I use it. No method can remove it. Later, I was surprised to find that there is a very strange energy in this pattern. Although it cannot be mobilized at ordinary times, it will always burst out with a powerful force when it comes to life and death. "

After a pause, the man slowly said: "It is because of the energy in this pattern that I have escaped death several times. And this is also the biggest secret in my heart."

Ling Feng took a closer look at the pattern on the man's back, "So, what do you want to exchange with me? You can't let me peel off the skin from behind, right?"

"of course not."

The man quickly put on his robe, "However, I still remember the way to enter that dangerous place. If you can take me across the river, I can tell you the way to get there in private. I think, in that pagoda forest, There must be another mystery. I am not strong enough to explore the secret, but you may have a chance. "


Ling Feng nodded and smiled. It was just a mistake that left a pattern on his body, and it was able to save his life several times.

The pagoda in the tower forest must have hidden secrets.

I have made a profit from this business!

"Okay, I'll make a deal with you."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, then grabbed the man's shoulder and jumped directly across the Yan River.

After a while, the two reached the other side. The man patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Then he leaned close to Ling Feng and said in Ling Feng's ear: "That place is right there..."

The man muttered a lot in Ling Feng's ear, and finally took out a pen and paper to draw a sketch for Ling Feng.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Then there's no need to bother, but..."

Ling Feng paused, a flash of purple light flashed in his eyes, and said calmly: "Look into my eyes."

When the man heard this, he raised his eyes to meet Ling Feng's eyes like a ghost, and then lost consciousness.

When he came to his senses again, Ling Feng was nowhere to be seen.

But it turned out that Ling Feng had already used his memory reading ability to "see" everything he had experienced in the pagoda forest.

What map can be more intuitive than directly reading the memory?

With Ling Feng's current power of consciousness, coupled with the origin of his soul, he could completely crush the opponent. Therefore, even if the memory was read by Ling Feng, he had no idea.

And under Ling Feng's exquisite control, his soul did not suffer any trauma.


The man blinked and looked back, only to find that Ling Feng had returned to the other side.

"Tianzhi disciples are Tianzhi disciples, they are really awesome!"

The man sighed in admiration, then turned and left.

"Pagoda Forest?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. He finally got something valuable today.

After this Qi Jue Immortal List is over, you might as well go and find out.

Seeing Ling Feng's return, the monks became excited again, and each one began to seek breakthroughs from various tricky angles.

After the undressed man, Ling Feng took almost ten more people across the river, and they all got some novel things.

The most valuable thing among them is a fragment of the source weapon.

The Grand Avenue Source Artifact is a treasure that conquers the creation of heaven and earth. For example, the bronze gauntlet containing the power of the origin of thunder presented to Immortal Emperor Yi Ting by the Immortal Master Jie Yin on behalf of Tianzhi is the legendary Grand Avenue Origin Artifact.

Generally speaking, only those who have reached the Immortal Emperor level are qualified to master source weapons.

But that's not always the case.

Although ordinary monks have little chance to master the complete source weapon, some semi-finished products and imitations are still quite marketable at the level of Immortal Lord and Immortal Lord.

And the fragments of the source device that Ling Feng obtained could be said to be extremely mutilated.

It is almost the size of a thumb cap, and the energy contained in it is minimal.

If it hadn't contained the relatively rare source power of the space system, its value would have been almost negligible.

However, Ling Feng still made a deal with the monk.

Anyway, for him, crossing the Yan River was as simple as eating and drinking.

Then, Ling Feng led a few more people across the river. At this moment, he saw two figures, one behind the other, coming from behind the crowd at lightning speed.

One of them is standing on a five-clawed golden dragon, which is full of pomp and circumstance. It is none other than the Imperial Dragon Immortal Lord, Ao Tianxin!

He and Wang Teng finally arrived.

Although there were some detours in the process due to the use of the Death Talisman Seal, we finally arrived in time.

The two men were in tandem. Wang Teng looked a little embarrassed. There were some claw marks on his face and body, as if he had experienced a tragic battle.

But in the end it was nothing serious.

Ao Tianxin, on the other hand, followed Wang Teng without saying a word, looking unhappy and full of resentment on his face.

But it turned out that after Wang Teng returned from his trip, he couldn't hold his breath anymore, so he went to look for those big demons again. This time, he went after them one by one and killed them one by one before pursuing them again.

It is true that revenge does not last overnight. Wang Teng, the Sword Immortal Lord, is worthy of being called a "stick" by the Wind Immortal Lord.

As for the Dragon Immortal Lord, when he went back to find Wang Teng, he was involved in a battle with the big demon, so he was in the same embarrassment as Wang Teng.

Seeing that neither of them were in a good mood, Ling Feng didn't go up to ask for trouble.

But now that they are here, it's almost time for me to "close the stall".

I saw the two of them falling slowly from the sky, Wang Teng took the lead and strode to the bank of the Yan River.


A murderous aura flashed in Wang Teng's eyes, and then, a giant sword over a hundred feet long suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Duan Kong!——"

In an instant, the roar of dragons and tigers roared for nine days, and the giant sword turned into golden light, covering the sky and the sun.


The giant sword slashed in the air, and the world seemed to be split into two under this sword.

The giant sword actually stopped time and space, and the Yanhe River was split in two from the middle. The rolling magma and the dense black mist all stopped, and they were cut in half by Wang Teng's sword.

The interrupted part, the hot magma, quickly cooled down.

Wang Teng snorted lightly, took big steps, and walked directly through the middle.

Ao Tianxin snorted and followed closely.

Ling Feng's eyes widened, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Is this the true strength of the Sword Master?

With one sword, the space was stopped!

Swordsmanship, indeed, has no end. He has only initially touched the threshold of the Immortal Swordsmanship. There is still a world of difference between him and Wang Teng's realm.

"Come on!"

It is the predecessors who planted trees, and the descendants enjoy the shade.

Wang Teng's sword directly split Yanhe open, and the monks behind him followed him like crazy.

This is the only chance to cross the river for free.

Tens of thousands of people surged past like a torrent.

It's a pity that the pause in time and space only lasted for about thirty breaths. The magma on both sides of the bank was rolling again and was about to flood the fracture again. In the fracture, there were still thousands of people who failed to cross the river in time and were about to be destroyed by the magma. Devour directly.

Although these people have speeded up, I am afraid that hundreds of people will still suffer in the end.


Seeing that the lava was about to slap down, those people were scared to death, and what was even more terrifying was the Demonic Miasma of the Flame River.

Once attacked by the demonic miasma, they will immediately lose consciousness, and then they will have no choice but to wait for death.

And at this critical moment, a golden curtain suddenly shrouded down.

But it was Ling Feng who took action, and with one palm shot, a huge flame dragon directly stopped the magma, and the golden curtain that protected the monks was Ling Feng's immortal fighting spirit!

On the other side, Yushenxianjun had already stood up and raised his palm halfway. When he saw Ling Feng take action, he put a faint smile on his lips and took it back.


Ling Feng shouted softly, and everyone immediately ran away, wishing they could have a hundred more legs.

Ten breaths later, all the monks who were trapped in the middle of the Yan River finally escaped. Each of them looked pale and had just recovered from their shock.

Ling Feng jumped up and flew across the Yan River.

The immortal war spirit took back the sea of ​​​​spirit, and his face looked a little weak, but it was not serious.

It was still a bit difficult to escort so many people across the river at one time.

"Thank you so much, my benefactor!"

The next moment, everyone reacted and quickly bowed to Ling Feng, their gratitude beyond words.

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled, "It's just a little effort, why don't you just die and not save me?"

Everyone was extremely grateful. If Ling Feng hadn't taken action, their lives would have been lost.

In the end, these monks who were rescued by Ling Feng all wanted to offer their treasures to Ling Feng. Ling Feng refused again and again, but in the end he couldn't resist, so each of them received several thousand immortal crystals, which was a good harvest after all.

"Junior Brother Ling, you did a good job."

Ren Tianhen had walked over at some point and cast a rather appreciative look.

"Senior brother is actually ready to take action, but I'm just closer."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said casually.

Royal Immortal Lord took a deep breath and looked at Ling Feng carefully, but it turned out that at the critical moment just now, Ling Feng could still see and listen in all directions.

This junior brother is really not simple!

"Good, you're fine!"

Lord Yu Shenxian raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "It's getting late, let's go to the tenth floor earlier."

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